Mekanism工具 (Mekanism Tools)-MOD模组 (2024)



Warning: Mekanism is currently in alpha, and is not recommended for widespread use in modpacks. There are likely to be game breaking bugs, and updating from one alpha to the next may cause various mekanism blocks to disappear/void their contents. While we will try to not have this happen/keep it to a minimum make sure to make backups. You can read more about the alpha state of this project [here](<br> [d137027]( - Initial port to 1.20.5
[ef3c8ce]( - Make datagen compile (crashes at runtime, but it compiles)
[23c0ef8]( - Fix equals and hashCode implementations for various data components
[84a3f2b]( - Update chemical stacks bringing them more in line with modern item and fluid stacks
[42ea4d1]( - Refactor how containers are implemented and exposed as capabilities on itemstacks to properly use the data component system
[ac59cfa]( - Update Neo and adjust for the breaking changes
[db89c8d]( - Disable computer help providers until yaml-ops is updated to account for the breaking changes to DFU
[5fb5de9]( - Temporarily mark ResourceKeys as valid for component validation
[b0a980c]( - Slightly update pigment extracting recipes to properly handle the new way of representing specific colored tag variations
[7a84846]( - Rerun datagen
[f8903d0]( - Revert "Disable computer help providers until yaml-ops is updated to account for the breaking changes to DFU"

This reverts commit fd7281f581175f763afdee189a8af93b4edee348.
[e1189c6]( - update yamlops
[3f15c5d]( - Make use of sequenced collections
[4748215]( - Make use of new switch statements to allow cleaning up some of our chained instance of if else statements
[f06e6e5]( - Remove some methods overrides that are the same as the super one
[ad0a40f]( - Remove things that we deprecated for removal and rename a few methods in module helper
[531f779]( - Update neo and remove no longer necessary component validity call
[9496be1]( - Fix usage of FluidStack as keys in maps or sets not properly comparing
[5b5cb7b]( - Initial pass at rewriting module containers and the module system to more properly interface with the immutable nature of data components
[586c3ea]( - Update to 1.20.6 and rename 1.20.5 branch to 1.20.6 as they are basically the same except for neo changes
[c58113f]( - Update and enable EMI in dev
[b09a75c]( - Fix an old version of CrT being pulled in by NG across projects
[736ca68]( - Fix querying empty module containers causing a crash
[8638540]( - Fix hash strategy for fluid stacks as apparently it is also used for comparing against the null case of not being present
[7ef4d56]( - Fix comparing against components instead of the change from default components
[f840b14]( - Rerun datagen and fix accidentally including a bunch of default components by accident
[ffd0a3d]( - Adjust how we add things to the runtime classpath so that things we have just for testing in dev don't get added to the pom at all instead of us manually marking them as optional. Also re-enable gradle module metadata
[a872899]( - Update deps and adjust to MC changes for looking at helpers
[5eaad30]( - Ensure when we are dealing with things that might care about registry stuff we use registry ops
[18ad3ed]( - Rerun datagen to update data based on deps that are now updated
[e17fc80]( - Update to support the new tag conventions and new vanilla tags
[59091d2]( - Add localization to our item, fluid, and chemical tags
[32da671]( - Run datagen to apply tag related changes
[34f4f09]( - Flag generated resources as generated in git, so that github doesn't display the diff for them by default
[e03d8d3]( - Give update module setting sync control to the config elements themselves
[ec511fb]( - Remove deprecated and make things protected which is what mojang finally has moved to in order to represent that block methods should be called via blockstates
[9e9840e]( - Validate that the module config sent by the client is valid
[a8188bd]( - Simplify stream codec for qio item viewer sync
[507c83d]( - Add javadocs to new API methods, and address some of the simpler TODOs in the API package
[c4442fc]( - Update Neo
[dea06c3]( - Handle entity spawn placements via the deferred register, and make baby mobs copy all entity properties
[0c07aeb]( - Ensure conditional based data components are added to loot tables, and make sure the output order is consistent
[dfe836a]( - Work on making containers copy to and from stacks
[0d730a1]( - Add support to the Computer wrappers for data components
[d06f2dd]( - Add a method to get the raw output for item to energy recipes
[098ce1f]( - Cleanup some stuff relating to frequency identity serializers
[7199e81]( - Fix a few issues and typos in some of the tag translations
[261daad]( - Make ChemicalStack#BOXED_OPTIONAL_CODEC persist the type of the chemical for empty stacks
[24174c0]( - Remove BYG and ILikeWoodCompat as our recipe syntax changed, and they aren't going to be on 1.20.6 soon (at least not without significant changes)
[639dcf0]( - Fix Mekanism Tools not using configs and missing some tags
[c024d74]( - Work on applying default components for items so that they don't end up in the component patch
[42a75c8]( - Continue work at applying default components to things
[e652c1f]( - Continue work at applying default components to things
[acd57ce]( - Mark more complex component types to cache the encoding
[80c4f54]( - Make it possible to blacklist blocks from being mined by the disassembler or meka tool
[f9bb915]( - Re-enable BOP in datagen and regenerate recipes
[e052d61]( - Use Stream Codecs for transporter stacks
[5a342c9]( - Move frequencies to codecs and stream codecs
[216cf0d]( - Rename translation strings for Ethylene to match the internal name and the IUPAC standard of Ethene. Also add aliases to search to help ease transition, and make EMI chemical serializers use the registry name as the prefix
[8d284da]( - Update Neo, and account for breaking changes, and fix copy-paste error of adding the laser amplifier twice to functional blocks, instead of one being the laser tractor beam
[3bba856]( - Fix not exposing chemical capabilities on chemical tanks as items
[934909f]( - Fixed the AttachedEjector component causing crashes when attempting to be serialized due to null colors
[954201a]( - Fix some items being added to the creative search tab multiple times
[c377444]( - Add more expansive support for EMI's alias system
[a8bb435]( - Rename storage blocks to be more inline with vanilla naming of storage blocks
[12c1014]( - Only take into account changed components when creating a data component ingredient
[bd477b5]( - Fix 2 recipe viewer issues ([#8079](
[620196d]( - Initial pass at reworking ingredients to use neo's SizedIngredient and SizedFluidIngredient. Also fixed the fluid input cache not properly handling component based inputs
[13fc4aa]( - Remove fluid and item multi ingredients in favor of using just using compound ingredients as the internal ingredient
[58a6ea2]( - Initial pass at reworking chemical ingredients to be extensible and closer in concept to fluid and item ingredients
[70ee523]( - Rename chemical IngredientCreatorAccess methods to explicitly specify stack so that the basic version can have just the chemical name
[74ba83a]( - Fix game no launching due to forgetting to register the new ingredient registries
[8237564]( - Add some overloads to help create basic multi input ingredients. Also update docs to state that the default components are not included on the ingredient when created by item or stack, and that the ingredient needs to be manually created
[9615886]( - Further, reduce duplicate code relating to codecs for the various chemical ingredient types
[a3b7978]( - Loosen restriction slightly on batch ingredient creation
[46f6dfc]( - Run datagen to account for changes to ingredients
[47ca1e8]( - Update Neo to get access to the fluid ingredient additions
[2db6de1]( - Expose chemical registries as defaulted registries so that they provide better nullability markers for things like get
[ae5c2b3]( - Improve our game test helpers for how we interact with a block from a specific side, and add a test to validate it functions properly
[a76be72]( - Update to using Item#ABSOLUTE_MAX_STACK_SIZE instead of hardcoding the old max of 64
[fb5ab39]( - Merge NBTConstants and JsonConstants into a single SerializationConstants class
[ab5dccc]( - Minor cleanup of some serialization constants, and switch constants that aren't used for representing vanilla stuff to using snake case which is what vanilla has been moving to for use in codecs
[46c726d]( - Move some things that were using raw strings to using constants declared in SerializationConstants
[377d388]( - Revert a couple changes that cause conflicts with naming when used in dispatch codecs
[7154c30]( - Rerun datagen to account for changes to various serialization constant representations
[558f9e2]( - Update deps and address breaking changes in Neo
[c356468]( - Switch back to using jetbrains as the toolchain target as it can now be resolved, and also do a bit of minor gradle cleanup
[3674476]( - Widen some explicit uses of ILangEntry implementations to accepting ILangEntry in general
[2ce5b3e]( - Fix a few more accidental conflicts with dispatch codecs
[32df588]( - Fix some issues with decoding frequencies
[b13b497]( - Fix accidentally breaking all jar building
[8a06989]( - Fix game tests and use mojang helpers
[670d34b]( - Reduce memory impact of empty components by just using a single empty instance and initializing as needed
[e9eb3c7]( - Work on addressing misc TODOs
[173121d]( - Remove setting the tooltip delay to -1 as now that it is in its own wrapper class, it doesn't cause flickering when updating rapidly
[418d53b]( - Fix FloatingLong codec not properly using data results for errors
[af32797]( - Fix a couple places where the wrong lookup was occurring for security frequencies
[01f8259]( - Make clear configuration recipe reset components back to their default value
[5a1770b]( - Move default side config setup to being applied as a default item component instead of in the BE
[1ab7f02]( - Add a project icon for when Mekanism is checked out via IntelliJ IDEA
[894bd24]( - Use epsilon to improve scale change check comparisons
[ff3df36]( - Fix fluid tank valves rendering to wrong height with certain configs
[53a6954]( - Make pick block copy components, and remove some tags that get copied when doing a full copy that don't make sense to persist
[0c61eff]( - Fix cardboard boxes not persisting data when broken or pick blocked
[b275496]( - Remove support for IFluidBlock in preparation of
[d3c8f74]( - Update Neo and NG and make use of FML initialization for unit tests to remove the need for lazy codecs in ingredients
[d96433c]( - Rewrite the optimizePng task to try and take advantage of gradle's incremental change detection
[0351da9]( - Work on addressing misc TODOs and only bother serializing the frequency identity to items and relook up the frequency when placed rather than looking it up and creating with extra data if it was deleted
[9f6de67]( - Mark the inside of formed multiblocks as "dangerous" to prevent mobs like pets from teleporting inside [#8085](
[14c6663]( - Only remove harmful effects by default [#8084](
[a2dd72e]( - Allow robits to pathfind past rails
[169e041]( - Use mojang's builtin item stack hash strategy instead of rolling our own one, and make our fluid stack one be based off of the logic more closely
[161b040]( - Optimize batch insert and extracts for component backed handlers
[f535fd4]( - Fix crash when placing some blocks in Prod due to AT level not being properly recognized
[c7c1f04]( - Update gradle to 8.8 and refactor the allJar task to support the configuration cache and also support caching the output of intermediary steps
[75367fb]( - Set properties as input to task rather than having to use a separate replace resources task
[db42748]( - Update deps and switch to using the new builtin system for defining startup configs
[114d94b]( - Fix access levels of various methods that are now protected instead of public
[aa2e30e]( - Fix CrT integration and use OIngredientWithAmount and CTFluidIngredient as how we interact with CT instead of using our own wrappers
[8939e04]( - Remove CrT workarounds now that a few issues have been fixed
[1d19819]( - Provide registry access to more places where we use codecs
[2181913]( - Replace QuickTheories with jqwik as it is a property based testing lib that is still receiving updates, and fix some edge cases where FloatingLong's did not perform certain calculations properly
[8e4d817]( - Use registry ops if possible for computer converters
[022361c]( - Update to 1.20.6 stable and account for breaking changes
[ec48d8a]( - Allow the atomic disassembler, and meka-tool to break decorated pots
[e012030]( - Update TODOs and retarget certain ones for completion by the 1.21 release
Also addresses certain trivial TODOs
[b6a7e4b]( - Initial port to 1.21
[a33af9d]( - Fix robit rendering tinting incorrectly
[1689465]( - Enable alpha-warning (minus readme details) and fix game test for unloading chunks
[727f383]( - Run datagen
[ed7fa95]( - Fix Emi Alias Provider enchantment lang key compile errors
[8f603db]( - Account for the various enchantment based changes
[3539ba7]( - Re-enable configuring armor settins for main module
[fafaf1d]( - Add helpers for checking matches on our recipes using the vanilla system
[e004b26]( - Address misc TODOs and fix being unable to lock bins, and mekasuit losing power on relog
[1a1eba3]( - Update to 1.21 release from rc1 and run datagen
[44d81db]( - Update README to include details about alpha
[572f4e8]( - Bump version to 10.6.0



支持游戏: 1.21




下载次数: 31



<a href="">b73f09d</a> - binary compatibility fix for other mods using internal classes



支持游戏: 1.20.1





下载次数: 2,784



<a href="">68eea2c</a> - move tile ticker method reference to call sites<br><a href="">496b32f</a> - bump version



支持游戏: 1.20.1





下载次数: 72



[b792593]( - Restructure our GameTests:
- Added the tests for transporters from ([#7748](
- Reduced the number of game test sourcesets to one, and allow it to access all the other mekanism modules
- Make use of Neo's Game Test Framework as it is nicer to work with and will eventually allow us to validate the tests via GHA
- Moved the run configs to using their own run folders
[bacc188]( - Attempt to make our Game Tests run on push whenever we change a java file
[fd6e6e9]( - Add a couple helper methods to ConnectionType to make it slightly clearer in places what is going on logically
[5fa4404]( - Cleanup some of the game tests to use more specific types and avoid using mutable to capture intermediary results
[f8efd06]( - Restructure transmitter chunk reloading tests so that the event listeners are only present for the test
[4df3d6b]( - Add a helper to get the default block state for block providers
[e1ebc6e]( - Improve memory churn of path caching by making cached paths immutable and using the cached list directly in the destination logic rather than copying it
[99747f3]( - Add a couple helper methods to Path to make it a little clearer what is going on, and remove flowing stack targets when there are no more stacks being sent to a location
[d4eb85f]( - Try to recalculate idle paths when they reach their destination rather than just having them indefinitely idle
[89e70aa]( - Short circuit a little logic to avoid looking up the side multiple times for transporters, mostly bringing parity up to ([#7748]( except for the network wide changes
[33e72ba]( - Add a test and fix not being able to actually insert items back home when the destination stops being willing to accept them
[dd222eb]( - Continue adding more transporter related game tests, and fix accidentally breaking stuff in previous commits
[fca8280]( - Write tests for a lot of the remaining transporter functionality
[6b9da80]( - Update Neo and use custom game test helpers instead of static methods in our tests
[c53a41c]( - Improve remainder distribution to try and split the remainder as evenly as possible between the various destinations before falling back to sending to the first one it will fit in ([#6617]( ([#8062](

Co-authored-by: Thiakil <>
[a75d18c]( - use correct endbatch method
[9f93887]( - New Crowdin updates ([#8059](
[b66db9e]( - Bump version to 10.5.20



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 1,620



[f589238]( - Update what example version we provide for how to get mek into maven
[e4fa6e9]( - Fix visuals too big tooltips not displaying properly, and fix tooltips sometimes flickering when changing rapidly
[2792ad0]( - Make intellij always download javadocs and sources if available
[7a66935]( - Fix occasionally creating invalid tooltips that then cause crashes ([#8058](
[d8278dd]( - Improve handling and actually directly support connecting QIO exporters to transporters
- Directly uses transporter methods which should provide slightly better performance (and allows it to bypass the transporter's pull limit)
- Supports using round-robin mode when inserting into transporters
- Supports attempting to accept rejects that got sent back by transporters
- Visually connects to transporters ([#7973](
[cc383ac]( - Have the exporter only validate that the transporter is connected a single time
[a82e046]( - Cache various values that are based on number of installed upgrades
[2401c84]( - Bump version to 10.5.19



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 1,129



[2d4099c]( - move changelog to markdown and set up a discord webhook for releases
[7cbb5f7]( - unroll Resizable Cuboid loops to draw an axis at a time and reduce repeated calculations
remove some redundant overrides
[904f1d2]( - Fix being unable to place blocks that have bounding blocks ([#8052](
[068736d]( - Work on removing more capturing lambdas
[eb8c3bc]( - Make PacketUtils#container nullable instead of using an optional
[47807de]( - Remove almost all the remaining recipe input cache related capturing lambdas
[9cfd091]( - Move canFunction to a method on TileEntityMekanism
[3ad418c]( - Remove capturing lambdas from acting as a fake player
[ade6faa]( - Improve performance of factory sorting and inserting by removing capturing lambdas from hot paths
[7e605b8]( - pass boolean through the chain rather than an atomic variable
[8004e0e]( - swap outline renderers to transform the baked quads directly
[086b5b8]( - Remove capturing lambdas from active jetpack lookup
[68269ef]( - Revert "swap outline renderers to transform the baked quads directly"

This reverts commit 8004e0eef66bcf0026ed182fe832438011be47f3.
[a582d95]( - inline an always capturing lambda method and avoid allocating a data class just to use an instance method
[bddc40f]( - reduce some object churn in rendertickhandler
[d5ef0eb]( - Don't allow fluids to replace our blocks
[e1b05e9]( - Make it so that structural multiblocks don't tick (structural glass and reactor glass) ([#8051](
[94f6f67]( - redo outlines using XFact's normal calculations
[2912fc3]( - poor man's line dedupe
[ab256d4]( - Don't go back and forth between floats and doubles, and simplify how we unpack the vertices and calculate normal
[2f4c4b6]( - Remove capturing lambda's from MekanismJavaModel's wireframe rendering, and calculate normals of the wireframes properly. Also use hashes for comparing lines
[caf58da]( - Remove capturing lambda's from vein and blast mining calculations
[8da0a1f]( - Get rid of capturing lambda's in the security system
[b61e724]( - Continued removal of capturing lambdas
[763f8a1]( - Continued removal of capturing lambdas
[f26d90a]( - Remove capturing lambdas from inventory frequency eject handling
[4f5ef0e]( - Remove some gui related capturing lambdas
[e7969e3]( - Reduce capturing lambdas for various parts of gui code interaction
[2a1241c]( - inline some single use constructors and normalisation to avoid object allocation
[9a26907]( - generate a hashcode method
[36cfb52]( - dont keep the lines hashset around longer than we need it
[f079cc5]( - let transparent renderers batch properly
[124d710]( - cache multiblock render aabb
[8763cba]( - Refactor how we handle tooltips to make use of minecraft's builtin system:
- Allows properly forwarding element tooltips to EMI
- Make moveable filter buttons properly use the child system so that the tooltips can render for the arrow buttons
[26c2e68]( - Revert some changes to click handling that caused crashes
[d9df0bb]( - Use constants for certain true false displays
[ea18b72]( - Move configurator slot hovering tooltips to the slot rather than being on the main gui
[70c4940]( - Improve the ScreenRectangle we use for tooltip rendering of slot based lists
[f4bd54f]( - Wrap fission force disabled tooltip to be in line with other tooltip rendering
[9825e38]( - Update tin textures to provide a bit more contrast throughout each texture and make them appear less flat (thanks rid)
[e522531]( - New Crowdin updates ([#8053](
[ce59cf0]( - Bump version to 10.5.18



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 156



<a href="">add7fd1</a> - fix wrong pos given to ticking chunk check<br><a href="">8ba8fcd</a> - bump version to 10.5.17



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 77



<a href="">c455c17</a> - Don't output from QEs that are not in ticking chunks<br><a href="">7279fc0</a> - Fix dupe in ejector component due to not actually setting the handler<br><a href="">44ab987</a> - Bump version to 10.5.16



