First Sergeant EPR Bullets (2024)

Table of Contents
Duty Description Accomplishments

Duty Description

- Principle advisor to CC for 154 AD members & 4 civilians; relays critical insight on morale, welfare & msn readiness
- Advises Sr ldrshp on psnl issues; rvws/edits EPRs/LOEs/decs/awds; brfs Wg/CC on Status of Discipline/QoL matters
- CC's liaison f/ all JB spt agencies; governs CC pgms/family care plans/BTZ/promotions/dorm inspections/awds & PT
- Articulates/implements HAF/MAJCOM/Wg & Sq policies; presents rehabilitative options to the CC on legal matters


- Accomplished 40hr 1st Sgt seminar; advisor on QoL issues/mentored 16 Amn--equipped as AF operational ldr
- Acquired $200 gift card from nat'l restaurant chain; fed recruiter fam of 6--alleviated Thanksgiving meal costs
- Acquired free mental health counseling for civ suicide attemptee--member returned to family/flt within 2 weeks
- Acting MDG 1st Shirt/3 wks; advised 5 sq CCs/340 medics--assisted admin of 2 UIF/Ctrl Roster, 1 Article 15
- Acting OG 1st Sgt/6 mos; hand chosen by Gp/CC f/position vacancy--reinforced 5 units/874 mbrs/coined by 19 AF/CC!
- Active & visible mentor; mbr of 18 ldrshp panels--CC course/FTAC/NCO PES/SNCO PES/ALS...inspired 661 prsnl
- Add'l duty First Sergeant; attended 4 day First Sgt seminar--ensured health/morale/safety of 12 flt's/490 Amn!
- Additional Duty 1st Sgt; provided ldrshp/counseling for > 300 prsnl--enhanced capability to comm w/sq ldrshp
- Adhered to and enforced Air Force standards--set the example for subordinates and peers & sustained morale
- Administered awards, promotions & disciplinary actions with clarity and consistency--backed peers/supervisors
- Assisted NCO/family of 4 through identifying substance dependency; mbr successfully completed rehab prgm
- Attended 5-day 1st Sgt Symposium; gained admin/disciplinary/resource knowledge--armed to assume additional duty
- Attended Marriage Counseling Support seminar; enhanced ability to address marital disputes--CRB prepared

- Built combat rdy units; drove IMR/CBRN/SABC trng--deployed 47 Amn f/17 global ops...94% readiness rate f/2 Sq's

- CAA's #1 go-to! Taught FTAC/NCOPE/Flt cmdr crse/16 panels/E-1 thru O5--1SG insight to 362 jt prsnl across 3 bases
- Cared f/Hurricane Michael evacuees; coord'd w/spt agencies/sec'd financial aid/home--nailed Wg/CC's pri/Amn/fams
- Constantly engaged; planned and orchestrated multiple retirement/promotion/awards ceremonies for squadron
- Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened
- Cultivated high stds; accomplished 110 ABU/Blues uniform inspections--instilled professional military image

- Defused 4 suicide warnings; coord'd 2 CC's w/med spt/coached thru recovery/welfare #1 priority--all prsnl RTD
- Demonstrated Air Force Core Values--exceptional example, facilitated unit pride, dedication to duty, & growth
- Developed & managed deployed spouse wellness group--improved information flow and resource availability by 100%
- Developed AFGSC Supervisor Skills Crse; facilitated 16 hrs inst/mentored 46 CGO/NCOs--implemented across cmd
- Developed formal "in-person" BTZ review; sharpened Amn skills & led NCO board--propelled 6 Amn to BTZ stripes
- Developed relationships with & between unit members; fostered positive work environment--increased morale
- Direct'd 186 prsnl actions/rehabed 6 late-bloomers--fueled msn rdy force/9 dplymnts/2K DVs/93T cargo/23K part rqmts
- Dvlp'd PD seminar; mentor'd 120 Airman/elevated tm to finish 155 crdt hrs--boosted education complete rate by 32%

- Engaged w/CPTS & DFAS; highlighted oversights/issues w/13 Amn's pay--ensured $26K in lost pay returned to mbrs
- Exceptional ldr; people first/msn focused/results driven; selected as crew Superintendent--spot on MSgt select
- Exceptional leadership/mentorship instrumental in unit garnering AFRS Standard of Excellence award, FY14!
- Executed DoD's housing mandate; tm contacted 2K residents/insp'd 202 homes/ID'd 418 issues--ignited base QoL spt
- Expertly managed gov't travel card prgram; eliminated serious delinquencies--increased on time payments 45%

