Air Force Promotion Statements (2024)

Air Force Promotion Statements (1)Air Force Promotion Statements (2)Air Force Promotion Statements (3)Air Force Promotion Statements (4)

Airman Promotion Statements

- Demonstrated awesome life saving skills in Aug '09 ORE; garnered "Top Performer" award--promote BTZ!

- Hard working reliable performer--positive attitude and work ethic meets all expectations--promote to SrA!

- Keen eye--noticed shock strut leak--assisted with strut replacement--promote Senior Airman Below-the-Zone!

- Insp'd nine cluster bomb racks for 5 BW AFGSC Challenge efforts; 54 munitions/100% release--promote BTZ!

- Achieved 92% on EOC exam; recognized by TRW/CC f/outstanding performance--promote ahead of all peers

- Consistently exceeded AF dress and apperance standards; promoted positive image for newly assigned Airmen

Senior Airman Promotion Statements

- Superior SrA; displays boundless leadership potential; a leader among peers/Airmen--promote now to SSgt!

- Stands out among peers! Selected for SrA below-the-zone and Top 4 Performer Award, April 2014

- Mx efforts enabled 55 WG's '05 ACC Daedalian Weapon System Mx Trophy win--SSgt promotion warranted!

- Consistently exceeded training requirements; exemplified supervisory and leadership skills--promote to SSgt

- Consistently performed duties and tasks beyond supervisors' expectations; set example for peers--promote now

- Superb professional and technician; deservedly promoted below the zone-- promote to SSgt without delay!

- Superb performer; exceeded all expectations/eager for increased responsibility--ideal image as SSgt selectee

- Amazing Amn! Puts forth 100% in job effort/production; accepts advanced responsibility--promote to SSgt!

- An Outstanding Airman! A cut above the rest! Consistently exceeds all standards; should be a SSgt now!

- A multi-faceted SF mbr; performs above peers and always achieves top results--promote to SSgt immediately!

- A SrA who sets the standards and has the drive and determination to lead tomorrow's AF--promotion is a must

- Received ALS "Commandant's Award"; natural leadership abilities/skills--promotion to SSgt well-deserved!

Staff Sergeant Promotion Statements

- 1st class NCO; industrious/hard-working beyond expectation; ready for a large section--TSgt selection a must!

- Coined "Outstanding Performer" by USAFE LCAP insp chief; facilitated grp/wg "Excellent" rating--TSgt now!

- Meticulous mx professional/craftsman--obtained June 06 "Top Wrench" award--promote to TSgt immediately!

- Sterling performer; thrives on challenges and continually produces at the highest level--promote to TSgt ASAP!

- Valuable section member; continue to challenge with additional responsibility--promote to TSgt without delay

- Superior crew chief--awesome attitude/superb ability exceeded expectations--promote to TSgt when eligible!

- Brilliant leader--tackled all responsibilities head-on/exceeded every leadership challenge--perform as a MSgt

- Leadership/work ethic above all peers--challenge with increased responsibility now--promotion warranted!

- Evolved into exceptional SSgt; impressive performance consistently lauded by flight leadership--promote now

- Accepted all challenges and mastered all duties; exceeded expectations--promote immediately to grade of TSgt

- Clearly displayed technical skills & desire to assume increased responsibilities--promote him to TSgt ASAP!

Tech Sergeant Promotion Statements

- Top-notch NCO; highly respected; well-rounded leader; as skilled as a SNCO--promote to MSgt immediately!

- Outstanding leadership skills; poised to assume the role/responsibilities of MSgt--promote to Master Sergeant!

- Outstanding NCO; consistently demonstrated the ability to handle increased responsibilities--promote to MSgt

- World class NCO; aggressively attacked many demanding challenges with success as the end result--promote

- Outstanding NCO; continually proved himself; challenge with more responsibility--promote to MSgt now!

- Completed nine credits towards CCAF--on target for December '07 grad--earned selection as MSgt promotee

- Outstanding professional; produced excellence/quality in every task, mentor to Airmen--promote to MSgt now!