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 11



<a href="">57de5f2</a> - replace HashList with a set-backed object to improve trusted frequency checking<br><a href="">e362284</a> - micro-optimise the frequency backing map<br><a href="">5971eed</a> - check chunk loaded and set dirty in one operation<br><a href="">0e3916d</a> - remove logging<br><a href="">3895dfb</a> - avoid floatinglong copy when not needed<br><a href="">585e81f</a> - use a more direct method to determine heat capability in hot path<br><a href="">02dfea1</a> - completely skip radiation handling if no gas handler<br><a href="">ecca3e3</a> - Improve the performance of the charge distribution unit, and also improve the performance of saving the energy distribution of universal cables<br><a href="">9f291f5</a> - Fix energy bar rendering twice on robits in Jade<br><a href="">abb5ece</a> - cache active attribute to avoid map lookups<br><a href="">ca2beef</a> - Allow clearing configuration data from config cards by crafting them<br><a href="">a4e8db3</a> - fix Hashlist and SyncableCollection not syncing<br><a href="">3698916</a> - avoid copying FloatingLong.ZERO<br><a href="">8a003bc</a> - let qio dashboard middle click withdraw 1 item at a time to the cursor, depositing one if slot not matching<br><a href="">d7d9eab</a> - give filter guis a little more breathing room and some better text details<br><a href="">5f3ac4f</a> - add ability to clear data from config card by sneak clicking air<br><a href="">be4698b</a> - Cache energy capabilities for ejections of things like quantum entangloporters and the like<br><a href="">aa3ff5f</a> - Flip certain icons to display what their current setting is and then have text display what it will set it to<br><a href="">afe26bc</a> - Enable neo milk fluid, and allow milking cows and goats using a fluid tank on bucket mode<br><a href="">39512d4</a> - Change the order of the side config tabs for a few machines to prioritize opening a type that will actually need to be changed<br><a href="">383ef07</a> - Allow modules to stack to 64 in the player's inventory<br><a href="">ff8bb35</a> - Add a nucleosynthesizing recipe for echo shards<br><a href="">d293a54</a> - Don't allow modifying the set of supported upgrades, and slightly optimize behavior for one and two element sets<br><a href="">90a6379</a> - Switch to a regular hashset for players using<br><a href="">f9c55ad</a> - Remove stream usage from recipe cache lookup to remove some capturing lambdas and cleanup corresponding profiling data<br><a href="">16b3565</a> - Substantial performance improvement of multiblock ejecting by having the multiblock eject once across all outputs, instead of having each output try to eject the remaining value<br><a href="">8f9f01b</a> - Remove a few extra calls of sending an update packet to the client<br><a href="">3287956</a> - Fix typo causing last commit to not compile<br><a href="">c6d92d2</a> - Remove streams from chemical attribute validator<br><a href="">cc86d9f</a> - Don't recreate the supported data type set every call<br><a href="">3ffdc70</a> - Add some shortcut overrides to heat handlers to avoid having to get the list of heat capacitors multiple times<br><a href="">eb36b37</a> - Remove a good number of capturing lambdas<br><a href="">381c303</a> - Reduce capturing lambdas and cleanup logic for chemical tank wrappers to make profiling data cleaner<br><a href="">d336223</a> - Slightly reduce complexity of getting what config sides line up with specific data types<br><a href="">a745a5f</a> - Short circuit logic for looking up wrapped handler for bins and ejectors<br><a href="">1acaf44</a> - unroll loop using method reference lambda<br><a href="">ed67a3b</a> - move security frequencies from the map to a field<br><a href="">2e8d90d</a> - unroll more capturing lambdas<br><a href="">f048e38</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8044</a>)<br> <br> New translations [ci skip]<br><a href="">f5ae8c0</a> - bump version<br><a href="">820566d</a> - Use Object2LongMap entry iterator to avoid boxing and unboxing<br><a href="">6448784</a> - Simplify DataBasedBakedModel and add support for proxying useAmbientOcclusion based on model data<br><a href="">bbd4cbb</a> - Fix a couple places things weren't moved away from capturing lambda's quite properly<br><a href="">993532c</a> - Use primitive maps for structure handling and also remove a capturing lambda<br><a href="">3f9536e</a> - Remove capturing removeIf lambdas<br><a href="">e4c6659</a> - Remove a bunch of capturing lambdas from places we interact with things as streams<br><a href="">bcf24f3</a> - Work on removing capturing lambdas from optional filtering<br><a href="">804bae2</a> - Work on removing capturing lambdas from optional mapping<br><a href="">11e711e</a> - Fix a couple more capturing lambdas<br><a href="">a01205d</a> - Remove handling of doing a best effort job of loading 1.20.1 data in 1.20.4. Worlds don't fully upgrade, but if you want to do so make sure to first load using an older version<br><a href="">4e4a734</a> - Remove more cases of capturing lambdas when checking if an optional is present<br><a href="">9572007</a> - Remove even more cases of capturing lambdas when checking if an optional is present<br><a href="">6c19987</a> - Remove some unused code<br><a href="">20bdde3</a> - Bump build number for testing experimental changes on FC<br><a href="">e1fe2bc</a> - Fix QIO Drive Array using the wrong lang entry for displaying how many types are stored<br><a href="">3ea5fd8</a> - remove/deprecate optionals from meka module system<br><a href="">2a343a5</a> - Add javadocs to new IModuleHelper methods and also remove the duplicate method and add a TODO to rename the current method<br><a href="">be80310</a> - Move gravitational modulating energy usage to the module itself, now that it just handled via attributes<br><a href="">b97eed8</a> - add methods to avoid using an iterator to get the first window in the LRU<br><a href="">79851ef</a> - Handle flamethrower usage and entity spawning by overriding item use methods, and allow the flamethrower to be fired from the offhand<br><a href="">b1206bb</a> - Fix getItemInHand accuracy for non players<br><a href="">4e2097b</a> - Remove capturing lambdas when updating swim and step height attributes<br><a href="">303b59c</a> - Continued work on removing capturing lambdas<br><a href="">aca4444</a> - Remove more capturing lambdas from various forEach calls<br><a href="">32e0b5f</a> - Remove capturing lambdas from custom selection box rendering for non java models<br><a href="">a7ea195</a> - Address some automated code inspections<br><a href="">2dac808</a> - Cache the capturing lambdas used by the cached recipe system when calculating the operations that can be performed each tick<br><a href="">0826d16</a> - Added "isIgnited" to FusionReactorMultiblockData and fixed a typo in OneInputCachedRecipe (<a href="">#8049</a>)<br><a href="">f5d7a1e</a> - Pause recipe processing if there are errors that stop it from being able to be processed. Should make backed up machines a bit more performant<br><a href="">e8f9f64</a> - Fix peak and head methods for LRU<br><a href="">eac6619</a> - Cache non transporter item eject cap targets<br><a href="">e022c13</a> - Only initialize the HandlerTransitRequest item map if we have any items in it<br><a href="">0ced834</a> - Check if a slot is full before checking the corresponding recipes as in general especially with lots of recipes it will actually be the quicker check<br><a href="">4762009</a> - Fix slot randomization order not being respected<br><a href="">317a724</a> - Avoid world lookup for special case handling of inserting into transporters<br><a href="">e4ebb42</a> - Remove capturing lambdas from transporter insert helpers<br><a href="">9aa016d</a> - Remove more capturing lambdas, including those in multiblock structure validation<br><a href="">c87f6f6</a> - optimise out hot-path foreach<br><a href="">b65fd0f</a> - optimise radiation calculation<br><a href="">a1d32f0</a> - Add javadocs to new api methods<br><a href="">adaf702</a> - Optimize the builtin ChemicalAttributeValidators to not require looping the attributes<br><a href="">7c82452</a> - dont add handlers to tile variables if they're not going to be used<br><a href="">07465a1</a> - trigger game event only on succeeding to store fluid<br><a href="">2ee7783</a> - Micro-optimize by using the empty Collections instead of the Collection#of variant as the empty Collection no-ops the results<br><a href="">302d520</a> - split out tile entities in the profiler using different method reference locations<br><a href="">0b68b91</a> - Fix induction providers accidentally ticking and split out some other call sites for purposes of how the profiler splits things up and to make it easier to eventually refactor some blocks to not tick<br><a href="">5008597</a> - Move chargepad client tick logic to the block type<br><a href="">45e7c0c</a> - Remove unused client block entity tickers<br><a href="">1730b27</a> - Update bump min neo version to 20.4.223 to improve performance of our ingredient checks<br><a href="">84e793c</a> - NO-OP most JEI methods when EMI is loaded to ensure that emi doesn't contain screen interaction handlers for both, and allows slightly speeding up indexing time<br><a href="">6e50d9a</a> - Return that our ingredients we expose in UIs to EMI are not clickable and can only be looked at via the keybinds<br><a href="">d1139e3</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8045</a>)<br><a href="">8f891fe</a> - Bump version to 10.5.15



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 126



<a href="">9aa801b</a> - Improve performance of TileComponentUpgrade<br><a href="">2c55c6d</a> - Reduce BlockPos allocations in a few of the WorldUtils methods<br><a href="">72bc520</a> - use constants for mouse buttons<br><a href="">b6b74cd</a> - make right click in qio take half a stack, not half of total stored<br><a href="">dcddd35</a> - move trusted user checks to helper method (no benefit for now)<br><a href="">dcf8adb</a> - add hashcode to piggyback name<br><a href="">f81da86</a> - use map override of foreach<br><a href="">079f71a</a> - rate limit frequency updating and add some logging<br><a href="">dbd36b8</a> - Prefer mouse button middle to mouse button 3<br><a href="">de4f646</a> - Remove nullable warning for level by passing it directly<br><a href="">949f4f5</a> - Fix robit repair screen error sprite rendering<br><a href="">b79d67a</a> - Improve performance of handling for fluids, chemicals, and energy:<br> - Reduces the frequency of capturing lambdas<br> - Looks up containers a single time for batch operations<br> - Make use of batched methods for some slots that weren't using them (at least when the implementation of the item is a mekanism item)<br> - Fixes some weirdness with what tanks fission and boiler ports expose<br><a href="">000a83c</a> - Actually distribute frequency component updating across ticks<br><a href="">6022c0b</a> - Make offset threadsafe<br><a href="">973b701</a> - Allow transparent plastic blocks to be placed inside framed blocks<br><a href="">ebd4cf9</a> - Switch persists and handles checks to using INVOKEVIRTUAL instead of INVOKEINTERFACE<br><a href="">3b40467</a> - Fix having accidentally broken the ability to encode formulas<br><a href="">2a470df</a> - Allow using the section symbol for robit names to allow for robit names to have colors (<br><a href="">663e512</a> - Transition over to using MutableBlockPos in a variety of locations to try and cutdown on allocations<br><a href="">cdc3f6c</a> - New translations en_us.json (<a href="">#8043</a>)<br><a href="">67374bb</a> - Bump version to 10.5.13



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 244



<a href="">4453f04</a> - Add some missing cull faces to various models<br><a href="">de8cd4b</a> - Fix current stored energy not updating properly in GUIs on a dedicated server after installing energy upgrades<br><a href="">0658573</a> - Use pick block for displaying blocks as stacks in the seismic reader<br><a href="">149de3e</a> - Improve robustness of our saved data implementation to try and perform an atomic move<br><a href="">a816c61</a> - Limit the stack size of the formulaic assemblicator's formula slot to one<br><a href="">fc4855d</a> - Cleanup formulas sometimes not stacking<br><a href="">70df777</a> - Improve flamethrower particle positioning when riding a vehicle<br><a href="">e0f2507</a> - Don't allow using a jetpack while riding a vehicle<br><a href="">8a748f5</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8039</a>)<br><a href="">382ebcf</a> - Bump version to 10.5.12



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 43



<a href="">514f619</a> - Improve performance of formulaic assemblicator:<br> - Short circuit logic for checking if a stack is a valid ingredient for a given position<br> - Stop checking as soon as we find if an item is a valid ingredient rather than finding all spots it is a valid ingredient for<br> - Don't try to move items from the input to the crafting grid if nothing has changed since we last failed to do so<br> - Only recalculate the recipe when it might have changed instead of in many situations<br><a href="">938a6ca</a> - Move a large portion of repeated capability usage in tiles (such as auto eject) to using block capability caches to avoid having to lookup the chunks as often<br><a href="">20d45f3</a> - Allow the evap tower to render up to the very top to fix some rendering weirdness with valves<br><a href="">de8d80f</a> - Fix z-fighting in ultimate fluid tanks that are very close to being empty<br><a href="">4f46ded</a> - Skip some vararg creation of empty arrays<br><a href="">f597572</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8036</a>)<br><a href="">3136f3e</a> - More vararg creation skipping<br><a href="">9193e01</a> - Bump version to 10.5.11



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 74



<a href="">d61d773</a> - move grav module to the attribute system<br><a href="">5434ff8</a> - merge if statements<br><a href="">e4f483b</a> - bump version to 10.5.9<br><a href="">5232b51</a> - fix neo min version<br><a href="">07490e5</a> - Add native support for EMI (<a href="">#8035</a>) and don't allow for using recipe viewer hotkeys on stacks in mekanism gui's when a text box is currently selected so that it is easier to search in the QIO without the recipe viewer displaying a recipe<br><a href="">32b2df8</a> - Update deps and perform some basic gradle cleanup<br><a href="">5dd0fa3</a> - Allow making muffling upgrades with copper<br><a href="">541e545</a> - Don't allow a turbine to form with no dispersers<br><a href="">775a435</a> - Display redstone adapter current target in looking at mods, and also improve display for when looking at something that is empty<br><a href="">6b66c8a</a> - Only make chargepads be "active" if they are actively charging something (<br><a href="">e103cf5</a> - Fix already configured QIO adapters not emitting redstone on placement<br><a href="">b066716</a> - Fix not being able to insert buckets into tanks until the tank has at least a bucket worth of fluid<br><a href="">88c36d4</a> - Compare against epsilon for determining whether to cancel the fall event<br><a href="">1999a88</a> - Add crafting recipes to allow recombining plastic slabs into a full plastic block<br><a href="">897441d</a> - Fix valve rendering for of thermal evaporation plants on the north or south face when at the very top of the tower<br><a href="">be1dbdb</a> - Make gauges always display at least a bit of their contents if they are not empty<br><a href="">480ace5</a> - Only set the initial focus when it is actually the initial opening of the screen, rather than when leaving jei or resizing minecraft<br><a href="">bd615dd</a> - Allow configuring jetpack thrust multiplier separately for jetpacks in hover mode<br><a href="">b70075b</a> - Increase the max length for robit names to match what would be possible via an anvil, and properly enforce it as part of the name packet<br><a href="">4cc7356</a> - Add some missing BOP compat recipes<br><a href="">9141589</a> - Add a block of bio fuel<br><a href="">48b04dc</a> - Add a client config and a button to not auto-focus the QIO's search bar when opened<br><a href="">80951d3</a> - Don't allow inserting primary items into a factory if the secondary input doesn't match<br><a href="">7062b6f</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8030</a>)<br><a href="">a48f9b5</a> - Bump version to 10.5.10<br><a href="">bdd2a45</a> - Fix maven publish



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 82



<a href="">bd726f9</a> - handle free runners properly, avoid THUNK sound and play a step sound instead<br><a href="">a366090</a> - remove other unused method<br><a href="">58dce92</a> - make jetpack forward boost less ridiculous<br><a href="">0c4bc58</a> - bump version to 10.5.8



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 214



<a href="">fb30c5f</a> - Fix true dedication advancement<br><a href="">e553d4d</a> - Fix removing modules disconnecting clients from servers<br><a href="">f55446c</a> - Display what a bin is locked to in things like Jade<br><a href="">7603aae</a> - Allow clearing text boxes by right-clicking them<br><a href="">8910190</a> - Make the gauge dropper transfer 250 mB by default instead of 256 mB to make it easier to transfer a bucket from one place to another<br><a href="">283053e</a> - Actually fix empty locked bins not accepting items when double clicked with an empty hand<br><a href="">83c7032</a> - Fix certain cases where double-clicking to condense items into a stack wouldn't work properly in machines<br><a href="">164bb5a</a> - Reorder QIO based advancements to not have them have a dep on polonium as they no longer require it to start the tree<br><a href="">2aa0e29</a> - Don't allow using a wrench to dismantle blocks that currently contain radioactive substances<br><a href="">cddc235</a> - Minor cleanup for a couple places we translate things<br><a href="">8eea470</a> - Fix capabilities not being invalidated when rotating a tile with a wrench<br><a href="">4f56533</a> - Fix missing chemical bar on the mekasuit when empty<br><a href="">6506162</a> - Don't directly pass keyPress or charType events to non-gui elements... Stops FTB Library from breaking enter handling in Mekanism text boxes<br><a href="">dba091e</a> - Fix player momentum not persisting through teleporters in the same dimension<br><a href="">6d13eb0</a> - Remove clean from publish workflow, as theoretically it is always cleaned and will only contain the stuff we specifically want to cache. Hopefully this speeds up builds and doesn't break<br><a href="">f3ee85f</a> - show percentage of jetpack fuel in HUD<br><a href="">f8fee14</a> - Add a per dashboard option to allow changing whether shift clicking items prioritizes open windows or the frequency (defaults to prioritizing the frequency) (<a href="">#8027</a>). Also fixes an issue with resizing the QIO dashboard when there are pinned crafting windows<br><a href="">4942528</a> - Always provide access to the inventory slots etc for multiblocks regardless of if they are formed or not to fix potential errors in the initial sync when opening a GUI<br><a href="">53dcfaf</a> - Allow holding shift when using the QIO dashboard resize controls to maximize/minimize the dashboard<br><a href="">dae4b77</a> - use action bar for configuration card<br><a href="">89f227f</a> - Link to wiki instead of main page given Aidan's site seems to be down<br><a href="">8a37da3</a> - Minor cleanup to LaserParticle<br><a href="">e94416f</a> - Use vanilla's own render type for making the upgrades appear faded rather than a custom one<br><a href="">69e3334</a> - Use vanilla constant for max name length and doing an initial validation check of if a username is even valid<br><a href="">02d7f52</a> - Add a client side config for controlling whether JEI moves irrelevant items from the crafting inventory to the player's inventory or the frequency first (<a href="">#8027</a>), defaults to moving to the frequency<br><a href="">688802e</a> - Make use of FluidStack#copyWithAmount<br><a href="">085c72a</a> - Don't clamp the energy value of item containers that are dependent on other attachments (<a href="">#8024</a>)<br><a href="">1ec074e</a> - Fix missing clearing a couple configuration types<br><a href="">c866e93</a> - Add a side tab for making it easier for players to change the recipe viewer reject target<br><a href="">33ba335</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8026</a>)<br><a href="">f74513b</a> - Bump version to 10.5.7



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 185



<a href="">3debe82</a> - Lead is cheap, let it muffle<br><a href="">87f63f9</a> - make side config gui show block names<br><a href="">7402f3f</a> - give a slight forwards boost to regular jetpack mode, so the player can move faster than normal sprint speed<br><a href="">6867c97</a> - bump version



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 125



<a href="">65a4dcb</a> - Fix there being no model/state for when a redstone adapter is set to a frequency but the level is not met (<a href="">#8023</a>). And slightly improve performance/flow of qio component tick code<br><a href="">ab62541</a> - Fix not updating redstone with new emitting logic when the emitting state changes<br><a href="">d5ca221</a> - Do our best job to set the active state of qio components on placement<br><a href="">b2dff95</a> - Make particle addition for things like jetpack happen on client tick instead of on render tick<br><a href="">22532d6</a> - Expand supported transporter colors to all 18 of our colors. Note: This will cause existing colored transporters and filters to change colors to the new indexing (though they should still line up)<br><a href="">874818f</a> - Persist current connections and acceptors for transmitters when saving, to try and have initial sync be more up to date<br><a href="">2973740</a> - Fix teleport button not working in portable teleporters due to the stack it is being cached on client side getting overwritten<br><a href="">7cf83a6</a> - Allow holding shift while using jetpack in vector mode to make it behave as normal mode. (Makes pillaring easier/possible while in vector mode)<br><a href="">b6f4f38</a> - Disable hover mode when in creative flight<br><a href="">d07490b</a> - Fix double right-clicking bins not inserting into empty locked bins<br><a href="">4e78213</a> - Fix fluid not being visible in tanks when there is not much stored<br><a href="">55ce0a4</a> - Fix balloons not being the proper distance from entity's that have had their size modified<br><a href="">aec153d</a> - Slightly adjust clear all sides to also support clearing for different types, and to support incrementing on substance's sides at once<br><a href="">31e567c</a> - Use polonium and plutonium pellet tags in places that were accidentally referencing the direct item<br><a href="">aa5641d</a> - Add support for pinning GUI Windows to have them automatically open when reopening the GUI (<br><a href="">9211ac5</a> - Qio recipe adjustments (<a href="">#8021</a>)<br><a href="">cd8a383</a> - Only accept "cheap" ingot variants for the muffling upgrade<br><a href="">d359279</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8022</a>)<br><a href="">2a25aa4</a> - Bump version to 10.5.5



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 26



<a href="">57ee884</a> - wrench items direct to inventory, only dropping when full<br><a href="">50e1964</a> - adjust muffling upgrades to only need 1, and allow refund of extras<br><a href="">83f223f</a> - make the muffling upgrade cheaper - just slap some wool in there!<br><a href="">c6682b8</a> - bump version to 10.5.4



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 51



<a href="">e13923b</a> - Replace some of our recipes that accept cobblestone with accepting cobblestone or items in vanilla's stone crafting materials tag<br><a href="">92cf26f</a> - remove energy usage from configurator<br><a href="">3db4ec0</a> - simplify the configurator's recipe<br><a href="">11715dc</a> - Add crusher recipe for turning obsidian to dust in preparation of removing the enricher recipe for it. And add a crusher recipe to convert blaze rods into dust and bones into bone meal<br><a href="">e250954</a> - Switch bin left click vs shift left click behavior to be in line with mods like storage drawers and functional storage<br><a href="">1402b10</a> - Include coloration in colored block's name component<br><a href="">d727b2e</a> - Include personal storage inventory in emc processor's calculation of emc an item is worth<br><a href="">dc0d42d</a> - Drop upgrades and modules when the item entity containing them is destroyed, and expose an API method so that addons can have their custom module container items drop installed modules on destruction<br><a href="">a1df051</a> - Add looking at support for viewing what is inside a placed cardboard box<br><a href="">0fdfe04</a> - Fix filters not remembering enabled status on block placement<br><a href="">379f88b</a> - Allow double right-clicking to insert into bins even when done with an empty hand<br><a href="">2ed429e</a> - Move transmitters over to using our block attribute system (hopefully improves <a href="">#8018</a>)<br><a href="">5c125a6</a> - Fix the QE's energy tab not updating while in the GUI<br><a href="">5df5d31</a> - Further adjust configurator recipe<br><a href="">ae784e7</a> - Fix personal chests and barrels losing their inventory when broken<br><a href="">00748b5</a> - Add a View Vector based Jetpack mode, fix scaling issue when accelerating an elytra, and allow installing multiple jetpack modules and increasing the thrust of the MekaSuit's jetpack (<a href="">#7475</a>)<br><a href="">ed78560</a> - Bump min Neo version to 20.4.196 to ensure that clients can properly understand all the data we send them when on a server<br><a href="">20e2e65</a> - Sync extra stack data to make sure the hotbar and portable teleporter energy update properly (<a href="">#8020</a>)<br><a href="">39882fc</a> - Clear heat data when clearing configuration data of machines<br><a href="">bf26e1d</a> - Try delaying tracking transmitters until first tick on servers to see if that fixes issues where the data isn't synced to the client. Hopefully this doesn't break anything<br><a href="">4bbb444</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8019</a>)<br><a href="">f8881ec</a> - Bump version to 10.5.3



