Professional Military Education (PME) EPR Bullets (2024)

AFI 36-2406 (14 NOVEMBER 2019)
4.16.3. Enlisted Professional Military Education Comments in EPRs. The only permissible Professional Military Education comments in EPRs will be those referencing selections for an official Professional Military Education award or completion of Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education I/II web based courses. All other comments, to include recommendation for any other Professional Military Education and selection for any other Professional Military Education attendance are prohibited. Comments referencing Air Force prerequisite Professional Military Education (or sister service equivalent) selection, attendance and/or completion are prohibited, to include implied comments.

Professional Development Center (PDC)

- Attended 2 PDCs; Wingman Concept/Followership--shared knowledge w/8 co-workers/enhanced leadership

- Attended 3-day NCO Professional Enhancement Seminar; bridged ALS/NCOA gap--enhanced mentoring skills

- Attended 4-day NCOPE seminar; bridged gap between ALS/NCOA--strengthened mentoring/supervisory skills

- Attended AFRC Time Management Crse--enhanced his mgmt skills--decreased cust wait from 10 to 5 minutes

- Attended credit mgt seminar; mentored Amn w/knowledge gained--ensured financial awareness/responsibility

- Attended EPR bullet writing course; honed composition skills--garnered critical knowledge for Amn duties

- Completed NCO enhancement trng; mastered bullet writing/eval grading techniques--sharpened supervisory skillsets

- Completed professional development; attended 3 hour Emotional Intelligence course--strengthened leadership ability

- Consum'd Leadership Essentials/Becoming a Supervisor/Taking on a Mgt Role crs's--ready for leadership role

- Dedicated AF steward; showcased superb ldrshp skills recv'd in PDC--trnd 14 terminal prsnl/56 core tasks completed

- Dedicated leader; attended 40-hr NCOA prepratory PDS--sharped NCO tool belt/gained insight from Senior ldrship

- Enhanced Amn skill; completed leadership/conflict management course--ready for increased supervisory roles

Airman Leadership School (ALS)

- ALS John Levitow Awd Recipient! Recognized #1/17 by peers/instructors--ready to guide the future of the AF

- Completed Airman Leadership school; developed key leadership attributes--sharpened communication skills

- Completed six week Airman Leadership School received 10 college credits--logistics CCAF degree complete

- Dedicated volunteer; completed 6 hr Veteran's Home Freedom run--efforts helped raise $375 for base ALS

- Displayed leadership quality; exemplified by ALS peers--won Commandant Leadership Award, promote now

- Driven; Graduated top 5% of ALS; 6 weeks/240 hrs completed--rcv'd coveted "Leadership Awd" from peers

- Earned ALS Commandant's Ldrshp Awd; mentored 30 peers during 5 study sessions--excelled in 1st tier PME

- Enhanced skills & leadership; Volunteered to cmplt first Airman Leadership Distance Learning Course on Blackboard

- Epitome of excellence; showcased superb ldrshp--earned ALS class 14-D top honor/John L. Levitow award

- Epitome of junior Amn; selected by commandant for key ALS admin position--filled CEPME manning shortfall

- Exceled at ALS; displayed exceptional ldrshp & academic performance--chosen by 48 peers to receive Levitow Awd

- Graduated ALS; assumed class commander role--nine credits towards CCAF/recieved leadership experience

- Graduated from ALS--increased leadership/supervisory skills--earned 84% average--boosted NCO value

- Organized ALS study sessions; bolstered 100% flight pass rate for class 13-C--earned Commandant Award

- Phenomenal ldr; earned coveted ALS Ldrshp Awd...chosen by peers out of 37 Airmen...set mark for excellence

- Stood out above peers; hand-picked as ALS class speaker--earned top 10% academic ranking/DG Awd winner

- Top 2% of ALS class/47 peers; displayed exceptional leadership/academic performance--rec'd Levitow Awd

- Vol'd 6 hrs to Relay for Life; organized/manned ALS booth raffle sales--aided $30K raised for cancer research

NCO Academy (NCOA)

- Absolutely sterling performance at NCOA--awarded Academic Achievement plaque--represented AAFB well

- Attended NCOA--increased leadership/supervisory skills--impressive 91% average--boosted value as NCO