- Pure gold; demonstrated unmatched strong, charismatic leadership capabilities--promotion to MSgt warranted!

Master Sergeant Promotion Statements

- Dedicated professional; rdy for greater challenges & responsibilities of the SNCO tier--promote to SMSgt!

- Talented SNCO; performs well at supervisory lvl; executes assigned tasks w/ confidence--promote to SMSgt!

- Sq 1st Shirt/4 mo; revamped Family Care Plan--corrected records/wg earned "Excellent"/'12 CUI; SMSgt now

- Dynamic SNCO; demos leadership abilities/innovation/effective problem solving--"big picture" strategic goals met

- Remarkable leader; guided flight to outstanding 95% quality assurance pass rate--promote to SMSgt quickly!

- Exuded fundamentals of a professional NCO; challenge with additional responsibilities--promote immediately

- Hard-charging SNCO; possesses solid-gold professionalism & leadership needed for SMSgt--a must promote!

- Outstanding SNCO, true professional; section earned 100% QA pass rate during his tenure--promote to SMSgt!

- Mx leader; IG lauded his section as "Impressive" during Aug 10 AFGSC NSI--zero findings; promote now!

General Promotion Statements

- Outstanding performer; tireless dedication & consistent remarkable results -- Jr NCO quarterly award nominee

- Exceptional leader & NCO! Selected as '07 AFSA NCO of Yr for Wing/Western region Jr NCO of 3rd Qtr '08

- Highly motivated performer; possesses the attitude and ambition essential in today's Air Force; promote!

- Outstanding airman--superbly versed in all areas of mobility and daily operations--promote immediately!

- Outstanding performer; can be counted on to complete any task with unparalleled results and efficiency

- Self motivated NCO; willingly accepts levels of higher responsibility with great success; promote immediately

- Solid noncommissioned officer; consistently demonstrated unparalleled performance in all circ*mstances

- Dedicated/knowledgeable apprentice--combined superb mechanical skill with professional attitude--Promote!

- Superior performer; deployed 67 days/launched 119 sorties/1,322 flying hrs in support of OEF/OIF--promote!

- Deployed 72 days; performed 330 preflight/thruflight insps; supported 128 ISR msns/1,348 flying hrs--promote

- Aced thruflight evaluation in '09 PACAF LSEP; propelled MXG 88% pass rate--PACAF #1 FW--promote now

- Exceptional maintainer/team player; work ethic/personal drive enhanced unit's cohesiveness--promote now!

- Unparalleled work ethic on-and off-duty; consistently surpassed all supervisor's expectations--promote now

- Spearheaded two weekend projects--volunteered to set-up classrooms after hangar re-modeling--promote now

- Diligent NCO; 100% scheduling effectiveness maintained--aided in 2010 AFGSC Daedalian Award; promote!

- Exceptional Apprentice--constantly rises above challenges--displays highest integrity & dedication--promote!

- Outstanding maintainer--continually produces superior results--ready for increased responsibility. Promote!

- Rallied/motivated section; achieved 8 acft w/in 5 LO backlog days--met MXG/CC goal for 1st time...promote

- Top-notch NCO--impeccable leadership qualities/initiative/technical skills; set example for others--promote!

- Razor sharp Crew Chief--displayed high levels of professionalism/integrity/daily dedication--promote now!

- Outstanding NCO--Consistently demonstrates superb management skills and technical acft systems knowledge

- Superior performer--effectively manages available resources to accomplish mission objectives--Promote now!

- Front line maintenance leadership--122 sorties/1237flt hrs in FEB-APR 07 for IRAQI FREEDOM--promote!

- Savvy crew chief; achieved 100% pass rate on five QA personal evals--drove 98% AMU pass rate--promote!

- Top notch Airman; nailed 600-hr insp/completed 24 hrs ahead of std--AMXS Amn/Qtr, Apr-Jun 06 promote!

- Maintained the best; propelled 137 sorties/1,323 flt hours on (assigned) acft; no mission delays--promote now!

- Leadership/devotion above present tasking; highly dexterous/completes intricate task with ease--promote now!