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 20



<a href="">59f9b2d</a> - Fire teleport events in other places we teleport entities (<br><a href="">5f6deb9</a> - Improve performance of updating entity radiation (especially when there is no radiation sources in the world)<br><a href="">c17cf16</a> - Cleanup flame tick logic and some places where we get the current server<br><a href="">5e03d45</a> - Fix disconnect on server when trying to send certain translations to the client. For example dictionary output<br><a href="">cb15244</a> - Hide the cape while wearing a jetpack or scuba tank as it clips a lot<br><a href="">eefbe03</a> - Fix checking of radiation when radius is a single chunk<br><a href="">55a93cf</a> - Fix tasty paste advancement triggering with an empty canteen<br><a href="">79e8d6e</a> - Fix digital miner not having the correct maxY set on initial placement<br><a href="">8deff87</a> - Fix auto ejecting from the digital miner directly into transporters not working<br><a href="">ba59ae2</a> - Fix accidentally breaking component rendering a couple commits ago<br><a href="">cfd5410</a> - Fix Quantum Entangloporter auto eject being broken<br><a href="">b8eddc1</a> - Don't allow unpacking blocks where they cannot survive. For example unpacking a torch on a chest<br><a href="">eef073e</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8013</a>)<br><a href="">8e0aaea</a> - Bump version to 10.5.2



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 122



<a href="">401f215</a> - Manually specify loader and game version for modrinth as it isn't good at detecting it<br><a href="">de3a1de</a> - Fix gauge droppers not exposing capabilities<br><a href="">1ec7c2d</a> - Cache NG outputs in publish workflow, and remove no longer necessary custom clean targets<br><a href="">d3ea197</a> - Prep for upcoming extra method in IGenderArmor<br><a href="">9945aaf</a> - Improve rotation speed of the wind generator item<br><a href="">c54b948</a> - Fix robit's repair screen rendering of the text box and error<br><a href="">269a597</a> - Fix how we set initial focus so that the objects can be properly unfocused (<a href="">#8006</a>), and switch to using mojang's system for handling which element is currently focused<br><a href="">b02dd97</a> - Allow JEI components to handle key presses and clicks (even though none of ours make use of that)<br><a href="">1a40a85</a> - Simplify JEI mouse click implementation<br><a href="">63a8bb5</a> - Use mojang's getRight and getBottom helpers in places<br><a href="">cc6445d</a> - Bump deps and bump min Neo version to 20.4.184 (<a href="">#7954</a>)<br><a href="">becf60a</a> - Make use of getExistingData for attachments<br><a href="">c9e6829</a> - Add support for localizing mod description and display name in mod list<br><a href="">5c37f92</a> - Do our best effort to not allow placing fluidlogged blocks with fluid in dimensions the fluid can't be placed (<a href="">#8007</a>)<br><a href="">53eb881</a> - Fix redstone control type not adjusting what the activation mode accepts on fission logic adapters. Removed disabled mode from being supported by the adapter, as the corresponding is to just not set it to activation mode<br><a href="">f385fc3</a> - Support persisting logic adapter settings and copying them with a configuration card<br><a href="">812e145</a> - Fix not properly tracking lazily added resolvers for invalidation<br><a href="">c8412f5</a> - Add support for muffling upgrades to Resistive Heaters (<br><a href="">1af0eb9</a> - List what mob type a spawner is for and what a decorated pot is decorated with when viewing cardboard box tooltips (<br><a href="">246efdb</a> - Fix spelling of Whooshes (, and commit missed files from previous commit<br><a href="">2a15e50</a> - Allow configuring MekaSuit UI Jitter via helmet options (, and allow adjusting it and opacity via arrow keys<br><a href="">fe1c679</a> - Add support for inverting the QIO Redstone Adapter's output signal (<br><a href="">47aeca7</a> - Force reading to recognize that our lang file is UTF-8 by making the first value be a UTF-8 character<br><a href="">e9ea15f</a> - Adjust how qio trigger lang entry is combined with comparator lang entry<br><a href="">677d5af</a> - Fix positive min build heights (<br><a href="">ea2154f</a> - Write Jekyll computer data with support for UTF-8 encoding<br><a href="">be6dd6d</a> - Fix Gravitational Modulating Unit not persisting flight when disconnecting and reconnecting (<a href="">#7985</a>)<br><a href="">a3e0e1d</a> - Sync the offhand item in item containers in case some of the state is dependent on the item (<a href="">#7923</a>)<br><a href="">0ef8269</a> - Ensure max stack size is respected when a transporter with items in it is destroyed (<a href="">#7982</a>)<br><a href="">a6edd88</a> - Don't bother saving the last color to items when breaking a QIO components as it is just used for seeing if the BE should sync to client<br><a href="">37b85b0</a> - Merge colored name handling fully into ItemBlockMekanism rather than having a second variant just for IColoredBlock<br><a href="">65ba14c</a> - Allow blocks to stack when they have matching data, and add a single item recipe to clear any configuration data (side configs, sorting, etc. It does not clear things like items or security)<br><a href="">69787db</a> - Fix non-creative energy cubes rendering incorrectly in hand after placing in creative<br><a href="">d603edc</a> - Make it so that energy tablets can stack (<br><a href="">855554a</a> - Increase speed of the modification station, allow installing and removing up to a stack of modules at a time (<br><a href="">b525020</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#8005</a>)<br><a href="">5392c69</a> - Bump version to 10.5.1



支持游戏: 1.20.4




下载次数: 51



<a href="">f6a6ba9</a> - fix: prevent client crash with radiationParticleCount set to 0<br><a href="">1ac9561</a> - make a local var for random source<br><a href="">6bd7123</a> - adjust funding yaml<br><a href="">4b2537b</a> - Fix stairs and slabs recipes in mekanism:sawing (<a href="">#7936</a>)<br><a href="">b029d0f</a> - add warning tooltip to turbine dump button<br><a href="">12892f6</a> - Refactor salt disk feature to call vanilla placement method (<a href="">#7968</a>)<br><a href="">152f8de</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7927</a>)<br><a href="">c65a64b</a> - Bump version to 10.4.6



支持游戏: 1.20.1





下载次数: 17,532



<a href="">e01e5df</a> - remove the broken gui cache<br><a href="">f04adf7</a> - fix wrong itemstack constructor in computer helper<br><a href="">0be5c15</a> - remove unused record class<br><a href="">b7f1829</a> - increase mod version<br><a href="">8224c0b</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7922</a>)<br> <br> [ci skip]<br><a href="">e145b90</a> - Extend Paxels from AxeItem to allow Axe enchantments (<a href="">#7903</a>)<br><a href="">22123d9</a> - tweak some paxel code<br><a href="">a03e410</a> - projectE deprecation<br><a href="">296c1de</a> - [no-cl] make gradle output the CF file urls after upload



支持游戏: 1.20.1





下载次数: 16,191



<a href="">c380ea5</a> - [no-cl] fix CF/MR changelogs<br><a href="">d64eb59</a> - Remove Upgrade stack limits and add to tooltip instead<br><a href="">ab3a567</a> - [no-cl] run datagen<br><a href="">3962655</a> - Fix matrix stats heading using the wrong lang key<br><a href="">817a645</a> - Allow teleporter frames & steel blocks to be wrench dismantled<br><a href="">5dde47f</a> - render item decorations in side config gui<br><a href="">d3c2080</a> - simplify the side/transporter config tooltips<br><a href="">7888bb8</a> - Upgrade gradle to 8.4 and use JetBrainsRuntime as our toolchain specification so that we can take advantage of DCEVM<br><a href="">ad8e146</a> - fix personal storage inventory crafting with contents on servers<br><a href="">609b030</a> - add a faster blitNineSlicedSized copy which uses a single buffer and caching to significantly improve Mekanism GUIs<br><a href="">06e4304</a> - Don't add the inventory id to the stack on the client side for recipe output as it will be a different id than actually gets added from the server<br><a href="">6531aec</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7876</a>)<br> <br> [ci skip]<br><a href="">022e458</a> - update projecte to 1.20 api<br><a href="">faac6da</a> - re-add projecte datagen and run datagen<br><a href="">33b6795</a> - bump mod version<br><a href="">631cb34</a> - fix GuiUtils crash and increase mod version



支持游戏: 1.20.1





下载次数: 293



<a href="">c380ea5</a> - [no-cl] fix CF/MR changelogs<br><a href="">d64eb59</a> - Remove Upgrade stack limits and add to tooltip instead<br><a href="">ab3a567</a> - [no-cl] run datagen<br><a href="">3962655</a> - Fix matrix stats heading using the wrong lang key<br><a href="">817a645</a> - Allow teleporter frames & steel blocks to be wrench dismantled<br><a href="">5dde47f</a> - render item decorations in side config gui<br><a href="">d3c2080</a> - simplify the side/transporter config tooltips<br><a href="">7888bb8</a> - Upgrade gradle to 8.4 and use JetBrainsRuntime as our toolchain specification so that we can take advantage of DCEVM<br><a href="">ad8e146</a> - fix personal storage inventory crafting with contents on servers<br><a href="">609b030</a> - add a faster blitNineSlicedSized copy which uses a single buffer and caching to significantly improve Mekanism GUIs<br><a href="">06e4304</a> - Don't add the inventory id to the stack on the client side for recipe output as it will be a different id than actually gets added from the server<br><a href="">6531aec</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7876</a>)<br> <br> [ci skip]<br><a href="">022e458</a> - update projecte to 1.20 api<br><a href="">faac6da</a> - re-add projecte datagen and run datagen<br><a href="">33b6795</a> - bump mod version



支持游戏: 1.20.1





下载次数: 38



No Tools specific changes



支持游戏: 1.20.1





下载次数: 4,051



<a href="">96ade9e</a> - Update example maven version in readme to a 1.20 build<br><a href="">be15dbc</a> - slime ball from clay + biomass<br><a href="">fa92141</a> - slime ball from clay + biomass<br><a href="">c369fb7</a> - remove redundant, more expensive crafting recipe<br><a href="">ea6fff0</a> - Improve electric pump GUI fluid display<br><a href="">244b531</a> - Move slime recipes out of the mossy subdirectory<br><a href="">2fcaa0b</a> - fix filled personal storage crashing in recipe upgrade data<br><a href="">5642733</a> - [no-cl] enable proper changelog calculation<br><a href="">96ae891</a> - bump version to 10.4.1



