Read MTL - Protect Our Patriarch - v3 Chapter 99 Wang Shouzhe! How could it be you! - NovelBuddy (2024)


Regardless of the strength of the blood nest warrior in the celestial and human realm, it was very powerful, but the young man was very easy to deal with.

I saw that the evil evil mysterious corpse he refined roared again and again, blocking the blood nest warrior in front, and his evil evil demon blade turned into a series of blades that condensed the power of evil evil.

The dark blade light was enough to cut gold and jade, and kept cutting wounds one after another on the body of the blood nest warrior.

The Yin Sha sect is the first sect in the Extreme West. As the sect passed on by himself, the cultivation method is naturally superior to the sect. It is not at the same level as those of wild roads, even if it is just random shots, it is powerful. It is also great.

No matter how hard the blood nest warrior struggled, it was of no avail.

With just one stick of incense, Zhang Yugao's blood nest warrior fell to the ground and died!

As its corpse twisted, an egg-sized blood gu in a wedding dress burst out, flapping its wings and "buzzing" towards the son.

Obviously, this is a more powerful blood worm in the wedding dress.

And it regards the son as a new host target.


The son sneered: "If you marry the Blood Gu King in a small way, you dare to seek the noble body of this son."

After all, he flicked his robe sleeves.

A powerful energy rushed the Blood Gu King in Wedding Clothes and flew upside down, unable to hold back his figure.

Yin Jiu hurriedly stepped forward, took out a special jade box to repeat the old trick, and introduced the blood gu king into the jade box.

However, the blood gu king in the wedding dress was not at peace. It hit the jade box "dangdangdangdang", as if trying to get out of trouble.

Yin Jiu hurriedly injected profound energy, suppressing the Blood Gu King in Wedding Clothes, and then calmed it down.

Huangfu Jinhuan on the side saw his eyes hot.

This is what the son said about the blood gu king in the wedding dress.

It is so powerful that once an ordinary Qi Refining Realm cultivator successfully changes the bloodline through it, the bloodline aptitude can directly reach the top grade.

Once the bloodline aptitude reaches the top grade, even the lowest high-grade grade C will be able to awaken the second bloodline in the Qi Refining Realm and become a true Tianjiao.

Such a Tianjiao, even if it enters the Zifu Academy, will make those masters compete for it, and can easily become a direct disciple. In the future, Zifu is also promising.

Before, the son also used a blood gu king in a wedding dress to lure the Huangfu clan to become his real subordinate. This shows how precious a blood gu king in a wedding dress is.

"My son, your wedding dress Blood Gu King." Yin Jiu respectfully handed the jade box to the son, but his eyes were also burning with eager light.

Obviously, he also wanted this **** Gu King.

"Yin Jiu You are the second-tier middle bloodline of the Lingtai Realm, and you originally belonged to the core disciple of the Evil Yin Sect. Once you are promoted to the Celestial Realm, you are already a triple middle-blooded celestial mirror." The son took the jade box and said calmly. , "This married blood gu king, I am afraid it will be difficult to raise your bloodline from the current double-medium to triple bloodline. The benefits and risks are not directly proportional to this. This married blood gu king is not suits you."

"Yes, son."

Yin Jiu's expression was slightly lost.

If he is still a cultivator in the Qi Refining Realm, he can rely on this blood gu king in the wedding dress to directly promote to the double bloodline, and then rely on the opportunity of being promoted to the spirit platform realm to transform his bloodline into a triple bloodline.

Then his whole life will be different, and he will become a superior disciple of Yin Shazong like a young master.

In this world, there is really one blood and one heaven. Starting with more blood, it is a completely different life.

After all, the sooner you upgrade the blood aptitude, the better.

It's a pity that he was just a small person when he was in the Qi Refining Realm. Who would be willing to give him a blood gu king in a wedding dress? In the final analysis, he still has no fate with this **** Gu King.

