Fate of a Silver Dragon (Shadowed Fate #4) (2024)


340 reviews51 followers

November 12, 2023



1,292 reviews5 followers

July 14, 2023

Rcvd an advanced reader copy from booksprout for giving my two cents. We saw Tori at the end of the last book being drugged and thrown in a container by the wicked Witch from hell. The next thing, Tori wakes up naked and in the company of Tomas and finds out Rune married the wench. Tori doesn't know whether to cry or be angry but a little bit of both. Rune thinks she left him and he doesn't know the truth and when she tries to explain he yells at her and tells her to never contact him again. Tori is full of emotions and being around Tomas doesn't help. The crones are going to figure out what she is...there's something different about her. When the crones finish their analysis they find smtg very interesting...Tori has some dragon on her and she's preggers...OMG. what on earth will Tori do? She can barely take care of herself..well and thr 2 kids that tagged along with her. Tomas does his best to be the biggest jerk to Tori and she can't help being attracted to it....a disaster waiting to happen. Tori enlists the help of gnomes to find Maman and Sarah. More curves are thrown at Tori from every direction....will she be up for the challenge or surrender to defeat knowing it's a losing battle? Great read!


253 reviews7 followers

August 12, 2023

We left off in book 3 with Tori being drugged and shipped out by the wanna be queen Rayna. This book jumps right in where we left off with Tori waking up naked in a crate being flown by dragons. Tomas is as shocked as she is but he tries to work with it....Tori on the other hand is Tori and can't let anyone get a word, thought or feeling in otherwise. This is one of the things I like about this character but also hate...lol. Tori has a lot of things to work out in this tale and Tomas is there to help her through. I personally like their dynamic better than Rune (don't get me wrong I like his character too) because he doesn't act like a spoiled brat but an actual leader! Again we are left on a slight cliffhanger which is why this book is getting a 3.75 rating actually. I love the story line, character, plot and setting and look forward to book 5.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

    arcs e-reads

Emily Pennington

18.7k reviews312 followers

August 9, 2023

Learning Many Truths . . .

As Book 3 ended, Rayna had arranged for Tori to be kidnapped on her wedding day to Rune and we see two men drag her away as Rayna becomes his bride. He was the love of Tori’s life, she was to have been his Queen, and he was the King of Hell. Instead, she is drugged and packed away in a shipping container. When Tori is rescued from the container, the Chief of the dragon clan, Tomas, put her on Ailbert’s back along with the two children who had followed her and also been thrown into a container. Then he shifted and they all took off to Tomas’ Dragonscale Castle in Faerie. Tori was still hoping Rune would get an annulment when he learned the truth of what Rayna had done.

The crones at the castle checked Tori out and found she had dragon in her DNA which saved her life. The drug Rayna used would have killed most demons and all humans, but the dragon metabolism burned away the drugs. The wings emerging too soon means who won’t ever fully shift into the dragon she is. Her dragon was purple… and they don’t exist, so they are not sure about the future. Her dragon will change her demon abilities, however. And since she is 3 months pregnant, that makes things more unpredictable. Uh, pregnant? Yep, dragons burn away drugs… like birth control.

Rayna eventually gets her hands on Tori and locks her in prison. Rune does nothing to stop her. But when he finds that the baby is his, he tells her he could not defend her with Rayna in the room. He was trapped too. But she saw that it was weakness. Yet he had come to free her, sent her to Tomas where she was loved. He even called Hilda to meet her and get her away from the dungeon. Once they got away, the agony from her broken wings made her collapse. When Tori finally regained consciousness, Tomas handed her the beautiful baby she named Marcel. Then he told her Marcel has the mark of Cain, which means Marcel is next in line for the throne and will be danger. And she finally what Greg had meant when he said she was Tomas’ mate. Would she open her heart to him? Or would she grieve leaving Rune behind?