支持游戏: 1.20.1





下载次数: 1,042



<a href="">e0cb325</a> - Initial port to 1.20.1 and remove material filters as materials no longer really exist. This means filters will not be able to read from save<br><a href="">9ca6bbb</a> - Sort our Creative Tabs properly and give each sub mod its own creative tab<br><a href="">7ed7523</a> - Fix element focusing not proxying to child elements causing things like the QIO frequency select text box to not work<br><a href="">dcf8209</a> - Improve some hovered checks to take into account of a window is blocking the mouse<br><a href="">7987628</a> - Remove some of the hacks relating to pose stacks we did to get things rendering previously and make gui element rendering more consistent by using relative positions in more spots<br><a href="">f42b01a</a> - Fix focus not being set properly for text elements in gui windows<br><a href="">21e27da</a> - Address some TODOs and fix resizing window not persisting gui element data<br><a href="">4e366f4</a> - Convert our radiation overlay rendering to an actual gui overlay<br><a href="">a1198b4</a> - Fix mode change overlay going away too quickly and slightly modernize the impl and add support for the text background accessibility option<br><a href="">e73680f</a> - Replace various uses of SizeUtils#size with ItemStack#copyWithCount<br><a href="">a74b258</a> - Mark radiation as bypassing armor and adjust our datagen tag builder to better support datagen registries. Also move our hazmat armor tag up one level<br><a href="">7fa2366</a> - Fix crash from accidentally attempting to lookup a texture for null<br><a href="">34c6a14</a> - Allow for our gui_text color atlas to change button text color<br><a href="">5876a54</a> - Fix allJar building by adding support for merging atlases<br><a href="">253f889</a> - Update deps and switch off of using a custom forge build<br><a href="">f295c15</a> - Fix item decorator rendering for amount of chemical stored in the mekasuit<br><a href="">95bd553</a> - Fix using the wrong Explosion BlockInteraction in a couple places due to mojang changing what the value we used to use means<br><a href="">209f442</a> - Remove unnecessary unicode escapes<br><a href="">adb0777</a> - Cleanup CrT stack creation<br><a href="">023dfbe</a> - Don't try to clear cache for configs with invalidation listeners if we are unloading<br><a href="">fed694b</a> - Minor restructuring of datagen registration to remove capturing lambdas<br><a href="">38fa1b6</a> - Update forge and add loot table names back to our datagen<br><a href="">46894eb</a> - Explicit typing of numbers in shaders as some GL implementations are picky in regards to implicit casting <a href="">#7756</a><br><a href="">de28e37</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7802</a>)<br><a href="">1cee4ad</a> - Fix damage type lang keys<br><a href="">48d316d</a> - Make laser damage apply exhaustion again<br><a href="">36e984f</a> - Implement a couple newer methods in our JEI chemical helpers and make gui elements use optionals instead of nulls for easier chaining with JEI methods<br><a href="">0216c22</a> - Update deps and make use of a few changes exposed in forge and account for changes made in APIs of some deps that have now updated to 1.20<br><a href="">b562d65</a> - Remove FluidRenderMap as FluidStacks ignore amount in hashCode and equals<br><a href="">1ca4df0</a> - Perform an initial data sync when new trackers are added to the container so that if they are at the default cached value they actually get sync'd <a href="">#7809</a><br><a href="">bf68f47</a> - Simplify damage type advancement deserialization and fix having broken syncing of first element in previous commit<br><a href="">53fdc37</a> - Remove unnecessary curios register type as it is already added natively by curios<br><a href="">fde43d6</a> - Remove DistExecutor and just use direct dist checks<br><a href="">f196444</a> - Fix CraftTweaker add recipe actions<br><a href="">a81fd23</a> - Fix WTHIT integration<br><a href="">edf105b</a> - Cleanup getting the registry name of elements in a few cases when wrapping in CC<br><a href="">2f4daf0</a> - Move shield textures to shield atlas<br><a href="">b85c75a</a> - Don't add bounding blocks to the creative tab<br><a href="">eebc273</a> - Fix creative tab search box textures, lapis lazuli shield texture, and make the creative tabs properly respect our gui_text for the title<br><a href="">5e1104e</a> - Remove some unused assets, so they don't get stitched to an atlas and remove some unneeded entries from the atlas files<br><a href="">6d40bb5</a> - Better match changes to damage types and make the inhalation purification unit/scuba mask not prevent thorns or sonic boom damage<br><a href="">578aef6</a> - Rework mekanism tools gear on mob spawn configs and functionality to more closely match vanilla behavior. This should be a noticeable decrease in quantity of mekanism armor spawned on mobs<br><a href="">04d67f7</a> - Add items to the appropriate and logical vanilla creative tabs as well<br><a href="">653261c</a> - Account for data pack changes in 1.19.3 and 1.19.4<br><a href="">01e394b</a> - Replace color overlay render logic with using GuiGraphics.fill and the guiOverlay render type<br><a href="">b4bc5a8</a> - Replace GuiUtils#drawSprite with the corresponding GuiGraphics method<br><a href="">4cc1570</a> - Optimize imports to remove any unused imports that cropped up during the initial port<br><a href="">7327726</a> - Fix some parts of our JEI overlays being rendered in the wrong position<br><a href="">3c0b01c</a> - Fix some of our hover overlay draws not rendering as overlays<br><a href="">dc7a212</a> - Convert more direct RenderSystem calls to GuiGraphics calls where appropriate<br><a href="">105f1b6</a> - Add radial menu for blasting unit (<a href="">#7812</a>)<br><a href="">02ac97e</a> - Updated GUI Icons<br><a href="">0608d72</a> - Fix blasting unit radial menu not being properly colored<br><a href="">6f22ba2</a> - Revised Heat Icon<br><a href="">eb3db2e</a> - Bump min forge version to 47.0.45 to remove the need for manually specifying as much information for the creative tab sort ordering<br><a href="">0e61e83</a> - Add our own tag that inherits the is_overworld biome tag to make it easier for pack devs to configure which biomes our ores can spawn in without having to abuse the overworld tag or change all our ore features<br><a href="">f6cbda3</a> - Remove plastic from building blocks creative tab as vanilla does not duplicate blocks from colored to building<br><a href="">4eb4c15</a> - Cache the placed features that are used in retrogen<br><a href="">665549b</a> - Factory Model & Texture Overhaul<br> <br> WIP: Active textures not complete.<br><a href="">1f3d158</a> - Updated Factory Models<br> <br> Fixed missing textures and altered the port texture placement. Also removed BBModel files.<br><a href="">99022d7</a> - Updated Crushing Factory<br> <br> Fixed missing resource location.<br><a href="">e536fac</a> - Update crowdin.yml<br> <br> add ry_ua mapping<br><a href="">19e8e92</a> - Add compat recipes, tags, and similar for vanilla 1.20 features<br><a href="">4f63228</a> - Ensure entity is not null before checking item overrides for the HDPE elytra <a href="">#7815</a><br><a href="">84b118f</a> - Fix some blocks not being properly fluid loggable and update model syntax to properly mark things as emissive with the change in formatting forge did<br><a href="">d5d4069</a> - Switch to using forge's item layer model loader for purposes of tinting the portable qio dashboard's led<br><a href="">da84b73</a> - Set block shapes for factories<br><a href="">36318ea</a> - Update digital_miner_screen_cmd.png<br><a href="">ae5499b</a> - Updated Crushing Factory<br><a href="">f138290</a> - Update crushing factory block shape<br><a href="">055f21a</a> - Rework factory models to make leds be lit and deduplicate some data between tiers<br><a href="">06b104d</a> - Fix minor z-fighting for the infusing factory ports<br><a href="">4070f22</a> - Update crowdin.yml<br> <br> add serbian (latin) mapping<br><a href="">0cd01d2</a> - Create gradle-publish.yml<br><a href="">27d97f1</a> - Remove unused factory textures so that they don't get stitched to the atlas<br><a href="">90a068a</a> - Re-enable configuration for changing mekasuit damage absorb ratios<br><a href="">c6a1605</a> - Remove some unneeded render calls and fix a few bugs in rendering guis:<br> - Unsupported upgrades not showing as faded in the upgrade window<br> - GuiGraphs not checking mouse hover position properly<br><a href="">b8e966f</a> - Make GuiGraphs sync their history when the screen size changes<br><a href="">f616625</a> - Apply color of radial selector directly to the buffer instead of setting it via the render system<br><a href="">8a0cf61</a> - Updated Factory Faces<br><a href="">6ce2263</a> - Allow farming unit to target blocks under things like tall grass again<br><a href="">1d5a75c</a> - Minor cleanup to transmitter placement logic and list other types of chemicals in pressurized tube tooltip<br><a href="">090464f</a> - Fix gui window blur rendering not rendering over items<br><a href="">5d77f5b</a> - Remove no longer needed z shift<br><a href="">4f2dd46</a> - Remove static imports in BlockShapes<br><a href="">eb1e20a</a> - update build github action<br><a href="">b0f9c22</a> - update build github action<br><a href="">d916f24</a> - update gradle actions task and add outputChangelog task<br><a href="">2708480</a> - Fix scrollable elements not behaving properly when windows are moved or the game is resized<br><a href="">cf04743</a> - Replace drawing of various objects with vanilla's blitNineSliced logic from GuiGraphics<br><a href="">68c05e6</a> - Remove various no longer necessary clear color calls<br><a href="">e4bf927</a> - Protect against potential null pointers by setting the fake player's server level to the overworld when not in use<br><a href="">e99a0ea</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 47.1.1 to make use of blitNineSliced overloads<br><a href="">d3227de</a> - Fix docs on a few FloatingLong methods being backwards in the description (in the return clause they were fine)<br><a href="">b7e1b33</a> - Only expose certain tool actions if the tool has enough power to perform said action<br><a href="">669802d</a> - Point codeql at the 1.20 branch<br><a href="">fce28a4</a> - Adjust active particle effect for factories<br><a href="">e8826e8</a> - add changelog to artifacts upload<br><a href="">77934d3</a> - Bump min CrT version to ensure we can properly process damage done with it and also re-enable farmer's delight in datagen. Also adjusted a few sawing recipes<br><a href="">eb4af5f</a> - Address some codeql inspections/warnings<br><a href="">ea4cfff</a> - Make the nucleosynthesizing recipe cache lookup monitor have less unnecessary copies and override super methods directly<br><a href="">35a3584</a> - Cache list of supported energy capabilities to avoid querying if various conversions are enabled each time we get the enabled energy caps<br><a href="">597ecc3</a> - Directly use mojang's model baker impl instead of having a slightly modified copy of it<br><a href="">da7e376</a> - Improve map colors for some of our blocks<br><a href="">1c49e46</a> - Re-enable assembling compat with RecipeStages<br><a href="">fa05d67</a> - add verify option to grab runs that are visible in current log<br><a href="">d835b9b</a> - add github release on build<br><a href="">b759b44</a> - adjust tag name to match the filename version<br><a href="">8de6fac</a> - pull in github action<br><a href="">93145a2</a> - move props action above setup java as workaround, fix paths<br><a href="">be9e86b</a> - relative paths everywhere<br><a href="">d7b96f4</a> - fix gradle props step references<br><a href="">3040ccc</a> - switch to run_number and add missing env to build step<br><a href="">7fcdd51</a> - set tag to current commit not default branch<br><a href="">3f31b54</a> - re-enable publishing step<br><a href="">1e1c4ec</a> - Ensure entity is not null before checking item overrides for the HDPE elytra <a href="">#7815</a><br><a href="">cefeaae</a> - Fix null pointer introduced by (<a href="">#7819</a>)<br><a href="">27b0084</a> - Make our status overlay rendering respect left and right height of gui overlays<br><a href="">8778b05</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7807</a>)<br> <br> [ci skip]<br><a href="">9527f9e</a> - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.19.x' into release/1.19.x<br><a href="">b109b72</a> - explicitly set token to env variable<br><a href="">71e9690</a> - fix maven upload<br><a href="">652bf1a</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7808</a>)<br> <br> [ci skip]<br><a href="">0a38880</a> - Rework how multiblocks persist their inventory to behave more consistently. This is a breaking change in how things are saved and means any old multiblock contents will be lost/voided when upgrading to this. Additionally, this fixes hohlraum disappearing when the fusion reactor controller is broken and replaced <a href="">#7594</a><br><a href="">e441aac</a> - Breaking change, ensure mekanism's modid is prepended to our world save datas to ensure uniqueness. To transfer old frequency data, radiation, or qio data you will need to rename the data files to have "mekanism_" in front of them<br><a href="">79f4390</a> - Don't bother reading or writing substance types to the MultiblockCache when it has zero containers of that type<br><a href="">19a30fb</a> - Rename some helper unchecked cast methods from getThis to self<br><a href="">279ab00</a> - Add support for creating chemicals via JsonThings (<br><a href="">cea7e49</a> - Fix a few positioning errors with gui windows<br><a href="">8554cc4</a> - Rewrite how custom robit skins are registered and make them a datapack registry so that they can be registered via datapacks rather than requiring a mod or CraftTweaker<br><a href="">04268b5</a> - Make some breaking changes to how various things in the API are accessed in order to take advantage of service loaders<br><a href="">8153527</a> - Update gradle to 8.2.1 and switch from using ForgeGradle and Forge to using NeoGradle and NeoForge<br><a href="">0fda5b4</a> - Use clearer constant names for left and right click handling<br><a href="">2ac7b48</a> - minor unchecked cast fix<br><a href="">5583b59</a> - Rename chemical builder method for tinting from color to tint, and allow JsonThings integration to support more syntax for representing colors<br><a href="">f491002</a> - Fix querying the block reach of players in creative<br><a href="">d6420cb</a> - Exit early in places when there are no slots in a handler and remove redundant ItemHandler#isItemValid checks<br><a href="">c6c833f</a> - Added fill/empty GUI icons<br><a href="">ae5d84a</a> - Split Formulaic Assemblicator Fill/Empty Grid button into strictly specifying whether it is fill or empty based on which one it would do<br><a href="">bef5a38</a> - Don't allow logic adapters to power neighboring adapters <a href="">#7641</a> and don't output a signal out the back of redstone adapters<br><a href="">7e83fce</a> - Fix redstone adapter model not being lit and fix easter egg screens for digital miner<br><a href="">c5aa075</a> - Don't allow enchanting electric bows with flame <a href="">#7832</a> and return that it is flame enchanted without actually making it enchanted<br><a href="">9fdb089</a> - Extract corner coloring of energy cube models to their own textures<br><a href="">6fc8754</a> - Make in code rendering of tiers use their own color map (<br><a href="">0071ff4</a> - Implement some epsilon related checks for heat so that fusion reactors don't occasionally just get marked as dirty all the time when inactive<br><a href="">8b207ba</a> - List both Forge and NeoForge for now via CurseForgeGradle and Minotaur<br><a href="">a60cbbf</a> - Fix slots being highlighted after clicking<br><a href="">2a262b1</a> - Fix QIO Crafting Window not matching special recipes <a href="">#7780</a><br><a href="">7b52898</a> - fix all jar to do its merging at execution time instead of configuration time, make clean task clean everything but fg_cache<br><a href="">77f3060</a> - Deduplicate a little bit of bin extract recipe code and fix various voiding related bugs in the BinInsertRecipe (parts of <a href="">#7646</a>). Temporarily disable stacked input handling for bin insertions<br><a href="">4c4b760</a> - Updated dust item textures<br><a href="">37d1b27</a> - Updated alloy item textures<br><a href="">16cc31d</a> - Updated control circuit item textures<br><a href="">714a949</a> - Updated enriched item textures<br><a href="">f9d6609</a> - Updated ingot and nugget item textures<br><a href="">e2a763a</a> - Updated tier installer item textures<br><a href="">0e52f63</a> - Updated all of the other item textures...<br> <br> Lots of these are still WIP so expect additional changes in the future.<br><a href="">390694c</a> - Increased brightness of infuse type base texture<br><a href="">648009b</a> - Updated cardboard box block model and textures<br><a href="">72c0cf0</a> - Fix HDPE elytra rendering in JEI using the broken variant<br><a href="">a3d8137</a> - Fix chemicals rendering without blend in JEI's ingredient list<br><a href="">61782bd</a> - Added the missing cardboard box side texture<br><a href="">006dc5d</a> - Fix cardboard boxes never using the empty state when placed<br><a href="">9170bd7</a> - Added lit redstone torch texture<br><a href="">c96fd7f</a> - Updated dosimeter HUD icon texture<br><a href="">19a9100</a> - Revised the infused alloy item texture<br><a href="">4dc87eb</a> - Revised lit redstone torch texture<br><a href="">fcfa710</a> - Remove the need for in code model variant for the QIO redstone adapter and fix shading and brightness on it<br><a href="">92379bc</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7822</a>)<br><a href="">2680a3a</a> - Create a helper quad transformation for adjusting ambient occlusion and shading of quads<br><a href="">b1286ef</a> - Updated energy cube core texture<br><a href="">d3694cf</a> - Updated radioactive waste barrel textures and simplified the model<br><a href="">d7fc135</a> - Remove builtin energy and fluid rendering in WTHIT for Mekanism blocks as we handle it ourselves <a href="">#7837</a><br><a href="">a961bcb</a> - Persist misc data when baking and unbaking quads, pass the default state into rendering ISTERs, and remove unneeded manual end batch call for rendering balloons<br><a href="">dc3f155</a> - Updated fluid tank model and textures<br><a href="">9f13598</a> - Updated chemical tank textures<br><a href="">7982f01</a> - Remove HashedFluid as it does not serve any specific use anymore<br><a href="">8b3d265</a> - Update deps<br><a href="">6821999</a> - Fix transmitters not saving their shares properly when a chunk enters an in between state <a href="">#7741</a><br><a href="">418bd9b</a> - Fix some gaps in the fluid tank model<br><a href="">f41135d</a> - remove au/gb english files from Crowdin<br><a href="">31314be</a> - add datagen for australian/british english<br><a href="">2c4e968</a> - Generate computer methods at compile time with an annotation processor (<a href="">#7829</a>)<br><a href="">5cc8b14</a> - Slightly cleanup the au and gb language provider and ensure it is consistent regardless of who runs it<br><a href="">1e7da90</a> - Updated bin textures<br><a href="">d724110</a> - Updated chemical tank textures<br><a href="">086d31d</a> - Updated chargepad model and textures<br><a href="">a8500cd</a> - Updated energy cube textures<br><a href="">7a11489</a> - Updated transmitters (WIP)<br> <br> Things are now more consistent as far as pixel density goes. Still need to make the more identifiable when in a straight line.<br><a href="">e063b30</a> - Updated ore dict...'thing' textures<br><a href="">6d5b782</a> - Model additions and changes<br><a href="">fc941c5</a> - Move CTM assets and update textures of various blocks<br> <br> Includes new textures<br><a href="">ea4ee6d</a> - Updated various block textures<br><a href="">edd3e2a</a> - Removed alt textures<br><a href="">7e8affc</a> - Updated item textures!<br> <br> Some of these are still a heavy WIP!<br><a href="">8e08f02</a> - Model updates<br><a href="">2445aac</a> - Remove unneeded override and fix what executor the robit sprite provider uses<br><a href="">77e356a</a> - Fix formatting of some model jsons that got modified and revert changes to fluid tank base back to the fixed versions<br><a href="">23e4743</a> - Update chargepad shape<br><a href="">87168d8</a> - Update bin contents rendering to fit properly on the new model<br><a href="">e899764</a> - Update thermal_evaporation_block.json<br><a href="">2080ff9</a> - Make carbon's tint darker, so it is a bit easier to see in GUIs<br><a href="">5e53089</a> - unbreak the Cache writing<br> <br> (cherry picked from commit 2871071c0117ffe8a92514b9592fe7ebfd4845ce)<br><a href="">694f79f</a> - update caches<br> <br> (cherry picked from commit cd140171011e21edaaaa079d0c526f99d79c09ac)<br><a href="">5e0266d</a> - prevent the fake provider from writing, which only changes the timestamp<br><a href="">2d80b09</a> - AT ProviderCache so it's a little easier to understand PersistingDisabledProvidersProvider<br><a href="">694500f</a> - enable DCEVM capabilities if a JBR environment is detected<br><a href="">ec852b6</a> - Move Personal Storage Item Inventory to World Saved Data (<a href="">#7867</a>)<br> <br> - Instead of being on the itemstack, the inv is stored in world saved data, one file per owner uuid
<br> - Stack only has the Security/owner info and an inv UUID
<br> - Refactors `ISustainedInventory` a little to avoid accidental misuse and slightly redundant varargs
<br> - Removed some no longer needed fallbacks from loot generation
<br> - Added ability for Inventory Attribute to specify a custom loot generation
<br> - Old saved item inventories will be converted when they're opened or placed
<br> - Item GUIs will now ensure that the hand that opened it still contains the item (<a href="">#7855</a> though the dupe is resolved by the move to saved data)<br><a href="">53d62f2</a> - Pick alt variant of electrolytic core and remove some unused textures<br><a href="">aec9b46</a> - Updated and fixed Digital Miner model and textures<br><a href="">e2c5e3d</a> - Computer methods help (<a href="">#7857</a>)<br> <br> add help methods and documentation to computer methods<br><a href="">c4e0fef</a> - Update deps and integrate properly with ilikewood for 1.20<br><a href="">85fe52b</a> - update yamlops<br><a href="">89b23f6</a> - add parameters compiler option and re-run datagen<br><a href="">41ff9e0</a> - Remove redundant zero angle transforms and slightly adjust digital miner model and block shape<br><a href="">ac5cace</a> - add parchment repo so that mappings can download when not mirrored<br><a href="">d4f8468</a> - replace PacketFlyingSync with vanilla onUpdateAbilities<br><a href="">aadef0a</a> - gray->grey in non american english<br><a href="">32a0d7c</a> - minor grammar fixes<br><a href="">59bbb36</a> - couple more americanisms<br><a href="">ebab104</a> - run datagen<br><a href="">a365ae0</a> - fix accidental removal of boolean inversion (<a href="">#7858</a>)<br><a href="">18f53e1</a> - Create base_bottom.png<br> <br> For the chargepad, me thinks!<br><a href="">337093e</a> - COLORS!<br><a href="">569f242</a> - COLORS! Again.<br><a href="">6894f2b</a> - Update default coloring in BaseTier to accurately match the new colors for the tiers and use that color for the text as well<br><a href="">d83cdc9</a> - Update name of tiered blocks in block form to have the name be colored as well<br><a href="">99aee03</a> - Add missing since declaration and update diversion transporter MapColor<br><a href="">0ecf620</a> - Fix a couple models having missing textures<br><a href="">4d83c47</a> - change slightly obscure Tractor Beam reference<br><a href="">e5fac01</a> - Fully -> Completely<br><a href="">0c62ba5</a> - tweak some Advancement names/descriptions<br><a href="">25cdf0e</a> - Rerun datagen<br><a href="">6bd1ace</a> - Remove improper apostrophe<br><a href="">5530acc</a> - Allow force extracting osmium from compressors <a href="">#7861</a><br><a href="">c618ab0</a> - Updated transmitter textures to have a closer pixel density to world blocks<br> <br> Includes opaque versions!<br><a href="">8ed6bb1</a> - Remove a couple unused textures and fix coloring for opaque transmitters<br><a href="">4acd100</a> - Fix not rendering diversion transporter overlay for opaque transmitters<br><a href="">f306a6e</a> - Don't limit mipmapping<br><a href="">bbb6bd3</a> - Finish moving ctm textures so that they only get stitched with a ctm mod is present<br><a href="">cf5f8cc</a> - Optimize textures<br><a href="">4fbb870</a> - Fix thermal evaporation controller active model<br><a href="">e35cfe7</a> - Revert raw lead item texture<br><a href="">35fd5b2</a> - Allow blocking sonic boom at a 75% reduction ratio <a href="">#7872</a><br><a href="">9b0de99</a> - Added basic tier transmitter icons for item overlay<br><a href="">777e610</a> - add preview of what block is on which side in the side config guis<br><a href="">36b1972</a> - Update energy tablet texture (thanks rid)<br><a href="">abd618c</a> - Make transmitter item models be cubes and add overlays to make it easier to tell small transmitters apart at a glance in GUIs<br><a href="">6fe0955</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7838</a>)<br><a href="">ddc977d</a> - Improve fusion reactor core rendering to not be at as extreme a speed<br><a href="">c0f9831</a> - force wrenches that don't return true in doesSneakBypassUse to still call a Mek block's onUse to enable dismantling<br><a href="">f5ea149</a> - Merge right click block events<br><a href="">cf263df</a> - add no-reequip overrides to mekasuit armor and allow energised items to reequip when the slot changes<br><a href="">3ec1b55</a> - make logistical sorter only click at most every 5 seconds with randomness up to 15 seconds<br><a href="">1901475</a> - reduce volume of sorter sound event<br><a href="">fc9287c</a> - obey sounds being disabled<br><a href="">a65271d</a> - Skip firing sound event for sorter if fully muffled<br><a href="">d181979</a> - Improve reequip animation check for missed overrides<br><a href="">5743202</a> - Lower teleporter's light level so the emissive quads look better<br><a href="">0851023</a> - Glass to silica glass in recipes<br><a href="">8dfe721</a> - fix side buttons to get subblock hit vector correct-ish. Tested with AE2<br><a href="">b7bdf11</a> - Move various messages to the status bar<br><a href="">c1770e5</a> - Allow radioactive substances in rotary condensentrators if a recipe is added (<br><a href="">7cdb613</a> - Enable mass bin insert recipe support when FastWorkbench is installed as it fixes an event not firing on shift clicking<br><a href="">0b728eb</a> - Updated teleporter and frame textures with new LED overlay<br><a href="">b92b6c2</a> - Remove unused textures<br><a href="">c12764f</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7874</a>)<br><a href="">3a80c61</a> - Bump version to 10.4.0



支持游戏: 1.20.1





下载次数: 2,499



<a href="">6c1b67f</a> - Update deps and re-enable jei tweaker integration<br><a href="">6e78312</a> - Add "raw_materials" to default config of allowed oredictionificator filters (<a href="">#7737</a>)<br><a href="">f46383f</a> - Adjust storage recipes to support targeted typing to avoid conflicts with other mods doing the same and allow for users to better pick the type of recipe they want<br><a href="">4fbf99f</a> - Improve how we declare repos for dependencies to make use of new FG features and gradle's exclusiveContent filtering<br><a href="">3ad2e3d</a> - Adjust to deprecated changes to Modrinth's Minotaur plugin<br><a href="">2b53b79</a> - Bump min forge version to 43.2.8 and rotate the QE's core using model transforms instead of using a custom model<br><a href="">dbb8087</a> - Add precision sawmill compat recipes for Farmer's Delight meat cutting recipes<br><a href="">3ff3a27</a> - Fire an event when a player attempts to teleport using the Meka-Tool's Teleportation Unit<br><a href="">62de8d5</a> - Make mB of Heavy Water per Water pumped configurable<br><a href="">d14a10c</a> - Fix not comparing selected output for oredictionificator filters<br><a href="">83cd145</a> - Add support for quick moving filters to the top or bottom of the list<br><a href="">b0b9bec</a> - Fix a hash collision between item and material filters causing some filter list changes to not be synced to client properly<br><a href="">0c64b6f</a> - Partially factor in old fog color into vision enhancement fog color and also better take into account the existing fog when calculating distance new fog distance. This means for most things (like lava, powdered snow, water, and darkness/blindness) it no longer completely negates the effect<br><a href="">4f677d0</a> - Improve lighting of items travelling in transporters to respect block light<br><a href="">10bebd5</a> - Slightly increase light levels of heaters and a few generators so that nearby ice melts <a href="">#7659</a><br><a href="">91ae6a2</a> - Improve click handling of gui elements:<br> - Unify right click handling by overriding how mouseClicked functions so that it passes the button used to onClick methods<br> - Made our buttons require always having a left click action and more consistently pass handling via it and hover handling rather than overriding the corresponding methods<br> - Allow for right-clicking: redstone control, laser amplifier, container edit mode, and security tabs to go to the previous option instead of having to cycle through via left-clicking a bunch<br> - Improve how we handle playing click and beep sounds and make enabling/disabling a filter use a beep<br> - Make use of GuiSlot's click handling in more places such as in filters to avoid having to have numerous overrides<br> - Use already calculated slot under mouse in places rather than iterating all slots (configurator slot hovering and dictionary shift clicking)<br> - Fix configurator slot hovering tooltip clipping improperly with gui windows<br><a href="">25f57f0</a> - Try to get the carried item directly from the screen's backing menu before falling back to getting it from the player's current menu<br><a href="">f92b48a</a> - Make hud keybinding persist hud render state through game restarts <a href="">#7765</a><br><a href="">2f242ba</a> - Fix not validating if a filter is enabled when adding to enabled filters while loading from NBT <a href="">#7769</a><br><a href="">a14d127</a> - Fix Digital Miner not properly collecting drops for things like double tall flowers <a href="">#7762</a>. This is done by special casing the vanilla blocks to only target the state that has drops (providing a more accurate to mine number in the GUI) and by listening to any new drops during breaking to ensure modded blocks also get properly handled. This has a side effect of also collecting chest contents when a chest is broken and collecting things like buttons that are on a block that was mined. Additionally, made the following small improvements:<br> - Improved insertion accuracy into the miner and other machines by first targeting slots with matching items instead of inserting into first empty<br> - Pass the fake player when calculating laser drops<br> - Collect indirect drops for the laser tractor beam as well, and also improve drop location of items that don't fit to better represent having been pulled<br><a href="">ce6841f</a> - Prevent rendering from RenderTickEvent if the local game mode is null to avoid a race condition caused by querying configs after configs have unloaded due to the world continuing to render until it is done shutting down<br><a href="">03ce834</a> - Fix Nutritional Paste saturation multiplying by consumed amount twice (<a href="">#7783</a>)<br><a href="">c2c05ac</a> - Add better support for DarkModeEverywhere 1.1.2+ by blacklisting some of our draw calls from it that cause things to render improperly<br><a href="">0bd0331</a> - Convert various maps and sets to being reference based implementations where appropriate<br><a href="">d737f10</a> - Allow storing radioactive substances and persisting them when radiation is disabled<br><a href="">e8c7e31</a> - Update deps including updating to gradle 8.1.1 and ForgeGradle 6, and switching from CurseGradle to CurseForgeGradle<br><a href="">ce75d7c</a> - Make interacting with chemical attributes slightly easier and add in better validation handling to ensure things that should have the attributes actually do<br><a href="">e74e598</a> - Cleanup some internals relating to our block attributes<br><a href="">6f55589</a> - Only speed up potion effects that can be cured with milk, and also add a mekanism:speed_up_blacklist mob effect tag blacklist to allow preventing specific effects from being sped up (<br><a href="">aab1965</a> - Fix a few issues in our GUIs relating to "oversized" stacks <a href="">#7795</a><br><a href="">c2bfbd4</a> - Fix Fusion Reactor Logic Adapter Insufficient Fuel Mode not working when the injection rate is zero or when D-T Fuel is being fed directly into the reactor (<a href="">#7793</a>)<br><a href="">993a26a</a> - Fix exposing the heat cap for conductors that are disabled with redstone (<a href="">#7777</a>). Also extend this fix to mechanical pipes, pressurized tubes, and universal cables even though they already just NO-OPd functionality<br><a href="">3fba9ac</a> - Improve readability of some upgrade result implementations<br><a href="">eedad76</a> - Fix configurator empty mode ignoring stack size (<a href="">#7798</a>) and also only allow emptying creative bins if the player is in creative<br><a href="">17117eb</a> - Prevent moving buffered transmitters due to dupe bugs when the network is not full<br><a href="">45e741b</a> - Ignore null tags for data packets as at some point vanilla started allowing the tag to be null there<br><a href="">07cbcab</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7735</a>)<br><a href="">e03758f</a> - Bump version to 10.3.9<br><a href="">46894eb</a> - Explicit typing of numbers in shaders as some GL implementations are picky in regards to implicit casting <a href="">#7756</a><br><a href="">de28e37</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7802</a>)<br><a href="">3f31b54</a> - re-enable publishing step<br><a href="">1e1c4ec</a> - Ensure entity is not null before checking item overrides for the HDPE elytra <a href="">#7815</a><br><a href="">cefeaae</a> - Fix null pointer introduced by (<a href="">#7819</a>)<br><a href="">8778b05</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7807</a>)<br> <br> [ci skip]<br><a href="">9527f9e</a> - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.19.x' into release/1.19.x<br><a href="">b109b72</a> - explicitly set token to env variable<br><a href="">71e9690</a> - fix maven upload