"Don't be disappointed. If you want to be a Tianjiao, fate and chance are indispensable. Some people are Tianjiao when they are born, and some people become Tianjiao because of luck. If Tianjiao is easy to get, then direct disciples are worthless. "The son said, "But this time you have done a great job for this son, and this son will pack the elixir ascending pill from the resources that will impact the heaven and human realm in the future."

Yin Jiu was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly bowed deeply: "Yin Jiu worships Master Xie."

The cultivator of Lingtai Mirror wants to be promoted to the realm of heaven and human. In addition to the bloodline talent and other elements, the one that gets the most stuck is the elixir of rising. Even if he is the core disciple of the Evil Yin Sect, it is extremely difficult for him without family roots to collect enough elixir of rising.

With this elixir of ascension, the young master, as long as he worked hard, he could collect the rest of the cultivation and promotion resources.

The two were talking.

The ancestor Hua Ye asked for help from the side: "My son, I can only contain this blood nest warrior, but I can't kill him. I also ask the son to help."

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in the son's eyes.

This ancestor of Hua Ye was almost reaching the middle of the Celestial Realm, but he still couldn't clean up the blood nest warriors of the early Celestial Realm. After all, it's just the heaven and human realm in the place, incomparable with the core disciples of the Yin Sha Sect.


He slightly impatiently dispatched the Yin Sha Xuan Zhan to assist the ancestor Hua Ye against the blood nest warrior, then he ignored him and flew onto the altar.

The blood-colored altar is several feet high, and the son is walking in the air, his figure is elegant, like a stroll in a leisurely garden, and he has fallen on the altar in a few steps.

In the center of the altar, a blood-colored ball was quietly suspended in the formation.

This object is no more than a palm, and light and shadow are entangled, and a worm-like shadow can be vaguely seen inside, exuding bursts of blue-black ice spirit.

Compared with the blood gu king in the wedding dress obtained before, the aura of the insect shadow in this blood-colored sphere is obviously much stronger and fierce. The difference is as large as the difference between a rabbit and a wolf.

"Well, well, as I expected, this blood nest base has two high-grade spirit veins of Xuanbing Yin Sha, and the purpose is to cultivate the blood gu king with the attributes of the ice shame." There was a frenzied color in the son's eyes. Flashed past, "So, the bloodline of the evil spirit body of this young man has the hope of improving again."

He was originally a direct disciple, but the arrogant of the Yin Sha sect. His bloodline aptitude was extraordinary. If he could go further, he could be considered a leader even among the direct disciples. He is expected to set foot in the Yin Sha sect in the future. The senior leaders of the country have become powerful people in their hands.

However, he is now a quadruple spirit body bloodline, and it is naturally impossible for him to be promoted to the fifth bloodline based on this. But even if it is one or two steps forward on the basis of the quadruple bloodline, for example, to the middle or high segment of the quadruple bloodline, he is satisfied.

Moreover, as long as he obtains the method of cultivating the blood gu emperor in the blood nest base, he can naturally manage to create the second and the third blood gu emperor in the blood nest. By then, will the five bloodlines be far behind?

"Warning! Warning!" Qi Ling issued a sharp warning, "Invader, this Intermediate Ice Fiend Wedding Cloth Blood Gu is an important property of the Blood Nest Base No. 3795. Please leave immediately, otherwise We will take compulsory measures!"

In the eyes of everyone, the blood gu emperor in the wedding dress, the appellation on the side of the device spirit, is only the middle-level. It is conceivable that the basalt practitioners of the Shenwu Dynasty were so powerful. Even a suppressed rebel organization cannot be underestimated.

"Qi Ling, don't want to issue such a stupid warning." The son sneered, "If you still have any compulsory measures, you have already used it. Obediently accept your fate, whether it is you or this ice evil spirit marrying the blood gu The emperor will become the private property of this son."

He has been conspiring for so many years and has worked hard for this, isn't it just for today?


He slashed the blade of the evil evil spirit blade in his hand, and soon forcibly broke the formation outside the blood-colored sphere, and took out the blood-colored sphere inside.

