US Patent Application for ORGANIC COMPOSITIONS TO TREAT KRAS-RELATED DISEASES Patent Application (Application #20180153919 issued June 7, 2018) (2024)


KRAS is a member of the RAS subfamily of small GTPases. It is involved in cellular signal transduction, growth, differentiation, survival and other cellular functions. Over-expression or hyper-activity of KRAS, along with RAS family members HRAS and NRAS, have been associated with a number of diseases, including various cancers. RAS mutations are found in approximately one-third of all human malignancies. Bos et al. 1989. Cancer Res. 49: 4682-4689. KRAS accounts for most of the RAS mutations found in the majority of human malignancies, including 90% of RAS mutations in lung adenocarcinomas. Forbes et al, 2006. Sr. J. Cancer 94: 318-322.

Mutations, hyper-activity and/or over-expression of KRAS in particular has been associated with cancer, including adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer (including advanced and metastatic colorectal cancer), colon cancer, lung (including non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma), acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, and cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome and Noonan syndrome, and similar and related diseases.

There exists the need for treatments related to KRAS-related diseases.


The present disclosure encompasses RNAi (RNA interference) agents to KRAS, which are useful in the treatment of KRAS-related diseases, such as cancer, cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome and Noonan syndrome, and similar and related diseases.

The present disclosure also encompasses a method of treating a human subject having a pathological state mediated at least in part by KRAS expression, the method comprising the step of administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of a RNAi agent KRAS.

The method also optionally further comprises the step of administering a second agent. In some embodiments, this second agent is another RNAi agent to KRAS. In other embodiments, the second agent is another treatment, such as one directed to another target, which is also hyper-active, mutated and/or over-expressed in the pathological state.

The present disclosure provides specific RNAi agents and methods that are useful in reducing KRAS levels in a subject, e.g., a mammal, such as a human. The present disclosure specifically provides double-stranded RNAi agents comprising at least 15 to at least 19 or more contiguous nucleotides of KRAS. In particular, the present disclosure provides agents comprising sequences of 15 or more contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2 or 3 from those of the RNAi agents provided, e.g., in Tables 1 to 6. The RNAi agents particularly can in one embodiment comprise less than 30 nucleotides per strand, e.g., such as 17-23 nucleotides, 15-19, 18-22 nucleotides, and/or 19-21 nucleotides, and/or such as those provided, e.g., in Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof (e.g., wherein the sense and/or anti-sense or first and/or second strand are modified or unmodified). The present disclosure also provides agents comprising a sense strand and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sense and/or the anti-sense strand comprise sequences of 19 or more contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2 or 3 from those of the RNAi agents provided, e.g., in Tables 1 to 6, and modified or unmodified variants thereof. The sense and anti-sense strand can be contiguous, or covalently bounds, e.g., via a loop or linker. The RNAi agents particularly can in one embodiment comprise less than 30 nucleotides per strand, e.g., such as 17 to 23 nucleotides, 18 to 22 nucleotides, and/or 19 to 21 nucleotides, and/or sequences such as those provided, e.g., in Tables 1 to 6.

The double-stranded RNAi agents can have 0, 1 or 2 blunt ends, and/or overhangs of 1, 2, 3 or 4 nucleotides (i.e., 1 to 4 nt) from one or both 3′ and/or 5′ ends. The double-stranded RNAi agents can also optionally comprise one or two 3′ caps and/or one or more modified nucleotides. Modified variants of sequences as provided herein include those that are otherwise identical but contain substitutions of a naturally-occurring nucleotide for a corresponding modified nucleotide.

Furthermore, the RNAi agent can either contain only naturally-occurring nucleotide subunits (e.g., ribonucleotides), or one or more modifications to the sugar, phosphate or base of one or more of the replacement nucleotide subunits, whether they comprise ribonucleotide subunits or deoxyribonucleotide subunits or other related modified variants. In one embodiment, modified variants of the disclosed RNAi agents have a thymidine (as RNA, or, preferably, DNA) replacing a uridine, or have an inosine base. In some embodiments, the modified variants of the disclosed RNAi agents can have a nick in the passenger strand, mismatches between the guide and passenger strand, DNA replacing the RNA of a portion of both the guide and passenger strand (e.g., the seed region), and/or a shortened passenger strand (e.g., 15, 16, 17 or 18 nt). Once a functional guide strand is identified, modifications and variants of the RNAi agent can be readily made. Any combination of modifications which is not mutually exclusive can be (e.g., the combination of base modifications with shortened passenger strand; or nicked passenger strand and base modifications; or DNA replacing part or all of the seed region and base modifications in the remaining RNA; etc.).

In one embodiment, modified variants of the disclosed RNAi agents include RNAi agents with the same sequence (e.g., the same sequence of bases) as disclosed in Tables 1 to 6, but with one or more modifications to one or more of the sugar or phosphate of one or more of the nucleotide subunits. In one embodiment, the modifications improve efficacy, stability (e.g., against nucleases in, for example, blood serum or intestinal fluid), and/or reduce immunogenicity of the RNAi agent. One aspect of the present disclosure relates to a double-stranded oligonucleotide comprising at least one non-natural nucleobase. In certain embodiments, the non-natural nucleobase is difluorotolyl, nitroindolyl, nitropyrrolyl, or nitroimidazolyl. In a particular embodiment, the non-natural nucleobase is difluorotolyl. In certain embodiments, only one of the two oligonucleotide strands contains a non-natural nucleobase. In certain embodiments, both of the oligonucleotide strands contain a non-natural nucleobase.

The RNAi agent(s) can optionally be attached to a ligand selected to improve one or more characteristic, such as, e.g., stability, distribution and/or cellular uptake of the agent, e.g., cholesterol or a derivative thereof. The RNAi agent(s) can be isolated or be part of a pharmaceutical composition used for the methods described herein. Particularly, the pharmaceutical composition can be formulated for delivery to specific tissues (e.g., those afflicted with a KRAS-related disease) or formulated for parenteral administration. The pharmaceutical composition can optionally comprise two or more RNAi agents, each one directed to the same or a different segment of the KRAS mRNA. Optionally, the pharmaceutical composition can further comprise or be used in conjunction with any known treatment for any KRAS-related disease.

The present disclosure further provides methods for reducing the level of KRAS mRNA in a cell, particularly in the case of a disease characterized by over-expression or hyper-activity of KRAS. Cells comprising an alteration such as a mutation, over-expression and/or hyperactivity of KRAS are termed “KRAS-defective” cells. Such methods comprise the step of administering one or more of the RNAi agents of the present disclosure to a cell, as further described below. The present methods utilize the cellular mechanisms involved in RNA interference to selectively degrade the target RNA in a cell and are comprised of the step of contacting a cell with one or more of the RNAi agents of the present disclosure.

The present disclosure further provides methods for reducing the level of KRAS mRNA in a cell, particularly in the case of a disease characterized by over-expression, mutation or hyper-activity of KRAS. Such methods comprise the step of administering one or more of the RNAi agents of the present disclosure to a cell, as further described below. The present methods utilize the cellular mechanisms involved in RNA interference to selectively degrade the target RNA in a cell and are comprised of the step of contacting a cell with one or more of the RNAi agents of the present disclosure.

The present disclosure also encompasses a method of treating a human subject having a pathological state mediated at least in part by KRAS expression, the method comprising the step of administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of a RNAi agent targeting KRAS. Additional methods involve preventing, treating, modulating and/or ameliorating a pathological state wherein disease progression (e.g., tumor growth) requires KRAS, although KRAS is not amplified, over-expressed or mis-localized. Such methods comprise the step of administering one or more of the RNAi agents of the present disclosure to a subject, as further described below. The present methods utilize the cellular mechanisms involved in RNA interference to selectively degrade the target RNA in a cell comprise the step of contacting a cell with one or more of the RNAi agents of the present disclosure. Such methods can be performed directly on a cell or can be performed on a mammalian subject by administering to a subject one or more of the RNAi agents/pharmaceutical compositions of the present disclosure. Reduction of target KRAS RNA in a cell results in a reduction in the amount of encoded KRAS protein produced. In an organism, this can result in restoration of balance in a pathway involving KRAS, and/or prevention of KRAS accumulation, and/or a reduction in KRAS activity and/or expression, and/or prevention of KRAS-mediated activation of other genes, and/or amelioration, treatment and/or prevention of a KRAS-related disease. In one embodiment, a reduction in KRAS expression, level or activity can limit tumor growth.

The methods and compositions of the present disclosure, e.g., the methods and KRAS RNAi agent compositions, can be used in any appropriate dosage and/or formulation described herein or known in the art, as well as with any suitable route of administration described herein or known in the art.

The details of one or more embodiments of the present disclosure are set forth in the accompanying drawings and the description below. Elements of the various embodiments (e.g., sequences, modifications, endcaps, combinations of RNAi agents, combination therapy involving a KRAS RNAi agent and another agent, etc.) which are not mutually-exclusive can be combined with each other as described herein and as known or developed in the art. For example, any RNAi agent sequence disclosed herein can be combined with any set of modifications or endcaps disclosed herein. Any combination of modifications, 5′ end caps, and/or 3′ end caps can be used with any RNAi agent sequence disclosed herein. Any RNAi agent disclosed herein (with any combination of modifications or endcaps or without either modifications or endcaps) can be combined with any other RNAi agent or other treatment composition or method disclosed herein.

Other features, objects, and advantages of the present disclosure will be apparent from this description, the drawings, and from the claims.


FIG. 1 illustrates various modified nucleotides: U002, U003, U004, U005, C004, C005, A004, A005, G005, and G004, which can be used in the RNAi agents disclosed herein. U002 indicates a 2′-deoxy-thymidine which is DNA. U003 indicates 2′-deoxy uridine. U004 indicates a nucleotide with a Uridine (“U”) base with a 2′-O-methyl modification. U005 indicates a U base with a 2′-O-methoxyethyl (MOE) modification. C004 indicates a Cysteine (“C”) base with a 2′-O-methyl modification. C005 indicates a C base with 2′-O-methoxyethyl modification. A004 indicates an Adenosine (“A”) base with a 2′-O-methyl modification. A005 indicates an A base with 2′-O-methoxyethyl modification. G005 indicates a Guanosine (“G”) base with a 2′O-methyl modification. G004 indicates a G base with a 2′O-methyl modification.


The present disclosure encompasses RNAi agents to KRAS, for targeting and inhibition of the KRAS gene, which are useful in treatment of KRAS-related diseases (e.g., diseases associated with mutations in and/or altered expression, level and/or activity of KRAS, and/or diseases which require KRAS, and/or diseases treatable by modulating the expression, level and/or activity of KRAS), such as a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver or hepatic, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, and cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome and Noonan syndrome, and similar and related diseases. The present disclosure also provides methods of treating a human subject having a pathological state mediated at least in part by KRAS expression or over-expression or hyper-activity, the method comprising the step of administering to the subject a therapeutically effective amount of a RNAi agent to KRAS.

Various Embodiments of the Present Disclosure Include the Following.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a sense strand and an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent specific to KRAS (or any set of overlapping RNAi agents specific to KRAS) provided, e.g., in any of Tables 1 to 6. In another embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the sense strand of a RNAi agent from any sequence provided herein. In another embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the sequence of the first strand, and the second strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the sequence of the second strand of any RNAi agent provided herein.

Particular duplexes include the example unmodified (e.g., “generic”) and example modified sequences listed in Table 1. In addition to the described example modifications, other modified variants are contemplated and can be made using the nucleotide sequences provided. In various embodiments, the first and/or second strand are modified or unmodified or a combination of one modified and one unmodified.