支持游戏: 1.19.2




下载次数: 36,416



<a href="">ca51923</a> - Fix digital miner crashing when trying to chunk load and mine in the chunk it is in<br><a href="">d7cba0f</a> - Fix evaporation plant on the client not showing content in the input tank due to not knowing the height of the plant<br><a href="">dc55547</a> - Update CodeQL to include a timeout (<a href="">#7720</a>)<br><a href="">8111f1c</a> - Fix the formulaic assemblicator's inventory flickering at times due to stock control organization causing more organizations to occur<br><a href="">1e8ddfe</a> - Fix mode key being off by default on all installed units instead of just off by default for the elytra unit<br><a href="">86cfdbf</a> - Fix being able to charge laser amplifiers and tractor beams in energy storage devices<br><a href="">2043134</a> - Fix fission computer setBurnRate method not giving clean error messages <a href="">#7725</a><br><a href="">1940cc8</a> - Fix our generic get name helper for unknown registry type objects, and expose some methods to computers for the seismic vibrator to get information about vibrated chunks<br><a href="">82fb896</a> - Wait until after the texture atlas has been fully stitched to clear our cached models<br><a href="">6742a67</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7724</a>)<br><a href="">ee5707f</a> - Bump version to 10.3.8



支持游戏: 1.19.2




下载次数: 6,993



<a href="">c1e0f2b</a> - Fix fission reactors with only one fuel assembly not accepting fissile fuel <a href="">#7718</a><br><a href="">e22c6e9</a> - New translations en_us.json (French) (<a href="">#7717</a>)<br><a href="">61320b9</a> - Bump version to 10.3.7



支持游戏: 1.19.2




下载次数: 92



<a href="">e27e3cf</a> - Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning (<a href="">#7678</a>)<br><a href="">6b4d4ec</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 43.1.61. Also perform a bit of minor cleanup to build files<br><a href="">a0d28ba</a> - Address various IntelliJ inspections<br><a href="">10a4825</a> - Minor javadoc formatting fixes and fix a couple missing units in the radiation manager javadocs<br><a href="">5405bdc</a> - Minor fixes relating to CodeQL's inspections<br><a href="">1f8e68e</a> - Rerun code formatter<br><a href="">4d04f81</a> - Fix being able to extract lava from heat generators, and bio-fuel from bio generators with pipes<br><a href="">e0a2df2</a> - Make plastic glow blocks emissive (causes them to look very slightly brighter)<br><a href="">20a3430</a> - Fix copy paste error causing AE2 decoration compat recipes to conflict <a href="">#7674</a><br><a href="">4a92a18</a> - Expose a few more primitive based util methods to FloatingLong and in place flooring/ceiling. Also reduce unnecessary object creation where possible in FloatingLong method implementation<br><a href="">50908e5</a> - Restructure the radiation command code a bit and add two subcommands one to add radiation to entities (addEntity) and one to partially reduce an entity's radiation level (reduce)<br><a href="">4036fae</a> - Enable left or right clicking the center dimensional stabilizer location to enable/disable all chunks at a target radius<br><a href="">1fa222c</a> - Properly hide builtin Jade energy bar for newer versions of Jade and improve checks related to showing tank contents for TOP<br><a href="">ec799d3</a> - Add support for disabling all types of filters and also clean up a bit of code related to interacting with the backing filter list (should provide some minor performance boosts in various cases)<br><a href="">1a89fb3</a> - Don't expose caps on various items if configs aren't loaded yet (pre-joining world) and use defaults for fillItemCategory config queries before the world is loaded <a href="">#7670</a>. Also switch creative energy cube default side config to setting nbt in the creative tab instead of changing on place, and improve how the logistical sorter calculates its initial facing to happen before actual placing instead of after<br><a href="">c9d8462</a> - Move EthyleneBurnTime config out of general mekanism config to generators config and split it into two configs ethyleneBurnTicks and ethyleneDensityMultiplier<br><a href="">c2ea3e4</a> - Fix a few different machines showing that they are using energy when they are not actively doing so <a href="">#7684</a>. Also fix electric pumps not using energy as often as they are meant to<br><a href="">25459b3</a> - Expose a way to iterate internal stacks of a QIO Frequency to the API to allow for slightly better performance in some use cases<br><a href="">f575c89</a> - Fix a few bugs when transferring items into or out of the QIO dashboard when multiple packets get sent before the response is received <a href="">#7647</a>. Also improves transferring performance slightly<br><a href="">d229017</a> - Reduce processing of changes to QIO items when no player is viewing a dashboard<br><a href="">dc8bc7c</a> - Update deps and add support for properly handling recipe stages' staged recipes in the QIO crafting windows. Also fix output of QIO crafting windows showing tooltip when a recipe is not accessible by a player<br><a href="">c2715d1</a> - Make the digital miner mine blocks in a chunk in reverse order so that it mines from top to bottom <a href="">#7657</a> (makes it better handle blocks like gravel and sand)<br><a href="">8dc9dfd</a> - Only apply the swim boost from the hydrostatic repulsor unit and use energy if the player is in any fluid. Also fix it providing a speed boost when there is no energy present<br><a href="">75a689f</a> - Improve performance of multiblock ejection calculations by caching the side pieces auto eject to<br><a href="">fb120bc</a> - Adjust a couple lang entries for clarity <a href="">#7691</a> <a href="">#7654</a><br><a href="">eeb17e7</a> - Fix edge case that could lead to forced retrogen causing crashes <a href="">#7699</a><br><a href="">fb9f7bc</a> - Improve performance of frequency component tick and performance of teleporter frame searching and teleportation validation. Also fix changing QIO drive array frequencies not properly supporting changing back to the original frequency<br><a href="">f011e5f</a> - Fix not transferring security mode or owner in recipes<br><a href="">ffe6eb2</a> - Update jei and switch to new maven for it<br><a href="">e799c70</a> - Fix validation predicate being overly strict for rotary condensentrator fluid slots <a href="">#7664</a><br><a href="">d2ffef3</a> - Update number of blades in a turbine if someone does unsupported things and removes or adds blades while the turbine is formed <a href="">#7650</a><br><a href="">c0c34e9</a> - Fix respawning setting entity radiation to an invalid value <a href="">#7680</a><br><a href="">110877f</a> - Increase the max number of digits that can be typed in the fission reactor rate to ensure there is always room to include two decimal places of precision <a href="">#7633</a><br><a href="">0b40f2d</a> - Create a tag to determine what items are capable of having the mekasuit hud display. Replace alignHUDLeft client config with a reverseHUD config that also makes the MekaSuit compass and module icons switch sides as well to prevent overlapping.<br><a href="">2a93818</a> - Add configs for most of the tank capacities' in various multiblocks<br><a href="">aef7757</a> - Allow enabling/disabling the elytra unit with the mode switch key<br> - Mode switch for elytra disabled by default (must be enabled in module tweaker)<br> - Does not support having the jetpack or grav unit support the mode switch key at the same time (though sneaking when flying with the elytra unit still works to exit flight without disabling the unit)<br><a href="">971f381</a> - Expose tank capacity for heat generator, bio generator, and gas-burning generator to the config. Also moved the bio generation config one level deeper, so it will need to be set again<br><a href="">5395775</a> - Address some CodeQL inspections<br><a href="">7db2626</a> - Fix various mek related things rendering through blindness and darkness effects<br><a href="">d5106ca</a> - Expose a simple insert only IItemHandler capability on logistical transporters<br> Note: If the side is manually set to none or push the capability will not be exposed<br><a href="">2966990</a> - Disable EU energy display at all times as we don't actually have IC2 integration setup because of it not being ported yet<br><a href="">4a6fc7d</a> - Allow bins and the digital miner to auto eject to colored transporters by using that transporter's color<br><a href="">980fa94</a> - Work around ZC not being able to handle expansion based casts in optionals causing some of our CrT example scripts to fail <a href="">#7714</a>. Also move our example scripts into a mekanism subfolder for better organization<br><a href="">d67d714</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7653</a>)<br><a href="">c8d9d80</a> - Bump version to 10.3.6



支持游戏: 1.19.2




下载次数: 57



<a href="">c613f1a</a> - Update to support CrT 1.19 <a href="">#7638</a>, add back the now removed registry name helpers to our exposed CrT objects, and slightly adjust the path of a few recipe managers. Also fix a couple example scripts using a broader type when showing the method signature<br><a href="">9a1c155</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 43.1.43<br><a href="">b39ee22</a> - Fix Atomic Disassembler and Meka-Tool not taking attack speed into account <a href="">#7643</a> and also expose their attack speeds to the config<br><a href="">99976ec</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7632</a>)<br><a href="">6093851</a> - Bump version to 10.3.5



支持游戏: 1.19.2




下载次数: 2,168



<a href="">9d03a8a</a> - Don't merge multiblock caches if there is only one found cache <a href="">#7601</a>. Also address long standing todo related to dropping items that failed to merge and fix a couple issues with reject calculation<br><a href="">061a1d2</a> - Make lasers (including tractor beams) ignite TNT based blocks rather than breaking them<br><a href="">7469aa8</a> - Improve performance of how we render cuboids in BERs for things like contents:<br> - Skip rendering faces that can't ever be visible by how the camera is positioned (still doesn't have any checks related to blocks in the world)<br> - When only rendering one face (or two parallel faces), short circuit the number of attempts it makes to draw things inbetween<br> - Only calculate view adjusted normals once<br> - Mark some faces of models that are never visible to not render (such as the bottom face or the three inner side faces of the bio generator)<br> - Make valve's only render to the fluid level instead of rendering all the way to the bottom regardless of fluid level<br> - Slightly improve bounds on fluid tank's content model so there are fewer gaps<br> - Improve bounds on mechanical pipe contents models and add a nicer model for partially filled vertical pipes<br><a href="">9ba1ebf</a> - Simplify the code behind transforming and properly lighting the Robit's skin select window<br><a href="">12a76f5</a> - Switch some uses of packing/unpacking color over to using mojang's FastColor.ARGB32 and switch some of our vertex color calls over to using ints rather than floats to reduce a couple minor extra calculations that were taking place<br><a href="">2c15aee</a> - Fix accidentally using the wrong color for the selection highlights in the last commit<br><a href="">670c8de</a> - Remove some unneeded entries from various model files<br><a href="">82c9af5</a> - Ensure stock control map is initialized from the start for the formulaic assemblicator so if another tile ticks and inserts before the assemblicator first ticks, then it will respect the slot restrictions <a href="">#7604</a><br><a href="">513a98a</a> - Improve a lot of our json based models:<br> - Remove redundant rotations<br> - Remove redundant models and reference vanilla types where appropriate<br> - Remove some faces that never can be displayed and mark others as being able to be culled when a side of the block is covered<br> - Switched most of our port rendering on machines to being layered and using cutout to reduce z-fighting/texture glitches and allow for all the ports to properly appear as fullbright quads<br> - Made the industrial alarm's inactive model complete and use the same model for the item variant rather than using an ISBER<br> - Slightly simplify a few voxel shapes<br><a href="">d3f903a</a> - Fix a few minor visual glitches from the previous commit related to cutout and seams on the ports, and also transfer a few missed ports<br><a href="">f5e8574</a> - Minor improvements to the drive array baked model and how uncullable faces are added<br><a href="">a8cd305</a> - Cull possible faces for fluidic plenisher and compact electrolytic separator model and 16xify it<br><a href="">4542220</a> - Fix copy paste errors causing a couple sides to cull under the wrong conditions<br><a href="">1bc70d4</a> - Converted Chemical Dissolution Chamber to new JSON format<br><a href="">c9cd7e5</a> - Added display settings for Chemical Dissolution Chamber model<br><a href="">9e94f10</a> - Converted Fluidic Plenisher model to new JSON format<br><a href="">1a373b4</a> - Changed CDC model particle texture<br><a href="">db386fb</a> - Converted Rotary Condensentrator to new JSON format<br><a href="">f43651a</a> - Converted Seismic Vibrator to new JSON format<br><a href="">c3290a6</a> - Removed unused textures from old models<br><a href="">1e95878</a> - Converted Solar Neutron Activator to new JSON format<br> <br> Also removed old texture asset<br><a href="">ac80b4c</a> - Minor Seismic Vibrator texture changes<br><a href="">5b9b756</a> - Converted Quantum Entangloporter to new JSON format<br><a href="">5d15290</a> - Minor Quantum Entangloporter texture update<br><a href="">8268adc</a> - Added Laser Texture<br><a href="">c6d07f3</a> - Convert Energy Cubes to using a custom baked model and model data for the sides rather than using a BER (this improves performance a fair bit). Also switched rendering the cube part of the energy cube item and the tank portion of the fluid tank item over to rendering the baked model around the dynamic part instead of having a duplicate code variant for them. Also made a minor memory improvement by only storing a new instance of a transformed baked quad if the transformation actually occurs<br><a href="">e371d4f</a> - Work on hooking up the CDC and SNA models that got converted to baked models and fix/improve some misc model related stuff<br><a href="">0e08423</a> - Simplify liquifier item model<br><a href="">72e2893</a> - Fix some z-fighting in the rotary condensentrator model due to 0 width uvs<br><a href="">87b47f6</a> - Hook up new seismic vibrator model<br><a href="">7740418</a> - Slightly simplify some model files<br><a href="">4de47dc</a> - Restructure how transmitter baked models cache their baked quads to drastically reduce the max memory usage<br><a href="">6d18f0f</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 43.1.24 and ensure ambient occlusion data is not lost when transforming quads<br><a href="">2101d4f</a> - Fix calculating uv shift transform the wrong way causing lit energy cube leds to display strangely, also disable shade on various leds to make them look more like bulbs<br><a href="">1f1a7fa</a> - WIP on optimizing QE model (removed unused faces, applied cull to various faces, and also apply emissivity to led ports<br><a href="">02ee558</a> - Hook up quantum entangloporter model and remove the large ports from the new model for the time being. Also removed the pipe from the new fluidic plenisher model for now (both of these may come back eventually)<br><a href="">c048515</a> - Fix unboxing of chests that were double chests not updating the state properly and becoming a single chest<br><a href="">e9f25fd</a> - Fix a handful of issues related to energy conversions:<br> - Fixed potential loss or creation or power at very small (sub 1 FE) values<br> - Changed conversion rate configs to only allow one number that then is used as an inverse for converting the other direction rather than allowing potentially conflicting numbers. Also clamped these values to being between 0.0001, 10,000 to ensure they can be converted both directions<br> - Fix a couple minor issues in FloatingLong regarding missing short circuits and not always properly modifying the source object when it sometimes should<br> - Exposed configured energy conversion rates to the API<br><a href="">269f353</a> - Make the chargepad's back not be taken into account for entity collision (it is still taken into account for projectiles though)<br><a href="">41cf84c</a> - Treat bubble columns as fluid in various checks <a href="">#7609</a><br><a href="">2ac427f</a> - Make QIO drive array show stored drives when in item form<br><a href="">d0ac6ce</a> - Exclude Meka-Tool and MekaSuit from pick action when possible if they have any modules installed<br><a href="">eca215e</a> - Fix cardboard boxes being able to dupe xp in some cases <a href="">#7600</a><br><a href="">3f0556c</a> - Switch to forge's relatively new auto register capability annotation to make it clearer when looking at classes in the API which ones are base types of capabilities<br><a href="">5ffaf15</a> - Allow right-clicking irradiated entities with a dosimeter to view their irradiation levels<br><a href="">544959c</a> - Fix dosimeter and geiger-counter units for the MekaSuit not properly updating for small values <a href="">#7629</a> and reduce network sync frequency for large values to only happen as needed<br><a href="">e5c2bef</a> - Replace usages of BufferedImage with NativeImage<br><a href="">b91f7bd</a> - Minor performance improvement in converting to and from argb to abgr color packing<br><a href="">5414902</a> - Don't display all advancements to chat to prevent spam and only do so for the "bigger" things<br><a href="">21a5eea</a> - Only trigger radiation damage advancements if the damage wasn't blocked, and add a couple more advancements related to damage/death. Also made it possible to earn death based advancements on hardcore using a totem of undying<br><a href="">e3d3597</a> - Update deps, and start using CC maven now that it is back up<br><a href="">10b0e23</a> - Shrink turbine and wind generator texture sizes<br><a href="">2ea0b90</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7599</a>)<br><a href="">9041b40</a> - Bump version to 10.3.4



支持游戏: 1.19.2




下载次数: 346



<a href="">514dbf2</a> - Update maven example version to point to the 1.19.2 version of Mekanism<br><a href="">84fb60b</a> - Update and re-enable AE2 in datagen now that it can launch properly in 1.19.2 and with other deps we load during datagen<br><a href="">9b29e96</a> - Fix broken UVs for part of MekaSuit helmet that got broken as part of V10.1<br><a href="">84553f2</a> - Improve performance when changing modes for module configs by only running the needed checks for the corresponding config items<br><a href="">cc97499</a> - Fix a few minor z-fighting issues with the MekaSuit and some modules, fix a couple mostly hidden faces being textured wrong causing coloring to slightly leak through, and fix a couple pieces not being replaced when they should be<br><a href="">2900461</a> - Make scroll wheel "quicker" when scrolling through large module config screens<br><a href="">cf49dc1</a> - Add a helper method to GuiUtils for rendering code that doesn't accept a pose stack with a given pose stack<br><a href="">82d1a6a</a> - Allow gui windows to consume/prevent scrolling on lower layers<br><a href="">554a39c</a> - Make use of shaders to add support for changing the color of the MekaSuit ( Other changes made to systems used:<br> - Add in handling to the color picker window to support selecting alpha values<br> - Add a preprocessor paste handler to text boxes to allow pasting RGB(A) values separate by commas and spaces into the color picker rather than just commas<br> - Fix scroll amount resetting when changing window size for module config and text scroll lists<br> - Misc cleanup of GuiModuleScreen to make implementation of the color picker config type easier<br><a href="">83463ad</a> - Fix jetpack mode slider in module tweaker going slightly past the bounds of the screen<br><a href="">b9e3ebd</a> - Make it so free runners and armored free runners have another mode ("Safety") that protects against fall damage but does not provide a step boost (any free runners currently set to disabled will load as Safety)<br><a href="">be49d7d</a> - Fix BasePacketHandler#sendToAll having issues in LAN <a href="">#7577</a><br><a href="">4caefd9</a> - Update deps<br><a href="">45ff365</a> - Improved a bunch of misc things related to rendering:<br> - Created a system to better allow for batching custom render types in Block Entity Renders so that the SPS, industrial alarm (<a href="">#7575</a>), and energy cube core<br> - Update a couple custom render types to be closer to their vanilla counter parts<br> - Fix some minor z-fighting in the atomic disassembler's model and the industrial alarm's model<br> - Made the jetpack's wing blades (glass) use blur<br> - Improved how the Quantum Entangloporter model renders the overlay<br> - Fix the industrial alarm rendering the aura when inactive (<a href="">#7575</a>)<br><a href="">e3a7dd2</a> - Fix industrial alarm not activating when placed next to an active redstone signal<br><a href="">8e37a32</a> - Make the laser focus matrix require a pickaxe to break and make it, structural glass, and reactor glass all use the glass break sound<br><a href="">de5b01c</a> - Added ItemDecorator for Mekasuit helmet / bodyarmor to display stored fluid/chemicals (<a href="">#7584</a>)<br> <br> Bumped min forge version to 43.0.22
<br> Co-authored-by: Sara Freimer <><br><a href="">3515542</a> - Update deps, re-enable projecte in datagen and adjust a couple of things to make use of newer forge features<br><a href="">8fb73c8</a> - Bump min forge version to 43.1.1 and change capability reference to non-deprecated variant<br><a href="">e189f92</a> - Fix multiblocks and other block entity renders sometimes not rendering properly when somewhat off the screen<br><a href="">a6482df</a> - Misc rendering improvements:<br> - Minor performance improvements by looking up cached models using computeIfAbsent rather than changing contains/get and put calls<br> - Made it easier to interact with Model3D and adjust values for them<br> - Fixed RenderData having different hashes based on position causing extra models to have to be cached when they are the same just positioned differently<br> - Cleaned up some duplicate code related to having TERs render models<br> - Improve how model data is handled for the QIO Redstone Adapter<br> - Allow Fluid Tank Item renderer to use the normal Fluid Tank's cached models<br> - Only mark QIO blocks as needing a model update if something about them changed<br> - Fix a minor amount of clipping when rendering teleporters in specific orientations<br> - Created a currently disabled system for rendering the fission control rod glow using baked models and custom model data rather than a TER to improve performance (currently disabled due to other rendering issues and transparency sorting)<br><a href="">102c86e</a> - Make lasers use a builtin particle render type and draw back face manually rather than disabling cull<br><a href="">a8c8a0e</a> - Fix fusion reactor not returning current production rate to computer integrations (<a href="">#7585</a>)<br><a href="">4b2a7e4</a> - Fix portable qio dashboard not updating color if frequency color was changed in another spot. Also make it so that other qio components display the color corresponding with their selected frequency when in item form<br><a href="">e7a9d45</a> - Make Fusion reactor stats take last actual injection rate into account <a href="">#7591</a><br><a href="">743604d</a> - Ensure we clamp the miner's min and max height to the level on placement <a href="">#7589</a><br><a href="">fa5e242</a> - Fix not clearing all transmitter data properly when leaving a world <a href="">#7592</a><br><a href="">c4ac163</a> - Fix gas burning generator not de-activating properly when burning ethylene <a href="">#7579</a><br><a href="">aecd113</a> - Fix leds rendering as off on energy cubes set to input/output and fix sides not rendering on the item variant of energy cubes when they are set to input/output<br><a href="">9fe1050</a> - Fix some incorrect scaling math in fusion reactor after recent cleanup and also force end batches at a more proper time when not using fabulous for some custom render types in TERs so that they consistently render behind translucent objects<br><a href="">5e38407</a> - Simplify required calls for rendering tooltip text in the seismic reader and also make it render fluids in the reader<br><a href="">c838b08</a> - Make jetpack and grav unit give off vibrations when in use <a href="">#7593</a> with a config option to disable the grav unit giving off vibrations. Grav unit vibrations have a larger detection radius when actively boosting<br><a href="">4e3cace</a> - Allow configuring the explosion radius of meltdowns<br><a href="">3196cf8</a> - Fix the remaining cases that allow for multiple controllers on fusion reactors and evap towers<br><a href="">a42e6b6</a> - Make teleportation energy cost cross dimensions take distance into account. Attempts to minimize the distance cost when teleporting between dimensions of different coordinate scales<br><a href="">7b7b2c6</a> - Add profiling support to our delayed translucent renders<br><a href="">00e662b</a> - Make multiblock saving on content changing more consistent <a href="">#7587</a>, and only check for comparator updates when needed, and make the SPS able to provide a comparator signal based on the input tank<br><a href="">59e0690</a> - Add support for redstone control to the Quantum Entangloporter (disallowing auto ejecting when mode is not met)<br><a href="">29a21fe</a> - Bump min forge version to 43.1.3 and add individual permission nodes for our various commands<br><a href="">acfaafa</a> - Display more info on heat tab for heaters, and display a heat tab on all the tabs of the fusion reactor ( Also add a heat tab to the fission reactor stat's tab and fix the fusion reactor not syncing enough data on the stats tab<br><a href="">a711f81</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7572</a>)<br><a href="">a572b1d</a> - Rerun datagen to fix a couple issues referencing the wrong path<br><a href="">5f89894</a> - Bump version to 10.3.3