"Hahahahaha~ Ji Tianyin, Linghu Wuji, telling you to look down on this young man from above the top. When this young man’s bloodline reaches the fourth high level, he will force you to press one end." He stared at the blood-colored sphere in his hand, his eyes seemed to be Looking at a treasure in general, it is not only jealous, but also full of fanatical excitement.

Just when the son's heart was enthusiastic.


There has been some changes in the battlefield of the ancestor Hua Ye.

Originally, the ancestor Hua Ye had already gained the upper hand with the help of the evil profound corpse of the son, and severely wounded the blood nest warrior of the heaven and human realm.

But don't want to.

Just as Yin Sha Xuan Zie rushed forward and was about to completely kill the blood nest warrior, Hua Ye's ancestor suddenly burst into flames, and the majestic power suddenly erupted.

At the same time, the spirit weapon class fire halberd in his hand swept away.

In the fire, the majestic red dragon profound energy gathered at the tip of the halberd and turned into a red fire dragon roaring out.

The drop point is the head of the Yin Sha Xuan Zui!

The evil evil mysterious corpse had listened to the command of the son, and was assisting the ancestor Hua Ye in the fight. With its simple wisdom, how could the ancestor Hua Ye suddenly attack it?


Amid the violent roar, the head of the Yin Sha Xuan Corpse was directly exploded by the scarlet fire dragon, exploding into several fragments.

Afterwards, the ancestor Hua Ye waved his halberd, and quickly knocked the seriously injured Blood Nest Warrior to the ground and cut off its feet.

In just an instant, the Dark Yin Xuan Corpse and the Blood Nest Warrior were all taken away by the ancestor Hua Ye.

The son's face changed, and he rebuked, "Hua Ye, are you crazy?"

"Hahahaha~ Your Excellency, how can our dignified family of heaven and humans really cooperate with evil spirits like you?" Now that he has taken the shot, the ancestor Hua Ye has no previous repressive scruples and issued a message. Cheerful laughter, "Before, I was just imagining it with you."

In the raging fire, he stood with a halberd, refreshed and vigorous, really majestic, with the momentum of the flame war **** descending to the earth.

"Okay! Okay! It's really unpredictable. This son admits that he underestimated you." The son laughed furiously, but his eyes seemed to be frozen, very cold, "However, you think you have killed this son. Corpse, doesn't this young man have the means to deal with you? Huh, you are too underestimating my dignified evil sect's Tianjiao."

"The son is joking." The ancestor Hua Ye smiled undiminished. "I, Hua Ye, are just the ancestor of a small rural town. How can He De dare to compete with the evil evil sect Tianjiao? If you dare to calculate you today, how can you? Will you not be prepared? Yuan Wu ancestor, who is not showing up yet, when will you wait?"

Yuan Wu ancestor?

The son's face changed drastically.

He never expected that the ancestor Hua Ye would even invite an ancestor, and the most damning thing was that he hadn't noticed it yet.

At this moment.

Among the few Lingtai mirrors that Huangfu Jinhuan was wearing, an unremarkable old servant slowly straightened his body and walked out slowly.

He swept away the old and decayed appearance before, and as he paced slowly, there was a tyrannical atmosphere of heaven and human in his body.

He stared at the son with cold eyes: "Just as the old brother Hua Ye said, how can we be your servants of the evil Yin Sect if we do our best to the heavenly family?"

"Meet the ancestor of Yuanwu." Huangfu Jinhuan was full of excitement, and apologized to the ancestor of Yuanwu. "

"It's okay, in order to make a major event, what is a trivial matter?" Yuan Wu ancestor waved his hand and said he didn't care. Although he still wears the clothes of an old servant, the demeanor of a strong man in the heavens and humans is awe-inspiring, and he does not dare to underestimate it.

The ancestor of Yuanwu was the ancestor of the Xiao family of Anyuanwei Tianren. An Yuanwei and Changningwei are adjacent to each other, and their celestial family will often intermarry. Huangfu Jinhuan's wife is a madam from the celestial Xiao family, and the relationship between the two families can be regarded as very close.

