Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

I 1. TT. Marion, Indiana, Leader- Tribune July 23, 1954 MARION GROUNDS MONDAY AUG. 2 4,500 SEATS Ringling BARNUM BAILEY CIRCUS The Greatest Show on Earth "Gay as loughter, bright as stardust" -WALTER WINCHELL Twice 8:15 Choice reserved, grandstand chair tickets, incl. admission and all tax, $3.00 and $4.00 to EVERYONE.

For every performance unreserved seats and including admission. CHILDREN ALL ADULTS INCL. TAX Ticket sale opens Saturday, July 31st, at HILL'S DEPT. STORE Corner 5th Wash. St.

Senator Thinks Russian WASHINGTON (INS) de Sen. Stuart Symington (D) warn- ed Wednesday there is an "excellent chance" that In five years could destroy the U. S. with hydrogen missiles against which there is no defense. The former air force secretary told the Senate It "incredible and shameful" that' "the administration has cut defense funds and has not given the public more information about the Soviet threat.

He bitterly attacked the administration fo: letting the Communists gain "ever more, territory and people" -because "we of the free world let tHem do it without real show of resistance." armed services chairLeverett al Saltonstall (R) took issuel with Symington's charge that inadequate informnation had been given Congress and the Russian strength. The Democrat: answered Saltonstall in part by saying 1 the people should realize that the in the Far East was taken under direction protest of at least two memboars of later the assented joint to chiefs the of presiden- staff" tial argued that the Intercontinental ballistics missile is "weapon of the future. Symington replied: "I believe in five years there is an excellent chance there will be enough missiles with hydrogen' warheads (in' Russia's to deliver an all-out attack against the United States. Certainly within the ten years." Symington explained that an inli. ballistics missile (IBM) is, a descendant of the old German, V-2 which he called "the first of these ballistic missiles." However, he said the IBM's.

will 1' Missiles Underestimated bave range of 4,000 to 5,000 carrying nuclear warheads and miles, will be far more accurate, "will be guided only during the first "portion of their climb, but guided so precisely that any error in. accuracy can be measured, not in miles, but in hundreds of yards." Symington said: new units of destruction will climb so high, and descend 'so fast, they will need protection against de struction by atmospheric friction." BOY CONFESSES SLAYING GIRL ALBANY, N. Y. (INS) A 12- year 'old boy- who confessed the bludgeon slaying of an eight-year old girl was held Thursday in the Albany we children's shelter while authorities puzzled over what charge to place against him. Legal technicalities arising from the boy's age and the question of premeditation confronted law enforcement officials with a major puzzle.

A The problem was to be worked out at three-way conference among James F. Dolan, Assistant District Attorney of Albany County, State Police Sgt. James Buckley and police of suburban Colonic where the girl was slain! 1 When a charge is decided upon, the boy will. be arraigned in children's: court. The youth whose name cannot be disclosed under law was a few hours after pretty arrested by state police Dallaire was found dying in the cellar of a partially completed house.

said he was collecting straw for an archery target when he saw the girl enter the basem*nt; Ho followed Bonnette into the cellar, grabbed her and began choking her. lie then hit her with rock weighing about 15 pounds and finally beat her on the head with foot-long piece of pipe. The boy said: seized by an idea that came into my head and blacked two day delay, because, of technical difficultics, Terro Haute's television station" WTIII-TV began telecasting Thursday night on Channel 10. TELECAST DELAYED TERRE HAUTE, Ind. -After EVERYBODY TALKS ABOUT EA BRANDT 'S P- GLAMOROUS Interlocking DIAMOND RINGS them locked "My die much more trillions" 24 rings TiN twist 4 3 the darting Modern bridal poir with mondi.

6 stunning dig- $125 $100 14K 4 Big, brilliant diamonds set in mountings of luxurlous 14K gold. Heart Lock diamond rings. are first choice for modern brides. THIS brilliant diamonds in each 14 gold $200 mounting, NOT THIS. Old fashioned nags shift, twist Anger, biding the 3 this Rowing radiant a simplicity diamond $150 duette.

SELECT THE fiery Lasting 7 beauty diamond in this en- $250 12 monds: mountings in gorgeous of matched dia. $350 RINGS OF semble. gold. YOUR Easy DREAMS Use Brandt's D-I-V-I-D-E-D Payment Plan On Monthly Payments BRANDTS 222 SO. WASH.

ST. Doors So. of Paramount Theatre or- 19 1 3 TEn I IF 1 Hr 1:4 REACHING SKYWARD Dare Spinney! has a bumper corn crop his Middletown, Ohio, back yard. Given the seeds last lalloween, David planted them early in March with this seven-foot-high result. Despite the excellent results, five-year-old Dave would rather be a pilot than a farmer.