Laura Moylan

746 reviews

August 2, 2023

Seeing that Tori wasn’t there for her own wedding to Rune, Rune married the she-demon Rayna, who tried to kill Tori so many times. I really hate Rayna, but now she is Queen of Hell. This is so bad for Hell! I was totally freaked as I read. To see Tori having to deal with the pain of Rune’s loss, was a tragedy and I cried. Tomas, the Chief of the dragons is amazing, however, he keeps going hot and cold on Tori, just like he was in Hell. I adore Ailbert, and I am glad the kids that she saved Samuel and Layla are with her. They are safe from Rayna and her father. I really hate them. Learning about the dragons and their society was fascinating. I love how Tori kicks butt as a weapons master. She is so many different things, her powers are amazing. There are so many revelations in this book and so much going on that it was just a super emotional roller coaster ride and I enjoyed it so much. Even though I was both angry and upset that Rayna won.

I can’t wait for the next book in the series. Rune better come up with something and work with his family or he is going to get assassinated by his own in laws.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Lucy Locket

30 reviews

August 1, 2023

Just WHAT THE ACTUAL! oh wow! There was a lot to unpack in this book! AALOT! so much went on! The series has been complex and just alot! But wow this book was next level and you know what I am here for it! I devoured this book and im so mad it’s taken me a little to get to it!

I’m praying there is another book because that ending sucked! I honestly hate cliff hangers, yet it doesn’t stop me reading them! There is a lot of unanswered questions which I hope will be answered in the next book!

Spice was off the chart, thank you!

With regards to my scoring, it is a strong 4 star for me, the cliff hanger always drop kicks me, and a lot of the conversations between characters often felt confusing with who was talking, I’d find myself having to reread chapters to work it out.

Still loved it tho.

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Cassandra Leach

5 reviews1 follower

August 8, 2023


This whole series has me in a death grip and I already can't wait for the next book.

This series isn't predicable, the situations and stakes change, the characters grow and evolve in such a way that it's surprising but sooooo satisfying as you read.

I loved Rune in the first books, and love seeing Tori interact and grow as a person, but the introduction of Tomas into Tori's life is everything I'm living for. Even the background characters are so interesting and have me wanting to see more about all of them.

The intesity and tension throughout the book is just as good as the first three books, and makes for a another book that I couldn't put down until I finished.

As is becoming the trend with A.M. Mason's books, my only complaint is that there isn't more! Can't wait until the next book!

J Young

1,928 reviews10 followers

July 31, 2023

How do you handle a hormonal succubus?

Tori survived Rayna’s latest murder attempt but now she is in hiding at Dragonscale Castle. She missed her own wedding so now Rayna is married to Rune instead. As the queen of Hell, Rayna has all the power that comes with that title so it’s better she believes Tori is dead rather than discover her secret. Tori’s powers are still growing and the crones at Dragonscale have the skills to unravel what she really is. She knows she is part demon and part human but where did these wings come from?

I love this series! The action is non-stop, whether it’s on the field of battle or in the bedroom. I received an advance copy but my review is honest and voluntary.


437 reviews2 followers

September 2, 2023

Book three was epic and had me gasping book four didn’t have me prepared! Grab comfort food because this is wild and epic and heartbreaking in all the best/worst ways mostly good. Tori got drugged and kidnapped! Her fiancé married someone else. Tomas changes everything and that’s an epic plot twist and there’s a surprise that leads to even more surprises! This book has a ton of action and suspense and spice and Tori’s powers are only getting stronger as they grow rayna better watch out because stealing a fiancé and then murder attempts won’t stop out girl it only makes her stronger! I can’t wait to read what happens next! She’s part demon part human but these mysterious wings make me think she’s also something else….. I can’t wait to find out what next!