RNAi Agents Comprising an Antisense and a Sense Strand Described Herein

In one embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from any sequence (or overlapping set of sequences) provided in a table herein (e.g., any of Tables 1 to 6). In one embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a sense strand and an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from any sequence (or overlapping set of sequences) provided in a table here (e.g., any of Tables 1 to 6). In another embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sequence of the anti-sense strand comprises the sequence of the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent from any sequence provided herein. In another embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of the first strand of any RNAi agent provided herein. Particular duplexes include those specific duplexes provided above and as listed in any one or more of Table 1. Additional modified sequences (e.g., sequences comprising one or more modified base) of each of the compositions above are also contemplated as part of the present disclosure.

Table 1. SEQ ID NOs. For RNAi Agents to KRAS

Provided in Table 1 are the nicknames of various KRAS RNAi duplexes; the SEQ ID NOs. of unmodified (e.g., “generic”) sense and anti-sense sequences; and the SEQ ID NOs. for example sense and anti-sense strands.

Table 1, below, provides the SEQ ID NOs for the unmodified and an example modified sequence of the sense and an anti-sense strands of various RNAi agents to KRAS. The base composition of each sequence represented by a SEQ ID NO is provided in more detail in Tables 2 and 3. Table 4 shows overlapping groups of these KRAS RNAi agents. Tables 5 and 6 show efficacy of various KRAS RNAi agents.