- Dedicated Airman; loaded with potential, possessed abilities above grade/skill level--promote immediately

- Ambitious Airman w/unmatched drive and determination; a leader for todays Air Force--promotion deserved!

- Amn w/unlimited potential; military bearing/professional attitude makes him stand out among peers--promote!

- Amn with unlimited potential; high military bearing & professional attitude makes him a true asset--promote!

- An exceptional NCO! Displayed dedication through superior customer service--promote him ahead of peers!

Five Promotion Statements

- A dedicated Airman whose versatility, demeanor and job knowledge place him above his peers--promote!

- A proven performer and an invaluable asset to the unit and Security Forces career field--promote immediately!

- A true asset; exemplifies AF core values & consistently sets the standard for colleagues--promote above peers!

- Airman w/unlimited potential; high military bearing & professional attitude makes him a true asset--promote!

- Consistently set example; displayed superior technical expertise and excelled at duties--promote immediately

- Consummate professional; executed superior dedication with increased duties/responsibilities--promote now

- Dynamic Airman; impeccable maturity/initiative are displayed at levels above all peers--promote immediately

- Dynamic NCO; displayed individual maturity and initiative at levels above peers--promote ahead of all others

- Dynamic/resourceful technician--never failed to rise above challenges presented to him--promote immediately!

- Exceptional leader with unrivaled potential; epitomizes "Service Before Self"--promote ahead of all peers!

- Flexible/motivated Airman; primed for diverse duties/responsibilities--empower and promote immediately!

- Highly effective NCO, dedicated to mission first; challenge with increased responsibility--promote at once

- Invaluable NCO whose selflessness and dedication to service is an inspiration to all--promote ahead of peers!

- MXG Amn of 4th Quarter, presented ACC Command Chief coin and selected BTZ--promote ahead of peers

- Superior NCO with whom maturity and initiative are displayed at levels above peers--promote immediately!

- Top-notch, skilled Airman; devoted to duty with reputable NCO leadership qualities...promote immediately

- Unparalleled work ethic; consistently exceeded supervisor's expectations--promote without delay ahead peers!

- Valuable Airman; committed, excelled/produced quality results in every task/challenge--promote above peers

- Well rounded; consistently displayed outstanding leadership and airmanship skills--promote ahead of peers

Less Than Five Promotion Statements

- Average Airman/performer; met requirements for dress/appearance/fitness standards--supports msn accomplishment

- Outstanding acheiver! Continuously displays improvements/solid work ethic--recipient Chiefs Counsel Award

- Outstanding duty performance/mission commitment--exemplified the standard for all peers--ready for next step

- A professional Airman with tremendous potential and thirst for increased responsibility--promote with peers!

- Airman willing to adapt & tackle new assignments/increased responsibilities; challenge and promote w/peers

- Airman with potential; displays ability to become a valuable member of the Air Force--promote when ready

- Average SrA; demonstrated a modest degree of professionalism/job knowledge--promote to SSgt when ready

- Collected donations for holiday care packages--given LOA from 55th Services Sq/CC--promote immediately!

- Conquered two 750-hr insps in 16 hrs; "zero" defect QA follow-up--enhanced unit's 84% mission capable rate

- Dedicated Airman; highly motivated and produced adequate results when challenged--promote with peers

- Donated four pints of blood to American Red Cross; minimized essential life resource shortages--promote!

- Effective and capable NCO--continue to challenge with increased duties and responsibilities--promotion ready

- Exceptional; increased levels of responsibility for career progression a must--promote as soon as possible

- Extraordinary NCO; undaunted desire to provide unrivaled war-fighting support--success with every challenge

- Handpicked as motorcycle safety course rep; ensured 15 AMXS personnel fully trained--earned TSgt charge!

- Key AFAF contributor; humbly gave $240--crucial resort for airmen aide during crisis times--promote to SSgt

- Led fitness sessions/testing of 280+ Airmen--drove 98% pass rate--exemplified AF "fit to fight" mentality

- Masterfully passed three QA personal evals; augmented unit's stellar 95% QA pass rate--promote immediately!