支持游戏: 1.19.2




下载次数: 578



<a href="">7198e02</a> - Fix deprecation warning related to BreakSpeed#getPos<br><a href="">7e00cd6</a> - Bump biomes o plenty dev dependency so that we can run our datagen again and added tooltips to back buttons that when hovered now display the word back<br><a href="">1685579</a> - Make use of mojang helpers for length in various classes to slightly clean up some code<br><a href="">ed6c106</a> - Fallback to default value for out of bounds module enum data rather than looping to a valid value<br><a href="">79ca8f8</a> - Allow ModuleEnumData to figure out the enum's class automatically<br><a href="">1d321ad</a> - Rewrite parts of GuiModuleScreen to support there being more options than fit on the screen at once, and also fix spacing and positioning of text under enum sliders in the GuiModuleScreen<br><a href="">b9d7f69</a> - Refactor and rework various parts of the Radial menu system:<br> - Improve rendering performance<br> - Supports radial mode items in offhand just like the normal mode switch key already supported<br> - Added support non enum based radial modes<br> - Added support for multi-depth radials and backing up to a higher depth one<br> - Adjusted coloration slightly for speed related modes in the atomic disassembler<br> - Made scrolling in the radial menu native to the menu rather than done via events<br> - Moved textures that are used primarily for radials to a radial sub folder and renamed them slightly (transmission textures are still where they were before)<br> - Improved lang entries for atomic disassembler modes<br> - Added a client config option whiteRadialText to allow overriding coloring and displaying radial text as white for improved colorblind readability<br> - Added radials for the Meka-Tool's vein mining and Excavation Escalation units<br> - Allow Meka-Tool mode changes with scroll wheel to show on status bar<br><a href="">ad0379e</a> - Optimize image files<br><a href="">25a67fa</a> - Add validation to cardboard box blacklist config to ensure the values are modids and also make it use the define list helper<br><a href="">60a542a</a> - Update deps and port to 1.19.2, and drop support for 1.19.0 and bump min forge version to 42.0.9. Added some initial game tests related to transmitters, and also make use of to mark transmitters as unloaded when the chunk they are in becomes inaccessible (<a href="">#7428</a> and hopefully also <a href="">#6356</a>) (<a href="">#7560</a>)<br><a href="">f7ecec2</a> - Add our gear from Mekanism: Tools to the new armor and tools tags forge added<br><a href="">d84c6f2</a> - Use Mojang's Mth.clamp helpers in places we used a combo of math min and math max<br><a href="">b62d76a</a> - Fix solar generators having a max output identical to the max generation rate rather than 2x the max generation rate (<a href="">#7567</a>) and improve how the max rate is set to reduce odds of errors in the future. Also make the hard max production bound for heat generators be configurable and use it for calculating the max output rate<br><a href="">5adf27e</a> - Create some helper classes for storing constant values based on config values so that they only need to be recalculated when the config changes rather than every access<br><a href="">961e619</a> - Make Paxels for Mekanism based materials use tags so that they can be made with tools other mods add of the same type (for example steel paxels made from another mod's base tools)<br><a href="">2302678</a> - Update gradle wrapper to 7.5.1, and also update grgit to 5.0.0 now that the jenkins in theory is using java 11 instead of 8<br><a href="">618c168</a> - Only invalidate cached config values that have invalidation listeners if the config is loaded. Also commit missed file from updating gradle wrapper<br><a href="">625ebbd</a> - Changed obsidianTNTBlastRadius config to a float instead of an int and also added ranges on a bunch of number based configs that previously didn't have any<br><a href="">7eaac76</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7562</a>)<br><a href="">7225e81</a> - Rerun AE2 in datagen now that it has updated (but leave it disabled afterwards as it doesn't load on 1.19.2 yet and doesn't load with the latest version of jade<br><a href="">477c0f8</a> - Bump version to 10.3.2



支持游戏: 1.19.1, 1.19.2




下载次数: 221



<a href="">fec4c6d</a> - Update maven example version to a 1.19 build<br><a href="">19a5d53</a> - Fix issues with factories displaying wrong warnings at times on servers due to Map#of iteration order having been different on the client than the server<br><a href="">9baddb9</a> - Update mek radiation heal command to set to baseline instead of zero (<a href="">#7559</a>)<br> <br> Also updates baseline radiation of the entity when joining to baseline from zero<br><a href="">21d9f8a</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 41.0.113 and remove the custom mekanism:mekanism model loader in favor of using forge's patched in system for setting the light level of faces via models. Also re-enable base ILikeWood in datagen<br><a href="">c58fad8</a> - Set fluid render layers on main thread as it isn't thread safe anymore<br><a href="">db466df</a> - Fix radiation overlay not consistently displaying with the correct color <a href="">#7558</a><br><a href="">3af4c07</a> - Re-enable datagenerators for ilikewood plugins and add support for mangrove blocks added by base ilikewood<br><a href="">d871267</a> - Add support for QIO Redstone Adapters to do fuzzy matching and ignore NBT when calculating the count (loosely related to <a href="">#7561</a>)<br><a href="">94fe7c6</a> - Fix invalid accessing of client configs from the server side preventing the QIO item viewer containers to not open in dev on a server<br><a href="">c4c9737</a> - Add a button to the QIO crafting windows to allow emptying the grid to the QIO storage/player's inventory<br><a href="">e381a56</a> - Update to support 1.19.1 (still supports 1.19 as well for now)<br><a href="">1fb7b8a</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7554</a>)<br><a href="">8045d0d</a> - Bump version to 10.3.1



支持游戏: 1.19, 1.19.1, 1.19.2




下载次数: 304



<a href="">ccf0038</a> - Initial pass rewriting how the stored contents of QIO drives is done <a href="">#6837</a>. This is in preparation for 1.19 and does not support loading the data from old QIO drives<br><a href="">c678c4c</a> - Remove stuff that was deprecated for removal and rename static capability helpers<br><a href="">e94d998</a> - Initial port to 1.19, it compiles but there are a few things that don't work correctly and the world doesn't load due to registry ordering issues<br><a href="">4d27966</a> - Fix a handful of issues, requires a custom forge build to actually get into game<br><a href="">1d5327d</a> - Work on addressing various 1.19 related TODOs<br><a href="">a040492</a> - Make the majority of our registry id reading safer, and also make writing empty chemical stacks a bit more compact<br><a href="">7822e4a</a> - Fix containers not being properly initialized<br><a href="">82b232e</a> - Update forge so that the game can launch, update the dependencies that have updated, and rerun the datagenerator after writing a system to persist old caches<br><a href="">607bf9b</a> - Re-enable biomes o plenty and byg datagen<br><a href="">595278d</a> - Add recipes and tags relating to 1.19 and adjust dirt to clay recipe to have another step in between as dirt + water based on vanilla goes to mud<br><a href="">307dbc7</a> - Fix baby mobs mutating the experience reward when calculating what the reward is<br><a href="">984cca2</a> - Update baby stray's spawn restrictions to match the changes vanilla made to them<br><a href="">6fb2d39</a> - Fix a few issues and also datagen biome modifiers so that worldgen happens and baby mobs spawn<br><a href="">5d60f4b</a> - Add motorized servo unit<br><a href="">6062309</a> - Update forge and deps, and re-enable some deps that have updated and add support for WTHIT now that jade has separated their api enough from hywla's<br><a href="">e9f75e7</a> - Datagenned Textures for existing pride Robit skins, also added more pride flags (<a href="">#7512</a>)<br><a href="">3fcebc3</a> - Switch from LogManager to Mojang's LogUtils<br><a href="">4b0d536</a> - Cleanup some things related to registry entry syncing<br><a href="">034e237</a> - Make getRegistryName helper final for our custom registry type objects<br><a href="">ef96387</a> - Minor cleanup and change the path of the visuals lang key and slightly generify the visuals too big one<br><a href="">c2c718e</a> - Add an unlockable robit skin (<a href="">#7517</a>)<br><a href="">afb86f5</a> - Experiment and test using the structure modifier system and merge the baby spawn configs into the main additions' config now that things happens late enough to do so<br><a href="">03ceefc</a> - Bump min forge version to 41.0.27 for use of structure modifiers and also update deps<br><a href="">0a7e42f</a> - Only mark the tile's chunk dirty at most once per tick per tile while trying to save<br><a href="">6a6c421</a> - Add in some short circuit checks in FloatingLong for when interacting with zeros or in some cases ones<br><a href="">6df77e2</a> - Fix robit skin select sometimes selecting a different skin immediately as it is opened if the window overlaps where the button was clicked. Also slightly adjust baseplate of allay robit model to match<br><a href="">e272bba</a> - Inline the remaining methods from spawn helper<br><a href="">1298e25</a> - Fix how evaporation multiblock cache's the solar capabilities in case an addon implements it and actually needs to fire invalidation and reduce duplicate neighbor updated checks<br><a href="">3d912ed</a> - Bump min forge version to 41.0.28 and update to support the new fluid API<br><a href="">1b97f22</a> - Bump min forge version to 41.0.30 and make use of the new way to enchant stuff so that the mekasuit and the like behave better<br><a href="">67e51dc</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7515</a>)<br><a href="">4b48d0b</a> - Improve how we calculate the input rate/last energy received for machines <a href="">#7507</a><br><a href="">ca84255</a> - Ensure that mekanism's sub modules load after mekanism<br><a href="">b99b148</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 41.0.36 and fix both the jei integration and explicitly handle getOrDefault on config values where we call them earlier than the config is actually loaded due to vanilla needing values as we override the values later on, and the default is a reasonable enough value to give<br><a href="">ff44c4a</a> - Remove unused faces that were causing warnings to be printed in the log for the robit allay skin<br><a href="">430ec27</a> - Skip looking for resource pack filters in datagen to remove lots of stacktraces from being printed<br><a href="">59c1cfd</a> - Added advancements to Mekanism (<a href="">#7470</a>)<br> <br> Co-authored-by: Sara Freimer <><br><a href="">0a0c432</a> - Minor cleanup to a couple data generators and add a recipe for cobwebs to string<br><a href="">9887a69</a> - Make lower case boolean representation translatable<br><a href="">7608877</a> - Add a vibration game event for the seismic vibrator when it is actively running<br><a href="">725c376</a> - Lower base pitch of the beep sound effect <a href="">#7522</a> and slightly refactor our sound datagenerator code<br><a href="">dd0609f</a> - Make chunks loaded by the dimensional stabilizer fully tick so that crops in them can grow for purposes of keeping it running when using ethylene. Requires<br><a href="">008f584</a> - Update forge so that our datagen can actually run again, and fix the qio drive array recipe being the wrong type and not validating the personal storage is empty and switch the personal storage advancement to checking against the tag<br><a href="">1babf0f</a> - Restructure parts of our build script to further reduce duplicate code and also add sourceSets for use by gameTests. Also add two missing colons<br><a href="">d49a3b4</a> - Update deps, re-enable datagen for bop, and also re-enable flux networks integration compiling against the 1.18 flux networks<br><a href="">f16065c</a> - Fix intellij run configs not working, due to where they expect the targets, by removing an old setting that seems to still work fine without it<br><a href="">6a61646</a> - Migrate from javax annotations to jetbrains annotations and remove our own custom NonNull annotation as now that forge ships with jetbrains annotations available we are able to safely use those in the API<br><a href="">44e9d09</a> - Streamline a few save itemstack to nbt calls<br><a href="">c7cd6c6</a> - Allow locking bins by sneak right clicking their front with an empty hand (<a href="">#7526</a>)<br><a href="">a66c29d</a> - Added a canSeeSun ComputerMethod for the SNA (<a href="">#7532</a>)<br><a href="">b9889e7</a> - Fix having forgotten to add the pigment mixer to the blacklist of immovable blocks <a href="">#7529</a><br><a href="">9e09cc4</a> - Fix electric pump not being able to fill completely when pumping and converting water into heavy water <a href="">#7531</a><br><a href="">f883b79</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 41.0.60<br><a href="">d7521b9</a> - Gracefully handle blocks that don't support rotating <a href="">#7540</a><br><a href="">db240af</a> - Fix not exposing the radioactive waste barrel to CC <a href="">#7543</a> and expose personal barrels, chests, security desks, and industrial alarms to CC for purposes of which direction they are facing<br><a href="">5fec09f</a> - Add QoL decay timers to Geiger Counters and Dosimeters (<a href="">#7544</a>)<br><a href="">cfb6fd0</a> - Adjust to breaking rendering changes in forge and bumping min forge version to 41.0.91. Also update to use new RenderLevelStageEvent and use it to fix bolt rendering in fabulous<br><a href="">21e2e5e</a> - Make use of some validation helpers that got exposed in ResourceLocation<br><a href="">afdd692</a> - Use safer handling for preventing calling client side only methods via FluidUtils#getRGBDurabilityForDisplay<br><a href="">a7c59d9</a> - Add a few helper constants to reduce object creation in places where a single reference will do<br><a href="">2981ffd</a> - Address usage of a few deprecated methods<br><a href="">a4ca990</a> - Bump min forge version to 41.0.94 and account for breaking changes<br><a href="">cea95b3</a> - Bump min forge version to 41.0.96 to fix some bugs and remove reflection uses in some places<br><a href="">212873c</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7518</a>)<br><a href="">612c599</a> - Update deps to allow for running datagen again<br><a href="">6615138</a> - Fix induction cells exposing an energy capability <a href="">#7552</a><br><a href="">287ea65</a> - Make it so pumps have to go through the block under them initially rather than being able to magically just pull from the side without having connected first via the bottom<br><a href="">9c05813</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7550</a>)<br><a href="">1527ee4</a> - Bump version to 10.3.0



支持游戏: 1.19




下载次数: 110



<a href="">16d8c6a</a> - Fix induction cells exposing an energy capability <a href="">#7552</a><br><a href="">a395daf</a> - Bump version to 10.2.5



支持游戏: 1.18.2




下载次数: 8,627



<a href="">f57d1cf</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7506</a>)<br><a href="">25312e9</a> - Fix recipe upgrades not transferring energy, fluids, chemicals, or upgrades <a href="">#7508</a><br><a href="">53d34ff</a> - Bump version to 10.2.4



支持游戏: 1.18.2




下载次数: 487



<a href="">b454a9a</a> - Some further minor cleanup with switch statements and converting to expressions<br><a href="">f7cd147</a> - Synchronize transmitter shape cache to prevent random concurrent crashes <a href="">#7499</a><br><a href="">df64d3c</a> - Fix removed transmitters taking their share of the network away and fix redstone sensitivity on single length tubes releasing radiation<br><a href="">1bf5489</a> - Refactor and cleanup parts of the gradle buildscript to make more use of gradle's lazy configuration system<br><a href="">7f7b3b1</a> - Use a few gradle helper methods<br><a href="">6c514fa</a> - Fix issues with launching into the world due to a capitalization issue<br><a href="">8164da7</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 40.1.27 and make use of forge's new pack specific format versions and switch those over to being declared in our gradle properties so that when vanilla changes pack format we only have to edit it in one place<br><a href="">e6427c3</a> - Adds comma to Hydrostatic Repulsor Unit description (<a href="">#7501</a>)<br><a href="">c73957e</a> - Added a Dimensional Stabilizer (<a href="">#7433</a>)<br> <br> Co-authored-by: Sara Freimer <><br><a href="">38392ec</a> - Make checking if a chemical is valid for a given validator easier<br><a href="">04a0530</a> - Bump min forge version to 40.1.36 to ensure forge's lighting pipeline is on by default<br><a href="">cc94a3e</a> - Allow exclusive Modules to more accurately define what sorts of actions they are exclusive with (<a href="">#7497</a>)<br><a href="">6911c9b</a> - Revert change to min forge version back to 40.1.27 due to the feature being reverted in a later forge build<br><a href="">b9bcd82</a> - Make factories persist sorting mode when broken <a href="">#7505</a> and when upgraded via recipe. Also make fluid tanks persist their container edit mode<br><a href="">b0fea89</a> - Refactor backend of Jetpacks into an interface (<a href="">#7493</a>)<br><a href="">2b4f144</a> - Added fortune module (<a href="">#7467</a>)<br><a href="">57e3334</a> - Optimize image sizes<br><a href="">59159f1</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7495</a>)<br><a href="">1e01609</a> - Bump version to 10.2.3



支持游戏: 1.18.2




下载次数: 186



<a href="">1a7e71f</a> - Try to specify the exact version match for the Mekanism dependency of submodules, falling back to using just a dependency on Mekanism<br><a href="">9de61f7</a> - Just NO-OP our getCapability implementation if it is called before our entity has finished constructing <a href="">#7490</a><br><a href="">b7caee2</a> - Improve overall item capability performance by keeping track of the capability cache on the top level instead of under each item capability helper, which also fixes persistent helpers adding to the same cache multiple times <a href="">#7476</a><br><a href="">3ea3653</a> - Fix MekaSuit Helmet compass being off by one compared to F3 for values that are negative <a href="">#7492</a><br><a href="">4862222</a> - Improve side calculation of blasting unit for blocks like slabs or snow<br><a href="">99dbfef</a> - Allow specifying a position in the build command to build multiblocks at to more easily use the build command to get multiblocks right up against each other, and fix internal multiblocks thinking the structure is no longer valid if an external multiblock neighboring them changed state <a href="">#7494</a><br><a href="">ced74dd</a> - Fix equals and hashcode contract for a few records and also fix the memory leak in BlockTransmitter regarding the cached shapes. Key comparison broke in the port to 1.18 so each time the shape was queried it would increase the allocated memory. Also changed the key from a record to a packed short for better lookup performance and lower memory usage<br><a href="">7e56ce4</a> - Pack the transmitter key slightly tighter by fixing an off by one issue<br><a href="">d46e763</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7489</a>)<br><a href="">9395a96</a> - Bump version to 10.2.2