The relationship between the two clans is somewhat similar to that of the Ping An Wang clan and the Shanyin Liu clan.

Only such close family in-laws would still be willing to help even when the Huangfu clan was in such a decline. During this period of time, Huangfu Jinhuan raised funds from various sources, mainly relying on the Xiao Clan of Heaven.

The Tianren Xiao family is a veteran Celestial family that is older than the Huangfu family. The ancestor of Yuan Wu was only in his early three hundred years, and he had already completed the alternation between heaven and man. Today, the Tianren Xiao clan is in the heyday of a double heaven and man.

What's more, the strength of the ancestor Yuan Wu has reached the middle of the Celestial Realm, and it is still better than the ancestor Hua Ye in his heyday.

of course.

Huangfu Jinhuan was able to pull the Yuanwu ancestors into the chariot, naturally it took a lot of effort, and even promised a lot of future benefits and costs. Otherwise, even the ancestors of the celestial ancestors of the in-laws would definitely not be so risky.

"Good! Good! Good!" The son laughed angrily, "What an ancestor Hua Ye, what an ancestor Yuan Wu, this son admits carelessness. However, only with you two, want to win this son, can It's not that easy!"

"Then let Xiao come to see and see, the Yin Sha sect personally teaches the disciple's power!" Yuan Wu ancestor is a veteran Celestial and Human Realm, and his cultivation has reached the middle of the Celestial Human Realm, and he has been in the position of the ancestor for a long time. Naturally, he is extremely proud.

He didn't go to the school because he needed to inherit the family business. Otherwise, if he goes to the academy to develop, he is at least a core disciple, and his status and status will not be much lower than that of today's son.


The ancestor Yuan Wu put a touch on the storage ring, and an extra radiant sword came out in his hand.

"This knife is called'Greeze Knife', and it is a magic weapon handed down by my Xiao family's ancestors." He stroked the war knife with a deep gaze. "Back then, my Xiao family's ancestors used this knife to open up territory for Dagan and establish Merit. Today, I use this knife to slay the evil spirits of the Yin Sha sect and make another contribution to the Xiao family."

Talk about it.

The ancestor Yuan Wu shook his body and disappeared before his eyes like an invisible wind.

Almost in the blink of an eye, his figure suddenly appeared behind the Scarlet Altar.

At the same time, the sword in his hand was already raised high, and a clear blade of light suddenly moved towards the son like a cloud breaking the moon.

The cyan blade light was as light as the wind, erratic, and as sharp as an ice blade. Suddenly, it tore the blood that filled the surrounding area, bursting out an indescribable deterrent power.

As a direct descendant of the Xiao family of An Yuanwei, the ancestor of Yuan Wu, like his ancestors, awakened from the blood of Xunfeng. Now that he has a triple bloodline, even the profound energy in his body has a strong Sunda wind attribute. With the blessing of magic weapons, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is not much weaker than the core disciple of the Academy.

Suddenly, the cyan blade light had already reached the young man's back.

Dao Mang pointed at his back heart!

"Huh~ Good job!"

The son sneered, and with a quick turn of the evil evil devil blade in his hand, he blocked the blade light without turning his head.

The blade light collided with the blade body, and a powerful shock wave burst out instantly.

However, the shock wave touched the Yin Sha Devil Blade, but it was instantly dissipated by the impact of the mysterious energy spilling from the blade body.

With the help of this blow, the young man swept forward like a willow leaf, and suddenly opened the distance with Yuan Wu ancestor.

His movements are elegant and careless, as if every move is easy to lift, but there is a dignified look in his eyes.

Because his current opponent is not one, but two!

Sure enough, at the same time he caught Yuan Wu's ancestor's blow, on the other side, Hua Ye ancestor already rushed over with a halberd in his hand.

"Hahahaha~ Take it to death!"

The ancestor Hua Ye yelled, and the red profound aura suddenly gushed out of his palm, instantly dyeing the entire war halberd into a crimson color.