- Facilitated 1SG Symposium; tutored add'l duty Shirts on SF procedures/CC action--81 jt/int'l ldrs poised to lead/dvlp
- Facilitated annual 1st Sgt Symposium; provided mentorship to attendees--prepared 60 additional duty 1st Sgts/XX%
- Fair/firm 1Sgt; advised CC on 13 admin actions/1 CM/2 art 15/provid'd spt to mbrs--bedrock of good order/discipline
- Ferried CC through Art 15 process; 1 admin separation, sensitive civ complaint--maintained balanced justice
- Ferried 3 CC's thru 4 Art 15's; 4 admin seps/24 disciplinary actions thru Ops Gp--crit f/msn readiness & welfare
- Filled 1st Sgt position 6 mo; advised CC on health/welfare for 80 mbrs--enhanched org interpersonal communication
- Filled 3 mo 1st Sgt gap; fed CC advice on 54 instr's/5K stdt's--completed 52 Red Cross tasks/sustained Sq ops
- Filled Sq 1st Sergeant post; responded to drug/addiction, coord'd medical treatment--ensured mbrs well being
- Filled Sq 1st Sgt duty/3 wks; advised CC/mbrs/executed 3 admin actions--inspired 74 prsnl/supported Sq camaraderie
- First Sergeant Council member; served as Treasurer - provided leadership and support to peers, truly outstanding
- Flawlessly performed First Sergeant duties; provided mentorship--maintained critical link between CC/150 members

- Gifted planner; masterfully orchestrated and executed SAPR training for 100+ AMN; zero squadron incidents
- Guid'd unit thru spouse drug OD/death; cntrl'd rumors/coord'd remains dispo/dependent adoption--sped healing f/mbr/sq

- Hand-picked as alt 1st Sgt; monitored health/welfare for 146 mbr sq f/6 days--relayed essential pandemic info to sq CC
- Hand selected as Yellow Ribbon Sr Mentor; guided sup sessions for mbrs/family--2k+ recvd invaluable info
- Handled 11 Red Cross notifications; coord'd e-leave w/base orgs/secur'd RAP f/grieving amn--mbrs en route < 24 hrs
- Honed physical and mental readiness by example--provided AF an FSR capable force for world wide requirements

- Increased shop visits & recognition on holidays--ensured unity, eliminated conflict & increased team cohesion
- Inspired excellence; dvlp'd 24 awd wins/gp/wg/jt base/MAJCOM equivalent/2 BTZ/4 PME--sq took '19 Verne Orr Awd
- Instituted Key Spouse pgm; revived vital network...set continuity <3 wks--assured real-time SA/spt f/ 52 mil families

- Lectured at local FTAC class; guided discussion "What is a First Sergeant?"--instilled pos image to 70 airmen
- Led 2d ever Diamond Mudder event; org'd 8 mile crs/11 events/19 tms/30 vols/109 participants--raised $7.5K f/ FSC
- Led sq thru active shooter incident; ID'd spt agency comm shortfalls/liaised w/base ldrs f/fix--drove spt f/66.3K jt prsnl
- Led/trained 12 rookie shirts in 3 PAFB dorm sweeps; 2 findings/4 expulsions--ensured safety for 500 residents
- LRS Sq Supt f/3 wks; coord w/69 orgs/58 acft rqmts/38 jets--spt'd 27 msns/4.5K pax f/N. Korea max pressure campaign

- MAFB Op Warmheart President; raised 4.3K donations--gave Thanksgiving meals for 87 Amn/lauded by 5 BW/CCC
- Mentored mbr w/relationship issues; coor'd resources f/relocation--alleviat'd stress f/1st time parent w/fam separation
- Mission Enhancer! Revitalized enlisted recognition program; crafted effective guidance for new AOQ program
- Mng'd duty tempo during COVID-19 pandemic; reconstituted shifts/physical space--zero contaminations/msn impact

- Negotiated discounts for unit mbrs w/local YMCA; saved >80% on costs--sq achieved 51% excellent scores

- Org'd base First Sergeant Symposium; led 15 mbrs f/2 days/sync'd w/4 Gps--crit f/future ldrs/awd'd Gp SNCO 4Q '21
- Organized 4 'Feed the Homeless' events; rallied 434 vols/coord'd 8 agencies--fed 5.1K ppl/strengthened community ties
- Overhauled Family Care Program; ensured Airmen provided current & required information per AFI - 100% accurate