TABLE 1 SEQ ID NOs for unmodified and example modified sequences of a first and a second strand (e.g., sense and anti-sense strand) for RNAi agents to KRAS. unmodified example modified sequences sequenses Sense anti-sense Sense anti-sense SEQ ID SEQ ID SEQ ID SEQ ID Duplex NO: NO: NO: NO: AD-35523.3 1 428 855 1282 AD-35529.1 2 429 856 1283 AD-35535.4 3 430 857 1284 AD-35541.4 4 431 858 1285 AD-35547.4 5 432 859 1286 AD-35553.4 6 433 860 1287 AD-35559.4 7 434 861 1288 AD-35565.4 8 435 862 1289 AD-35524.4 9 436 863 1290 AD-35530.4 10 437 864 1291 AD-35536.4 11 438 865 1292 AD-35542.4 12 439 866 1293 AD-35548.4 13 440 867 1294 AD-35554.4 14 441 868 1295 AD-35560.2 15 442 869 1296 AD-35566.4 16 443 870 1297 AD-35525.2 17 444 871 1298 AD-35531.4 18 445 872 1299 AD-35537.4 19 446 873 1300 AD-35543.2 20 447 874 1301 AD-35549.4 21 448 875 1302 AD-35555.4 22 449 876 1303 AD-35561.4 23 450 877 1304 AD-35567.4 24 451 878 1305 AD-35526.4 25 452 879 1306 AD-35532.4 26 453 880 1307 AD-35538.4 27 454 881 1308 AD-35544.4 28 455 882 1309 AD-35550.4 29 456 883 1310 AD-35556.4 30 457 884 1311 AD-35562.4 31 458 885 1312 AD-35568.4 32 459 886 1313 AD-35527.4 33 460 887 1314 AD-35533.4 34 461 888 1315 AD-35539.4 35 462 889 1316 AD-35545.4 36 463 890 1317 AD-35551.4 37 464 891 1318 AD-35563.4 38 465 892 1319 AD-35528.4 39 466 893 1320 AD-35540.4 40 467 894 1321 AD-35546.4 41 468 895 1322 AD-35552.4 42 469 896 1323 AD-35558.4 43 470 897 1324 AD-35564.4 44 471 898 1325 AD-35570.4 45 472 899 1326 AD-35571.4 46 473 900 1327 AD-35577.4 47 474 901 1328 AD-35583.4 48 475 902 1329 AD-35589.4 49 476 903 1330 AD-35595.4 50 477 904 1331 AD-35601.4 51 478 905 1332 AD-35607.4 52 479 906 1333 AD-35613.4 53 480 907 1334 AD-35572.4 54 481 908 1335 AD-35578.4 55 482 909 1336 AD-35584.4 56 483 910 1337 AD-35590.4 57 484 911 1338 AD-35596.4 58 485 912 1339 AD-35602.4 59 486 913 1340 AD-35608.4 60 487 914 1341 AD-35614.4 61 488 915 1342 AD-35573.4 62 489 916 1343 AD-35579.4 63 490 917 1344 AD-35585.4 64 491 918 1345 AD-35591.4 65 492 919 1346 AD-35597.4 66 493 920 1347 AD-35603.4 67 494 921 1348 AD-35609.4 68 495 922 1349 AD-35615.4 69 496 923 1350 AD-35574.4 70 497 924 1351 AD-35580.1 71 498 925 1352 AD-35586.4 72 499 926 1353 AD-35592.4 73 500 927 1354 AD-35598.4 74 501 928 1355 AD-35604.4 75 502 929 1356 AD-35610.4 76 503 930 1357 AD-35616.4 77 504 931 1358 AD-35575.4 78 505 932 1359 AD-35581.4 79 506 933 1360 AD-35587.4 80 507 934 1361 AD-35593.4 81 508 935 1362 AD-35599.4 82 509 936 1363 AD-35605.4 83 510 937 1364 AD-35611.4 84 511 938 1365 AD-35617.4 85 512 939 1366 AD-35576.4 86 513 940 1367 AD-35588.4 87 514 941 1368 AD-35667.1 88 515 942 1369 AD-35673.1 89 516 943 1370 AD-35679.1 90 517 944 1371 AD-35685.1 91 518 945 1372 AD-35691.1 92 519 946 1373 AD-35557.1 93 520 947 1374 AD-35618.1 94 521 948 1375 AD-35569.1 95 522 949 1376 AD-35534.1 96 523 950 1377 AD-35582.1 97 524 951 1378 AD-35594.1 98 525 952 1379 AD-35600.1 99 526 953 1380 AD-35606.1 100 527 954 1381 AD-35612.1 101 528 955 1382 AD-38127.1 102 529 956 1383 AD-38133.1 103 530 957 1384 AD-38139.1 104 531 958 1385 AD-38145.1 105 532 959 1386 AD-38151.1 106 533 960 1387 AD-38157.1 107 534 961 1388 AD-38163.1 108 535 962 1389 AD-38169.1 109 536 963 1390 AD-38128.1 110 537 964 1391 AD-38134.1 111 538 965 1392 AD-38140.1 112 539 966 1393 AD-38146.1 113 540 967 1394 AD-38152.1 114 541 968 1395 AD-38158.1 115 542 969 1396 AD-38164.1 116 543 970 1397 AD-38170.1 117 544 971 1398 AD-38129.1 118 545 972 1399 AD-38135.1 119 546 973 1400 AD-38141.1 120 547 974 1401 AD-38147.1 121 548 975 1402 AD-38153.1 122 549 976 1403 AD-38159.1 123 550 977 1404 AD-38165.1 124 551 978 1405 AD-38171.1 125 552 979 1406 AD-38130.1 126 553 980 1407 AD-38136.1 127 554 981 1408 AD-38142.1 128 555 982 1409 AD-38148.1 129 556 983 1410 AD-38154.1 130 557 984 1411 AD-38160.1 131 558 985 1412 AD-38166.1 132 559 986 1413 AD-38172.1 133 560 987 1414 AD-38131.1 134 561 988 1415 AD-38137.1 135 562 989 1416 AD-38143.1 136 563 990 1417 AD-38149.1 137 564 991 1418 AD-38155.1 138 565 992 1419 AD-38161.1 139 566 993 1420 AD-38167.1 140 567 994 1421 AD-38173.1 141 568 995 1422 AD-38132.1 142 569 996 1423 AD-38138.1 143 570 997 1424 AD-38144.1 144 571 998 1425 AD-38150.1 145 572 999 1426 AD-38156.1 146 573 1000 1427 AD-38162.1 147 574 1001 1428 AD-38168.1 148 575 1002 1429 AD-38174.1 149 576 1003 1430 AD-39683.1 150 577 1004 1431 AD-39689.1 151 578 1005 1432 AD-39695.1 152 579 1006 1433 AD-39701.1 153 580 1007 1434 AD-39707.1 154 581 1008 1435 AD-39713.1 155 582 1009 1436 AD-39719.1 156 583 1010 1437 AD-39725.1 157 584 1011 1438 AD-39684.1 158 585 1012 1439 AD-39690.1 159 586 1013 1440 AD-39696.1 160 587 1014 1441 AD-39702.1 161 588 1015 1442 AD-39708.1 162 589 1016 1443 AD-39714.1 163 590 1017 1444 AD-39720.1 164 591 1018 1445 AD-39726.1 165 592 1019 1446 AD-39685.1 166 593 1020 1447 AD-39691.1 167 594 1021 1448 AD-39697.1 168 595 1022 1449 AD-39703.1 169 596 1023 1450 AD-39709.1 170 597 1024 1451 AD-39715.1 171 598 1025 1452 AD-39721.1 172 599 1026 1453 AD-39727.1 173 600 1027 1454 AD-39686.1 174 601 1028 1455 AD-39692.1 175 602 1029 1456 AD-39698.1 176 603 1030 1457 AD-39704.1 177 604 1031 1458 AD-39710.1 178 605 1032 1459 AD-39716.1 179 606 1033 1460 AD-39722.1 180 607 1034 1461 AD-39728.1 181 608 1035 1462 AD-39687.1 182 609 1036 1463 AD-39693.1 183 610 1037 1464 AD-39699.1 184 611 1038 1465 AD-39705.1 185 612 1039 1466 AD-39711.1 186 613 1040 1467 AD-39717.1 187 614 1041 1468 AD-39723.1 188 615 1042 1469 AD-39729.1 189 616 1043 1470 AD-39688.1 190 617 1044 1471 AD-39694.1 191 618 1045 1472 AD-39700.1 192 619 1046 1473 AD-39706.1 193 620 1047 1474 AD-39712.1 194 621 1048 1475 AD-39718.1 195 622 1049 1476 AD-39724.1 196 623 1050 1477 AD-39730.1 197 624 1051 1478 AD-39736.1 198 625 1052 1479 AD-39742.1 199 626 1053 1480 AD-39748.1 200 627 1054 1481 AD-39754.1 201 628 1055 1482 AD-39760.1 202 629 1056 1483 AD-39766.1 203 630 1057 1484 AD-39772.1 204 631 1058 1485 AD-39731.1 205 632 1059 1486 AD-39737.1 206 633 1060 1487 AD-39743.1 207 634 1061 1488 AD-39749.1 208 635 1062 1489 AD-39755.1 209 636 1063 1490 AD-39761.1 210 637 1064 1491 AD-39767.1 211 638 1065 1492 AD-39773.1 212 639 1066 1493 AD-39732.1 213 640 1067 1494 AD-39738.1 214 641 1068 1495 AD-39744.1 215 642 1069 1496 AD-39750.1 216 643 1070 1497 AD-39756.1 217 644 1071 1498 AD-39762.1 218 645 1072 1499 AD-39768.1 219 646 1073 1500 AD-39774.1 220 647 1074 1501 AD-39733.1 221 648 1075 1502 AD-39739.1 222 649 1076 1503 AD-39745.1 223 650 1077 1504 AD-39751.1 224 651 1078 1505 AD-39757.1 225 652 1079 1506 AD-39763.1 226 653 1080 1507 AD-39769.1 227 654 1081 1508 AD-39775.1 228 655 1082 1509 AD-39734.1 229 656 1083 1510 AD-39740.1 230 657 1084 1511 AD-39746.1 231 658 1085 1512 AD-39752.1 232 659 1086 1513 AD-39758.1 233 660 1087 1514 AD-39764.1 234 661 1088 1515 AD-39770.1 235 662 1089 1516 AD-39776.1 236 663 1090 1517 AD-39735.1 237 664 1091 1518 AD-39741.1 238 665 1092 1519 AD-39747.1 239 666 1093 1520 AD-39753.1 240 667 1094 1521 AD-39759.1 241 668 1095 1522 AD-39765.1 242 669 1096 1523 AD-39771.1 243 670 1097 1524 AD-39778.1 244 671 1098 1525 AD-39784.1 245 672 1099 1526 AD-39790.1 246 673 1100 1527 AD-39796.1 247 674 1101 1528 AD-39802.1 248 675 1102 1529 AD-39808.1 249 676 1103 1530 AD-39814.1 250 677 1104 1531 AD-39820.1 251 678 1105 1532 AD-39779.1 252 679 1106 1533 AD-39785.1 253 680 1107 1534 AD-39791.1 254 681 1108 1535 AD-39797.1 255 682 1109 1536 AD-39803.1 256 683 1110 1537 AD-39809.1 257 684 1111 1538 AD-39815.1 258 685 1112 1539 AD-39821.1 259 686 1113 1540 AD-39780.1 260 687 1114 1541 AD-39786.1 261 688 1115 1542 AD-39792.1 262 689 1116 1543 AD-39798.1 263 690 1117 1544 AD-39804.1 264 691 1118 1545 AD-39810.1 265 692 1119 1546 AD-39816.1 266 693 1120 1547 AD-39822.1 267 694 1121 1548 AD-39781.1 268 695 1122 1549 AD-39787.1 269 696 1123 1550 AD-39793.1 270 697 1124 1551 AD-39799.1 271 698 1125 1552 AD-39805.1 272 699 1126 1553 AD-39811.1 273 700 1127 1554 AD-39817.1 274 701 1128 1555 AD-39823.1 275 702 1129 1556 AD-39782.1 276 703 1130 1557 AD-39788.1 277 704 1131 1558 AD-39794.1 278 705 1132 1559 AD-39800.1 279 706 1133 1560 AD-39806.1 280 707 1134 1561 AD-39812.1 281 708 1135 1562 AD-39818.1 282 709 1136 1563 AD-39824.1 283 710 1137 1564 AD-39783.1 284 711 1138 1565 AD-39789.1 285 712 1139 1566 AD-39795.1 286 713 1140 1567 AD-39801.1 287 714 1141 1568 AD-39807.1 288 715 1142 1569 AD-39813.1 289 716 1143 1570 AD-39819.1 290 717 1144 1571 AD-39825.1 291 718 1145 1572 AD-39831.1 292 719 1146 1573 AD-39837.1 293 720 1147 1574 AD-39843.1 294 721 1148 1575 AD-39849.1 295 722 1149 1576 AD-39855.1 296 723 1150 1577 AD-39861.1 297 724 1151 1578 AD-39867.1 298 725 1152 1579 AD-39826.1 299 726 1153 1580 AD-39832.1 300 727 1154 1581 AD-39838.1 301 728 1155 1582 AD-39844.1 302 729 1156 1583 AD-39850.1 303 730 1157 1584 AD-39856.1 304 731 1158 1585 AD-39862.1 305 732 1159 1586 AD-39868.1 306 733 1160 1587 AD-39827.1 307 734 1161 1588 AD-39833.1 308 735 1162 1589 AD-39839.1 309 736 1163 1590 AD-39845.1 310 737 1164 1591 AD-39851.1 311 738 1165 1592 AD-39857.1 312 739 1166 1593 AD-39863.1 313 740 1167 1594 AD-39869.1 314 741 1168 1595 AD-39828.1 315 742 1169 1596 AD-39834.1 316 743 1170 1597 AD-39840.1 317 744 1171 1598 AD-39846.1 318 745 1172 1599 AD-39852.1 319 746 1173 1600 AD-39858.1 320 747 1174 1601 AD-39864.1 321 748 1175 1602 AD-39870.1 322 749 1176 1603 AD-39829.1 323 750 1177 1604 AD-39835.1 324 751 1178 1605 AD-39841.1 325 752 1179 1606 AD-39853.1 326 753 1180 1607 AD-39859.1 327 754 1181 1608 AD-39865.1 328 755 1182 1609 AD-39871.1 329 756 1183 1610 AD-39830.1 330 757 1184 1611 AD-39836.1 331 758 1185 1612 AD-39842.1 332 759 1186 1613 AD-39848.1 333 760 1187 1614 AD-39854.1 334 761 1188 1615 AD-39860.1 335 762 1189 1616 AD-39866.1 336 763 1190 1617 AD-39992.1 337 764 1191 1618 AD-39998.1 338 765 1192 1619 AD-40004.1 339 766 1193 1620 AD-40010.1 340 767 1194 1621 AD-40016.1 341 768 1195 1622 AD-40022.1 342 769 1196 1623 AD-40028.1 343 770 1197 1624 AD-40034.1 344 771 1198 1625 AD-39999.1 345 772 1199 1626 AD-40005.1 346 773 1200 1627 AD-40011.1 347 774 1201 1628 AD-40017.1 348 775 1202 1629 AD-40029.1 349 776 1203 1630 AD-40035.1 350 777 1204 1631 AD-39994.1 351 778 1205 1632 AD-40000.1 352 779 1206 1633 AD-40006.1 353 780 1207 1634 AD-40012.1 354 781 1208 1635 AD-40018.1 355 782 1209 1636 AD-40024.1 356 783 1210 1637 AD-40030.1 357 784 1211 1638 AD-40036.1 358 785 1212 1639 AD-39995.1 359 786 1213 1640 AD-40001.1 360 787 1214 1641 AD-40007.1 361 788 1215 1642 AD-40013.1 362 789 1216 1643 AD-40019.1 363 790 1217 1644 AD-40025.1 364 791 1218 1645 AD-40031.1 365 792 1219 1646 AD-40037.1 366 793 1220 1647 AD-39996.1 367 794 1221 1648 AD-40002.1 368 795 1222 1649 AD-40008.1 369 796 1223 1650 AD-40014.1 370 797 1224 1651 AD-40020.1 371 798 1225 1652 AD-40026.1 372 799 1226 1653 AD-40032.1 373 800 1227 1654 AD-40038.1 374 801 1228 1655 AD-39997.1 375 802 1229 1656 AD-40009.1 376 803 1230 1657 AD-40015.1 377 804 1231 1658 AD-40021.1 378 805 1232 1659 AD-40027.1 379 806 1233 1660 AD-40033.1 380 807 1234 1661 AD-40039.1 381 808 1235 1662 AD-40045.1 382 809 1236 1663 AD-40051.1 383 810 1237 1664 AD-40057.1 384 811 1238 1665 AD-40063.1 385 812 1239 1666 AD-40069.1 386 813 1240 1667 AD-40075.1 387 814 1241 1668 AD-40081.1 388 815 1242 1669 AD-40040.1 389 816 1243 1670 AD-40046.1 390 817 1244 1671 AD-40052.1 391 818 1245 1672 AD-40058.1 392 819 1246 1673 AD-40064.1 393 820 1247 1674 AD-40070.1 394 821 1248 1675 AD-40076.1 395 822 1249 1676 AD-40082.1 396 823 1250 1677 AD-40041.1 397 824 1251 1678 AD-40047.1 398 825 1252 1679 AD-40053.1 399 826 1253 1680 AD-40059.1 400 827 1254 1681 AD-40065.1 401 828 1255 1682 AD-40071.1 402 829 1256 1683 AD-40077.1 403 830 1257 1684 AD-40083.1 404 831 1258 1685 AD-40042.1 405 832 1259 1686 AD-40048.1 406 833 1260 1687 AD-40054.1 407 834 1261 1688 AD-40060.1 408 835 1262 1689 AD-40066.1 409 836 1263 1690 AD-40072.1 410 837 1264 1691 AD-40078.1 411 838 1265 1692 AD-40084.1 412 839 1266 1693 AD-40043.1 413 840 1267 1694 AD-40049.1 414 841 1268 1695 AD-40055.1 415 842 1269 1696 AD-40061.1 416 843 1270 1697 AD-40067.1 417 844 1271 1698 AD-40073.1 418 845 1272 1699 AD-40079.1 419 846 1273 1700 AD-40085.1 420 847 1274 1701 AD-40044.1 421 848 1275 1702 AD-40050.1 422 849 1276 1703 AD-40056.1 423 850 1277 1704 AD-40062.1 424 851 1278 1705 AD-40068.1 425 852 1279 1706 AD-40074.1 426 853 1280 1707 AD-40080.1 427 854 1281 1708 AD-39720.1 1716 1754 1792 1830 AD-39706.1 1717 1755 1793 1831 AD-39712.1 1718 1756 1794 1832 AD-39760.1 1719 1757 1795 1833 AD-39732.1 1720 1758 1796 1834 AD-35541.4 1721 1759 1797 1835 AD-39735.1 or 1722 1760 1798 1836 hs_KRAS_321_A22S26 AD-39741.1 or 1723 1761 1799 1837 hs_KRAS_322_A22S26 AD-39778.1 1724 1762 1800 1838 AD-39790.1 1725 1763 1801 1839 AD-39822.1 1726 1764 1802 1840 AD-35609.4 1727 1765 1803 1841 AD-35581.4 1728 1766 1804 1842 AD-39845.1 1729 1767 1805 1843 AD-39858.1 1730 1768 1806 1844 AD-39870.1 1731 1769 1807 1845 AD-35576.4 1732 1770 1808 1846 AD-35588.4 1733 1771 1809 1847 AD-35600.1 1734 1772 1810 1848 AD-35606.1 1735 1773 1811 1849 AD-38151.1 1736 1774 1812 1850 AD-38163.1 1737 1775 1813 1851 AD-39999.1 1738 1776 1814 1852 AD-38159.1 or 1739 1777 1815 1853 hs_KRAS_528_A22S26 AD-38130.1 or 1740 1778 1816 1854 hs_KRAS_531_A22S26 AD-38136.1 1741 1779 1817 1855 AD-40036.1 1742 1780 1818 1856 AD-40008.1 1743 1781 1819 1857 AD-40021.1 1744 1782 1820 1858 AD-40077.1 1745 1783 1821 1859 AD-40072.1 1746 1784 1822 1860 AD-40061.1 1747 1785 1823 1861 AD-40068.1 1748 1786 1824 1862 AD-38131.1 1749 1787 1825 1863 AD-38167.1 1750 1788 1826 1864 KRAS1273 31273_A22S26 1751 1789 1827 1865 KRAS2892 2892_A37S26 1752 1790 1828 1866 KRAS4731 4731_A22S26 1753 1791 1829 1867 AD-39741.1 2770 2760 AD-39735.1 2771 2761 AD-38159.1 2772 2762 NA 2773 2763 AD-38130.1 2774 2764 NA 2775 2765 NA 2776 2766 AD-38136.1 2777 2767 AD-40061.1 2778 2768 AD-35588.4 2779 2769 AD-39845.1 2790 2780 AD-39720.1 2791 2781 AD-35581.4 2792 2782 AD-40068.1 2793 2783 AD-39778.1 2794 2784 AD-35606.1 2795 2785 AD-35609.4 2796 2786 AD-38163.1 2797 2787 AD-35600.1 2798 2788 AD-40008.1 2799 2789 AD-40036.1 2810 2800 AD-39790.1 2811 2801 AD-39870.1 2812 2802 AD-38131.1 2813 2803 AD-40077.1 2814 2804 AD-38167.1 2815 2805 AD-38151.1 2816 2806 AD-39858.1 2817 2807 AD-39706.1 2818 2808 AD-40021.1 2819 2809 AD-39760.1 2828 2820 AD-39822.1 2829 2821 AD-39999.1 2830 2822 AD-40072.1 2831 2823 AD-39732.1 2832 2824 AD-35576.4 2833 2825 AD-39712.1 2834 2826 AD-35541.4 2835 2827 NA, not applicable.