The halberd swept away, and the sky was red in an instant.

Although what he held in his hand was not the original magic weapon halberd, it was also a middle-grade spiritual weapon. The profound energy cultivated by the high-grade exercise "Red Dragon True Art", combined with the middle-grade spiritual weapon, can exert its power. Not as good as a magic weapon, but not much worse than the average heaven and human state.

In addition, he had already smashed a piece of scarlet fire dragon scale when he started his hand just now, and his strength has skyrocketed by 20 to 30% compared to normal.

At this moment, as he turned the profound energy in his body to the extreme, a red dragon-shaped phantom gradually appeared behind him, and there were waves of dragons roaring from the void, and the aura was indescribable.

However, as a direct disciple of the Yin Sha sect, how could the son be so easy to deal with?

Compared with the two ancestors of Hua Ye and Yuan Wu, not only did he practice more superior techniques than the two, he was also a quadruple bloodline, possessing the Yin Sha spiritual body, which could already initially stimulate the power of the law between heaven and earth. In addition, there is a Yin Sha spiritual pulse in this place, and the surrounding Yin Sha Qi is extremely rich, which can be said to occupy the best place.

With all his strength, his whole body was full of evil spirits, and a clear phantom of Dharma form rose up behind him, letting out bursts of ghost crying neighs, slaughtering his whole body like a ghost, slaughtering thousands of evil ghosts. A ghost that can accomplish something is like a ghost, and it seems that it will destroy the world and destroy the earth at random, which is frightening.

With one person's strength against the two ancestors of the Celestial and Human Realm, he was actually stunned by the wind.

For a while, the entire altar was filled with shock waves caused by the fighting of the three people, and even the remaining formations on the altar were ruined to pieces, and it was almost impossible to see the original appearance.

The surrounding cultivators of the Lingtai Realm all withdrew more than ten feet away unknowingly, for fear of being affected by the battle of the three.

"how so……"

Yin Jiu's face was very ugly.

He also never expected that the Huangfu clan had hidden so deeply and courageously. Since the other party dared to make a move, he must have been prepared long ago.

Immediately, he quietly stepped back, trying to escape from this place of right and wrong when everyone's attention was not on him.

However, he had just walked a few steps before he was blocked by Huangfu Jinhuan and several spiritual stage monks from the family.

"Mr. Jiu, where are you going to go?" Huangfu Jinhuan carried his hands on his back, with a look of complacency on his face.

Yin Jiu's complexion became extremely ugly, and his tone of voice complained slightly: "Patriarch Jinhuan, you and I have no grievances in the distant future, and I have no grudges in the near future. Why don't you let me go this time? Yin Jiu will pay back in the future."

"Hahaha~ let you go?" Huangfu Jinhuan sneered with his hands on his back, "You are evil evil demon evil sect, and we are a great family of heaven and human beings. We are in the law and reason, and the owner of this family should take you. Next, send the heads of your evil evil sect to the county guard mansion to receive the reward."

"With this great contribution, we asked the county government to find a way to heal the injuries of our ancestors. It is also reasonable, reasonable and legal."

"Everyone, the elders, let's take action together to take down this evil evil sect!"

With Huangfu Jinhuan's order, the digital spirit stage realms he brought have been shot.

Yin Jiu's strength is actually not bad, but with the few enemies, how can he be spared?

After a short while, accompanied by Yin Jiu's scream and wailing, he died tragically on the spot.

In such a tragic situation, the young man's face was as cold as frost, and his eyes were so angry that he was about to spew out flames. He furiously said: "Huangfu family, Xiao family, my son remembers you."

The voice just fell.

He strenuously pushed back the two encircled Celestial and Human Realm ancestors, and quickly took out a pill with extremely strong Yin and evil Qi.

This pill is called "Extreme Yin Sha Poison Pill", which is one of the special products of the Yin Sha sect. Its value is extraordinary, and it can greatly increase the fighting power of the Yin Sha sect disciples in a short time.

But the shortcomings of this Dan are also obvious.