Rose Brown

1,315 reviews11 followers

August 7, 2023

OMG! You did not have to end it this way! Tori and Rune are wonderful characters for this original, action-adventure romance. The storyline’s plot takes the reader on a journey of discovery while battling bad guys and revenge seekers trying to steal their “happily ever after”. And would not be s epic without the supporting characters of Sarah, Murmur, Tab, Vivi, and Thomas. These people have changed my world; for the better. I’m excited for the next episode. “Shadowed Fate” is a must-read series.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


62 reviews17 followers

August 7, 2023

This book had me on such an emotional rollercoaster. I have been waiting for my HEA for months and we're still not there. I don't even know how to feel. I have been rooting for Tori and Rune since the first book. Every time they got close to being okay something tore them apart. I'm so torn right now. Rune has started to irritated me these last few books but like he's who I see Tori ending up with. I have no idea how that is supposed to happen now. How are we going to switch it up four books in???? I really need the author to stop playing with my feelings lol.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


1,686 reviews7 followers

August 9, 2023

Tori is lucky to be alive, after being drugged, and her dreams about Rune seem to be shattered, when she hears that Rune has married another woman. Now she is amoung the dragons, and having to find her feet. What about Tomas, the dragon clan chief? Tori is finding herself attracted to him. I loved this gripping roller coaster ride, the story kept ripping at my heart with how torn Tori can be at times. I loved the steam, lively characters and banter through out this story, but I need the next one now (expect a cliffy).

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Mandy Foley

392 reviews

August 17, 2023

Tori’s world has been torn apart, her whole life taken from her, forcing her into hiding to protect her own life, Rune has betrayed her, marrying the woman who tried to kill her so many times. But while trying to find out the mystery of who she is, Tori is given news that rocks her, can she make the right decisions for herself and her now growing family? Will she get Sarah back and how does the sexy leader of the dragons fit into all this? Another fantastic instalment of this series, plenty of twists, passion and pain, ending on another cliffhangers, can’t wait for the next book!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Dennis W

3 reviews1 follower

July 20, 2023

I believe this may be the best book in the series so far. The action and plot in this one had me turning page after page wanting to know what happened next. And DRAGONS, so many dominant dragons in this one and a new area to discover in this world.

No idea how much more can be thrown Tori's way, but I cannot wait to find out how this story is going to end. Just the right amount of steamy romance with all the fantasy plot. Quite the page turner. A.M. Mason did not disappoint with this one.

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45 reviews1 follower

July 30, 2023

I can hardly put the book down 10 out of 10 100 out of 10 even I loved it I want to know what happens next there's got to be a fifth book I'm hoping. I loved how the story progressed how Tori was fighting with her feelings only to find out at the end that no matter what happens she I was going to be loved no matter what I can't wait for the next book if there's going to be one. I would recommend anybody who's read the first three books this is so worth it.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


289 reviews14 followers

August 8, 2023

I swear this series keeps getting better! Tori is unmoored after being thrust out of Hell. Landing with the Dragons isn’t the worst sentence, since she’s accepted into the clan. But wow - twists and turns abound, and this story went places I never expected. Tori’s signature snark and stubbornness were present in this installment, as well as a softer, empathetic side. The cliffhanger has me feral for the next book.

Thanks to the author for the ARC. All thoughts in this review are honest and my own.

Fritz Sands

412 reviews4 followers

August 14, 2023

This is an excellent addition to the continuing story.

Tori is quite impressively growing as a character. She is still impulsive and a smart-ass. But she is definitely evolving as a character as she grows into her power.

Tomas is excellent. He has his ups and downs and is deeply conflicted (as he should be). I look forward to seeing if Rune is at all redeemable.

The escape sequence was... a bit improbable. But keeps the plot going, certainly.

Anyways, I am definitely looking forward to the next book.

    action-adventure fantasy_romance

Evelyn Fae

Author1 book17 followers

October 1, 2023

“Tell me no,” he said, panting against my ear.
“Say the word, and this stops now.”
“F*ck you.”