Table 1 presents the SEQ ID identifiers of an example unmodified first and second strand of each KRAS RNAi agent; the Table also provides an example modified sequence for each KRAS RNAi agent. For example, in Table 1, the unmodified sequences of example KRAS RNAi agent nicknamed AD-35523.3 are SEQ ID NOs: 1 and 428. An example set of modified sequences for this duplex is represented by SEQ ID NOs: 855 and 1282. Also note that the “AD” prefix of the nickname is on occasion replaced by “ND”. The name of the RNAi also sometimes has a suffix, such as 0.1. This indicates a particular variant of a duplex. Thus, AD-35523.1, AD-35523.2, AD-35523.3, ND-35523 and the like all indicate KRAS RNAi agents of the same sequence, although they may differ in how they are modified. In these cases, replacement of a U with a T is considered a modification that does not introduce a mismatch; thus, two otherwise identical sequences wherein one or more U bases are replaced by T are still considered to be identical and the same. Some nicknames of RNAi agents also comprise the suffix “b1”, indicating “batch 1.” The various KRAS RNAi agents comprising the nickname AD-35523 thus all have the same base sequence (though not necessarily the same modification), and the suffix “b1” (or “b2” or the like) may indicate a particular batch, though these also have the same sequence.

Some RNAi agents in Table 1 have alternative names or nicknames. Some nicknames are derived from their position in the KRAS gene and, often, a code for the format for modifications. It is noted, however, that different methodologies are available for numbering the KRAS gene sequence. The numbering used herein for the KRAS gene is for illustration only. Alternative names of some duplexes are listed below:

TABLE 1.1 Alternative Names of some RNAi Agents Duplex Name Nickname AD-39741.1 hs_KRAS_322_A22S26 AD-38159.1 hs_KRAS_528_A22S26 AD-39735.1 hs_KRAS_321_A22S26 AD-38130.1 hs_KRAS_531_A22S26

Additional alternative names are provided in Tables 1, 2 and 3. For example, hs_KRAS 1273_A22526, hs_KRAS 2892_A37S26, and hs_KRAS 4731_A22526 are also sometimes alternatively designated KRAS1273, KRAS2892, and KRAS4731, respectively.


Additional tables (e.g., Tables 1.1 and 1.2) are continuations of Table 1; thus, references to any Table or Tables include references to additional Tables. For example, references to Table 1 also include references to Tables 1.1 and 1.2; and references to Tables 1 to 6 include Tables 1.1, 1.2, 6.1, 6.2, etc.

Various Embodiments of the Present Disclosure

Various RNAi agents to KRAS are disclosed in Tables 1 to 6.

Tables 1, 2 and 3 provide the sequence, SEQ ID NOs and relative positions of various RNAi agents to KRAS, including both unmodified sequences (listed in Table 2) and example modified sequences (listed in Table 3).

In the sequences in Table 3, lower-case letters (e.g., c, u) indicate modified nucleotides while upper case letters (e.g., C, U, A, G) indicate unmodified nucleotides. In this Table, example modified versions of each of the sequences are shown. However, the present disclosure also contemplates and encompasses unmodified versions of these sequences and other versions which comprise additional or alternative modifications. Thus, for example, AD-35523.3 can optionally have the unmodified sequences of SEQ ID NO: 1 in the sense strand and SEQ ID NO: 428 in the anti-sense strand. The present disclosure also encompasses alternative modified versions of the duplex comprising the modified sequences of SEQ ID NO: 855 in the sense strand and SEQ ID NO: 1282 in the anti-sense strand. The present disclosure also encompasses different modified variants of SEQ ID NO: 1 in the sense strand and SEQ ID NO: 428 in the anti-sense strand. Similarly, the present disclosure also encompasses any modified variant of any unmodified sequence disclosed herein.

In the sequences in Tables 1 to 3, the modified and unmodified sequences can optionally comprise the sequence “TT”, “dTdT”, “dTsdT” or “UU” at the 3′ end. Thus, in the example above, AD-35523.3 can optionally have the modified sequences of SEQ ID NO: 855 in the sense strand and SEQ ID NO: 1282 in the anti-sense strand. As noted in Table 3, below, SEQ ID NO: 855 and SEQ ID NO: 1282 include a terminal dTdT. dT is 2′-deoxy-thymidine-5′-phosphate and sdT is 2′-deoxy Thymidine 5′-phosphorothioate. In the disclosed sequences, terminal dinucleotide “UU” is 2′-OMe-U 2′-OMe-U, and neither the terminal TT nor the terminal UU are in the inverted/reverse orientation. The terminal dithymidine (or UU) is not part of the KRAS target sequence, but is a modified variant of the dithymidine dinucleotide commonly placed as an overhang to protect the ends of siRNAs from nucleases (see, for example, Elbashir et al. 2001 Nature 411: 494-498; Elbashir et al. 2001 EMBO J. 20: 6877-6888; and Kraynack et al. 2006 RNA 12:163-176). A terminal dinucleotide is known from these references to enhance nuclease resistance but not contribute to target recognition. Thus, the present disclosure also encompasses any modified or any unmodified sequence disclosed herein, wherein the modified sequence comprises a terminal TT, dTdT, sdT, dTsdT, sdTsdT, sdTdT, or the like which may be in either the inverted/reverse orientation or in the same 5′ to 3′ orientation as the KRAS specific sequence in the duplex. In addition, terminology used herein referring to “the KRAS portion of a RNAi agent sequence” and the like indicate the portion of the sequence of a RNAi agent which is derived from KRAS (thus “the KRAS portion of a RNAi agent sequence” does not include, for example, a terminal dTdT, TT, UU, or the like, but does include the portion of the RNAi agent that corresponds to or is complementary to a portion of the KRAS gene sequence or mRNA sequence.

On any modified or unmodified sequence, a 3′ end cap, as is known in the art, can be used instead of or in addition to a terminal dinucleotide to stabilize the end from nuclease degradation provided that the 3′ end cap is able to both stabilize the RNAi agent (e.g., against nucleases) and not interfere excessively with siRNA activity. Thus, the present disclosure also encompasses any modified or any unmodified sequence disclosed herein, wherein the modified sequence further comprises a terminal 3′ end cap.

Table 4 provides sets of overlapping RNAi agents to KRAS.

Activity levels of various KRAS RNAi agents are provided in Tables 5 and 6.

An RNAi Agent Comprising an Anti-Sense Strand Described Herein

In one particular specific embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising an anti-sense strand, wherein the anti-sense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those anti-sense strands in the specific duplexes provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Tables 1 to 6.

Various specific embodiments of this embodiment are described below.

In one embodiment, the composition further comprises a second RNAi agent to KRAS. In various embodiments, the second RNAi agent is physically separate from the first, or the two KRAS RNAi agents are physically connected (e.g., covalently linked or otherwise conjugated) or combined in the same pharmaceutical composition, or are both elements in the same treatment regimen.

In one embodiment, the composition comprises a RNAi agent comprising a first and an second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand and the sequence of the second strand are the sequences of the first and second strand, respectively, of any RNAi agent provided herein. In one embodiment, the composition comprises a RNAi agent comprising a first and an second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand and the sequence of the second strand are the sequences of the first and second strand, respectively, of any RNAi agent provided herein, further comprising an additional about 6 to 20 nucleotides on one or both strands (e.g., about 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20 nt). In various embodiments, the first and second strands are the sense and anti-sense strands listed in the Tables herein, respectively. In various embodiments, the first and second strands are the anti-sense and sense strands listed in the Tables herein, respectively.

In one embodiment, the antisense strand is about 30 or fewer nt in length.

In one embodiment, the sense strand and the antisense strand form a duplex region of about 15 to 35 about 30 nucleotide pairs in length.

In one embodiment, the antisense strand is about 15 to about 36 nt in length, including about 18 to about 30 nt in length, and further including about 19 to about 21 nt in length and about 19 to about 23 nt in length. In one embodiment, the antisense strand has at least the length selected from about 15 nt, about 16 nt, about 17 nt, about 18 nt, about 19 nt, about 20 nt, about 21 nt, about 22 nt, about 23 nt, about 24 nt, about 25 nt, about 26 nt, about 27 nt, about 28 nt, about 29 nt and about 30 nt.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises a modification that causes the RNAi agent to have increased stability in a biological sample or environment, e.g., cytoplasm, interstitial fluids, blood serum, lung or intestinal lavage fluid.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises at least one sugar backbone modification (e.g., phosphorothioate linkage) and/or at least one 2′-modified nucleotide. In one embodiment, all the pyrimidines are 2′ O-methyl-modified nucleotides.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises: at least one 5′-uridine-adenine-3′ (5′-ua-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or at least one 5′-uridine-guanine-3′ (5′-ug-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or at least one 5′-cytidine-adenine-3′ (5′-ca-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-cytidine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or at least one 5′-uridine-uridine-3′ (5′-uu-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises a 2′-modification selected from the group consisting of: 2′-deoxy, 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro, 2′-O-methyl, 2′-O-methoxyethyl (2′-O-MOE), 2′-O-aminopropyl (2′-O-AP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyl (2′-O-DMAOE), 2′-O-dimethylaminopropyl (2′-O-DMAP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyloxyethyl (2′-O-DMAEOE), and 2′-O—N-methylacetamido (2′-O-NMA). In one embodiment, all the pyrimidines are 2′ O-methyl-modified nucleotides.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises a blunt end.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises an overhang having 1 to 4 unpaired nucleotides.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises an overhang at the 3′-end of the antisense strand of the RNAi agent.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is ligated to one or more diagnostic compound, reporter group, cross-linking agent, nuclease-resistance conferring moiety, natural or unusual nucleobase, lipophilic molecule, cholesterol, lipid, lectin, steroid, uvaol, hecigenin, diosgenin, terpene, triterpene, sarsasapogenin, Friedelin, epifriedelanol-derivatized lithocholic acid, vitamin, carbohydrate, dextran, pullulan, chitin, chitosan, synthetic carbohydrate, oligo lactate 15-mer, natural polymer, low- or medium-molecular weight polymer, inulin, cyclodextrin, hyaluronic acid, protein, protein-binding agent, integrin-targeting molecule, polycationic, peptide, polyamine, peptide mimic, and/or transferrin.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 60% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 70% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 80% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 90% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.1 nM in MiaPaca2 cells.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.01 nM in MiaPaca2 cells.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.001 nM in MiaPaca2 cells.

A RNAi Agent Comprising a First and a Second Strand Described Herein

In one particular specific embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides, differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the sequence of the first strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from the specific duplexes provided herein and listed, e.g., in Table 1.

In one particular specific embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand and/or second strand comprise at least 15 contiguous nucleotides, differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the sequence of the first and/or second strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from the specific duplexes provided herein and listed, e.g., in Table 1.

In one particular specific embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand and/or second strand comprise the sequence of the first and/or second strand, respectively, of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from the specific duplexes provided herein and listed, e.g., in Table 1.

In one particular specific embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand and/or second strand are the sequence of the first and/or second strand, respectively, of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from the specific duplexes provided herein and listed, e.g., in Table 1.

Various specific embodiments of these embodiments are described below.

In one embodiment, the composition further comprises a second RNAi agent to KRAS. In various embodiments, the second RNAi agent is physically separate from the first, or the two are physically connected (e.g., covalently linked or otherwise conjugated).