支持游戏: 1.18.2




下载次数: 319



<a href="">b7917fb</a> - Update example maven version to 1.18.2 and use a variable to specify java version so that we can easily mark it on curseforge as cursegradle doesn't support auto-detecting modern java versions<br><a href="">3f47601</a> - Fix config comment for discardChanceOnAirExposure<br><a href="">cf478e7</a> - Move energy and temperature display unit configs to common to prevent overwriting local changes when connecting to a server and deduplicate how many places we keep track of different energy types so that we just have one enum instead of three. Also disable showing energy types in the GUI if it is disabled or missing required mods (for example EU and IC2). Note: Due to the change of which file the display units are in any changes made to those two settings will need to be re-applied<br><a href="">84ccdd0</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 40.0.46 and adjust for changes to tool modified state so that we can properly support modded block hoeing interactions again<br><a href="">e5a6715</a> - Bump min forge version to 40.0.47 and add support to the nutritional liquifier for mods that have their foods give different amount of stats based on the stack data<br><a href="">d9ab250</a> - Refactor internals of security system and expose security and owner system to the API <a href="">#6793</a>. Also fixed/improved handling of the following issues related to the security system:<br> - Fixed being unable to select QIO frequencies if the security system is disabled <a href="">#7416</a><br> - Removed the security desk keeping track of the owner given that is already done by the security frequency<br> - Made the security desk only expose being an owner object so that it is universally treated as private instead of requiring special casing<br> - Fixed security overrides not always being taken into consideration and also prevent them from being able to widen security access (for example from private to protected)<br> - Cleaned up a bit of hierarchy relating to block item classes and removed the need for a bunch of subclasses<br> - Improved accuracy of whether an item's contents should drop when destroyed without a player context<br> - Fixed opening a personal barrel as an item incrementing the chest open stat instead of the barrel open stat<br> - Improved handling of how the allowProtection config option is used<br> - Fixed owner name fallback attempts running only when there is a name found instead of only when there is no name found<br> - Improve security recipe merging logic for calculating most restrictive security mode<br> - Made computer security mode querying return the effective mode<br> - Properly kick people from gui's they no longer have access to if they got removed from someone's trusted list<br> - Made the security mode of the robit always be synced so there isn't a desync when it comes to the crafting and repair guis<br><a href="">39ce538</a> - Switch to using tags for some AE2 recipes to allow deepslate certus quartz ore to be processed (<a href="">#7455</a>)<br><a href="">b5ec215</a> - Fix ProjectE mappers never running due to forgetting to update recipe type comparisons after we adjusted how we register recipe types<br><a href="">a6e3756</a> - Update deps<br><a href="">e91bd25</a> - Expose a few methods relating to the QIO to the API<br><a href="">6b28677</a> - Add cauldron interactions for fluid tank items when in bucket mode and fix empty creative fluid tanks behaving strangely when used as a bucket<br><a href="">0d2e511</a> - Add fluorite gems tag to parent gems tag<br><a href="">9229d88</a> - Fix fission reactors occasionally instantly re-exploding and also not releasing radiation the first time around because it didn't "fully" meltdown. Also, slightly improve logic for calculating if mobs can spawn on structural and internal multiblocks when they are not formed as well as properly track all internal multiblock components and further improve error handling if blocks inside multiblocks change when the multiblock is already formed<br><a href="">52ef598</a> - Prevent creative bin items when being destroyed from dropping their contents<br><a href="">102a1b0</a> - Properly update remaining null capability checks to checking for if the capability is registered as appropriate as they never should be null anymore just potentially uninitialiazed, and immediately add the resolvers for item capabilities instead of lazily doing it after we are sure that the capabilities are registered. Also fix not having registered our owner and security capabilities<br><a href="">a49168d</a> - Fix removing chunk tickets when unloading due to server stopping <a href="">#7453</a><br><a href="">5636680</a> - Add a ProjectE NBT Processor to include any stored contents in the EMC calculation of various blocks and items. This does not allow learning said presets or the items inside, but does allow for ensuring you don't have to empty it fully just to get the EMC back out when burning it. Contents without an EMC value are considered at a value of zero EMC<br><a href="">41b108c</a> - Fix spacing<br><a href="">a593be9</a> - Misc code cleanup<br><a href="">100d915</a> - Expose IHasTextComponent to crafttweaker<br><a href="">325278e</a> - Use helpers for some common usages of reading and writing to packets<br><a href="">fb7867e</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 40.1.5 and switch our step height adjustments over to using forge's new step height attribute<br><a href="">d6bd898</a> - Bump min forge version to 40.1.16 to ensure that 40.1.15 is not used as the step height attribute was temporarily reverted in it<br><a href="">2fc833c</a> - Fix code style link in contributing guidelines<br><a href="">c152bcc</a> - Fix radiation resetting when returning from the end and also fix a few issues on servers where the client environmental radiation doesn't get updated at the proper times<br><a href="">36affd0</a> - Allow jetpack to function when in curio slots if enabled by modpack dev (<a href="">#7446</a>)<br><a href="">00580b6</a> - Added gyroscopic stabilization unit (<a href="">#7469</a>)<br><a href="">5cf9f6e</a> - Added "bulk" (raw storage block) ore processing recipes (<a href="">#7468</a>)<br><a href="">6320344</a> - Fix <a href="">#7446</a> having broken the jetpack module in mekasuit<br><a href="">57b176b</a> - Disable CTM in dev to avoid it randomly crashing and fix SPS death zone not taking up the entire inside and cleanup some AABB constructor calls<br><a href="">768fd66</a> - Cleanup some handling of ItemDataUtils allowing for better cleaning up of parts of the NBT data (<a href="">#7478</a>) and reduced duplicate code when reading tile data<br><a href="">19b6f97</a> - Fix floating cuboid in Atomic Disassembler model (<a href="">#7479</a>)<br><a href="">c305e31</a> - Fix a couple CMEs on server startup that FC was experiencing<br><a href="">55b46a3</a> - Update and bump min CrT version and add expansion helpers to game and mod for getting all of various registry types we add<br><a href="">c8752c0</a> - Fix lgtm analysis unable to run due to it only supporting up to java 14. Using gradle toolchains it still compiles using java 17 but we have to run gradle itself with a version lgtm supports<br><a href="">1b92aab</a> - Armored Free Runners <a href="">#5221</a> (<a href="">#7434</a>)<br><a href="">43f8e48</a> - Make MekaSuit armor value configurable<br><a href="">7be2b66</a> - Added the Hydrostatic Repulsor Unit (<a href="">#7477</a>)<br><a href="">dca8122</a> - Don't show night vision particles for MekaSuit vision unit<br><a href="">9e01085</a> - Fix rendering of bundle contents and custom tooltip components that draw. Also improve the z levels that "popup" windows are drawn at when there are multiple of them to ensure we avoid any clipping between windows and fix popup windows with items leaving the items accessible after closing the window<br><a href="">6a55532</a> - Add some missing block properties from the port to 1.18 and proxy shapes better for bounding blocks<br><a href="">502e14e</a> - Minor optimization to insert check to check if the target insertion is full before checking if it can stack as if it is full it doesn't matter if it can stack<br><a href="">ccbf684</a> - Fix a few machines ejecting their input when set to eject and input/output on a given side <a href="">#7486</a><br><a href="">15e464a</a> - Perform a little cleanup related to how upgrades are read and also optimize some logic regarding recipe upgrade data including fixing slots in upgrade window not properly merging or persisting when crafting the item into another one. Also fix a minor issue with shift clicking qio drives out of the drive array not properly saving/updating when in creative<br><a href="">c365ef3</a> - Added blasting unit (<a href="">#7473</a>)<br><a href="">5ceaacb</a> - Cancel block break events if the player doing the breaking doesn't have access to the block<br><a href="">a435bd5</a> - Update deps and bump min forge version to 40.1.18 and switch to using plugin new plugin format now that forgegradle publishes plugin markers<br><a href="">759f091</a> - Provide the donation links in the readme via github's sponsor buttons<br><a href="">188d050</a> - Add support for automatically publishing to Modrinth<br><a href="">1a19571</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="">#7445</a>)<br><a href="">3914c69</a> - Bump version to 10.2.1<br><a href="">8f34fef</a> - Downgrade grgit to a version that can run on java 8 so that it can be run on our jenkins



支持游戏: 1.18.2




下载次数: 63



<a href="" rel="nofollow">0f375c2</a> - Initial port to 1.18.1 needs a few mods to be built manually and put in flatDir to compile and needs <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to get into game. Also has a good number of things that need fixing/testing<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">01ec3ec</a> - Address a todo related to serialization<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">f5237c0</a> - Add extra validation to our tag generator to ensure we add harvest tool tags to all blocks that require the correct tool and go through and add them to blocks we hadn't done so<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a0237cd</a> - Use maven local to be able to use a custom forge build to load into game in dev, also only build against projecte's api instead of all of it<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">044cb48</a> - Merge IChemicalStackIngredient and ChemicalStackIngredient<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1d3fb17</a> - Work on cleaning up some TODOs such as removing legacy name loading support from modules<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">4fd8e15</a> - Fix issues related to some changes in container syncing, and remove some workarounds we had for tracking ghost stacks as it simplifies the logic a lot and vanilla seems to have fixed the issues on their end<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">fbc25e0</a> - Perform a couple renames to methods/cleanup calls<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6135c5e</a> - Rework fluid logging property to be an enum property so that it can provide more information in F3<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">227d065</a> - Make use of some new java language features and fix some javadoc issues<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">cb2e664</a> - Fix the model for baby enderman, and make baby skeletons that freeze turn into baby strays<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">c9ba5cb</a> - Cleanup the remaining TODOs in Mekanism Additions, improve the particle positioning for popping balloons, and add some elements to vanilla tags that make sense<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">57b7a1b</a> - Work on TODOs in the API, and remove some side params from capabilities and instead have the side be gotten via returning a different capability implementation via getCapability<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">af8d59c</a> - Fix server being unable to launch<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">c3ed5fb</a> - Continued work on addressing various TODOs<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">eff44e6</a> - Fix crash when rendering of custom wire meshes due to adding data to the vertices in the wrong order, and fix mekasuit rendering having issues. Also fix radial menu sometimes not drawing the background<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">774baf4</a> - Make refined obsidian require diamond tools instead of iron tools as at some point vanilla made it, so you can't harvest obsidian with iron<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3c20f40</a> - Improve handling of expanded height range<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">9af0e53</a> - Fix rendering and adding data to Jade and made it redirect the bounding block to the main block for purposes of getting the name. Also added support for viewing energy levels of robit's when looking at them for both Jade and TOP<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">146f57c</a> - Fix JEI recipe click areas not working<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">c46c074</a> - Fix a variety of issues related to rendering and also remove some extraneous setShader calls as blit calls setShader for us<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">927ba12</a> - Convert nutritional paste to a fluid <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7102</a>, and also rename "Liquid Osmium" to just "Osmium", and make it so our buckets have fill and pickup sounds<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">038017e</a> - Switch off of a custom forge version and also fix some things related to fluid pickup sounds<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">c887478</a> - Minor cleanup and make the robit repair screen use our text field rather than vanilla's directly so that there is less we have to implement and fix a couple related issues<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0965fea</a> - Reintegrate CraftTweaker support, JEITweaker support is still disabled<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d14066f</a> - Fix a couple minor CrT related outputs and expose data from our recipes to CraftTweaker and expose more methods on our ingredients as well<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d7ce35f</a> - Add support for mob effect tags to the dictionary<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">2f155d1</a> - Fix miner often resetting instantly after hitting start<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">94dd098</a> - Bump min forge version to 39.0.18 and remove copper ingots, ore, and blocks switching over to forge's tags and vanilla's items in recipes<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">096f3eb</a> - Updated ore textures, added raw ores, raw storage blocks, and deepslate ores (credits to rid for the textures)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">9c1a1b1</a> - Initial pass adding new ore processing recipes<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">2713e8a</a> - Re-enable JEITweaker integration<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">8418e2d</a> - Fix crash rendering items in the logistical transporter<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0d8449b</a> - Refactor how ores are configured and added to world gen to allow for multiple veins and even more configurability (default values have not been updated yet)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">c4f1c68</a> - Update deps, bump min forge version to 39.0.57 and switch to CF versions for ilikewood related deps now that they are all updated and work properly together<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">21ecbf2</a> - Cleanup handling of removing blocks and tiles as setRemoved is now called for both removal and unloading, and permanent removal should happen from the block's onRemove method. Additionally:<br> - Cleaned up handling some for placing bounding blocks to only need to be declared in one place instead of in an onPlace and setRemoved<br> - Implement Clearable on turbine rotors so that using the set block command on them won't drop the rotors and call it for our build remove command<br> - Revert some stuff related to how we fixed <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7053</a> and rewrite it in a way that will work fine without creating memory leaks once <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> gets merged<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7d71e2e</a> - Address and fix some TODOs related to 1.18, notably: fix mem leak for oredictionificators and also transition mekanism tool's materials over to using forge's tier sorting registry<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5519470</a> - Optimize images<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1a5965c</a> - Modernize handling of personal chest lid<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1ee94fb</a> - Make gradle run tasks end gracefully and as "success"<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">27529db</a> - Initial test of new ore gen distribution values<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">8af8a43</a> - Add support for giving custom names to machines <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6371</a> (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#7398</a>)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7371abf</a> - Expose getComparatorLevel of tiles that support comparators to computers (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#7388</a>)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6dd51cd</a> - Update some of our AE2 compat recipes to work better with the changes AE2 has made in 1.18<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">11404b1</a> - Update deps, bump min forge and switch to proper cobblestone type tags, and fix height of personal chest gui being slightly taller than it needs to be<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a18176b</a> - Expose all of our computer methods to OpenComputers 2, add a bit more error handling to our annotation scanner and fix an accidental hard dep on CC for purposes of being able to scan the energy helper<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">280920b</a> - Refactor our annotation processor to be slightly more generic, use json, and map the parameter names of our computer methods so that we can attempt to provide them to OC2 so that it can provide cleaner names when listing method signatures<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">82f2d27</a> - Expand our computer method mapper to be able to merge multiple param mappings so that if mods have their own file they can then be included, also adjust the mapper to be able to properly calculate signature name of inner classes so as to not have to adjust signatures at runtime before lookup. Also fix not generating parameter names for exposed computer methods in mekanism generators<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">030fb1d</a> - Update a couple lang entries and make ore combining recipes require raw ore where applicable rather than dust<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">b9786e6</a> - Update to upcoming JEI API changes <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and fix declaring rotary condensentrator outputs as an input and fix crystallizer category not rendering quite correctly<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">b842f73</a> - Adjust to some further changes in JEI and also transition some recipe representations that weren't lists to lists<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3c4b1ae</a> - Adjust to further changes in JEI and implement more methods in our ingredient helper so that JEI can try and guess at when our chemicals support any of a given tag<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">bce0e8e</a> - Rework how we expose ingredients to the API to not expose implementation details and to add more validation to ingredient creation<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">8906d95</a> - Update deps and bump min versions of a few things<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">df7505c</a> - Replace a lot of uses of pairs with more specific records to make it easier to keep track of what piece means what and also allow for primitives in places<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5c39f43</a> - Rename pressurized tube config category to chemical from gas<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">f1903de</a> - Fix our fake player returning the wrong position and block position due to how forge handles things<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5ebfd54</a> - Add a little more validation to record construction in the API<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">ce1bb0b</a> - Ensure we know the bounding block has received the coordinates before potentially querying the main pos that may be at the origin and not a loaded location<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">faa18ce</a> - Adjust how we check if a chunk is loaded so that we don't always get true on the client side. Hopefully this doesn't break some of our uses in unexpected ways. Also only process update packet tiles on the client if the block is loaded which fixes logging when transmitters send an update before the client has finished receiving the chunk<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">54e2090</a> - Fix lighting in robit skin select gui and change how we draw tooltips to use absolute positions instead of relative due to the changes in tooltip rendering to ensure our tooltips get properly wrapped when overflowing the screen<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1ad7e36</a> - Rename tile entity type tags in the dictionary to block entity type tags and change the tooltip for cardboard boxes to reflect tiles being called block entities in other places<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5479ca6</a> - Deduplicate a lot of our cached recipe implementation code and refactor things to enable keeping track of errors with the recipe and hook displaying those errors up into our warning system. Also added basic support to our Annotation based SyncMapper for arrays of property data.<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">8291fda</a> - Slightly refactor package structure for ingredients and inputs<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d6a23ca</a> - Draw gauge overlay in PRC JEI category even if there is no output gas<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">81da3e3</a> - Add extra validation when trying to set a tag or modid filter to validate that there are elements that would be matched. Also fix the rendering sometimes being wrong for modid stacks and potentially even material stacks. Also change filter failed messages to display for five seconds instead of just one second<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">4deb918</a> - Update and bump min forge version and transition over to a more proper way for how we hide some data from tooltips<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">95e091c</a> - Rebalance default miner configs to cost more energy, and also adjust the energy cost calculations to properly take into account the max radius config, and also take into account the height range of the world the miner is in. Also add energy warnings to miners, pumps, plenishers, and vibrators (only can display with default configs for miners); and add output full warnings to pumps.<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0302f18</a> - Fix issues with farming and shearing unit from porting and support other new axe actions<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">56ae20d</a> - Update JEI and adjust setRecipe signatures to the newest version<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">b0d896d</a> - Implement support for dropping contents of Mekanism's items if the item entity is destroyed and the destroyer has access or the security is on public. Not yet tested and requires <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">82ea9b7</a> - Create a system to allow addons to define custom module model locations and model renderers. Move MekaSuit Solar Recharging Unit to Mekanism Generators and make use of this new system<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">54e8718</a> - Only create one instance of BlockEntityRenderers for ones that are shared between multiple block entity types<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">40e7b39</a> - Fix night vision module fog rendering. Might be a bit different but it is close enough<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">df56889</a> - Only sync carried stack when a gauge dropper is used instead of the entire inventory<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">71956f5</a> - Properly update how we mark tiles as needing saving and improve handling so that we don't mark them as needing to recheck for a comparator change if we know the thing that changed doesn't affect comparators. Also make the bio generator's comparator level be based on fluid instead of item<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7c81f72</a> - Fix laser not rendering<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">fb45532</a> - Slightly rework some stuff related to cached recipes to fix improper calculation of not enough energy reduced rate and remove some unneeded checks in the rotary condensentrator<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">dda9a92</a> - Fix evap tower and SNA recipe processing max operations<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">71a3b86</a> - Fire different vanilla game events where appropriate<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1f8ed69</a> - Use interaction results in a way that more closely mimics how vanilla uses them since the addition of consume<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">fc1ffe9</a> - Wrap floating longs as doubles for exposure to CC to simplify usage/defining and interacting<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">2aded37</a> - Bump min forge version to allow for our items when in item entity form to drop their contents if they are public or are destroyed by a player that can access them. Also entirely remove the energy cost for shearing blocks with the meka tool and make it so that checking if a module provides a tool action is more efficient if the module has other prechecks it needs to run as well<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">ae2cc96</a> - Fix issues from merge<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a83854e</a> - Fix some constant usage recipes occasionally resetting<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">bca8823</a> - Update gradle to 7.4 and update deps<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">ec98296</a> - Expose formula slot to automation via extra side config and allow automation to extract from it <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">ab515bf</a> - Expose max energy storage for the laser amplifier, tractor beam, and all basic generators to the config <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Also remove a few declarations of energy values in places they aren't actually used<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">9f01224</a> - Finish figuring out retrogen and make it so that we don't save a new world gen version to a chunk if we haven't gotten a chance to retrogen it yet<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">59645ee</a> - Slightly adjust how we load the transmitter contents model<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">294afb1</a> - Set it up so if we ever need offset level events that the bounding block receives we can use them<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3aa0eea</a> - Make lasers respect ShieldBlockEvent and requite the blocker to be facing the laser to actually be able to block them<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1e5ff6a</a> - Rerun code formatter and optimize imports<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">b7d11ac</a> - Address a few of IntelliJ's inspections<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">b4b7078</a> - Split GuiGraph into GuiLongGraph and GuiDoubleGraph to allow for more accurate numbers for the fission reactor when displaying historic temperatures <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7408</a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">31ac4ec</a> - Increase chest open stat when opening personal chests and make piglins angry when a player opens a placed personal chest<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d2834ba</a> - Block 1.17/1.18 damage types for the MekaSuit and check all fall types instead of just the old fall one for things that prevent fall damage<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">51b5f4c</a> - add new language mappings<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">e5f29df</a> - indentation fix<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">9782b49</a> - Add a bunch of QoL/utility recipes for 1.17 and 1.18 content, and also allow the robit to walk on top of powder snow, and add the mekasuit to the freeze immune wearables tag<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">b8ce251</a> - Pass the entire tooltip flag now that it isn't stripped from the server<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d902d1d</a> - Don't add our gui elements as narratable so that the narrator doesn't just say indices. Eventually we will try and transition some of them over to actually being narrated correctly, but for now just disable it<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3b3c6e6</a> - update lang values to always use explicit indexed substitutions and complain in datagen if they don't<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">18a42fd</a> - Clamp wind generator config values (still likely to be adjusted before a release is made)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">8e99c5c</a> - remove Travis badge as it no longer works after migrating to paid<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">80aff4f</a> - Apply max damage to vehicles when using the atomic disassembler or the meka tool (without consuming energy) so that they can break in one hit <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7423</a>. This uses a tag so that it can better be extended to support modded vehicles. Also take the base damage value config for the Meka-Tool into account in a more logical fashion when attack amplification units are installed<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">764947a</a> - Support one hitting BOP and BYG boats as well and perform a bit of cleanup on our tag builder<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5d6fb0e</a> - Initial port to 1.18.2, building against <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Also made the following smaller changes:<br> - Improved dictionary's right click detection of fluids and displaying their tags<br> - Add support for display "attribute tags" if any mod decides to add them (all remaining vanilla registries don't make much sense in relation to items and the like for a way to look them up)<br> Note: Datagen still needs to be run to fix a variety of recipes not working among other things but until more of the deps our datagen depends on update this is not possible<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5be98b9</a> - Some small optimizations to tag contain logic for chemicals and replace a couple other tag contain checks to avoid calling deprecated methods<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0c517bd</a> - Slightly cleanup our Jade integration as given 1.18.2 was a breaking change we can update to their adjusted API without requiring disallowing any old versions from being used that would otherwise work<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3970740</a> - Update to the new way of interacting with registries<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7de225d</a> - Update how we declare recipe types in JEI as they now have their own thing instead of just being purely resource location based<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">8c832d0</a> - Fix a couple missing checks for when multiple substances are stored and have overlapping tags<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">82a913a</a> - Rerun datagen in 1.18.1 using paths and expected data for 1.18.2<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">ac3be3a</a> - Add a Personal Barrel and make the Personal Chest not be able to be opened if there are blocks on top of it (same restrictions as vanilla chests, but it can still open in your inventory)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d8551af</a> - Update to a couple changes made in ProjectE and update and bump min forge version to 40.0.18<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">e94dd96</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#7420</a>)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">02870bd</a> - Make transporter speed config comment clearer<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">ae391aa</a> - Switch to grabbing ProjectE from cursemaven now that it is released. Closes <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7430</a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a04ec89</a> - Work on update CrT to 1.18.2 and adjust for changes made in it. Also expose chemical attributes to CrT for more than just chemical creation and expose a variety of other methods on various classes. Also updated deps and fixed a few issues with datagen<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">2346f09</a> - Fix some of mekanism addition's recipes being in a different folder than intended<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">4f0c4f2</a> - Bump min forge version to 40.0.30, remove our IngredientWithout and switch to using forge's new DifferenceIngredient. Also cleanup a bit of logic relating to multi ingredients<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7979b6b</a> - Implement and add support for handling Recipe#isIncomplete<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">9ab52eb</a> - Make it so free runners and mekasuit boots allow you to walk on powdered snow<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">73c46ad</a> - Ensure ILikeWood has the proper configs loaded for given items given they adjusted how they register if items exist in 1.18.2<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">975cf15</a> - Fix being able to break blocks by putting the pigment mixer under them and unify and simplify logic for validation<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7d89c1d</a> - Add support for Wildfire's Female Gender Mod<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">50af70b</a> - Perform a bit of minor cleanup<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">c2f7f57</a> - Drastically improve jetpack is on ground check <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7436</a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">82ce593</a> - Address a few more TODOs<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">53841fd</a> - Slightly cleanup some logic in our holiday manager, and reword the config a bit and make it also control all easter eggs not just some.<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">287a84f</a> - Bumps min forge version to 40.0.35 and switch how we register to vanilla registries to use deferred registers now that it is possible to register to vanilla registries using them<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">075ccc3</a> - Switch back to CraftTweaker's Maven<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0fd3ff5</a> - Sanitize narrow non-breaking spaces as well to improve how MC renders our formatted numbers on some locales<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6f52102</a> - Expose JEI ingredient helpers to the API <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">34df19b</a> - Fix not proxying Recipe#isIncomplete to our mek data recipes causing them to not work properly in the QIO, and also fix a few things using our special shaped recipe that can just use the normal shaped recipe<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">797168b</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#7427</a>)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">4657b50</a> - Add helper methods for inserting/extracting from QIO frequencies and support for simulating doing so. These will eventually be properly exposed to the API<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0ba4aae</a> - Update the oredictionificator's description to mention tags<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">9ec9ae8</a> - Update deps and disable alpha warning in preparation for release. Bump min forge version to 40.0.44 to fix balloon recoloring recipes and take advantage of some helper methods that were added to RegistryObjects<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">2a77523</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#7443</a>)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7ab3ae5</a> - Update JEI to and fix references to deprecated API<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">436dbf2</a> - Bump version to 10.2.0