Richland. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore were supper guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs.

Ronnie Powell' and children. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campbell and children were supper guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Wolfe and children. Other recent, callers were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Charles Wright, Pence and N. Mr.

Mr. and and Mrs. Edward Bensco, Detroit. Mrs. Carl A Bowman and daugh-1 ter, Mary Jo, were guests Saturday of Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Kelsay and children. Billy. Jay Burk and Benny Lee Burk spent. Thursday night and Friday with their, grandparents, Mr.

"and Mrs. Ora Highley. Mrs. P. T.

Crone, San Francisco, is the houseguest of Mrs. Flora Moore, Other recent dinner guests were Mrs. Wayne Miller, Bluffton, and Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Moore, Marion.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gribben visited Sunday with Mrs. Ruth Gribben. 4.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kratzer and son, Mark, were guests Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Leland, Bur.

roker" and children. Peggy and Becky Burroker: accompanied them home for a visit. Chi: Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Spurgeon called on Mrs.

Alice Bryant, Swayzee, Sunday. Miss Jo Bowman was an overnight guest Thursday of Miss Joy Woodmansee. A Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore were guests Sunday" of Mr.

and Mrs. Starlus Rennaker, Converse: Thill Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner will be hosts to the Willing Workers Class of Richland Chapel July 30 at their, home 1 Mr. and' Mrs.

Floyd Danforth, Marion, were dinner guests Fri'day of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Foltz. Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Nicholson, Ann Arbor, Mich. called on Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Highley and children Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bensco; Detroit, Mich. returned home Tuesday after spending several days with Mr.

and Mrs. Norvin Spur geon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burgener and Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Bowman and daughter, Mary Jo, Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hann, Elkhart. Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Kratzer, Kokomo, were dinner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth: Kratzer. Other recent callers were Mr.

and Mrs. Orval Kratzer, Kokomo, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Replogle, Marion, Mrs. Albert Von Almen, Olney, returned home: Saturday after visiting several days with Mr.

and Mrs. Wayne Burgener? Mr. and Mrs. John Ancil entertained at dinner Sunday in observance of the birthday anniversary of their daughter, Joyce. Guests were Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd Moore and Mr. children. and Mrs. Ronnie Powell and Mrs.

Albert Von Almen, Mrs. Wayne Burgener and Guy Burgener, Greenfield, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Burgener Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Highley, Marion, "were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Topping and son. Mr.

and Mrs. Wayne Gribben and daughter, Kathy, were guests Sunday of Mr. Mrs. Robert Kline, North Manchester. Mr.

and Mrs. Monts and son, Jackie, Lyons, N. visited Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Retz.

Other recent callers were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Druck, Rigdon; Mrs. Altus Stitts and children, Mrs. Leonard Kimes and daughter, Kathy, Fairmount, Mrs.

Maxine Heston and daughter, Judy, Swayzee, were dinner guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burgener. Suits Filed SUPERIOR COURT A. Dempsey' VS.

Oral G. Dempsey, Divorce. Alfred Hog- 1. Interstate Finance Corp. AlL.

and Anna L. Pace. Note. Hewitt Carpenter. Dorothy Robert Hodge.

Divorce. Donald D. Van Eseltine. 13 CIRCUIT. COURT Francis W.

Boller 4-- vs. Ruth E. Boller. Divorce. 4 Al Morris Hall.

GERMAN 'CHILDREN STOCKHOLM. arc being Nearly brought 11,000 Sweden this year under auspices of the Save-the-Children Society. They will live with Swedish families for months. The children are from 6 to 12 years from East Germany. and most of them are Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Morgan sons, Swayzee. Mr. Mrs. Floyd Templin and Merle, 'and Mrs.

Mary Powell were guests Sunday "of Mr. and Mrs. Sherd Buchanan, Galveston. Mrs! Julia Kendall was a dinner, guest Friday of Mr. and Mr's.

Floyd Moore. Other callers were Mrs. Albert Von Almen and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs.

Norman Enyeart and children, La Fontaine, were supper guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Highley and daughters. Mr.

and Mrs. Marion Burk and sons were guests Thursof Mr. and Mrs. Ora Highley. Other recent guests were Mr, and Mrs.

Herman Highley and children, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Highley and daughters, Jim Weimand S. L.

Julian. 4. Miss Fluella and Mrs. Floyd Danforth, Marion, were dinner: guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs.

Vernon Foltz. Robert Wolfe was an honored guest Sunday at a birthday party given by Mr. and Mrs. Earl and son at their cottage Yellow Creek Lake. Guests includMrs.

Robert Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sherand Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hunt and children.

Elmer Foltz. Warren, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Foltz. Other guests were Mrs.