I feel so much for Tori. She is a fighter and in this Book she is challenged like she has never been before. And in all of that she does not lose herself and only grows stronger within the right people around her. The intimacy in this one is so forbidden delicious. I wish for justice and can only hope that the Author will bring it on in her next book. I have some cruel wishes regarding Rune and hope they will be satisfied in the next book!


66 reviews

July 19, 2023

I really enjoyed reading more of Tori’s story. This definitely wasn’t the direction I was expecting it to go in! I felt like the last 25% of the book was a bit rushed and the last page especially didn’t feel like it fit with the rest of the book. Having said that, I now can’t wait to read the next instalment and see where the story takes us!.

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22 reviews

July 18, 2023

I thoroughly enjoy the world and characters A.M. Mason has created in this series, and Fate of a Silver Dragon is on par with the others. It's fast-paced, intriguing, emotional, and builds to a strong climax and cliffhanger at the end. Tori continues to be a strong main character, exploring her new powers and relationships as she is compelled to save those she loves.

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43 reviews2 followers

July 19, 2023

This book was amazing. I just couldn't put it down. It had everything from humor, action to passion. I just love Tori. She is funny, sarcastic and a badass when it comes to protecting the ones she loves. The ending felt a bit hurried and I was sad when the story ended. I hope there will be another book, because there are still many things which need to be solved like the missing persons and I would just love to read how Tori kicks Rayna's ass.

Veronica LaRoche

4,362 reviews58 followers

July 30, 2023

I really enjoyed this story and my heart hurts for Tori. Tori not only got drugged and her fiancée married someone else now she must find her way back. Tori has been through hell but being with Tomas could change everything. Love the twist and Tomas and Tori wow. Definitely a good story with amazing characters. How this book ended I definitely want answers.

I voluntarily reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy of this book.

Sissy Satterfield

1,643 reviews20 followers

August 9, 2023

I am sorry that Tori has more challenges with Rune marrying someone else, heart breaking! I think that she might just be better off without Rune. How does one marry a viper instead of the woman he loves. I did enjoy the story and her relationship with Thomas, who knows what is to come. I Loved It!! No Spoilers! Waiting at the cliff!.

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35 reviews1 follower

August 7, 2023

After reading the other books in this series, I was so excited to read more from this author. Sometimes the intensity and drama seems lacking in the later books of a series , but this is definitely not the case with this author. Fast paced, great heroine, and a very intriguing storyline. I received an ARC copy for an honest review.


107 reviews1 follower

August 9, 2023

I am obsessed with this series! This is sooo good I can’t recommend it enough. I love where this is going! The chemistry, spice, and character development is perfection 🔥🔥. I can’t wait for more! I definitely will be reading this again ♥️.

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3,620 reviews11 followers

August 10, 2023

I started reading this one as I had to see where it would go with all the drama I expected. Did want to slap Tori a few even when I really felt for what she was going through. That said, I really enjoyed watching it all play out. Who would Tori end up with was the main question especially as the story played out. Good way to keep me guessing.

Christina Luberts

2,380 reviews5 followers

August 14, 2023

Tori has been kidnapped on her wedding day. Now someone else is married to Rune. What will she do to get her life back? Now she has to learn how to control powers. What about her demon abilities what will happen? There is a lot going on in this book.

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Shelby White

538 reviews2 followers

August 18, 2023

Tory is back and nothing is happening as it should. Tory can’t seem to catch a break. There is always some force trying to keep her down. But, she keeps rising like the Queen she should’ve have been. There are so many twist and turns and I can’t wait to see where we end up.

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Tammy D

163 reviews1 follower

August 16, 2023

I really enjoyed this book and also the series. Love the characters and the story keeps you glued to the pages. Highly recommended.

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5,400 reviews30 followers

August 19, 2023

A.M. Mason has done a great job with this latest installment of the Shadowed Fate series. The character work and story line were well written and kept me coming back for more.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Fate of a Silver Dragon (Shadowed Fate #4) (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.