支持游戏: 1.18.2




下载次数: 108



<a href="" rel="nofollow">e95d2b7</a> - Fix building by switching from CC's maven to curse's maven<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a224d98</a> - Backport a couple JEI fixes from 1.18:<br> - Gui elements in categories not being ordered leading to potential rendering issues<br> - Rotary condensentrator categories not having fluids marked properly for if they are an input or are an output<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">76466be</a> - Backport fix for describing rotary condensentrator recipe outputs<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">19b5699</a> - Strictly specify as in the API which atlas the chemical textures are stitched to<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3f4f580</a> - Fix not being able to view recipes or usages by pressing R or U over items stored in the QIO's main inventory <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7384</a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6a5a767</a> - Fix nether gold ore combining recipe using our gold dust instead of the gold dust tag <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7409</a> and also fix some minor dupe issues related to using a stone cutter to get more of an item <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7413</a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">89721bf</a> - Prevent against checking if a position is inside a multiblock if it isn't valid so has no manager <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7394</a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">930ba69</a> - Expose getComparatorLevel of tiles that support comparators to computers (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#7387</a>)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">786393a</a> - Lazily setup the logistical transporter's item render to ensure things like sponge that mixin to the constructor don't have issues with the world being null even though it isn't being used yet <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7411</a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">317dcad</a> - Only call updateOutputSlot if we actually need to recalculate the output AND also do so whenever the stacks cannot stack so that it doesn't cache an output from a previous match for a given recipe <a href="" rel="nofollow">#7396</a><br><a href="" rel="nofollow">638f538</a> - Fix being able to extract half of a crafting window's output while using all inputs instead of forcing it to provide the entire stack like vanilla's crafting window does<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">71f77ef</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#7375</a>)<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">ac0aaa8</a> - Bump version to 10.1.2



支持游戏: 1.16.5




下载次数: 8,643



<a href="" rel="nofollow">4267179</a> - Use enqueueWork in ClientSetupEvents for things that are not backed by a Concurrent Map <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6775</a> <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d20a048</a> - Fix syncable itemstack syncing empty stacks when nothing actually changed. It turns out ItemStack#isItemEqual checks to make sure the stack is not empty and if it is, returns false even if the other stack is also empty <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3bd3fb2</a> - Fix having moved too much stuff to enqueue work in client setup in <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3b80bdf</a> - fix NPE when getGameProfile called from a superclass' constructor <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a63277f</a> - attempt to prevent null for <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6856</a> <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">50f5668</a> - attempt to prevent infinite explosions when forge event cancelled <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">285d0df</a> - Add a message to the null pointer crash from ol man optifine <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">e33320c</a> - bump version to 10.0.19 <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">fb9a08c</a> - Updated the maven version in the readme (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6777</a>) <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">521c257</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6772</a>)



支持游戏: 1.16.4, 1.16.5




下载次数: 100



<a href="" rel="nofollow">b05e24d</a> - Update extra.png
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">fc10af0</a> - Only allow the nutritional liquifier to consume foods that would produce paste <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6659</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">2a77729</a> - Adjust xp smelting amounts to be more inline with vanilla, turns out different ores have different xp amounts they produce and I was basing it off of a different one than I intended to
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">adc9a6f</a> - Various fixes to transmitter/transporter networks - Fix network reader counting multiple connections to the same block as one acceptor when they may have different inventories so should all be counted separately - Fix upgrade data for logistical transporters not properly copying transporter stack reference data and thus causing it to get stuck because it thinks there is no room as it doesn't properly remove in transit stacks when they finish transferring <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6660</a> - Cleanup some code related to upgrading transmitters
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">31fc74b</a> - Cleanup build.gradle, update some deps, and fix all jar not properly merging tags (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6661</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">8789f61</a> - Fix not registering our configured features because apparently there is a vanilla registry for them that we need to register to so that they don't potentially cause issues for other mods
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">9df9cf8</a> - Improve accuracy of using amount on energy tab <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6658</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d83f136</a> - Update mappings
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">f63a67f</a> - Improve multiblock formation error messages for fission reactors <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6663</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1661cc6</a> - add AE2 ender dust crushing recipe
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7dfb437</a> - Improvements to TransporterManager so that if it is sending to two different sides of the same block and they have "different" inventories then it doesn't exit early so can start sending items to the second inventory without waiting for the first inventory to finish transferring. For example sending enriched redstone and iron ingots from a chest into a metallurgic infuser. Also updated some docs and slightly reorganized the order of a few things in the TransporterManager
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">78e9416</a> - Finish implementing dispenser support for fluid tanks in bucket mode so that we can have "smarter" logic than the forge one uses once it is eventually fixed
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5a6b895</a> - Fix the laser and flame thrower not being able to hit things like sugarcane or kelp
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">21c2144</a> - Override createSpawn packet for baby mobs, it worked without it because of the similarities in the spawn packet, but using forge's helper is safer and will make it so that if we want to add extra data we can easily
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">4d79d69</a> - Update README
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">2eedb85</a> - Fix having accidentally broken grabbing properties for user info
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">c331d7b</a> - Fix logistical transporters not properly removing their stacks from being en-route to a destination from the transporter manager, and then causing issues that it thinks there are more en-route stacks than there really are
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">46a75e4</a> - Force run datagen by locally reverting mapping update so that AE2 doesn't crash during datagen
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">e28c810</a> - Deduplicate a bit of code between baby mobs and fix the eye height of baby creepers and endermen being slightly off
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">e26311c</a> - Remove unused and not properly working experimental slope methods from VoxelShapeUtils as we can always look at git if we end up needing them for some reason
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d5fa1d9</a> - Deduplicate some code and comment out a debug output from the all jar merger
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">825a475</a> - Fix some things causing re-equip animations that shouldn't be, and adjust how energy capabilities are set on some items so that they more likely to properly update when a config changes at runtime
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">33a142b</a> - Limit some rate bars that could draw past their max element space in specific conditions
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">c4b7f44</a> - Add example of what a modid is <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6674</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">524b6cf</a> - Bump min forge version to 34.1.40 to ensure that we don't get blamed for other mods having bad code and crashing
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0397a17</a> - Update dev version of forge and adjust our model data generation for buckets to use forge's model builder instead of our hacked together limited one
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">9efa0d0</a> - Update to 1.16.4, maintaining support for now with 1.16.3, until we need something from forge that is new to the 1.16.4 version. The name of the jars will still only specify 1.16.4, but they will also work on 1.16.3
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a65a51e</a> - Adjust world generation config handling to be more dynamic and not require a full restart for values to be updated or changed such as enabling or disabling an ore, and make the top and bottom offsets configurable again. While in theory this allows for changing the values of the world config at runtime, it is still definitely recommended to not have the server or a world running while making changes
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">b66ea13</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6667</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7c39b91</a> - Bump version to 10.0.16
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a01c7fa</a> - Fix me being dumb and only updating the loader version range in the main mods.toml causing the other modules to not work properly
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0a5b5d6</a> - Fix maven publishing url
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6062ede</a> - Bump version to 10.0.17
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0287e5f</a> - Actually fix maven upload url



支持游戏: 1.16.3, 1.16.4




下载次数: 47



<a href="" rel="nofollow">b1b86b4</a> - Update JEI and cleanup generics to allow for it to compile against the newer JEI. From my testing it seems to still be able to load on older versions of JEI and also have older versions of mek load on newer versions of JEI
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">676e785</a> - Bump min forge version to 32.0.104 and update how we handle log stripping, and ground tilling to use the new forge method rather than having using ATs to access the lookup maps
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1ef2dd9</a> - Patch silk touch meka-tool still having ores drop xp (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6427</a>). Note: stops other mods from easily being able to add extra xp drops to blocks when they are getting broken with silk touch
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">fd596d7</a> - Fix some improper edge case checks when it comes to checking if empty containers can be extracted (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6425</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a857279</a> - Update list of materials axes work against to match that of vanilla (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6430</a>). Also fix the paxel not properly spawning particles and making a campfire drop its contents when extinguished
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6d192cf</a> - Make empty canteens display "Empty" instead of displaying "No gas" as the fact that nutritional paste is a gas internally is not important
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">550489c</a> - Revamp dictionary item: - Added a description to the dictionary item to make it more clear what it is used for - Now supports showing the tags for blocks, items, fluids, entities, gases, infuse types, pigments, and slurries - Right clicking an entity or fluid in world now shows their tags - The dictionary's GUI now has a dropdown to view the different tag types that something supports. For example block items that have tags for both the block variant and the item variant now show both (though right clicking on blocks in the world is still likely to provide better results in cases where the block variant of an item cannot be properly determined) - Make the target slot in the dictionary GUI be a "ghost slot" so that things can be dragged from JEI into it (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) - Also fix a few misc issues with scroll lists losing contents/selection index when resizing the minecraft window and make all the click sounds in GUIs properly respect the mek sound config instead of only some of them
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">930428b</a> - Make the description for the QIO Exporter clearer (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6457</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">375f006</a> - Fix GuiElement child nesting not properly syncing the individual children
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">188c38d</a> - Fix the QIO container allowing extracting items in larger stacks than their max stack size (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6458</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">50c5cce</a> - Transition a few missed ints to varints
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">52ebee1</a> - Use our own system for calculating comparator level for inventory contents instead of forge's helper so that we can use our more specialized IInventorySlot#getLimit method to allow for properly calculating the value of things like bins (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6454</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">4209310</a> - Make the delay for the industrial alarm turning off less noticeable (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6452</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5e128d6</a> - Added config option for disabling extended vein mining for the Meka-Tool (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6453</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">4eb2eae</a> - Replace Atomic Disassembler mode switch with radial selector. (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6422</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3326bd1</a> - Bump forge version and min forge version to 108, update dependencies and move registering our model loaders to the correct place now that there is a correct place
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">959100c</a> - Make the proper tool type for plastic blocks be a pickaxe instead of there being no proper tool (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6432</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">e135cc7</a> - Fix factory auto sort checking the wrong process for cached recipes so allowing items into inputs that they can't output to
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">dc022e2</a> - Save and load cached comparator levels so that tiles that depend on their world for their levels don't have issues (such as logistical sorters)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">68503bf</a> - Don't allow modification stations to be rotated with the configurator (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6444</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">623a42e</a> - Minor cleanup to how a few colors are applied
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">061cab3</a> - Fix missing render call from turbine model causing the blades to be floating instead of "connected" to the rotor shaft, also fix the rendering being a bit off for the bottom blade of a rotor of height one
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">fc8de2d</a> - Fix some text rendering not using the proper colors if a resource pack changes them
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1901bd0</a> - Rerun formatter
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6a11e27</a> - New Crowdin updates (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6420</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5739653</a> - Bump version to 10.0.9



支持游戏: 1.16.1




下载次数: 94



<a href="" rel="nofollow">c5b71d6</a> - Fix electric bow being stackable <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6224</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">628fd54</a> - Add solar generator energy bar back (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6237</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">225859d</a> - Fix Electric Bow shooting animation (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6233</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">2b522c0</a> - Fix seismic reader scolling buttons (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6242</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">4052082</a> - Fix accidentally still wrapping a packet buffer <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6238</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">f0f5bab</a> - Mark bounding blocks as not allowing movement when queried by pathfinding <a href="" rel="nofollow">#6200</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6fe9bce</a> - Update Wood Gasification to atleast for logs and dust return coal dust (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#6241</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">9d127e1</a> - Fix read/write location mismatch for retrogen
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">e2fbde5</a> - Bump version to 9.10.9



支持游戏: 1.15.2




下载次数: 136



Warning: Mekanism is currently in alpha, and is not recommended for widespread use in modpacks. There are likely to be game breaking bugs, and updating from one alpha to the next may cause various mekanism blocks to disappear/void their contents. While we will try to not have this happen/keep it to a minimum make sure to make backups. You can read more about the alpha state of this project <a href="" rel="nofollow">here</a>.<br> <br><a href="" rel="nofollow">e49fd28</a> - fix fr_fr translations
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">c10ae2f</a> - Fix blocks not keeping energy on breaking <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5768</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">82e7854</a> - Fix free runners not preventing fall damage, and scuba gear + gas mask not preventing magic damage <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5770</a> The listener was being registered on the wrong event bus
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0099326</a> - Update dev forge version, and add an override to make sure contents are always rendered even if the amount is very small. <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5766</a> - Eventually this should and can be expanded to other things calculating scales
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5aef8d8</a> - Move tag creation to data generators
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">8bce87d</a> - Add back accidentally removed balloons tag
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">04c9d6d</a> - Minor cleanup, and fix edge case for EnergyInventorySlot validity check <a href="" <br>rel="nofollow">#5773</a>. Also remove no longer needed HWYLA integration, as it seems to be able to work properly without special hooks
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">acb8905</a> - Fix Portable Teleporter not working properly
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a9c6b59</a> - first pass chunloader rewrite
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7f9929e</a> - move dupe variable out of blocks, add a null check
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">e315851</a> - minor uncheck cast fix
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6c61d48</a> - add non-null getWorld
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">1579d49</a> - chunkloaders part 2 - functional, but susceptible to the force chunk being un-forced
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">37dc1e9</a> - update travis config & readme image/link
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">af3d760</a> - Fix crash on server when using lasers or things that check the LaserManager. <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5774</a> Also bump forge dev version to fix items in JEI looking faded
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">47a0123</a> - Fix accidentally putting the balloon tag in the wrong domain
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">298e7c1</a> - Cleanup implementation of tile sounds, and move the wind generator back to the weather slider. Also fixes the issue where some sounds were not effected by attenuation distance because when Minecraft switched from paulscode to OpenAL, some sounds broke working properly as OpenAL only supports mono sound files. <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5776</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">127215b</a> - Fix baby skeletons having the wrong eye height and move speed values. <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5755</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0bde074</a> - Partially cleanup the code having to do with retrogeneration <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5778</a>. NOTE: It still does not work, but more of the background structure is now ported
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a0da04a</a> - Fix crash when auto mode is turned on in the formulaic assemblicator <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5769</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">bd181f3</a> - FG3 does not use setupCIWorkspace
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">2957488</a> - move to custom chunkloader manager (no vanilla forced chunks)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">486d1cb</a> - Move Tools module recipes to being made with a data generator
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">d9ec680</a> - Move Additions module recipes to being made with a data generator. Still have to convert enriching recipes at some point
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">120c545</a> - Fix JEI not showing filled variants of items
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3bf4854</a> - Fix how Gas upgrade support is registered to different machines, and fix purifying and injecting factories not supporting gas upgrades at all
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">4d15d4a</a> - Make some API classes to allow creating DataGen's for our recipes/tags easier - More work still needs to be done, as we are storing some recipe builders in the data gen module instead of the API for now due to not having access to the serializers in the API package currently - Rename some classes in the data generators to better match the naming forge gave vanilla of having it be Provider instead of Generator - Testing of the various builders also needs to be done, but that will be done in more depth as things are transitioned over to using them - Made is it so that the recipe serializers can handle NBT on fluids properly - Moved the enriching recipes that create slick plastic to the additions recipe data generator, so that all of additions recipes are now done via data generators
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">7409fa7</a> - Reformat code/optimize imports
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">71f8182</a> - Deduplicate a bit of deserialization code, and move the recipe builders for Mekanism's recipes to the API package so they can be properly used by other mods without requiring more than building against the API package.
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">55d34d0</a> - Properly handle the fact when the frequency manager is null on the client connected to a server <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5787</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">27ccc96</a> - Fix a couple bugs with upgrading transmitters, and allow the upgrading to propagate the entire network if you keep clicking on the same transmitter. <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5780</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">65a1e2b</a> - Convert generators recipes to using data generators and clean up formatting of other recipe generators to be more readable in code. Also fix tags for gases and infuse types tags getting loaded after recipes attempt to be resolved, so that tags do not exist initially and the recipe fails to load
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">22f7ddf</a> - Fix chargepad back texture being a bit screwed up
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">a3bff2d</a> - Bump version to 9.9.3



支持游戏: 1.15.1




下载次数: 36



<a href="" rel="nofollow">321afd4</a> - only copy a single item to dummy inv in Formulaic Assemblicator
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">378592d</a> - tidy the item metas in the javadoc
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">75ed072</a> - fix issues with the change-factory-type slot. Closes <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5675</a> - Container Slot will only accept valid items - Factory item inputs explicitly rejected - More efficient recipe type getter (should fix nbt related fails) - Output slot changed to an output
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">5585cf4</a> - pipes/cables/tubes: Don't send neighbour updates out when we should only need to ensure we get saved. RevertMe if chunk boundaries break again. Closes <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5673</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">0efb9cd</a> - wind generator item: only update angle once per render tick. Closes <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5670</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">3ea9cb0</a> - Update de_de.lang (<a href="" rel="nofollow">#5656</a>)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">f014479</a> - update ja_jp.lang line 336: unify translation into BuildCraft line 999: make more like to original pronounce("Hohlraum" is a borrowed term from German.)
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">15d25ed</a> - Update ko_kr.lang
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">6abe348</a> - enable empty outputs for PRC recipes via CT. Closes <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5598</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">bfb3b93</a> - add explicit dump button to infusion factories. Closes <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5630</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">81ef5fb</a> - Bump version to 9.8.3



支持游戏: 1.12.2




下载次数: 17,774



<a href="" rel="nofollow">2b5dcc4</a> - fix accidental infinite thermal evap check. closes <a href="" rel="nofollow">#5354</a>
<br><a href="" rel="nofollow">141bb2b</a> - check adjacent blocks for a thermal controller before looping



支持游戏: 1.12, 1.12.1, 1.12.2




下载次数: 130





支持游戏: 1.11.2




下载次数: 102





支持游戏: 1.10.2




下载次数: 152





支持游戏: 1.7.10




下载次数: 1,195

Mekanism工具 (Mekanism Tools)-MOD模组 (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.