The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1964 Guerrillas Said Killed In Viet Nam Six Americans Die, Seventh Missing in Stepped-Up Action SAIGON, South Viet Nam (CPI) Vietnamese government troops were reprted series mopping up Thursday after a of major battles in which they killed at least 200 Communist guerrillas. Six Americans seventh were reported killed and a week's missing in this Wagner action. 232 GI- Killed in Action The new casualties raised to 232. the number of Americans killed in action in South Viet Nam since the beginning of 1961. A total of 329 Americans have died in combat and noncombat incidents in the same period.

The Communist Viet Cong guerrillas 124 killed in two anected battles in the northernmost part of the country. was the highest figure of Communist dead reported in a single engagement since the war began. Heaviest Fighting The heaviest fighting occurred Wednesday atop Hill 159 and at: a company command post about, a mile away. The Vietnamese Defense Ministry reported 112 Communists were killed and 12 at the Killed nearby. post.

battle was U. S. It. Brian K. Skinner of Denver.

Colo. Sgt. Flowers was woundin the same action. In other fighting. a battle was sputtering out 21.

An Lao. 300 miles north of Saigon. A U. S. spokesman said sporadic Communist firing was reported at: the bottleneck entrance to An Lao Valley.

Bodies Spotted Twenty Communist Viet Cont bodies were spotted by Amerivan aerial observers at Lao. One American, Pfe. Arthur S. Shelton, of Loyalion, was killed there Tuesday night. Spec.

5 William R. Hamlin of Seattle. was reported missing in the An Lao area. Selectmen Fire Hampton Chief HAMPTON. N.

H. -The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously Thursday night to fire Police Chief John A. Roden in a long-standing dispute over his administration of the depart-; ment. The selectmen announced their action after a 312-hour hearing during which scores of witnesses appeared in Roden's behalf. Receive Nobel Prizes in Oslo, Stockholm Ceremonies (Associated Press Wirephotos via Cable Norway congratulates Dr.

Martin Luther King. American Negro civil rights Peace Prize in Oslo Thursday. In background is Crown Prince Harald. provost of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, receives the Nobel Prize Stockholm ceremony. Townes shared the prize with Russia's.

Nikolay Basov Konrad Bloch of Harvard University holds his award and shakes hands with Nobel Prize in medicine. Also receiving the medicine prize was Foodor Lynen of Dr. King Accepts Nobel Peace Prize 'With an Abiding Faith in America' OSIO. Norway (UPI) Dr. Martin Luther King.

American Negro civil rights leader, Thursday accepted "with an abiding faith in America' the $54.600 Nobel Peace Prize he has pledged to the cause of racial freedom and equality in the United States. Visibly Moved King was visibly moved by the stirring ceremony in which the was presented the check. diploma and gold medal as the winner of the 1964 award in the main auditorium of the Oslo University. The audience included menbers of his family and friends, Titan 3A I Continued From Page bital test flight at 10 a. m.

today. The booster is being groomed to land unmanned surveyor spacecraft on the moon starting next year make seientifie studies and scout possible astronaut landing, areas. After the firing. Brig. Gen.

Joseph S. Bleymaier, project director, told newsmen: success confirmed our confidence in the system. We feel that the Air Force now has a real purpose in accomplishing space missions. Just Shy of Success The initial Titan 3.1 test flight last Sept. 1 fell just shy of success when its third stage engine shut down prematurely and orbit was not achieved.

Because of the test nature of In left photo, King Olay of King received the 1961 Nobel Charles H. Townes, at right, King Gustaf VE of Sweden in Prochorov. Right photo, P'rof. he receives the King Olay and Crown Prince Harald, government, representatives members of the diplomatic corps and the cream of Norway's cultural and social' circles. Stockholm Rites In neighboring Sweden at about the same time, two more American Nobel prize winners received their awards.

Honored at the ceremonies in Stockholm's Concert Hall were Dr. Charles Townes of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and German born American Prof. Konrad Bloch of the Harvard University faculty. Townes shared the physics prize with two Soviet professors; Bloch the flight Thursday, the satellite, unleashed by the orbiting platform was a chunk of metal with no scientific value. It weighed 3750 pounds.

Titan 3A is forerunner of a powerful Titan 3C rocket which the Defense Department has tabbed for a number of assignments, including A manned orbiting laboratory the size of house trailer which will be used to determine what man can do militarily in space. Details Unknown Russia also employ's orbital launch platforms, but details of they work are not known publicly. Another Titan 3C assignment will be to toss up bundles of eight satellites at a time to establish a network of communications satellites to relay Defense Department messages around the world. OPEN EVERY NITE MON. THRU FRI.