Cletus Ramsey and daughter and Mrs. Gilbert Ramsey. Mrs. Pearl Carmack, Lakeland, will spend several a months, with relatives in Richland Township, Mr. and Mrs.

Glen Crawford and per guests of Mr. Mrs. Glen children, Marion, were, recent sup Brumfiel. Recent callers were Mr. and Mrs.

Warren Replogle, Marion, and Mrs. Blaine Retz. Donald. Ben Miller is reported ill: Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Hainlen and children, Converse, and Allen Snow were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Templin and son, Merle. Mr. and Mrs.

Boyd Toppin and son called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slusser, Converse, Mr. and Marion Burk and sons attended the wedding of JanK. Sheridan and Max Fraley Saturday at the Temple Congregationali Church, Marion.

Mrs. Thomas Kratzer and were guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moorman. Mr.

and Mrs. Glen Brumfiel called. on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brumfiel Monday.

Mrs. Harold Swarts, Gas City, was A visitor Thursday of Mrs. Marion Burk. Mrs. Marion Burk and sons were supper guests Tuesday of Mrs.

William Warnock and children. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whitlock son were supper guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Hunt children. Grant County 4-H. Club Queen Ballot Mail Before Midnight, Monday, July 26, to -r QUEEN CONTEST EDITOR Chronicle-Tribune Vote for One Only. Mark (X) Before Name Preferred, -Janet Ladd -Dorothy Davison -F -Shirley Hedrick -Judy Peaco*ck -Betty Getschman -Nancy Leach -Cecile Thornburgh 2 CLEARANCE 4 There are still many warm days 44 ahead'- and you'll be ahead, if you attend our wonderful clearance sale! 1. 1 r.

AT THE MARION HARDWARE at Starts Saturday Starts. Saturday FISHING EQUIPMENT BOAT GOODS TOYS TRICYCLES HOUSEWARES HARDWARE I 1 LAWN SUPPLIES CLEANING MATERIALS 1 CROQUET FOLDING RUBBISH SET CAMP BURNER $6.50 up STOOL Reg. $2.19 Streamlined, A Reg. 1.49 A Bargain decorated mallets, REAL wickets, pegs, $1.20 $1.98 beautifully finished. BUY I'l Screen Door Handles 10c Monkey Climb.

10.00 8-pc. Screw Driver Set 1.39 Work Gloves 19c 14 Sliding Board 25.00 00 Adjustable Wrench 1.00 Scythe Stones 51c Wading Pools $1 13.00 Hopalong Cassidy Chairs 2.95 Boat Seats 1.25 2-qt. Ice Cream Freezers 2.99 Picnic Baskets 1.98 Polish 3 for 1.00 Buckets 39c Dog Feeding Pans 80c Plastic Ice Screen Door Latch 95c 50-ft. Steel Tapes 3.89 Screen Door Springs 10c Door Brace 1 15c PLASTIC Gallon 1 Galvanized 11. GARDEN HOSE BUCKET Replacement Couplings Reg.

79c 10-Year Guarantee While they Last Regular $5.29 50-Ft. $4.19 1' (Two to. Customer) (WHILE THEY LAST) in The Marion Hardware Summer CLEARANCE SALE gives you the opportunity to buy Summer and early Fall merchandise for the rest of the year and have to use next year, at PRICES below early season costsBUY NOW--USE NOW and save at the MARION HARDWARE SUMMER CLEAR- ANCE. the yard Fall Yard Parties are this fall. Nationally better with- Hardwood Known out bugs Frame.

Brands BUG LAWN. HEDGE BOMB CHAIR SHEARS 1 Reg. 4.25 Rex. 2.95 Insect Comfort $2.99 in $2.66 Medicine Cabinet Excellent Mirror Gleaming White Enamel with Three. Full Shelves ONLY Toilet Seat I.

Regular 6.95 $2.98 Hard Brilliant Finish Enamel White $5.95 Don't miss the hundreds of other items the MARION HARDWARE is clearing out of stock. BEAUTIFUL GIFT CHROME SETS LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES 7 PICNIC SUPPLIES- ETC. Doors open-8. o'clock. I 1 MARION HARDWARE Always Something sjou need CALL 11566 CORNER 5TH AND WASHINGTON FIRST i 45 7- 5.

vi 4 Ornamental Iron Folding Aluminum Awnings Aluminum Storm, Windows Screens Aluminum Storm Doors 1 Aluminum Jalonsio Doors Ask about' our, "Do yourself wholesale WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY LAKE McCARTY 1501 S. Washington St. HE Marion, Ind. Phone 5463 or NOrth 2-8201 L' 4 I- 1. he 1.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.