- Completed distance NCOA--increased leadership and supervisory skills--completed 1 year ahead of schedule

- Completed NCO Academy--increased knowledge of and value to Air Force--commendable 86% class average

- Conquered challenging opportunity; honed ldrship/comm skills--awd'd coveted NCOA Distinguished Graduate

- Distinguished Graduate (Top 10%) from NCO Academy; recognized for academic achievement (#1 of 76)

- Excelled as NCOA class ldr; scored top 10% of 262 students/98% overall avg--received Distinguished Graduate awd

- Graduated NCOA top 10% of class out of 120 students--garnered prestigious "Distinguished Graduate" award

- Graduated NCOA--increased knowledge of leadership and supervisory skills--boosted value as a career NCO

- Graduated Noncommissioned Officer Academy with a 90% average--learned valuable new leadership skills

- Kisling NCOA graduate; developed ldrshp/tm bldg skills x6 weeks--chosen as Levitow Awd winner/#1 of 171

- NCOA class ldr; led 14 NCO/mentored 2 failing peers/directed 2 svc projects--awd'd Distinguished Graduate

- NCOA Class leader/aced academic crs; designed study plan layouts--garnered critical skills for SNCO duties

- NCOA Distinguished Grad; produced 6 annual/5 grp/3 wg & Tm Tyndall winners/2 CCAFs--mentored ldrs at all lvls

- Pursued professional growth; completed NCOA/earned 11 hrs for BAS degree--enhanced mentor/ldrshp skills

- Selected by peers as top performer; led eight study grps/11 students--NCOA 2012 DG proves worthy of MSgt!

- Stellar NCO! Selected class cmdr during NCOA; led 181 TSgts/org'd 4 wg outreachs--Levitow Awd recipient

- Stellar performer; completed online NCO Academy while deployed to AOR--preparing for future challenges

- Top 10% NCOA/class ldr; mentored 2 failing peers/directed service project--selected Distinguished Graduate

- Transactional leader at NCOA; scored top 10% recognized by instructors--awarded Distinguished Graduate

Senior NCO Academy (SNCOA)

- #13/185 MSgts; AETC '09 PJ SNCO OTY; SNCOA Commandant's awd; proven cmbt ldr--promote to SMSgt!

- Aced SNCO PME/1st Shirt Symposium; exemplified high std f/peers--mentored 5 NCOs to Crs 14 completion

- Always seeking career growth; voluntarily self-enrolled in SNCOA DLC - 1/3 complete, leadership skills sharpened

- Comp'd 16-hr Adv SNCOLC; garnered 382yrs TFI knowledge--honed ldrshp/mentoring skills

- Complet'd SNCO PME Course 14; broaden'd leadership ability/knowledge--working towards CCAF degree in Safety

- Completed SNCO Course 14...broadened leadership ability/knowledge...ready for additional responsibility

- Conquered SNCOA DL -- highest score in Wing for this course! Polished leadership abilities & professional growth

- Distinguished Graduate of SNCO Academy Class 10D; recognized as a dedicated leader by peers and faculty

- Enrolled in SNCO req crse 14; attained vital mgmt knowledge--advanced org supervisory/leadership toolbox

- Finished SNCOA Course 14 in only 2 mos; upheld 91% avg on module tests--premiere addition to SNCO tier!

- Graduated SNCOA #1 of 279! Selected by peers/instr f/ distinguished academics/leadership--received Levitow Awd

- Mastered SNCO PME; completed Course 14--sharpened leadership capabilities/promoted PME among peers

- Pursued self-improvement; active in Crse 14 PME; c/w 1 of 5 blocks--enhanced leadership/managerial skills


- Aced 40-hr SEJPME crs; gained insight to National Strategy & Mil capes--garner'd skills to lead in joint environment

- Aced Jt Sr Enlisted PME course; improved multiforce knowledge--raised jt operational readiness & cohesion

- Aced SEJPME; honed jnt force concept/operations knowledge--bolstered working relations w/ NATO partners

- Advanced military education; mastered Sr Joint Enlisted PME--increased Armed Forces joint ops knowledge

- Awarded SEJPME certification; completed 40 hrs course/94% pass rt; enhanced joint leadership/management