In one embodiment, the antisense strand is about 30 or fewer nt in length.

In one embodiment, the sense strand and the antisense strand form a duplex region of about 15 to about 30 nt pairs in length.

In one embodiment, the antisense strand is about 15 to about 36 nt in length including about 18 to about 23 nt in length, and including about 19 to about 21 nt in length and about 19 to about 23 nt in length. In one embodiment, the antisense strand has at least the length selected from about 15 nt, about 16 nt, about 17 nt, about 18 nt, about 19 nt, about 20 nt, about 21 nt, about 22 nt, about 23 nt, about 24 nt, about 25 nt, about 26 nt, about 27 nt, about 28 nt, about 29 nt and about 30 nt.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises a modification that causes the RNAi agent to have increased stability in a biological sample or environment, e.g., blood serum or intestinal lavage fluid.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises at least one sugar backbone modification (e.g., phosphorothioate linkage) and/or at least one 2′-modified nucleotide. In one embodiment, all the pyrimidines are 2′ O-methyl-modified nucleotides.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises: at least one 5′-uridine-adenine-3′ (5′-ua-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or at least one 5′-uridine-guanine-3′ (5′-ug-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or at least one 5′-cytidine-adenine-3′ (5′-ca-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-cytidine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or at least one 5′-uridine-uridine-3′ (5′-uu-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises a 2′-modification selected from the group consisting of: 2′-deoxy, 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro, 2′-O-methyl, 2′-O-methoxyethyl (2′-O-MOE), 2′-O-aminopropyl (2′-O-AP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyl (2′-O-DMAOE), 2′-O-dimethylaminopropyl (2′-O-DMAP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyloxyethyl (2′-O-DMAEOE), and 2′-O—N-methylacetamido (2′-O-NMA).

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises a blunt end.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises an overhang having 1 to 4 unpaired nucleotides.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises an overhang at the 3′-end of the antisense strand of the RNAi agent.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is ligated to one or more diagnostic compound, reporter group, cross-linking agent, nuclease-resistance conferring moiety, natural or unusual nucleobase, lipophilic molecule, cholesterol, lipid, lectin, steroid, uvaol, hecigenin, diosgenin, terpene, triterpene, sarsasapogenin, Friedelin, epifriedelanol-derivatized lithocholic acid, vitamin, carbohydrate, dextran, pullulan, chitin, chitosan, synthetic carbohydrate, oligo lactate 15-mer, natural polymer, low- or medium-molecular weight polymer, inulin, cyclodextrin, hyaluronic acid, protein, protein-binding agent, integrin-targeting molecule, polycationic, peptide, polyamine, peptide mimic, and/or transferrin.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 60% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 70% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 80% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 90% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.1 nM in MiaPaca2 cells.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.01 nM in MiaPaca2 cells.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.001 nM in MiaPaca2 cells.

A Method of Treatment Using a RNAi Agent Described Herein

In one particular specific embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a method of treating a KRAS-related disease in an individual, comprising the step of administering to the individual a therapeutically effective amount of a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising at least an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 to 19 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from the specific duplexes provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1.

In another embodiment, the present disclosure relates to such a method, wherein the composition comprising a RNAi agent further comprises a sense strand, wherein the sense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from the specific duplexes provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1.

In one embodiment of the method, the RNAi agent comprises at least an anti-sense strand, and/or comprises a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sequence of the sense and/or anti-sense strand is the sequence of the sense and/or the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those specific duplex provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1, wherein the composition further comprises a pharmaceutically effective formulation.

In one embodiment of the method, the RNAi agent comprises at least an anti-sense strand, and/or comprises a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sequence of the sense and/or anti-sense strand comprises the sequence of the sense and/or the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those specific duplex provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1, wherein the composition further comprises a pharmaceutically effective formulation.

Various particular specific embodiments of these embodiments are described below.

In one embodiment, the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

In one embodiment, the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

In one embodiment, the method further comprises the administration of an additional treatment. In one embodiment, the additional treatment is a therapeutically effective amount of a composition.

In one embodiment, the additional treatment is a method (or procedure).

In one embodiment, the additional treatment and the RNAi agent can be administered in any order, or can be administered simultaneously.

In one embodiment, the method further comprises the step of administering an additional treatment for a proliferative disease, cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

In one embodiment, the method further comprises the step of administering an additional treatment or therapy selected from the list of an additional antagonist to a KRAS-related disease.

In one embodiment, the composition comprises a second RNAi agent to KRAS. In various embodiments, the second RNAi agent is physically separate from the first, or the two are physically connected (e.g., covalently linked or otherwise conjugated).

In one embodiment, the method further comprises the step of administering an additional RNAi agent which comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from the specific duplexes provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1.

A Method of Inhibiting the Expression of KRAS Using a RNAi Agent Described Herein

In one particular specific embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a method of inhibiting the expression of KRAS in an individual, comprising the step of administering to the individual a therapeutically effective amount of a composition comprising a RNAi agent of the present disclosure.

In one embodiment of the method, the RNAi agent comprises at least an anti-sense strand, and/or comprises a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the anti-sense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those specific duplex provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1.

In one embodiment of the method, the RNAi agent comprises at least an anti-sense strand, and/or comprises a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sequence of the sense and/or anti-sense strand is the sequence of the sense and/or the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those specific duplex provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1, wherein the composition is in a pharmaceutically effective formulation.

In one embodiment of the method, the RNAi agent comprises at least an anti-sense strand, and/or comprises a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sequence of the sense and/or anti-sense strand comprises the sequence of the sense and/or the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those specific duplex provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1, wherein the composition is in a pharmaceutically effective formulation.

Various particular embodiments of these embodiments are described below.

In one embodiment, the individual is afflicted with or susceptible to a KRAS-related disease.

In one embodiment, the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

In one embodiment, the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, e.g., adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

In one embodiment, the method further comprises the administration of an additional treatment. In one embodiment, the additional treatment is a therapeutically effective amount of a composition. In one embodiment, the additional treatment is a therapeutically relevant method (or procedure).

In one embodiment, the additional treatment and the RNAi agent can be administered in any order or can be administered simultaneously.

In one embodiment, the method further comprises the step of administering an additional treatment for a proliferative disease, cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

In one embodiment, the composition comprises a second RNAi agent to KRAS. In various embodiments, the second RNAi agent is physically separate from the first, or the two are physically connected (e.g., covalently linked or otherwise conjugated).

In one embodiment, the method further comprises the step of administering an additional RNAi agent which comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from the specific duplexes provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1.

Pharmaceutical Compositions of a RNAi Agent to KRAS

In one particular specific embodiment, the present disclosure relates to a composition comprising a RNAi agent of the present disclosure. In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises at least an anti-sense strand, and/or comprises a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the anti-sense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those specific duplex provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1, wherein the composition is in a pharmaceutically effective formulation.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises at least an anti-sense strand, and/or comprises a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sequence of the sense and/or anti-sense strand is the sequence of the sense and/or the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those specific duplex provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1, wherein the composition is in a pharmaceutically effective formulation.

In one embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises at least an anti-sense strand, and/or comprises a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sequence of the sense and/or anti-sense strand comprises the sequence of the sense and/or the anti-sense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those specific duplex provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1, wherein the composition is in a pharmaceutically effective formulation.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to the use of a RNAi agent in the manufacture of a medicament for treatment of a KRAS-related disease, wherein the RNAi agent comprises a sense strand and an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent to KRAS selected from those specific duplex provided herein and as listed, e.g., in Table 1.

Specific Embodiments of RNAi Agents to KRAS Comprising Mismatches from the Disclosed Sequences

Various specific embodiments of a RNAi agent to KRAS are disclosed herein. The present disclosure encompasses the example modified sequences provided in Tables 1 to 6, and the corresponding unmodified sequences and other modified sequences (e.g., modified and unmodified variants). Specific embodiments of the present disclosure include RNAi agents which comprise sequences differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt (nucleotides) or bp [basepair(s)] (e.g., with 0, 1, 2 or 3 mismatches) from any of the RNAi agents listed in Table 1, and modified and unmodified variants thereof. As described in additional detail below, a mismatch is defined herein as a difference between the base sequence (e.g., A instead of G) or length when two sequences are maximally aligned and compared. In addition, as described in more detail below, an “unmodified variant” is a variant in which the base sequence is identical, but none of the bases are modified; this includes, for example, a sequence identical to the corresponding portion of the wild-type KRAS mRNA or gene. A “modified variant” contains one or more modifications (or one or more fewer or different modifications) to a nucleotide, sugar, phosphate or backbone, and/or addition of one or more moieties; but without a change, substitution, addition, or deletion to the base sequence. A particular sequence and its modified or unmodified variants have 0 mismatches among them.

In one particular embodiment, the present disclosure comprises a RNAi agent comprising a sense and an anti-sense strand, wherein the sense and/or anti-sense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from the sequence of the sense and/or anti-sense strand of: any of the RNAi agents listed in Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In another particular embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises a sense strand comprising at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from the sense strand of any of the RNAi agents listed in Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.


Various particular specific embodiments of this disclosure are described below.

In one embodiment, the disclosure pertains to a composition according to any of the embodiments described herein, for use in a method of treating a KRAS-related disease in an individual, the method comprising the step of administering to the individual a therapeutically effective amount of a composition according to any of the claims.

One embodiment of the disclosure is the use of a composition according to any of these embodiments, in the manufacture of a medicament for treatment of an KRAS-related disease.

In one embodiment, the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

In one embodiment, the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

In one embodiment, the disclosure pertains to the composition of any of the above embodiments, for use in the treatment of an KRAS-related disease.


For convenience, the meaning of certain terms and phrases used in the specification, examples, and appended claims, are provided below. If there is an apparent discrepancy between the usage of a term in other parts of this specification and its definition provided in this section, the definition in this section shall prevail.


By “KRAS” is meant the gene, mRNA, and/or protein, or any nucleic acid encoding the protein, or any mutant, variant or modified version thereof, designated by the Approved Gene Symbol: KRAS; Cytogenetic location: 12p12.1; Genomic coordinates (GRCh37): 12:25,358,179-25,403,853 (from NCBI), which also variously designated: KRas, K-ras, K-RAS, GTPase KRas, and V-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene hom*olog, C-K-RAS; K-RAS2A; K-RAS2B; K-RAS4A; K-RAS4B; KI-RAS; KRAS2; RASK2; v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene hom*olog [Source: MGI Symbol; Acc: MGI: 96680]; OMIM: 190070 MGI: 96680 hom*oloGene: 37990 GeneCards: KRAS Gene; Species Human: Entrez 3845; Ensembl ENSG00000133703; UniProt P01116; RefSeq (mRNA) NM_004985.3; RefSeq (protein) NP_004976.2; Location (UCSC) Chr 12: 25.36-25.4 Mb; Species-Mouse: Entrez-16653; Ensembl-ENSMUSG00000030265; UniProt-070564; RefSeq (mRNA)-NM_021284.6; RefSeq (protein)-NP_067259.4; Location (UCSC)-Chr 6: 145.17-145.2 Mb.

The Ras Subfamily

The Ras subfamily (an abbreviation of RAt Sarcoma) is a protein subfamily of small GTPases that are involved in cellular signal transduction and other processes. Activation of Ras signaling causes cell growth, differentiation and survival.