- Proven Instructor; readied for upcoming NCOIC, Installation Personnel Readiness job--promote when eligible

- Talented maintainer with excellent skills; consistently displayed competence in all areas--ready for promotion

- Unveiled OPSEC violation; identified improper disposal of mil uniforms--eliminated security breech--Promote

- Striving for more leadership responsibility--has potential for higher levels of achievement; promote with peers

- Striving for more leadership responsibility; trained three skill level Airman on # tasks--promote with peers

Miscellaneous Promotion Statements

- A dedicated Non Commissioned Officer; number one choice to get the job done right; challenge and promote
- Actively supports unit activities; member unit volleyball and softball team; promotes teamwork amongst peers
- Amazing MSgt! Great leader/motivator; selected MXG SNCO of Yr '08--flight chief next...promote this board!

- Clearly ahead of peers; physical/dimensional advance school DG & sq Mx Prof of 3d Qtr '09...promote BTZ!
- Consistently exceeded my expectations/produced excellent results; a standout among peers--promote to TSgt!
- Consistently remarkable leadership qualities; effort directly contributed to "Unit of the Year" Award--promote
- Continuously sets the std for excellence; graduated FTAC seminar--received "Look Sharp" award...BTZ now!

- Dedicated Amn! Always strives to exceed the standards of his leaders/sets standards for peers--promote now!
- Dedicated Amn!Strives to exceed established standards & set example for others--ready to excel as new SrA
- Dedicated NCO; adaptive/highly proactive/set standards/achieved optimum goals--promote him ahead of
- Dedicated SrA! Always strives to exceed the standards of his leaders/sets example for others--promote now!

- Dedicated tech; continually accepted new challenges & performed above his grade--promoted to Staff Sergeant
- Dedicated to mission accomplishment; delivered max effort and exceeded expectations--promote immediately!
- Dedicated to msn accomplishment; delivered max effort/exceeded expectations--promote to TSgt immediately!
- Dedicated transporter; possesses tireless ingenuity with unwavering focus on mission success--promote today!

- Definite asset to unit & career field; unmatched abilities w/attributes of a rising leader--promote to TSgt ASAP
- Determined/motivated professional ready for more challenges--reward w/increased responsibility & promote!
- Displayed consistent professional attitude; contributed to '12 HQ AFMC "Best Lrg CE Unit" award--promote
- Donated 12 hours to AADD pgrm; credited w/ 11 "saves"--kept roads safe for AF/host nation...promote now!

- Dynamic Airman; continuously outshined peers/upheld strict military standards--promote to SrA immediately!
- Dynamic leader, vigorous worker; leadership directly contributed to flt/sq/grp/base 2009 UCI "Excellent"

- Effective and capable Amn; continue to challenge with increased duties and responsibilities--promotion ready
- Effective Leader! Achieved remarkable results in all assigned tasks; role model SrA--promote to SSgt ASAP!
- Excellent Airman who Performed all of his duties with determination and A desire to excel--promote w/o delay
- Excellent Airman! Ready to meet new challenges & increase in responsibilities--promote him to SSgt ASAP!

- Excellent Amn who performs all of his duties with determination and a desire to excel--promote w/out delay!
- Excellent mentor/authored winning pkgs; 1x wg Vol qtr, 1x sq Amn yr, 1x sq Mx Professional yr, 2x SrA BTZ
- Excels in all basic and complicated tasks; prepares peers for QC--promote to Senior Airman ahead of peers
- Exceptional Amn; consistently demonstrates highest degree of professionalism--promote to SSgt ahead of peers

- Exceptional leader with unmatched dedication/skills; epitomizes highest AF standards--promote ahead of peers
- Exceptional mentor; groomed 1 grp NCO Mx Spt Prof Qtr, 1 sq Amn of Yr '08, 1 SrA BTZ, & 1 sq Vol of Qtr
- Exceptional mentor; groomed 1 sq Amn of the Yr, 1 sq BTZ, 2 flt Amn of the Qtr, & 5 QA honor roll awardees
- Exceptional mentor; groomed one sq NCO mx professional qtr, one sq NCO qtr, 14 QA "Honor Roll" awards

- Exceptional NCO/DP; exceeded every expectation...promote to MSgt now; then big base office superintendent!
- Exceptional paralegal--NCO whose leadership and commitment are limitless--promote to MSgt immediately!
- Exceptional performer; motivates by setting the example/inspired others to achieve excellence--promote ASAP
- Exceptional Senior Airman; ready for increased responsibility/challenges of an NCO--promote to SSgt ASAP!