Once the effect of the medicine is over, it will fall into a state of weakness, extremely yin and evil poisoning into the body, and even very likely to damage the cultivation base, and it will not be possible to recover after a few years of work.

Most of the core disciples of the evil evil sect can't even exchange it. Only some of the personally wealthy disciples can exchange for a "extreme evil poison pill" and put it on their bodies as a trump card just in case.

There was hesitation in the eyes of the young man, but in an instant, he made up his mind and swallowed this "extremely yin evil poison pill" in one mouthful.

next moment.

A powerful Yin evil spirit mixed with evil poison exploded in his body, spreading throughout his body in an instant, soaking into his meridians.

The momentum of his whole body skyrocketed instantly.

At the same time, the phantom of the Fa behind him seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly became active, uttering a real high-pitched and stern roar.

In the sudden rise of power, the young man's hair was flying, and his robe continued to inflate like an inflated balloon.

The dark poisonous air quickly spread from the bottom of his neck to his jaw, and his skin quickly became pale, and his eyes became darker and darker, making his originally handsome facial features become infiltrating.

At this moment, he doesn't look like a real person, but he is more like a ghost!


The bone-eroding poison intensified the young man’s anger. He curled his lips and showed a sneer. He picked up the evil evil sword and greeted the two ancestors who rushed up again. The evil sword swept away, and counted the powerful evil evil swords in an instant. Sweeping out, covering the two of them all inside.

This blade of light is as dark as ink, but its sharp edge is extremely striking, carrying a poisonous gas from the yin to the evil, as if it can tear the void!


Accompanied by a sharp roar, the blade mang tore the air instantly and arrived in front of the two ancestors of the heavens.

The expressions of the ancestors Hua Ye and Yuan Wu changed, and they hurriedly waved their weapons to resist.

However, the power of this blade light completely exceeded their expectations. Under a single blow, they almost fell from their hands because they could not even hold their weapons securely.

Before they could relax, the next attack of the son had already arrived again.

The vertical and horizontal blades are like the death sickle that harvests everything, and even the altar below is cut into gaps.

The ancestor Hua Ye and the ancestor Yuan Wu joined forces and repeatedly used means to resist, but they were still defeated steadily, and there was no way to fight back.

"Can't go on like this." Yuan Wu ancestor was anxious, "Hua Ye, what means do you have, don't you use it quickly?!"

"You help me block it."

The ancestor Hua Ye gritted his teeth, knowing that at this point, he can no longer have any luck.

Taking advantage of the moment Yuan Wu ancestor encouraged him to block, he wiped his left hand on the storage ring, and suddenly there was something more in his palm, which was thrown out by his shaking hand and burst into the air suddenly.

In an instant.

A blazing fire breath suddenly spread.

This scent of flames is like grabbing from magma, fierce and surging, with the extreme high temperature that seems to be able to scorch people, and when it explodes, it sweeps around hundreds of meters like a fire.

In an instant, the surrounding ice spirits were melted away, the temperature in the air rose at least 20 degrees in an instant, and even the solid ice on the ground that had been condensed by the profound ice veins showed signs of melting.

Everyone seems to have experienced the climate change from the cold winter to the warm spring in an instant.

However, the temperature change is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the suffocating aura surrounding him is all offset by this flame.

Moreover, this blazing fire breath enveloped all the surroundings like a sky curtain, and the rich fire breath filled every corner. It seemed that it would never dissipate in at least a short period of time.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor Yuan Wu couldn't help hiss.

"Six Extreme Sun Flame Pearl!"

The son's eyes widened suddenly, his expression full of disbelief.

Of course he had heard of the Six Extreme Sun Flame Pearl. As a disciple of the Yin Sha sect, how could he have not heard of a weapon specially developed by this Academy to deal with the Yin Sha sect?

But this thing is extremely rare, it can only be obtained by a disciple of the Academy, where did Hua Ye get it?