THE HALL GALLERIES SANTA DIP INTO OUR TREASURE CHEST OF PRECIOUS STERLING SILVER GIFTS A gift today a treasured heirloom this is the kind of gift that keeps on giving. If you're looking for the gift exquisite, you're sure to find it in Steiger's Silver Room. Distinguished pieces by famous silversmiths featuring the ornate, the baroque, the traditional, the modern. Perhaps you never realized that there's usually a gift in sterling silver to fit every budget, every occasion. from a baby's spoon to a candelabra.

Yes, if we gave you a partial listing of our sterling inventory it would go like this: candelabras, compotes, match boxes, pitchers, salt and peppers, Paul Revere bowls, entree servers, bonbon dishes, pie servers, baby cups and so on. Think we're bragging? Come see for yourself! Come armed with your gift list and a pencil to check off names. You'll be surprised how many there are on that list who will sigh with delight over a sterling gift idea. Your teenage daughter perhaps? The boss' wife? Grandma? And then of course, there's you! All gifts over 4.95 gift -wrapped free, of course! 1. Silver Room 4th Floor Steiger's Springfield Baker Probers Continued From Page 1 alc time." Jenkins was excused from an immediate appearance on his doctor's plea that he has not fully recovered from "a depressive reaction of the utmost gravity." 3.

Conflicting testimony by former Ambassador Matthew Hi. McCloskey and insurance man: Don B. Reynolds, alleged illegal $25,000 kickback 10 the 1960 Democratic campaign fund, is being referred to the Justice Department. 4. The committee's Democratic majority also voted to leave with the Justice Department an investigation of political contributions made by officials of the International Tolephone Telegraph Co.

in 1960. Hearings Suspended The committee, which has been investigating the saga of how former Senate page boy Baker rose to millionaire status in a few busy years on Capitol Hill, has suspended public hearings until after the new Congress meets Jan. 4. Sen. John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky, the only Republican member at Wednesdays meeting, said in a separate statement that he tried vainly to delay action on the case of the German beauty, Ellen Rometsch.

Despite his protest, Cooper said committee voted to turn the files of an FBI investigation of the 28-year-old part time model over to the Justice Department "for whatever action it might take." Sought Delay The effect of this action, Cooper contended, was to "discharge the committee of its allthority." He said he sought to delay a decision until the two other Republican members. Sens. Carl Curtis of Nebraska and Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania. could be present. Jordan said: "Nothing in these files related in any way to the official conduct of any senator, officer or employee of the Senate, and identified only a very few names of individuals who were reported or admitted to have had private relations with certain women.

Bank Officials Quit He added that it Wast the opinion of a majority the senators present that the files bring them nothings the scope of contained that would! the committee's investigation. In another offshoot of the Baker investigation, Comptroller of the Currency James Saxon said a vice-president and two other directors of the Redwood National Bank of San Rafael, have resigned. The committee heard testimony that the bank paid a $5000 fee to Wayne Bromley, Washington lobbyist, in connection with the issuance of its federal charter. A Little on the Wild Side DETROIT (P The col. lateral snarled at the credit manager but the loan went through anyway.

"Anything after this will he relatively tame," and Jerry Helmke said. The credit audit ager Michigan bank office. he had just ished handling a loan on a four month old Bengal tiger. The animal's owner, Mrs. Gerri Giri, called Helmke a while back and wanted make a loan on a tiger." She explained that she orated an animal rental agency.

The animals are rented for commercial and advertising purposes. "Recently there's been AL great demand for tigers and I learned of this opportunity 10 Life in Continued From Page 1 she leave the center and make her home with him. The probate judge also ruled Mrs. Colopy had given absolute. control of her children.

aged 9 to 15, to Fr. Feency. Pending a decision of the high court tem-: porary custody of the children was given to Judge Morris N. Gould of the Clinton District Court. Life "Fanta -tic" In Colopy's behalf, Atty.

Wal-' ter J. Griffin told the court life at the center is He said that at the trial Worcester witnesses from the center admitted that 39 children at the center were taken from their parents at about the age of 3 and turned over to Fr. Feeney. Griffin said the children each live in a cell, that they never hear a radio or television and never have been in a playground. He said many of the children even don't know their own parents.

Atty. Philip N. Buzzell, coun-: sel for Mr. Colopy. who was in the not courtroom, interfere said in the the court reshould ligious beliefs of citizens however extreme they may he.