- Partnered w/DEA/CPS/SF f/drug/sex ring case; seized 676 needles/29g meth--child placed in safe loc...saved 6 y/o life
- Pioneered bi-weekly 'Sergeant's Time'; prep'd 22 topics/clarified AF doctrine/bridged comm gap--culitvated 184 Amn
- Planned/executed Extreme Stand down for wing-wide training--eliminated obstacles to teamwork & cohesion
- Platinum First Sergeant! Hit the ground running; immediate positive sq impact - continue to groom for Group 1st Sgt!
- Prolific leader; mng'd 5 dorm/KS meals/5 booster club/3 unit events--fed 520 Amn/raised $3K/lifted 570 mbrs morale
- Provided Commander a motivated & ready enlisted force; executed mission in a professional manner - > readiness
- Provided guidance/mentorship for mbr/family after diagnosis/treatment for thyroid cancer-morale/spirits lifted!
- Provided world-wide Ex supt; organized 6 vols/chaplain/mental health spt team--provided 1.6k meals/boosted morale

- Qualified Additional Duty First Sergeant; trusted with admin oversight for 60 enlisted in MSS and AEW Staff
- Quickly reacted to mental health/homicide threat--mbr rcv'd crucial/timely emergency help/back to 100% duty

- Recognized 2 NCOs at local council for Diamond Sharp awd; selected as 372 RCG Tuskegee Archer nominee
- Refurbished 29 Family Care Plans; put emphasis on Amn accountability--model program/adopted by 1st Sgts council
- Respected leader; maint's GOAD/morale/Amn dvlpmt for 150 assn'd mbrs 3 STEP II prmtns, 5 ALS grads
- Respected leader; maintains morale, health, welfare, guidance, and Airman development for 112 member squadron
- Responded immediately to domestic incident; member received crucial emergency help - Airman back to 100% duty
- Revived key spouse program, forged spouses initiative/recruited 11 spouses/coord'd 2 events--improved readiness
- Rising 6 mentor; Oversight of cnvrsn frm Amn Cncl to Rsng 6; gave collect v voice to >1000 jr enlstd

- Sage advisor; guided sq commander thru 2 Art 15s/AWOL/DUI; upheld discipline/standards - accountability ensured
- Selected 1st Sgt undershirt 2 weeks/93 mbrs; counseled 12 Airmen/resolved 4 prsnl actions--enforced unit discipline
- Selected interim 1st Sgt 21 days/64 mbrs; counseled six Amn/resolved four prsnl actions--enforced unit discipline
- Served 3 months as 1st Sgt; resolved six Amn issues; augmented dorm inspections--boosted welfare; promote!
- Service Before Self! Org'd sq teams for Team Gleason Charity Tournament; 40 participants - > $2k raised & donated
- Spearheaded and coordinated 459 ARW 1st sergeant off site; 12 1st sergeants trained--program benchmarked
- Spoke to FTAC, ALS, & SNCO panels on pitfalls and career progression; educated and influenced 80 Airmen
- Squadron Asset; fostered high unit morale; provided timely, accurate information to guide enlisted and officer corps
- Sr mbr of 1st Sgt council; mentored peers managing >2000 mbrs; 15 peers hv proper tutelage to advise sqdrn CC's
- Staunch AMN advocate; JB Andrews First Sgt Council mbr; garnered $8K+ in assistance for 459 ARW AMN
- Steered wg dorm insp; searched 3 dorms/eradicated contraband--increased deterrence/assured safe quarters/120 Amn
- Synchronized/conducted SAPR training 80+ geographically separated amn; CSAF policy cemented 0 incidents

- Taught 6 first term amn classes; revamped crse, discussed career progression/responsibility--developed 270 new amn
- Top notch leader! Filled 1st Sgt void; spt'd 3 UIF's/Art 15 admin/med emer--instilled discipline/welfare 248 mem unit

- Wg 1Sgt Treasurer; led 19 shirts/22 fill-ins/mng'd 4 accounts/$32.4K/drove 4 fundrasiers--ushered 57 mbrs thru crisis
- Wg IG tm lead; insp'd 2 sq's/234 items/provided 18 COAs/primed org's f/HHQ insp--bolstered theater readiness posture
- Worked w/PAFB NCOA class; provided $1K+ Christmas toys & diapers--2 remote recruiter families assisted

First Sergeant EPR Bullets (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.