"Hahahaha~ I didn't expect it~" Seeing the young son's shocked eyes, the ancestor Hua Ye was very proud and couldn't help laughing out loud, "I actually want to control Laozi by the secret method of suppressing the sword intent, let's dream~! Today, I want you to come and go!"

After that, he glanced at the ancestor Yuan Wu next to him: "Yuan Wu, don't be stunned. Give all your strength to Lao Tzu! f*ck it!"

"it is good!"

The ancestor of Yuan Wu no longer kept his hands, and turned his body exercises to the extreme.

A phantom of Dharma form that seemed like nothing appeared behind him, causing his aura to rise abruptly.

With all his strength, the sound of wind and thunder was faintly carried in the light of his sword, and there was unparalleled sharpness in the vertical and horizontal directions.

With the breath of the Six Extreme Sun Flame Pearl suppressing the aura of Bing Sha, he and the ancestor Hua Ye finally succeeded in suppressing the son.

For help, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

The scale of victory began to slowly tilt in the direction of the two of them.

Seeing that the scene was under control again, all the elders and family generals of the Huangfu clan breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, the preparation work done by the Patriarch was very sufficient, and everyone looked at Huangfu Jinhuan with admiration.

A triumphant expression appeared on Huangfu Jinhuan's face.

What is the opportunity to feed the enemy? This is an opportunity to anticipate the enemy.

The disciple of the dignified evil sect, how can there be no life-saving cards in his hand?

This Six Extreme Sun Flame Pearl, but his trump card that cost a lot of money. Such a function made him feel heartbroken and breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is no such thing, the incomplete preservation will make the young man overturned.

In the ensuing battle, there was not much suspense. As the Six-Extreme Yang Yanzhu completely restrained the son's evil spirits, he had no chance of a comeback.

After a short while, with the cooperation of the two ancestors, Hua Ye and Yuan Wu, the son was hit hard one after another.


The son fell violently next to the scarlet altar, smashing the altar to half damage.

His image at this moment has become extremely embarrassed, his whole body is wounded, blood is constantly vomiting in his mouth, and he has no power to fight again for a while.

"It's really a personal disciple, it's really stronger than I thought." Yuan Wu ancestor floating above him, panting.

Although they won this battle, Yuan Wu's ancestors admired the fighting power shown by the disciples.

If it is singled out, the ancestor of Yuan Wu is far from the opponent.

The ancestor Hua Ye said with piercing eyes: "Brother Yuan Wu, as the so-called Ye Changmeng is too much, you and I will kill him together. This credit is shared equally between the Huangfu clan and the Xiao clan."

It is undoubtedly a monstrous feat to be able to kill a direct disciple of the Yin Sha sect in the middle of the Celestial Realm. Moreover, this time also unearthed a blood nest base.

Such achievements may even shock the capital. The rewards are bound to be extremely rich. Even if the two tribes share the credit together, they must make a lot of money.

Even the ancestor of Yuan Wu, who was born in a veteran family of heaven and humanity, felt a burst of enthusiasm in his heart. For this level of merit, besides the founder of the mountain, it was his turn to rank second.

It is very likely that the family will be promoted to the sixth rank in the future.

If it weren't for such a huge temptation and Huangfu Jinhuan's careful layout, how could the dignified ancestors of heaven and humans come here to take risks?

"Fine, nothing." The badly wounded son had a look of despair and helplessness, "I didn't expect this son to die here... too The son went well and didn't send it all the way. "The ancestor Hua Ye sneered, raising the fire halberd, preparing to send the son on the road.


There was a burst of applause.


In the distance, there was a familiar and playful laugh from the ancestor Hua Ye.

"It's really a good show. Huangfu Jinhuan, Huangfu Huaye, I didn't expect you to be smart, and you know how to be lenient with the enemy. It seems that I have learned everything I taught you."

Wang Shouzhe? ! How is this possible?

The ancestors of Hua Ye and Huangfu Jinhuan changed their faces together.


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Read MTL - Protect Our Patriarch - v3 Chapter 99 Wang Shouzhe! How could it be you! - NovelBuddy (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.