- Exceptionally gifted DP/role model; exceeded all expectations...promote to MSgt now & make superintendent!
- Exceptionally gifted NCO; efforts aided unit in CI excellence/Wg's overall "Pass" rating--promote him ASAP!
- Exceptionally skilled/enthusiastic NCO; ready for more...must promote now & make NCOIC of large division!
- Exceptionally talented & ready for greater challenges; promotion to TSgt earned, ready for big Wg NCOIC job!

- Exemplary leadership/determination to succeed; without a doubt my 1st choice for SMSgt--promote this cycle!
- Exemplary SNCO; epitome of excellence...ready to lead large law office; promote to SMSgt at 1st opportunity!
- Exemplified high standards of dedication; key to 51 FW "Excellent" rating during recent ORI--promote ASAP!
- Extraordinary Airman both on and off duty; awarded sq Mx Professional of Qtr Apr-Jun '08--promote to SSgt

- Extraordinary leader on/off duty; already performs as SNCO...lab chief next--promotion to MSgt warranted!
- Extraordinary NCO whose ldrship & mgmt skills are evident through results section achieves--promote ASAP!
- Extremely accomplished Amn who always takes the initiative; a true mentor to his peers--promotion is a must!
- Extremely efficient; sets the standards/challenge and capitalize on her strengths--promote ahead of her peers!

- Fabulous NCO & DP w/ top-notch work ethic! Ready to be NCOIC of large section -- promote to TSgt ASAP!
- First-class DP, prototype NCO; absolute must select for office superintendent -- promote to MSgt immediately!
- First-rate NCO/DP! Expectations exceeded; well deserved promotion selection/make NCOIC of large section!
- First-rate NCO/DP; proven leader/mentor...ready for more; make law ofc superintendent/promote to MSgt now

- First-rate NCO/paralegal who exceeded all expectations...promote to TSgt ASAP & make big section NCOIC

- Great Amn! Perfected all assigned duties/prepared for greater responsibilities--promote well ahead of peers!

- Hard charging NCO; possesses the knowledge & attitude most military leaders seek--promotion to TSgt a must
- Hard working craftsman; exemplifies all the qualities/characteristics of a natural leader--promote to next rank!
- Hard charger! Exploited all career advancement opportunities--rewarded with SrA Below the Zone promotion
- Hard-charger w/unlimited capabilities; selected ahead of 175 peers as Air Freight Mbr of the Month Sept 08'

- Hard-charger with strong leadership traits; consistently accepted increased responsibilities--promote to MSgt
- Hard-charging DP/NCO...incredibly loyal to clients...sets lofty standards of distinction--promote to TSgt now!
- Highly capable Airman; consistently improving in all aspects of Security Forces profession--promote to A1C
- Highly effective; flight leader who exemplifies the Air Force's core values--promote at the earliest opportunity

- Highly energetic and talented Staff Sergeant; challenge with additional responsibilities--promote immediately!
- Highly motivated individual; continuously sought out & accepted positions of greater responsibility--promote
- Highly skilled Airman with unmatched motivation and a results-oriented philosophy--promote ahead of peers!
- Highly skilled/respected NCO; consistently leads by example; ready for NCOIC of large ofc...promote ASAP!

- Highly talented/respected NCO; consistently led by example...ready for large ofc NCOIC job...promote ASAP!