Since Ras communicates signals from outside the cell to the nucleus, mutations in ras genes can cause permanent activation and inappropriate transmission inside the cell, even in the absence of extracellular signals. Because these signals result in cell growth and division, dysregulated or otherwise aberrant Ras signaling can ultimately lead to oncogenesis and cancer. Goodsell et al. 1999. Oncologist 4. 3: 263-4. Activating mutations in Ras are found in a third of all human tumors and up to 90% in specific tumor types. Downward. 2003. Nat. Rev. Cancer 3. 1: 11-22; Bos et al. 1989 Cancer Res. 49: 4682-4689; and Forbes et al. 2006 Br. J. Cancer 94: 318-322

The ras genes were first identified as the transforming oncogenes [Malumbres et al. 2003. Nat. Rev. Cancer 3. 6: 459-65] responsible for the cancer-causing activities of the Harvey (the HRAS oncogene) and Kirsten (KRAS) sarcoma viruses, by Scolnick and colleagues at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Chang et al. 1982. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79. 16: 4848-52. These viruses were discovered originally in rats during the 1960s by Jennifer Harvey [Harvey. 1964. Nature 204. 4963: 1104-5] and Werner Kirsten [Kirsten et al. 1970. Bibl Haematol. 36: 246-9], respectively. In 1982, activated and transforming human KRAS genes were discovered in human cancer cells [Santos et al. 1982. Nature 298. 5872: 343-7], [Parada et al. 1982. Nature 297. 5866: 474-8]. Subsequent studies identified a third human KRAS gene, designated NRAS, for its initial identification in human neuroblastoma cells.

The three human KRAS genes encode highly related 188 to 189 amino acid proteins, designated H-Ras, N-Ras and K-Ras4A and K-Ras4B (the two K-Ras proteins arise from alternative gene splicing). For additional information pertaining to KRAS cloning and isoforms, see, for example, Der et al. 1982 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 79: 3637-3640; Chang et al. 1982 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 79: 4848-4852; McCoy et al. 1983 Nature 302: 79-81; McGrath et al. 1983 Nature 304: 501-506; and Carta et al. 2006 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 79: 129-135.

Ras Function

Ras proteins function as binary molecular switches that control intracellular signaling networks. Ras-regulated signal pathways, control such processes as actin cytoskeletal integrity, proliferation, differentiation, cell adhesion, apoptosis, and cell migration. Ras and ras-related proteins are often deregulated in cancers, leading to increased invasion and metastasis and decreased apoptosis.

Ras activates several pathways, of which the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade has been well-studied. This cascade transmits signals downstream and results in the transcription of genes involved in cell growth and division. There is a separate AKT pathway that inhibits apoptosis.

In various embodiments, the RNAi agents can be used to treat KRAS-related diseases in which any one or more of these pathways or functions is altered. In various embodiments, the present disclosure encompasses KRAS RNAi agents that modulate or alter Ras-regulated signal pathways, including the MAP kinase cascade, and/or modulate or alter processes such as actin cytoskeletal integrity, proliferation, differentiation, cell adhesion, apoptosis, and cell migration. Ras and ras-related proteins are often deregulated in cancers, leading to increased invasion and metastasis and decreased apoptosis.

Activation and Deactivation

Ras is a G protein, or a guanosine-nucleotide-binding protein. Specifically, it is a single-subunit small GTPase, which is related in structure to the Gα subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins (large GTPases). G proteins function as binary signaling switches with “on” and “off” states. In the “off” state it is bound to the nucleotide guanosine diphosphate (GDP), while in the “on” state, Ras is bound to guanosine triphosphate (GTP), which has an extra phosphate group as compared to GDP. This extra phosphate holds the two switch regions in a “loaded-spring” configuration (specifically the Thr-35 and Gly-60). When released, the switch regions relax which causes a conformational change into the inactivate state. Hence, activation and deactivation of Ras and other small G proteins are controlled by cycling between the active GTP-bound and inactive GDP-bound forms.

Critical regions of KRAS for oncogenic activity include codons 12, 13, 59, 60, 61, 63 and 153. Grimmond et al. 1992 Urol. Res. 20:121-126; Burmer et al. 1989 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 86: 2403-2407. Mutations sometimes appear affecting these codons. Some KRAS mutations cause RAS to accumulate in the GTP-bound state by impairing intrinsic GTPase activity and conferring resistance to GTPase-activating proteins. Zenker et al. 2007 J. Med. Genet. 44: 131-135. In various embodiments, the sequence of the KRAS RNAi agent encompasses the portion of the coding segment corresponding to any of the above-listed codons. In various embodiments, the KRAS RNAi agent has a mismatch to the wild-type (wt) KRAS sequence, such that the sequence of the KRAS RNAi agent matches the sequence of a mutated portion of the KRAS gene. In various embodiments, the disclosure encompasses the administration to a patient of a KRAS RNAi agent with a sequence corresponding to that of a particular mutation found in the patient, optionally combined with the administration of a KRAS RNAi agent with a sequence encompassing the wt sequence. In some embodiments, the KRAS RNAi agents correspond to different portions of the KRAS mRNA. In some embodiments, the patient may have one or more mutations corresponding to particular codons of KRAS (e.g., codons 12, 13 and/or 59), but the remainder of the KRAS gene is wild type, and thus the patient can be administered a KRAS RNAi agent with a wild-type sequence which does not span the mutation, and/or administered a KRAS RNAi agent with a sequence corresponding to the one or more mutations.

In some embodiments, the disclosure encompasses a method involving the steps of identifying a patient with a KRAS-related disease, isolating a nucleic acid encoding or corresponding to the KRAS protein or gene from the patient, determining the sequence of the nucleic acid to determine if there is a mutation in the KRAS gene, and, if the sequence indicates a mutation in KRAS, producing a KRAS RNAi agent with a sequence which corresponds to the mutation, and administering the KRAS RNAi agent in a therapeutically effective amount to treat or ameliorate the KRAS-related disease. In some embodiments, the KRAS RNAi agent is administered along with or as part of a treatment regimen with another disease treatment appropriate to the KRAS-related disease.

The process of RAS exchanging the bound nucleotide is facilitated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase activating proteins (GAPs). As per its classification, Ras has an intrinsic GTPase activity, which means that the protein on its own will hydrolyze a bound GTP molecule into GDP. However this process is too slow for efficient function, and hence the GAP for Ras, RasGAP, may bind to and stabilize the catalytic machinery of Ras, supplying additional catalytic residues (“arginine finger”) such that a water molecule is optimally positioned for nucleophilic attack on the gamma-phosphate of GTP. An inorganic phosphate is released and the Ras molecule is now bound to a GDP. Since the GDP-bound form is “off” or “inactive” for signaling, GTPase Activating Protein inactivates Ras by activating its GTPase activity. Thus, GAPs accelerate Ras inactivation.

GEFs catalyze a “push and pull” reaction which releases GDP from Ras. They insert close to the P-loop and magnesium cation binding site and inhibit the interaction of these with the gamma phosphate anion. Acidic (negative) residues in switch II “pull” a lysine in the P-loop away from the GDP, which “pushes” switch I away from the guanine. The contacts holding GDP in place are broken and it is released into the cytoplasm. Because intracellular GTP is abundant relative to GDP (approximately 10 fold more). GTP predominantly re-enters the nucleotide binding pocket of Ras and reloads the spring. Thus GEFs facilitate Ras activation. Well known GEFs include Son of Sevenless (Sos) and cdc25 which include the RasGEF domain.

The balance between GEF and GAP activity determines the guanine nucleotide status of Ras, thereby regulating Ras activity.

In the GTP-bound conformation, Ras has high affinity for numerous effectors which allow it to carry out its functions. These include PI3K. Other small GTPases may bind adaptors such as arfaptin or second messenger systems such as adenylyl cyclase. The Ras binding domain is found in many effectors and invariably binds to one of the switch regions, because these change conformation between the active and inactive forms. However, they may also bind to the rest of the protein surface.

In various embodiments, the present disclosure encompasses KRAS RNAi agents that modulate the amount of KRAS and/or the amount of activated KRAS in a cell. In various other embodiments, the present disclosure encompasses a composition or pharmaceutical composition comprising and/or a method of treatment involving one or more KRAS RNAi agents and a second agent (e.g., another RNAi agent, antibody, or small molecule) which targets a factor which interacts with KRAS (e.g., PI3K, GAP, etc.).

Ras in Cancer

Mutations in the Ras family of proto-oncogenes are very common. A pharmacological approach that curtails Ras activity can inhibit certain cancer types. Ras point mutations are the single most common abnormality of human proto-oncogenes. Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th ed. 2010. p. 282. Ras inhibitor trans-farnesylthiosalicylic acid (FTS, Salirasib) exhibits profound anti-oncogenic effects in many cancer cell lines. Rotblat et al. 2008. Methods Enzymol 439: 467-89; and Blum et al. 2005. Cancer Research 65. 3: 999-1006.

In various embodiments, KRAS RNAi agents disclosed herein can be introduced into tumor cells with a point mutation in KRAS or other mutation causing an over-expression or hyper-activity of KRAS. Such cells are termed “KRAS-defective” cells.

Inappropriate activation of the gene has been shown to play a key role in signal transduction, proliferation and malignant transformation. Lodish et al. 2000. Chapter 25. Cancer. Molecular cell biology. 4th ed. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman.

Mutations in a number of different genes as well as KRAS itself can also have this effect. Oncogenes such as p210BCR-ABL or the growth receptor erbB are upstream of Ras, so if they are constitutively activated their signals will transduce through Ras.

The tumour suppressor gene NF1 encodes a Ras-GAP—its mutation in neurofibromatosis will mean that Ras is less likely to be inactivated. RNAi agents targeting KRAS can thus be used in conjunction with other agents (e.g., other RNAi agents) which target other factors which effect KRAS and its various pathways.

Finally, Ras oncogenes can be activated by point mutations so that the GTPase reaction can no longer be stimulated by GAP—this increases the half life of active Ras-GTP mutants.

In various embodiments, the KRAS RNAi agent can be administered to patients having a KRAS-related diseases involving a mutation outside KRAS, such as in p210BCR-ABL, erbB, or NF1. In various other embodiments, the present disclosure encompasses a composition or pharmaceutical composition or treatment method involving both one or more KRAS RNAi agents and one or more agents (e.g., a RNAi agent, antibody or small molecule) which targets another factor which causes inappropriate activation of KRAS, such as in p210BCR-ABL, erbB, or NF1.

Constitutively Active Ras

Constitutively active Ras (RasD) is one which contains mutations that prevent GTP hydrolysis, thus locking Ras in a permanently ‘On’ state.

The most common mutations are found at residue G12 in the P-loop and the catalytic residue Q61.

The glycine to valine mutation at residue 12 renders the GTPase domain of Ras insensitive to inactivation by GAP and thus stuck in the “on state”. Ras requires a GAP for inactivation as it is a relatively poor catalyst on its own, as opposed to other G-domain-containing proteins such as the alpha subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins.

Residue 61 is responsible for stabilizing the transition state for GTP hydrolysis. Because enzyme catalysis in general is achieved by lowering the energy barrier between substrate and product, mutation of Q61 to K necessarily reduces the rate of intrinsic Ras GTP hydrolysis to physiologically meaningless levels.

In various embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to a method of treatment of a patient having or susceptible to a KRAS-related disease, wherein the KRAS is constitutively active.

KRAS Sequences in Various Species

The sequence of KRAS gene has determined for various species, including Human (HGNC: 6407; NM_004985.3); Mouse (MGI:96680); and Rat (RGD:2981). A RNAi agent specific to KRAS can be designed such that the sequence thereof completely matches that of the mRNA corresponding to the human KRAS gene and the hom*ologous gene from a test animal. This is advantageous when developing a therapeutic RNAi agent since the same RNAi agent can be used in both a test animal (e.g., rat, mouse, or cynomolgus monkey, etc.) and a human.