- Completed SEJPME crs; mastered multi-service integration--tm'd w/USN/USMC to devise AOR mx strategies

- Completed SEJPME; enriched leadership abilities & jnt ops knowledge--postured for coalition forces supervisor role

- Dedicated to professional growth; completed 85 hr SEJPME I & II/72 hr SNCO PES--mentored 25 enlisted personnel

- Devoted to professional development; completed Sr Enlisted Jt PME crs--poised to operate w/jt svc agencies

- Education focused; finished 2 classes f/Org Mgmt BA & 45 hr SEJPME2 crs--jt msn rdy/achieved CJCS PME vision

- Finalized 40 hr SEJPME crse;internalized jt policy--utilized skill set/strengthened joint ops perspective & knowledge

- Finished SEJPME II/MBA Managerial Econ crse; earned 3 crdts/motivated peers--deg 90% cmplt/Spring '20 graduate

- Fulfilled CJCS PME vision; aced Sr Enlisted Joint PME course--joint billet ready/set positive image for Amn

- Fulfilled SEAC's PME vision; nailed SEJPME lvl 1 crs--readied to "Develop Enlisted Leaders for Tomorrow's War"

- Graduated Senior Enlisted Joint PME course; mastered 40 hrs skills/objects--prepped for deployment success

- Increased PME creditials; completed SJEPME crse--increased understanding in deployed joint service setting

- Sought personal development; completed SEJPME II/Green Belt crs; finished 12 hrs for Bachelor's Degree/3.8 GPA

Staff/ Cadre/ Commandant

- Academy's most experienced instr; dvlp'd 42 cadre/led 4 IST sessions--targeted education for 1.6K TF/coalition SELs

- Designed Prof Dvlpmnt Education; authored yr long trng plan--paved way for future ldrs/utilized by 60 mbrs

- Devoted Victim Advocate; dedicated 850 hrs on-call/emcee'd 9 county SAAPM ceremony--served 405K community

- Facilitated peer prof development crse; acquired bullet & report writing skills--incr'd supervisory knowledge

- Focused on deliberate dvlpmt; energized prof exch w/SNCOs/ofcrs f/SOS/ACSC/AWC--prepp'd 5K ldrs f/strat roles

- Garnered 2K teaching hrs; awd'd CCAF Instr cert level II--achieved SecAF's "Develop exceptional leaders" priority

- Hand-picked 3X instr trnr; supv'd 266 hrs/10 evals/led 50 SELs--embodied AETC msn "Educate Amn to dlvr airpwr"

- Led 112 mbr team ISO EHRI 5K; advertised event/raised funds & awareness--preserved 32-yr-old museum posterity

- Led Amn Professional Enhancement crs; mentored 35 mbrs on Enlisted Force Structure--reinforced AF core values

- Leveraged int'l crse exp; liaised w/SAF/IA f/RSAF stu/taught 200 hrs ldrshp f/6 coalition SELs--built int'l alliances

- Polished public speaking skills; led NCOPE SNCO Panel Leadership/Mgnt skills seminar; re-blued 40 Airman

- Promoted VOCC monthly PME sessions; cemented AF military standards--boosted 19 junior Amn's knowledge

- Skillfully managed & organized wing's first-ever NCO Professional Development seminar--23 NCOs educated

- Strngthn'd tms/families; led SMSgt retirement ceremony/built 10 mbr Spartan Race tm--honor'd 24 yrs/svc/sacrifice

- Superior NCO! Chosen over 109 candidates as FTAC Team Lead; entrusted with developing 30 Airmen from

First Term Airman Center (FTAC)

- Avid Prof Dev Advocate; drove base 5/6 BTZ workshop & 2 NCO panels--readied 48 future ldrs, garnered 6 BTZ wins

- Completed 7 Public Health courses; chaired 2 healthy life habits brfs--increased Amn knowledge on wellness resources

- Filled Flt Chief role/10 wks/40 Amn; led 16 tasks/6 skill upgrades/writing class--netted 2 Gp-lvl awds/BTZ/5 coins

- Headed donation drive f/local chairty; org'd dropoff locs/prepp'd 78 toiletry kits--raised 122 donations f/RMHC families

