Leadership EPR Bullets (2024)

- A leader among peers; unceasingly involved with AMXS critical processes--increased MC rate 26% for FY14
- Advised CC on 4 NJPs/discharge pkg; two SrA BTZs/vacated TSgt demotion--secured discipline for 230 Amn
- Amn whisperer; conveyed standards, renewed pride in unit and uniform, workcenter now working as a team
- Articulate; briefed 32 civic leaders/CMSAF on LO systems--highlighted contributions of B-2 to AF/community

- Attended 2-hr A&FRC ldrshp crs; mentored HS students/est team collaboration--bridged generational gap w/42 teens
- Attended five-day 1st Sgt Symposium; dedicated 72 hrs f/temp Shirt duties--increased overall leadership capabilities
- Attended John Maxwell Developing the Leader Within Seminar; gained insight on leadership technique/tools
- Attended Leadership I Challenge program; futhered abilities to make sound desicions & effectively lead airmen

- AUAB Top III Prof Dev Chair; reviv'd latent pgm/creat'd 14 lessons/6 jnt workshops--mentor'd/shap'd 183 future ldrs
- Augmented First Sergeant; ensured health/morale/safety of 400+ Airmen--lauded by CRS CC/First Sergeant
- Authored 2 EPRs & 3 awd pkgs for Flt mbrs; garnered recognition on Sq & Gp levels--set Arnn up for success

- Backfill'd AFCENT/FM CMSgt role f/5 mos; Enl Mgr f/11 sites/59 prsnl, pav'd way fwd f/local FM spt--SMSgt now!
- Balanced workload 5 of 11 full time positions vacant during this period; no adverse effects to customer service
- Bearer of military tradition; 509 MXS/MOS/MUNS change of command set-up member--honored newest CCs
- Board president over qrtly awd board; mngd 3 mbrs/interviewed 6 nominees--ensured fair selection process

- Breathed new life into section; made transition to B-2 platform transparent--considered a national stealth asset
- Bridged the gap between the ranks as acting First Sergeant--increased overall satisfaction at work & productivity
- Brilliant leader that embodies AF core values; est'd stds for peers to emulate--coined by 437 AW 1st Sgt f/leadership
- Built Flt winners; authored 12 awd pkgs/conducted mock BTZ boards/pushed 3 upgrades--7 Sq OTQ's/1 BTZ/1 OTS

- Catalyst for recognition! Organized 2d qtr sq Amn/NCO/BTZ boards; reviewed pkgs--2 BTZ stripes awarded
- Chaired ALS ldrshp panel; mentored future NCO's/refined 22 selects--cultivated tier ethos/commandant lauded event
- Co-chaired Group CC's going away lunch/CoC; crafted script/directed 14 mbrs--lauded by in/outgoing CCs/families
- Completed 2 John Maxwell 5-hour ldrship/prof writing crs's; implemented principles--mentored first term Amn

- Completed 3-day AMC Comm Skills Trng; gained conflict mgmt/effective feedback tools--refined supervisory skills
- Completed 9 cr hr ldrshp/mgmt crs; fortified strategic communication/feedback skillset--shaped Sq Amn OTQ winner
- Confident leader; won't compromise AF Core Values; enforced AF standards of conduct among subordinates
- Continuous leadership; flawless transition to LO shift lead--facilitated B-2 LO mission accomplishment & growth

- Convened mthly Flt Amn boards/BTZ mentorship brief; prep'd for success--garnered 7 Sq/Gp/Cmd/BTZ wins
- Corrected MPF exterior door; installed closer/panic hardware--enabled evac 4 stories/300 prsnl/9k customer facilities
- Cultivated atmosphere of harmony and trust--responsible for sq-wide climate improvement; reinforced AF values

- Dedicated Amn leader; appointed lead rope during technical school--supervised eight junior ropes & 500 Amn
- Dedicated team to refine window R2; shaved time by 25%--AF Chief of Staff Team Excellence Awd nominees
- Delegated critical tasks responsibly--developed and empowered subordinates--workcenter 100% qual first time ever
- Delegated effectively; trusted workctr Amn with msn--discovered, remedied obstacles, improved site output 40%