- Impeccable Amn on the path to success; bright future lies ahead/increase responsibility & promote
- Inability to adhere to basic unit and Air Force policies resulted in Administrative Discharge
- Incredible NCO/paralegal; unsurpassed loyalty & dedication to defense mission; promote to MSgt immediately

- Knowledgeable & capable young Amn; consistently performed duties satisfactorily--promote along with peers
- Knowledgeable and capable Airman; exceeded expectations--proven ability to perform at the next pay grade!

- Leadership and efforts instrumental in wing achieving "Excellent" UCI rating--promote to MSgt ahead of peers

- Marvelous DP w/ top-notch work ethic; ready for bigger challenges; promote to TSgt & make section NCOIC!
- Masterful SNCO; adaptive & proactive/exceeded standards & achieved optimum goals--promote immediately!
- Mission capable SrA; demonstrated sound judgment/strong leadership potential--SSgt promotion is warranted!
- Mission focused w/results--willing and capable of taking on more demanding and challenging tasks--promote!

- Mission oriented Airman; pursues mission success w/ full mental prowess--promotion recommended when rdy
- Model NCO & outstanding DP who set the standard -- a must select for superintendent...promote to MSgt now!
- Model NCO/DP; utilizied supervisory skills to guide clients through tough times; promote to MSgt immediately
- Most versatile & reliable NCO; corporate minded and passionate about caring for Amn--MSgt promo big win for AF!

- Motivated junior NCO; ready for added responsibilities, challenges, and ways to prove himself--promote now!
- Motivated/dedicated SrA ready for new challenges; increased responsibility paramount--promote above peers
- My most versatile SSgt; impact felt group-wide/filled five positions in <1 year--bright future/promote ASAP!

- Natural team leader; exceptional community involvement; upheld AF standards, excelled in OJT--promote now

- Outperformed 327 Airmen from 7 units; named 325 Mission Support Group Airman of the Quarter, Apr-Jun '04
- Outstanding Airman; exceeded standards & expectations--ready for increased responsibility & SSgt promotion
- Outstanding Airman; perfected all assigned tasks/prepared for NCO responsibilities--promotion well deserved
- Outstanding Amn w/can-do attitude; willing to accept any task with greater responsibility--promote SSgt ASAP

- Outstanding Amn; #1/12; managed 8 svc kts valued at $1.1M; key to sq's success/unimpeded 5 BW/91 MW ops
- Outstanding DP/NCO; incredibly loyal to Amn; ready/able to be NCOIC of large section; a must for promotion!
- Outstanding leadership & technical abilities; earned 17 AF 2010 3DO Comm & Info NCOY--promote to TSgt!
- Outstanding mentor; 1x SrA BTZ, 1x NCOA DG, 2x sq Leo Marquez; swept sq Amn/NCO/SNCO yrly awards

- Outstanding mentor; groomed 86 MXS NCO Mx Pro of Yr '08 awd winner; 56 MXG "Best of Best" board mbr
- Outstanding NCO! Consistently demonstrates/produces excellence within the career field--promote to TSgt!
- Outstanding NCO/DP...exceptionally skilled/dedicated...ready for NCOIC duties at big base ofc; promote now!
- Outstanding NCO/DP; on-time/on-target...trusted/respected -- ready to lead junior paralegals; promote to MSgt

- Outstanding new DP; sets high standards for all...ready for increased responsibilities...promote to TSgt ASAP!
- Outstanding performer! I relied on him to tackle most difficult tasks; goal met each time--promote immediately
- Outstanding performer; highly motivated/prepared and eager for all increased responsibility--promote ASAP!
- Outstanding performer; selected 86 MXS supervisor Leo Marquez/NCO of the year winner--promote to MSgt!

- Outstanding performer! Selected as 325 FW NCO of the Quarter, winner of 325 FW Checkertail Salute Award
- Outstanding SNCO with wartime experience; focused on AF/Jt msns/Amn--continue to challenge and promote!
- Outstanding work ethic; tackles any task above his skill level w/superior results--promote to TSgt immediately
- Outstanding! Excels at all endeavors and consistently out performs her peers--more than ready for promotion!