- Leveraged private orgs/crafted 6 courses; cited info gap w/xfer to virtual AF--doubled Wg's career broadening portfolio

- Mentored 5 Amn/3 NCOs; advised on progression/home-life challenges--revectored Amn's path/yielded 2 CCAF grads

- Oversaw sq prof dvlpmt prgm; mentored intel competencies & emotional/mental hygiene--dvlp'd 25 future AF ldrs

- Refocused pgrm battle rhythm; shifted to open dialog vs lecture--enabled student-led learning thru shared experience

- Resolved 3-mo FTAC registrar outage; coord'd w/Wg, devised workflow solution--automated 240 enrollments per yr

- Revitalized FTAC; org'd 104 dvlpmt brfs/96 SMEs/est'd conflict resolution trng--eqp'd 122 Amn w/ldrshp/EQ skills

- Rewrote FTAC prgm; incr'd rqmts frm 26 to 42 hrs, est'd 4 classes/DE&I/edu pipeline--spt'd 252 career tracks yearly

- Steered 5 mthly PD sessions; facilitated RM/decision-making guided discussions--improved life skills f/85 Wg Amn

- Sync'd 15 wellness tasks w/FTAC curriculum; dvlp'd 5-day resiliency challenge--inspired mental fitness/3 RTAs qual'd

- Vital 70 ISRW RTA; led 12 stress & hardship management classes, trained 95 mbrs--fueled crit thinking/coping skills


- Acquired heritage items; set up $400.00 in pictures and memorabilia--further professionalized class area

- Actively pursues self-improvement; completed two DEOMI courses--improved communication/ethic aptitude

- Attended 4-day professional enhancement seminar--polished team-building, bullet writing & supervisory skills

- Attend'd 193 SOW LDP; receiv’d 22hrs leadership/followership/EPR trng; strengthened mentoring/supervisory skills

- Comp'd 3 hrs ldrshp/readiness dvlpmnt tng; gain'd Wg/Cmd strategic lvl msn viewpts--shared vision w/ 9 Amn

- Created OTS seminar; consulted USAFA grads/Ed office--illustrated process f/25 Amn--Wg's 1st commissioning PDC

- Finished 12 hrs ldrship CBTs; took initiative/acquired control of section morale fund--enhanced 21 mbr's QoL

- Focused on professional development; finished two Leadership Pathways Courses--reinforced AF standards

- Furthered prof dvlmnt; finalized rqmts for Prof Mgr Certification--key credentialing for ldrshp/mgt experience

- Future Leader; attended 2018 176 WG Enlisted Leadership Symposium--gained leadership vision & prof/development

- Highly-rated SNCO; Completed SNCOA/SEJPME & broadened leadership ability/knowledge--Amplified expertise

- Led the way as Sheppard AFB NCOA secretary--revamped recruiting seminars--increased club membership by 60%

- Military minded! Completed CSAF '11 "Fighter Pilot" reading list book--tutored 12 Amn to read/mil heritage

- Peer leader; Vice President of Enlisted Association Council-- ensured Airmen's voice heard by leadership

- Premier Wg Mentor! KO'd 9 crdt hrs/instr'd 6 FTAC PDC's--keyed edu pursuit f/2 NCOs...blazed pth f/36 future ldrs

- Pursued professional development; attended principles of instruction course--sharpened instructor acumen/mgmt skill

- Read Art of War by Sun Tzu; enhanced leadership/military strategy/tactics knowledge--daily put skills to work

- Represented AF at joint 3 week Army Warrior Leadership Course--lauded for leadership/coined by Wg/CCC

- Spurred NCOA detail training; honed 10 mbrs on reveille/retreat procedure--reverence rendered to AF custom

- Toastmaster mbr; finished 2 speech projs/3 ldship roles--communicator/leadership certification 30% complete

Professional Military Education (PME) EPR Bullets (2024)


What are the 3 parts to an EPR bullet? ›

We built the three parts of the bullet, the accomplishment, impact, and result.

Can you reuse EPR bullets? ›

A workcenter supervisor will often reuse the same bullet statements, over and over, in several different EPRs so it's not unexpected or out of the ordinary. As a rule of thumb, if you had any part in an achievement, from documenting the situation in a log to turning a wrench, you can claim it.