- Deployed spouses liaison; performed yard/vehicle mx--permitted mbr's to maint'd focus on OEF/OIF efforts
- Directed semi-annual tool kit inspection; identified/corrected <50 discrepancies--aided 90% QA pass rate
- Displays a high degree of personal and professional integrity; enforces highest standards of military conduct
- Drove mx during Large Force Exer; diligent efforts enabled eight B-2s airborne at once--first ever for 509 BW

- Dvlp'd subords; illustrated higher ed significance--2 NCOs on track for '17 CCAF grad/1 enrolled in Bachelors prgm

- Eagerly took advantage of opportunities to further technical competence; attended AF Avionics conference
- Empowered/dev'd Amn; removed all obstacles to efforts, trusted them w/critical tasks--forged way ahead for new ldrs
- Enforced DDRO prgm; 9 police agencies/6535 lbs drugs received--100% compliance, eliminate abuse of medications
- Engaged leader; tackled insp workcards/revised 71 pgs of tech data--2012 MXS Lance P Sijan Award winner!

- Enlisted sponsorship mgr; revamped pgm w/3 Flt's...welcomed 4 Amn/taught SOPs--increased newcomer QoL
- Ensured all Amn trained on SAPR issues; briefed w/ weekly safety brief--reduced obstacles to msn accomplishment
- Epitomizes Air Force Core Values; takes pride in service; committed to personal, unit and organizational success
- Excelled as org's CoS; integrated process--improvement s/w into onboarding TTP IOT expedite staffing requirement

- Exceptional mentor/leader; produced two SSgt promotees/Chief's Grp Sharp Amn Awd winner--dvlpd future leaders!
- Exceptional supervisor; mentored 11 Amn in financial security--prepared Flt mbrs for nat'l economic downturn
- Executed duties/responsibilities; enhanced unit effectiveness through teamwork/devotion--critical unit member
- Exemplified professionalism; assumed NCOA drill/flight sergeant duties--elevated fellow classmate standards

- Exemplifies professionalism! Mentored NCOs/Amn through 30+ credit hrs--produced 2 CCAF completions

- Fearless NCO; identified/stopped behavior risking group conflict or harassment claims; held w/c to standards
- Filled drug reduction pgm position; completed 4 hr tng crs/notified 10 mbrs--upheld DoD zero tolerance policy
- Filled E-7 billet for 45 days; led 3 offices/14 enl/8 officer--key to PACAF's most dynamic tactics/training/intel prgms
- Flexible and mature NCO with proven performance; adapts to any given tasking/attacks challenges with confidence

- Flexible and versatile NCO with unbound potential; leads by example; set high and attainable standards
- Flt "Amn of Month" board president; led 3-mbr panel/upheld process integrity...recognized flt's best of the best
- Focused on recognizing prsnl--authored 1 BTZ/1 Sq/1Gp qrtly winner/Gp's Amn Lt Gen Leo Marquez Awd winner

- Gp's SAPR rep; launch from AMC/CV-chaired intro & processed 2 cases--added lasting sq impact to HQ msg
- Guided Sq Amn; org'd university transcripts/vol'd 50 hrs at local elem/wrote BTZ pkg--mbr selected #1 in Wg

- Hand-sel'd for mentor session w/18AF/CCC; gained ldr insight to Enl dev--guided 6 fellow NCOs thru PME process
- Handpicked NCO for OG/CC cross-talk; ID'd fixes for 6 OG issues; highlighted enlisted concerns to leadership
- Handpicked to fill SNCO vacancy; upheld unit standards f/100 prsnl--demonstrat'd ldrshp abilities/0 msn degradation
- Hands-on leadership; enforced compliance with T.O.s/instructions--secured 94% QA pass rating for 1st qtr '15

- Hands-on mentor/leader; demanded quality stds on pgms/processes--vaulted QA pass rate to 92%, 1st Qtr '12
- Hard-charging SNCO; possesses solid-gold professionalism & leadership needed for SMSgt--a must promote!
- Hosted AF Corrosion Office field survey; no findings/one benchmark for Wg--noted as "very impressive pgm"