Calls Education Narrow He criticized the finding of! Judge Wahlstrom that education given the children at the center is narrow and un-American. He said: "Who is to say it is narrow because the children there do not have to listen to the unspeakable Beatles or see more! undesirable features of the mass media today. The court took the matter under advisem*nt. Fr. Ferney was excommunicated in 1953 after a controversy with the Vatican over church doctrine.

He maintained that; only Roman Catholics could he saved, differing with the church stand that non-Catholics could achieve salvation. buy one in Colorado." Mrs. Giri said. She was requesting a commercial loan "some. where in the neighborhood of $1 Helmke said Mrs.

Giri assured him that the 25-pound tiger would have life insurance written by Lloyds of don and that proceeds from rental of the animal would pay for the loan. Helmke approved the loan but recall granting A loan for anything quite like this" before. 'The tiger. called Tinker Bell, snarled A little and ated quite a stir as she was led through the bank on a leach, but Mrs. Giri assured everyone that "Tinker Bell is really quite gentle." Oslo and Stockholm) leader.

after Dr. Center photo, Dr. in physics from and Alexander King Gustaf as Germany. Jenkins Not Sure He Will Appear At Baker Probe SIN JUAN. Puerto Rico (P- Walter Jenkins said Thursday see after my stay here" when a-ked if he would pear cofore the Senate com.

mittee investigating the affairs of Bobby Baker. Jenkins, dismissed as 2 White House aide after his arrest on a moral- charge, is in San Juan DIt brief golfing holiday. Ho. his wife and another couple played 18 holes Thursday. In Washington, a physician said Jenkins i- -uttering depressive reaction of the utlost gravity." Dr.

Leon Yochelson, a psy. protossor at George Washington Medical School in Wa-hington, gave the assessment of Jenkins' condition in A letter 10 Sen. R. Lerott Jordan, D.N. chair.

man of the Senate Rules Comnittee. months, the reports indicated. The findings were reported by Canadian and New Zealand scientists. LAUDS SALVATION ARMY NEW YORK P--Former PresDwight D. Eisenhower lauded the Salvation Army Thursday at a ceremony honorins Gen.

Alfred M. Gruenther, his fellow soldier. The Salvation Army awarded its Association 1964 of citation New of York it to Gruenther for "his nearly half a century of service to the world, to his country and his fellow Sees 'No Light' In Rail Talks was cowinner with a West German scientist of the medicine prize. "I accept this award today with an abiding faith in America and an audacious faith in the future of mankind," King told the audience which included perhaps the largest number of non-whites ever to attend a single ceremony in this North European capital. Among them were a number of uniformed American Negro military officers.

South African students and a group of King's followers who said they and saved to come heraptor the ceremony. Increase Told In Radar Echoes WASHINGTON (PA startling but den.porary worldwide increase in radar echoes, from meteors. occurred during mid-1953. it was reported Thursday. And scientists who reported the strange phenomenon said it could be due to either extraterrestrial meteors; man-made ones originating from some high altitude 0.

space test; or to some atmospheric illusion. If the Increase in radar echoes was actually due to meteors. an estimated 300 million of them--very tiny in sizewere temporary added to the heavens during a period of sev- CHICAGO (CPI) A federal mediator Thursday, resumed efforts to avert that could bog down the nation's railroads on Christmas Eve and said he saw "'no light" that would point 10 a settlement. Francis A. O'Neill, a member of the National Mediation Board, talked with negotiators for the railroads for three shopcraft unions dishich threatened a strike 10 enforce demands for wage increases greater than those recommended by a presidential emergency board.

50,000 machinists, electricians" and sheet metal workers threatened to gO on strike Tuesday against 187 of the 189 major railroads and terminal companies in the nation. However, U. S. District Court Judge Joseph Sam Perry said Wednesday he will issue a 10-day temporary restraining order Monday 10 give him time to study thoroughly the carriers' request for a permanent injunction barring the strike. Swede Is Arrested As Spy Suspect STOCKHOLM, Sweden CP--A Stockholm businessman been arrested as a spy suspect.

police authorities announced Thursday. The man, whose name not given, was arrested jailed by security police Nov. 30. on suspicion that he delivered vital information to unidentified East Bloc nation, the announcement said. No tails were given, but police spokesman said the affair peared to be a minor one.

MIT. ETA.1 ACTIVE CATANIA, Sicily Eina, Europe's tallest volcano, shot smoke and ashed skyward from its central crater Thursday, covering roofs and street3 of nearby villages with a layer of dust. HELPS YOU PLAY SANTA 4.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.