How do you write a good EPR? ›

Please remember OPRs/EPRs should accurately reflect the performance and accomplishments of an individual. They must paint a picture of an individual's performance that is understandable across AFSCs. The reader should not have to “figure out” what the writer is saying.

How to write USAF bullet? ›

Bullet statements describing accomplishments (for the Performance Assessment Section) should begin with the action that is being described. Start the bullet statement with a past-tense verb whenever possible (Managed, Directed, Repaired, Authored, etc.) - Identified, isolated loss of radar to fault in...

What are the 3 main types of bullets? ›

"round-nose" - The end of the bullet is blunted. "hollow-point" - There is a hole in the bullet that creates expansion when a target is struck, creating more damage. "jacketed" - The soft lead is surrounded by another metal, usually copper, that allows the bullet to penetrate a target more easily.

What is a 3 on an EPR? ›

Or "consider for promotion after the rest of the free world has already been promoted. twice." Or use the stock phrase for "3" EPRs: "consider for promotion". Promotion Statement Key: 5 - promote now, immediately, as soon as possible (promote) 4 - ready for promotion (don't promote)

How do I comply with EPR? ›

To meet EPR compliance, businesses should consider implementing the following sustainable production practices to minimize waste generation:
  1. Collaborating with authorized recyclers and waste management companies to effectively manage EPR obligations.
  2. Designing products with recyclability and reusability in mind.

How many times can you reuse a bullet casing? ›

Steel cartridge cases should generally not be reloaded. Brass cases can be reloaded several times. Quality cases from Lapua, Norma, Sako, Hornady can generally all be reloaded safely 3–5 times. You can do more, but at that point it is pointless.

What is an example of EPR? ›

Extended Producer Responsibility in action

The consumer pays a small, but meaningful deposit when they buy a canned or bottled beverage, which is then refunded in full when the consumer returns the empty container, for example through a reverse vending machine (RVM) at their local retailer.

Are you supposed to write your own EPR? ›

No subordinates should be writing their own eprs.

How long does it take to write an EPR? ›

In summary, EPRs are easier to write than most people think. If you have all the information you need, which is the RIP and a list of the ratee's accomplishments, you can produce a pretty good draft in an hour or so depending on your ability.

Who writes your EPR? ›

EPRs are normally written by the member's supervisor with additional input provided by their supervisor's supervisor. Although the bulk of the evaluation is focused on their duty (job) performance, enlisted members are also evaluated on their off-duty performance in areas such as volunteerism and continuing education.

How to write bullets in the military? ›

Each bullet in a list should have parallel structure. For example, if one bullet begins with a verb, all bullets should start with a verb. Capitalize the first word of the bulleted content, and finish with a period only if it is a complete sentence. Bulleted lists should have at least two items.

What is an EPR bullet? ›

Definition: A concise written statement of a person's single accomplishment and its impact on the unit mission, organization, etc. This is the format for the Performance Assessment blocks of the EPR.

What is USAF ammo? ›

Munitions Systems specialists are enlisted airmen of the U.S. Air Force tasked with protecting, handling, storing, transporting, arming/disarming, and assembly of non-nuclear munitions. The Munitions Systems career field is commonly referred to by airmen as "AMMO".

What are the components of EPR? ›

Hardware components
  • Microwave bridge. The microwave bridge contains both the microwave source and the detector. ...
  • Magnet. In an EPR spectrometer the magnetic assembly includes the magnet with a dedicated power supply as well as a field sensor or regulator such as a Hall probe. ...
  • Microwave resonator (cavity)

What are the 3 basic motion of fired bullets? ›

Yaw refers to the rotation of the nose of the bullet away from the line of flight. Precession refers to rotation of the bullet around the center of mass. Nutation refers to small circular movement at the bullet tip. Yaw and precession decrease as the distance of the bullet from the barrel increases.

What are the three main compositions of bullets? ›

The basic components of ammunition are the case, primer, powder, and projectile(s).

What are EPR rounds? ›

The Army Research Laboratory and other participants developed the M855A1, Enhanced Performance Round (EPR), by applying ballistics concepts originally used in large-caliber cartridges to small arms. The result was significant improvements to lethality of small arms.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.