- Impeccable communicator & word-smith; voices reasoned concerns & ideas to ldrshp--promotes dialogue exchange
- Implemented new travel card rqmts; coordinated 122 certifications--100% complete/beat suspense by 6 days
- Initiated flt Mthly Amn boards/NCO mentor crse; 1st prgm in 7 yrs--garnered 8 Sq/Gp/Wg Amn/Civ winners
- Innovative; created accounting sys for unreported, Spec Flt labor--id'd 2K undocumented man hours per month

- Ldrship energized 197 LO mx'ers; raised capacity 33% despite 75% manning--backlog dropped 50%/2 yr low
- Leader; discouraged Amn from following corrupt example; preserved VA disability benefits for needy members
- Led 6 FTAC/Unit ldrshp lunches; 20 vols/$1.8k budget linking 233 Amn w/ldrs--crushed Wg/CC's #1 people priority
- Led Air Armament Musem B-47 restoration; oversaw 50 vols/400 man hrs--$10K saved/AF legacy preserved

- Managed workcenter trng prgm; built milestone tracker/qual'd 2 mbrs on 130 tasks--provided 24/7 C2 f/11K mil/civ ops
- Marshaled sq ops center/coord'd w/ mx & trans; 20 on-time msns, 4 evals accomplished--enabled critical mission trng
- Mature leader; won't compromise standards; enforced Air Force standards of conduct among subordinates
- Mature manager; replaced two ROAD SSgts; immed improved shop morale and vastly improved shift tng & qual

- Maximized manpower; balanced 2 AFSCs/deployed 14 prsnl between 2 FOLs w/30% 7-lvl deficit--zero msn shortfalls
- Member of Top 3 Mentorship Committee; fostered mentoring throughout entire sqdn--created mentors at all lvls
- Mentored Amn/peers; consistently advises six Flt Amn on career outlook--exemplified supervisory/ldrship skills
- Mentored/guided LCAP prep; revitalized pgms/fixed 150 deficiencies--six Outstanding Performers recognized

- Mng'd 16 Amn as NCOIC of Sq's largest flt...penned 6 EPRs/7 awd packages--garnered 3 Sq/1 Gp-level awds!
- Moral leader; discouraged VA program abuse by Amn plan to apply for disability; steward of declining assets
- Motivated; attended SNCO Professional Enhancement Crse--increased supervisory/leadership responsibilities

- Organized Harvester's Food Pantry event; sorted 5 pallets of goods--supplied proper nutrition for 74 families
- Organized MXS/CC call; coor'd time/location for eight briefings--climate survey/critical info delivered to Sq
- Outstanding NCO! Led 4-mbr mil/civ tm; boosted cybersecurity posture/4 Sq--earned Gp's Amn/NCO Info Dom wins
- Outstanding performer; demonstrates enthusiasm and willingness to tackle all work assignments--promote now

- Phenomenal NCO leads by example; tackles the toughest challenges without hesitation--promotion warranted
- Produces consistent MX; shows desire for self improvement--accepts leadership opportunities to assist others
- Promoted unit cohesion; actively mentored junior personnel/encouraged cross org interations--boosted esprit de corps
- Propelled section awds pgm; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered 2 BTZ/4 qrtly/4 annual awd winners

- Provided weekly update to Sr leadership on team performance; metrics assessed-- Org's leadership briefs CDM SES

- Rallied section; tackled 17K mx actions/81K mx hrs--met MXG goal...8 acft w/in 5 days/backlog under 4K hrs
- Rallied/motivated section; achieved 8 acft w/in 5 LO backlog days--met MXG/CC goal for 1st time...promote
- Ramrodded three titanium deck repairs; eliminated crack progression--extended aft deck service life by 4K hrs
- Rare leader; always does right thing, even when AF culture supports, allows deviations from moral standards