- Perfect leader/mentor for largest non-nuc SF Ops Supt the SF career field needs this SMSgt as a Chief now!
- Pivotal Ldr! Section Chief for 60 mbrs; guided 4 SNCOs/4 shops--gen'd 10 Sq/2 Gp/1 Wg quarterly wins & AFAM
- Possessed superb technical skills & leadership capabilities while manning critical position--promote ASAP!
- Possesses inherent ability to motivate; ensured 100% msn accomplishment every time--promote to MSgt now!

- Possesses strong record of credibility, loyalty and dedication--true team player--promote now!
- Productive member of USAF's most visible SF unit; "MAJCOM Outstanding Medium SF Unit" 2008--promote
- Professional Amn; gave 100% effort in assigned duties/efforts linked to Wing "Sq of the Year" Awd--promote
- Projects positive leadership/in-depth technical knowledge; highly respected by peers--promote to MSgt now!

- Proposed innovative idea to sq CC; dev flt lvl prgm to curb DUI's--enhanced wingman concept; promote BTZ!
- Proven leader; created success in others; always mission driven/Amn focused--ready to serve AF as a CMSgt!
- Proven outstanding performer! Earned Airman category Top Four Performer of the Month award for July 2014
- Proven performer with endless potential & abilities; conducts tasks without supervision--promote to SSgt

- Proven performer with limited potential/abilities; conducts tasks with some supervision--promote when ready
- Proven track record; meets all challenges head on, prepared for additional duties--promote when eligible

- Reliable & dependable; clearly demostrated ability/desire to assume additional responsiblities--promote now!
- Remarkable Airman on the path to success; puts forth 100% in job effort & production--promote without delay
- Remarkable Airman on the path to success; tremendous career lies ahead/continue to challenge--promote now!
- Resourceful DP/dynamic NCO; consistent top-notch results...promote to MSgt, make ofc superintendent ASAP!

- Resourceful/energetic leader...epitome of excellence; promotion to TSgt deserved, make large section NCOIC!
- Resourceful/energetic NCO...completed all tasks w/ excellence; ready to supervise own section...promote now
- Responsible Airman! Exemplifies highest standards of dedication; rdy for increased responsibility--promote!
- Rising SrA! Led div fitness prgrm; created new intensive sessions...challenge w/increased leadership roles

- Rock-solid NCO/attacks every task; increased responsibility a must/out-performing his peers--promote now!
- Role model NCO/paralegal...outstanding leader & mentor; promote to TSgt now & make large section NCOIC!
- Role-model; superior professional acumen/indispensable leader; ready for superintendent job/promote to MSgt

- Selected as EET by unit leaders; inputs reduced mobility processing write-ups 15%--promote immediately!
- Selected as interim chief of Charlie flight; supervised 12 team members--sustained 100% mission completion
- Selected as the Top 4 Performer of the Month for May 2004; continues to standout among peers as a top airman
- Sets and enforces high standards; flt performance/motivation increased in just six weeks--make MSgt soonest!

- Solid Airman with unlimited potential; efforts aided unit in receiving Wg "Sq of the Year" Awd--promote now
- Solid performer; displays exceptional leadership qualities/abilities--recommend immediate promotion to SSgt
- Solid performer; earned respect of supervisors, peers and subordinates--promote at first available opportunity!
- Sports rep for Sq Fall Fiesta; coord'd six events for 667 sq personnel/event a total success--promote to MSgt

- Staff Sergeant excels at most tasks and adequately fosters team improvement/involvement; promote w/peers
- Stellar NCO/paralegal with limitless potential; goes the extra mile for clients -- promote to MSgt immediately!
- Strong character; consummate professional/epitomizes AF Core Values/excels with perfection--promote now!
- Strong individual performer ; great potential--prepared for increased responsibilities and ready for promotion!