The KRAS sequence in cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis, or “cyno”) has been partially determined. Shown below are the partial cyno sequence and comparisons between portions of the cyno and human KRAS sequences. NM_004985 KRAS, v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene hom*olog consensus—target length=5312, consensus length=4474, 23 contigs (longest is 775) 113 mismatches, 1651.87410068346 reads, coverage: max=96, mean=13.158; consensus consistency=99.41%, target/consensus conservation 97.47%.

KRAS Cynomolgus Sequence:


Comparisons between portions of the human sequence and the cyno sequence are presented below.


The lowercase letters in the KRAS sequence are an NCBI convention for low-complexity sequences. The matching algorithm frequently excludes these when calculating match scores, as they tend to match against large numbers of things in the genome.

In one embodiment, the KRAS RNAi agent of the present disclosure comprises a sequence which is identical in the all three of human, rat and cyno KRAS mRNAs. This sequence identity across species facilitates animal testing prior to human testing, since the sequence of the RNAi does not need to be modified due to species-specific differences in the target sequence. In one embodiment, the KRAS RNAi agent comprises a sequence which is identical in the human, mouse and cyno KRAS mRNAs. In various embodiments, the KRAS RNAi agent comprises a sequence which is identical in human and mouse, human and rat, and/or human and cyno.

Additional Embodiments of a RNAi Agent to KRAS

The present disclosure pertains to RNAi agents which target human KRAS. In one embodiment, the KRAS RNAi agent comprises a sequence which does not match that of any other mRNA or gene. In one embodiment, the KRAS RNAi agent comprises a sequence which differs from all other known non-KRAS mRNAs or genes by at least 0, 1, 2 or 3 nucleotides. An increase in the number of mismatches between the KRAS RNAi sequence and that of any other gene can decrease the amount of “off-target effects” or the RNAi agent targeting a non-target gene (e.g., a gene that is not KRAS).

In one embodiment, the KRAS RNAi agent of the present disclosure is administered to a patient in need thereof (e.g., a patient suffering from a KRAS-related disease).

The patient can also be administered more than one RNAi agent specific to KRAS. In one embodiment, the KRAS RNAi agent(s) of the present disclosure can optionally be administered along with one or more additional pharmaceutical agent appropriate for that disease. In one embodiment, the KRAS RNAi agent(s) of the present disclosure can be optionally administered along with any other appropriate additional treatment, wherein the additional treatment can be a composition (e.g., another agent that can treat a KRAS-related disease such as a cancer treatment) or a method (e.g., surgery to remove a tumor if the KRAS-related disease is a cancer).

The RNAi agent(s) and additional disease treatment(s) can be administered in any order, simultaneously, concurrently, separately, or sequentially, or in one or multiple doses over time.

Additional Definitions

For convenience, the meaning of certain terms and phrases used in the specification, examples, and appended claims, are provided below. If there is an apparent discrepancy between the usage of a term in other parts of this specification and its definition provided in this section, the definition in this section shall prevail.

As used throughout this disclosure, articles such as “a” and “an” refer to one or more than one (at least one) of the grammatical object of the article.

RNAi Agent

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a KRAS RNAi agent or other composition comprising at least an antisense nucleic acid sequence complementary to a KRAS nucleic acid (or portion thereof), or pertains to a recombinant expression vector encoding an shRNA or composition comprising the antisense nucleic acid that can function as an RNAi as defined below. As used herein, an “antisense” nucleic acid comprises a nucleotide sequence complementary to a “sense” nucleic acid encoding the KRAS protein (e.g., complementary to the coding strand of a double-stranded DNA, complementary to an mRNA or complementary to the coding strand of a KRAS gene or nucleic acid).

RNAi agents include, as non-limiting examples, siRNAs (small interfering RNAs), dsRNAs (double stranded RNAs), shRNAs (short hairpin RNAs) and miRNAs (micro RNAs).

In various embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to any RNAi agent comprising a RNA sequence corresponding to any DNA sequences disclosed herein (e.g., wherein the DNA nucleotides are replaced by the corresponding RNA nucleotide, for example, with T in DNA replaced by U in RNA, and with ribose instead of deoxyribose in the sugar-phosphate backbone).

In one embodiment, the RNAi comprises a single strand. This single-stranded RNAi agent oligonucleotide or polynucleotide can comprise the sense or antisense strand, as described by Sioud 2005 J. Mol. Biol. 348:1079-1090, and references therein. Thus the disclosure encompasses RNAi agents with a single strand comprising either the sense or antisense strand of an RNAi agent described herein. The disclosure also encompasses RNAi agents comprising a single strand, wherein the single strand comprises the sequences of both the antisense and sense strands of any RNAi agent disclosed herein, e.g., wherein the strands are contiguous, connected by a loop or otherwise linked. Examples of such molecules include those with a hairpin between the sense and anti-sense sequences (e.g., shRNA).

The RNAi agent(s) of the present disclosure target (e.g., bind to, anneal to, hybridize, etc.) the KRAS mRNA. The use of the RNAi agent specific to KRAS results in a decrease of KRAS activity, level and/or expression, e.g., a “knock-down” (KD) or “knock-out” of the target gene or target sequence. In one embodiment, in the case of a disease state characterized by over-expression or hyper-activity of KRAS, administration of a RNAi agent to KRAS knocks down the KRAS target enough to provide a more normal or therapeutic level of KRAS activity or expression.

In one embodiment, the RNAi comprises a single strand (such as an shRNA, as described herein).

In various embodiments, one or both strands contain one or more nicks, i.e., a break or missing bond in the phosphate backbone, such that at least one nucleotide subunit is not covalently linked to the adjacent nucleotide subunit in any given sequence. In some embodiments, the passenger strand is nicked (see, for example, WO 2007/107162). In various embodiments, one or both strands contain one or more gaps, e.g., wherein at least one entire nucleotide subunit is absent from the disclosed sequence. Where a sense or antisense sequence contains a gap, that strand is envisioned to comprise two separate oligonucleotides.

Particularly useful siRNAs include those which can bind specifically to those regions of the KRAS mRNA that have one or more of the following qualities: binding in the coding segment of KRAS; binding at or near the junction of the 5′ untranslated region and the start of the coding segment; binding at or near the translational start site of the mRNA; binding at, across or near junctions of exons and introns; little or no binding to the mRNAs or transcripts of other genes (little or no “off-target effects”); binding to the KRAS mRNA in or near a region or regions that is not double-stranded or a stem region, e.g., those in a loop or single-stranded portion; eliciting little or no immunogenicity; binding in a segment of the KRAS mRNA sequence which is conserved among various animal species (including human, mouse, rat, cyno, etc.), as the presence of a conserved sequence facilitates testing using various laboratory animals; binding to double-stranded region(s) of the mRNA; binding to an AT-rich region (e.g., at least about 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, or 60% AT-rich); and/or lacking particular sequences known or suspected to decrease siRNA activity, e.g., the presence of a GG sequence at the 5′ end, which may decrease separation of the double-stranded portion of the siRNA. In one embodiment, the RNAi agent specific to KRAS can be a double-stranded RNA having any one or more of these qualities.

The term “double-stranded RNA” or “dsRNA,” as used herein, refers to a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand; e.g., a composition that includes an RNA molecule or complex of molecules having a hybridized duplex region (i.e., a region where the nucleotide bases from the first strand and the second strand are paired) that comprises two anti-parallel and substantially complementary nucleic acid strands, which will be referred to as having “sense” and “antisense” orientations with respect to a target RNA. The antisense strand, with respect to the mRNA target, is also called the “guide” strand, and the sense strand is also called the “passenger” or “anti-guide” strand. The passenger strand can include at least one or more of the following: one or more extra nucleotides (e.g., a bulge or 1 nt loop) compared to the other strand, a nick, a gap, a mismatch, etc., compared to the other strand. In various embodiments, the RNAi agent comprises a first strand and a second strand. In various embodiments, and as used herein and as is clear by context, terminology referring to the first strand refers to the sense strand and the second strand refers to the anti-sense strand as listed in any Table herein. In other embodiments, and as used herein and as is clear by context, the first strand refers to the anti-sense strand, and the second strand refers to the sense strand as listed in any Table herein.

The duplex region can be of any length that permits specific degradation of a desired target RNA through a RISC pathway, but will typically range from 9 to 36 base pairs (“bp”) in length, e.g., 15-30 bp in length. Considering a duplex between 9 and 36 bp, the duplex can be any length in this range, for example, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, or 36 bp and any sub-range therebetween, including, but not limited to 15-30 bp, 15-26 bp, 15-23 bp, 15-22 bp, 15-21 bp, 15-20 bp, 15-19 bp, 15-18 bp, 15-17 bp, 18-30 bp, 18-26 bp, 18-23 bp, 18-22 bp, 18-21 bp, 18-20 bp, 19-30 bp, 19-26 bp, 19-23 bp, 19-22 bp, 19-21 bp, 19-20 bp, 19 bp, 20-30 bp, 20-26 bp, 20-25 bp, 20-24 bp, 20-23 bp, 20-22 bp, 20-21 bp, 20 basepairs, 21-30 bp, 21-26 bp, 21-25 bp, 21-24 bp, 21-23 bp, 21-22 bp, 21 bp, 22 bp, or 23 bp. The dsRNAs generated in the cell by processing with Dicer and similar enzymes are generally in the range of about 19 to about 22 bp in length. One strand of the duplex region of a dsRNA comprises a sequence that is substantially complementary to a region of a target RNA. The two strands forming the duplex structure can be from a single RNA molecule having at least one self-complementary duplex region, or can be formed from two or more separate RNA molecules that hybridize to form the duplex. Where the duplex region is formed from two self-complementary regions of a single molecule, the molecule can have a duplex region separated by a single-stranded chain of nucleotides (herein referred to as a “hairpin loop”, e.g., such as found in an shRNA construct) between the 3′-end of one strand and the 5′-end of the respective other strand forming the duplex structure. The hairpin loop can comprise at least one unpaired nucleotide; in some embodiments the hairpin loop can comprise at least 3, at least 4, at least 5, at least 6, at least 7, at least 8, at least 9, at least 10, at least 20, at least 23 or more unpaired nucleotides. Where the two substantially complementary strands of a dsRNA are comprised by separate RNA molecules, those molecules need not, but can, be covalently connected. Where the two strands are connected covalently by a hairpin loop, the construct is generally referred to herein and in the art as a “shRNA”. Where the two strands are connected covalently by means other than a hairpin loop, the connecting structure is referred to as a “linker.”

RNAi Agents to KRAS Comprising Mismatches from the Disclosed Sequences

Various specific embodiments of a RNAi agent to KRAS are disclosed herein; example sequences are provided in Tables 1, 2 and 3. Specific embodiments of the present disclosure include RNAi agents which comprise sequences differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt (nucleotides) or bp [basepair(s)] (e.g., with 0, 1, 2 or 3 mismatches) from any of the RNAi agents listed in Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.