- Recognized and accepted personal assets and liabilities; displayed exceptional military professionalism
- Reinvigorated Sq/CC innovation prgm; tm surveyed 360 pers/compiled 25 ideas f/3 initiatives--exec'd HAF #3 priority
- Remarkable NCO; continually proved leadership skills; respected by peers/team--occupied XSgt billet for X-months
- Rescued stagnant w/c; reintroduced stds, reorganized scheds w/ Amn involvement--now top shop, exceeding Wg goals

- Restructured shifts/implemented teams; raised capacity 33% despite 75% manning--backlog reached 2 yr low
- Revamped CCIP prgm; merged 486 MICT/IGEMS items f/3 units--eradicated 23 major findings/80% of Sq deficiencies

- Section administrator; processed 73 EPRs/decorations--sustained sterling 100% on-time submission rate
- Sel'd as Sq Suicide Prevention POC; hosted wkly discussions/trained 142 Sq mbrs--upheld hi-vis resiliency initiative
- Selfless mentor; constantly rendered assistance to co-workers--received "Outstanding Performer" three times
- Served as both President and member of hiring & Promotion boards; ensured most qualified and personnel selected

- Skilled Airman; shows desire for self improvement--possesses ability to handle most assigned LO taskings
- Solid performer who set the pace for others to follow; demonstrated recurrent initiative for self improvement
- Solidified SNCO induction; chaired committee/proffered/setup/escorted--107 promotees/lauded by ACC/CC
- Sought ldrshp challenge; chaired Wg's 1st ever Cardboard Boat Race--enjoyed by 137, fostered esprit de corps

- Spearheaded NSI prep; achieved 100% nuke surety test pass rate/10 perfect scores--wg rec'd highest rating
- Spearheaded FSC's Newcomers' Orientation; designed outstanding cultural briefing--350 members acclimated
- Sq lead 96 ABW Wingman Day; coordinated events/feedback for 5 flts--promoted camaraderie/teambuilding
- Stand-out NCO/supervisor; mentors/motivates/dvlps young airmen/NCOs--ensur'g 5/7 lvl upgd/deployment readiness

- Stepped up as acting Sq FOD Ofcr, a position normally assigned to a SNCO--improved participation & reduced FOD
- Superb motivator; vaulted production/support effort--helped wg achieve 1.1K sorties/5.6K flying hours, FY13
- Supervised det manning; led ofc during 30% change in 2 mos--acquired/trained 3 prsnl/in-tune w/ A3/TRSS priorities
- Supervised six thru-flight assessments; corrected 43 defects--100% of sorties met for Jun 2012...a MXG first!

- Supported higher education; attended local college improvement meeting--enabled more accessibility for Amn

- Tech School Amn Leader; as yellow rope/enforced standards/mentored/guided peers--lauded by 345 MTF/CC
- Thrust behind LCAP prep; groomed Amn/corrected 150+ discrepancies--6 Outstanding Performers recognized
- Top 3 AUAB Promo Chair; coord'd two enlisted promo/awd ceremonies/26 vols--recogniz'd 80 mbrs/laud'd AEW/CC
- Topnotch community volunteer; Algebra and Science tutor at local elementary school; mentoring future leaders

- Tower of integrity; refused to abuse VA pgm by applying for disability; preserved resources for critical vet care
- Trained eight personnel on support procedures; 67 task completed in 3 weeks--zero loss to MX productivity
- Trusted subordinates with critical portions of msn; rewarded by exponential growth and unprecedented productivity

- Uniquely motivated Amn; consistently accepts crew leadership opportunities to better himself and assist others
- Unyielding example of AF values; criticized sham med care to supp't future disability claims; encouraged integrity

- Visionary; devised weekly preventive mx sched--slashed deferred defects by 50%...MXS '11 Mx Pro of Year
- Vol at Klamath Falls Open House during deployment; operated F-35 souvenir booth--$5.4K raised for sq Booster Club

- Wg E5/E6 mentor; guided 9 TSgts thru board selection process/speed mentoring vol--invested in next gen enl leaders
- Wing enabler; poised quick-turn teams/fixed 4 safety defects--record breaking surge/55 sorties/311 fly hours

Leadership EPR Bullets (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.