- Strong performer; effective team player who consistently performed at high levels--promote to SSgt when rdy
- Stellar performer! 1 of 9 selected out of 365 assigned--coined by Group CC as UFL 2006 "Top Performer"
- Strong technical expertise & focus on improvement has contributed to unit's success; promote him immediately!
- Superb Airman and future leader; without hesitation he sets the example for all others to emulate--promote now

- Superb Airman; consistently exceeded leadership's expectations and standards--promote to SrA immediately!
- Superb C2 during multiple incidents while manning ops most demanding & critical position! Promote to TSgt
- Superb NCO/DP w/ unmatched energy/dedication...ready/able for large section NCOIC job...promote to TSgt!
- Superb NCO; delivered outstanding results while operating in Jt environment--continue to challenge & promote

- Superb technician; constantly strives for excellence--ready to take on new challenges--promote to TSgt now
- Superior dress and appearance; consistently showed pride in uniform & person--rcvd FTAC Sharp Troop awd
- Superior in every aspect; demonstrated ability to follow/lead/manage--consider STEP to TSgt/promote ASAP!
- Superior NCO! Outstanding staffing, communication and management skills; sets trademarks; promote to xxgt!

- Superior performer! Achieved remarkable results in all endeavors; a role model SSgt--promote to TSgt ASAP
- Superior performer; consistently performed at the highest lvls/direct link to Wg "Sq of the Yr" awd--promote!
- Superior! Excelled at all endeavors & consistently out Performed peers without supervision--Promote
- Superlative leader and technician! Performed all duties with pride/professionalism--promote ahead of peers!

- Surpasses all expectations; consistently performed w/high level of efficiency--highly recommend for promotion

- Take charge attitude infectious among fellow Amn; continuously performed above pay grade--promote to SSgt!
- Take-charge SSgt! Ready for new tasks & additional responsibilities; truly prepared for immediate promotion!
- Talented NCO with impeccable work ethic; professional image above reproach--promote to MSgt immediately
- Talented young Defender who exceeded standards, set positive example & performed ahead of peers--promote

- Top enlisted IMA in the squdron; dependable and committed to delivering mission success--promote to MSgt!
- Top Notch NCO! Extremely dedicated; displays strong loyalty to leadership & to the organization; takes pride in job
- Top rate career NCO w/inspirational leadership skills; ready for advancement--promote to MSgt immediately!
- Top rate performer! Scored excellent 91% on Stan Eval; set standards for peers--promote him to SSgt ASAP!

- Top-notch Airman! Consistent determination to improve; motivated and willing to accept challenges--promote
- Top-notch NCO; continues to set the example--won USAFE's 2008 3A NCO Comm & Info Award--promote!
- Top-notch role model; captured 5 CS NCO of Quarter, October-December 2007--promote to TSgt immediately
- Truly exceptional NCO; sustained superior performance...ready for big NCOIC job...promotion to TSgt a must!

- Truly gifted/extremely dedicated NCO w/proven track record; consistently attained goals--promote him ASAP
- Turned flt around; ldr who nurtures msn success--86 MXS SNCO of 1st Qtr '09...promote to SMSgt this board!

- Valued IMA and asset to unit's effectiveness; challenge continuously and increase responsibility--promote now

- Well rounded individual; can be counted on to adhere to the minimum standards required--promote when ready
- Well rounded individual; continuously sought out/accepted positions of greater responsibility--promote ASAP!
- Well rounded NCO captured 5 CS Volunteer of the Qtr, 2Q09; consistently seeks new challenges--promote!
- Well rounded NCO whose professionalism and dedication surpasses his peers--promote to TSgt immediately!

- Well-rounded Airman; displays the drive and enthusiasm to accomplish any given task--promote with peers
- Well-rounded Amn with a strong desire to seek & accept positions of greater responsibilities--promote ASAP
- Well-rounded Amn; displays the potential, drive & enthusiasm to accomplish any given task--promote w/peers
- Well-rounded NCO with a strong desire to seek/accept positions of greater responsibilities--promote him now

- Well-trained NCO; efficiently performed duties with positive results--continue to challenge & promote ASAP!
- Willingness and dependable; has the knowledge & abilities to perform tasks he is given--promote with peers
- Without question a top-notch Airman; performance/dedication to duty are unsurpassed--promote ahead of peers
- Worked Special Olympics; helped special-needs athletes in track/field events; success for 2K people; promote

Air Force Promotion Statements (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.