A mismatch is defined herein as a difference between the base sequence or length when two sequences are maximally aligned and compared. A mismatch is defined as a position wherein the base of one sequence does not match the base of the other sequence. Thus, a mismatch is counted, for example, if a position in one sequence has a particular base (e.g., A), and the corresponding position on the other sequence has a different base (e.g., G). Substitution of A, for example, with T, C, G or U would constitute a mismatch. Substitution of G with T, A, C or U would also constitute a mismatch. Substitution of C with T, G, A or U would also constitute a mismatch. Substitution of U with A, C or G would constitute a mismatch. Note, however, that on a given strand, a U can be replaced by T (either as RNA or, preferably, DNA, e.g., 2′-deoxy-thymidine); the replacement of a U with a T is not a mismatch as used herein, as either U or T can pair with A on the opposite strand. The RNAi agent can thus comprise one or more DNA bases, e.g., T. In some cases, in a portion or portions of the RNAi agent, DNA can be used in place of RNA (e.g., in the seed region), to form a DNA-RNA hybrid. See, for example, Yamato et al. 2011 cancer Gene Ther. 18: 587-597. No mismatch is counted between a DNA portion(s) of the RNAi agent and the corresponding target mRNA if basepairing occurs (e.g., between A, G, C, or T in the DNA portion, and the corresponding U, C, G, or A, respectively in the mRNA).

A mismatch is also counted, e.g., if a position in one sequence has a base (e.g., A), and the corresponding position on the other sequence has no base (e.g., that position is an abasic nucleotide, which comprises a phosphate-sugar backbone but no base). A single-stranded nick in either sequence (or in the sense or anti-sense strand) is not counted as mismatch. Thus, as a non-limiting example, no mismatch would be counted if one sequence comprises the sequence AG, but the other sequence comprises the sequence AG with a single-stranded nick between the A and the G. A nucleotide modification in the sugar or phosphate is also not considered a mismatch. Thus, if one sequence comprises a C, and the other sequence comprises a modified C (e.g., 2′-modification) at the same position, no mismatch would be counted.

Thus, no mismatches are counted if modifications are made to the sugar, phosphate, or backbone of the RNAi agent without modifying the base. Thus, a sequence of GGACGAAUAUGAUCCAACA (SEQ ID NO: 1) as an RNA and the same sequence as a PNA (peptide nucleic acid) (or TNA or GNA or FANA) have 0 mismatches from each other.

It is also noted that the sequences of the RNAi agents in Tables 1 to 6 include sequences which comprise modifications, as detailed in Table 3. It is noted that dTdT (2′-deoxy-thymidine-5′-phosphate and 2′-deoxy-thymidine-5′-phosphate), or in some cases, TT or UU, is added as a cap or extension to both 3′-ends, but this cap or extension is not included in the calculation of the total number of mismatches. In addition, in Table 3, a modified sequence can comprise one or more modifications from the corresponding unmodified sequence. In this case, lowercase “c” represents 2′-O-methylcytidine-5′-phosphate, and lowercase “u” represents 2′-O-methyluridine-5′-phosphate. Uppercase “A”, “C”, “G” and “U” represent the un-modified adenosine-5′-phosphate, cytidine-5′-phosphate, guanosine-5′-phosphate, and uridine-5′-phosphate, respectively. The substitution of modified c for unmodified C does not count as a mismatch in numbering the 0, 1, 2, or 3 mismatches between sequences. This nomenclature is used for all sequences in Tables 1 to 6. Thus, an equal number of mismatches would be calculated (a) between a test sequence and a modified sequence, and (b) between the same test sequence and the corresponding unmodified sequence from the KRAS gene, and (c) between a modified sequence and a differently modified sequence which have the same base sequence.

In one particular embodiment, the present disclosure comprises a RNAi agent comprising a anti-sense strand comprising at least 15 to 19 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from the sequence of the anti-sense strand of: any of the RNAi agents listed in Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.

The present disclosure pertains to “modified and unmodified variants” of the disclosed sequences.

An “unmodified variant” of a particular sequence is the corresponding portion of KRAS without any modifications. Example modified sequences are listed in Tables 1, 2 and 3. The “unmodified variants” of the sequences of Tables 1 to 6 have the identical sequence, without base modifications or terminal dTdT. A given sequence and an “unmodified variant” of it differ by 0 nt (and have no mismatches).

A “modified variant” of a particular sequence comprises one or more (or one or more fewer) modifications to the backbone, sugar, phosphate or base, but do not have any base substitutions (e.g., G for C, or A for G); thus a given sequence and a modified variant thereof differ by 0 nt (and have no mismatches). As another example, a given sequence as a RNA and the same sequence as a PNA are modified variants of each other and differ by 0 nt (and have no mismatches). Similarly, the same sequence (with no base substitutions) as a locked nucleic acid (LNA), Morpholino, threose nucleic acid (TNA), or glycol nucleic acid (GNA) would be a modified variant which has 0 mismatches.

As detailed below, substituting a single nucleotide at a given position with a modified version of the same nucleotide would produce a modified variant (with 0 mismatches).

In another particular embodiment, the RNAi agent comprises a sense strand comprising at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from the sense strand of any of the RNAi agents listed in Tables 1 to band modified and unmodified variants thereof.

RNAi agents to KRAS of the present disclosure can be used in RNA interference.

Modifications of RNAi Agent Sequences

The present disclosure encompasses both unmodified sequences and example modified sequences, such as those disclosed in Tables 1, 2 and 3.

The present disclosure further encompasses any other modification of a disclosed sequence (e.g., a modified variant).

For example, the disclosure encompasses a RNAi agent with a substitution of a single nucleotide at a given position with a modified version of the same nucleotide. Thus a nucleotide (A, G, C or U) can be replaced by the corresponding 5-fluorouracil, 5-bromouracil, 5-chlorouracil, 5-iodouracil, hypoxanthine, xantine, 4-acetylcytosine, 5-(carboxyhydroxylmethyl) uracil, 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine, 5-carboxymethylaminomethyluracil, dihydrouracil, beta-D-galactosylqueosine, inosine, N6-isopentenyladenine, 1-methylguanine, 1-methylinosine, 2,2-dimethylguanine, 2-methyladenine, 2-methylguanine, 3-methylcytosine, 5-methylcytosine, N6-adenine, 7-methylguanine, 5-methylaminomethyluracil, 5-methoxyaminomethyl-2-thiouracil, beta-D-mannosylqueosine, 5′-methoxycarboxymethyluracil, 5-methoxyuracil, 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenine, uracil-5-oxyacetic acid (v), wybutoxosine, pseudouracil, queosine, 2-thiocytosine, 5-methyl-2-thiouracil, 2-thiouracil, 4-thiouracil, 5-methyluracil, uracil-5-oxyacetic acid methylester, uracil-5-oxyacetic acid (v), 5-methyl-2-thiouracil, 3-(3-amino-3-N-2-carboxypropyl) uracil, (acp3) w, or 2,6-diaminopurine.

Additional modified variants include the addition of any other moiety (e.g., a radiolabel or other tag or conjugate) to the RNAi agent; provided that the base sequence is identical, the addition of other moieties produces a “modified variant” (with no mismatches).

Various sets of modifications can be used. These include the following formats, which are used in various screens disclosed herein.


A22 indicates that All UA as 2′-OMe-U A and all CA as 2′-OMe-C A
S26 indicates that All U as 2′-OMe-U and all C as 2′-OMe-C
All 3′ overhangs as 2′-OMe-U 2′-OMe-U

In addition to these modifications and patterns (e.g., formats) for modifications, other modifications or sets of modifications of the sequences provided can be generated using common knowledge of nucleic acid modification.

RNA Interference

RNA interference (RNAi) is a post-transcriptional, targeted gene-silencing technique that uses double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) to degrade messenger RNA (mRNA) containing the same sequence as the dsRNA. The process of RNAi occurs when ribonuclease III (Dicer) cleaves the longer dsRNA into shorter fragments called siRNAs. siRNAs (small interfering RNAs) produced by Dicer are typically about 21 to 23 nucleotides long and comprise about 19 base pair duplexes (though artificial siRNAs or RNAi agents can be shorter or longer, and/or blunt-ended, and/or comprises one or more endcaps). The smaller RNA segments then mediate the degradation of the target mRNA. Dicer has also been implicated in the excision of 21- and 22-nucleotide small temporal RNAs (stRNAs) from precursor RNA of conserved structure that are implicated in translational control. Hutvagner et al. 2001 Science 293: 834. The RNAi response also features an endonuclease complex, commonly referred to as an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), which mediates cleavage of single-stranded mRNA complementary to the anti-sense strand of the RNAi agent. Cleavage of the target RNA takes place in the middle of the region complementary to the anti-sense strand of the siRNA duplex.

In one aspect, an RNA interference agent includes a single-stranded RNA that interacts with a target RNA sequence to direct the cleavage of the target RNA. Without wishing to be bound by theory, the present disclosure contemplates a long double-stranded RNA introduced into plants and invertebrate cells is broken down into siRNA by a Type III endonuclease known as Dicer. Sharp et al. 2001 Genes Dev. 15:485. Dicer, a ribonuclease-Ill-like enzyme, processes the dsRNA into 19-23 base pair short interfering RNAs with characteristic two base 3′ overhangs. Bernstein, et al. 2001 Nature 409:363. The siRNAs are then incorporated into an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) where one or more helicases unwind the siRNA duplex, enabling one of the now unpaired siRNA strands to act as a “guide” strand to guide target recognition. Nykanen, et al. 2001 Cell 107:309. Upon binding of the antisense guide strand to the appropriate target mRNA, one or more endonucleases within the RISC cleaves the target to induce silencing. Elbashir, et al. 2001 Genes Dev. 15:188. Thus, in one aspect the present disclosure relates to a single-stranded RNA that promotes the formation of a RISC complex to effect silencing of the target gene.

Kits for RNAi synthesis are commercially available, e.g., from New England Biolabs and Ambion.

The RNAi agent(s) of the present disclosure target (e.g., bind to, anneal to, etc.) the KRAS mRNA. The use of the RNAi agent to KRAS results in a decrease of KRAS activity, level and/or expression, e.g., a “knock-down” or “knock-out” of the target gene or target sequence. Particularly, in one embodiment, in the case of a disease state characterized by over-expression or hyper-activity of KRAS, administration of a RNAi agent to KRAS knocks down the KRAS target enough to restore a normal level of KRAS activity.

A suitable RNAi agent can be selected by any process known in the art or conceivable by one of ordinary skill in the art. For example, the selection criteria can include one or more of the following steps: initial analysis of the KRAS gene sequence and design of RNAi agents; this design can take into consideration sequence similarity across species (human, cynomolgus, mouse, etc.) and dissimilarity to other (non-KRAS) genes; screening of RNAi agents in vitro (e.g., at 10 nM in RKO cells); determination of EC50 in RKO cells; determination of viability of cells treated with RNAi agents, including insensitive cells which do not require KRAS for survival, or sensitive cells, which do require KRAS for survival; testing with human PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells), e.g., to test levels of TNF-alpha to estimate immunogenicity, wherein immunostimulatory sequences are less desired; testing in human whole blood assay, wherein fresh human blood is treated with an RNAi agent and cytokine/chemokine levels are determined [e.g., TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) and/or MCP1 (monocyte chemotactic protein 1)], wherein Immunostimulatory sequences are less desired; determination of gene knockdown in vivo using subcutaneous tumors in test animals; KRAS target gene modulation analysis, e.g., using a pharmacodynamic (PD) marker, for example, other factors whose expression is affected by KRAS, wherein KRAS knockdown leads to a dose-dependent reduction of abundance of those components; and optimization of specific modifications of the RNAi agents.

The dsRNA molecules (RNAi agents) described herein are thus useful in RNA interference of KRAS.

Features of a RNAi Agent: Sense Strand, Antisense Strand and (Optional) Overhangs

In various embodiments, the RNAi agents comprise a first strand and a second strand, e.g., a sense strand and an antisense strand (or an antisense and a sense strand) and, optionally, one or both ends of the duplex containing unpaired nucleotides referred to herein as overhangs.

The term “antisense strand” refers to the strand of a RNAi agent which includes a region that is substantially complementary to a target sequence. As used herein, the term “region of complementarity” refers to the region on the antisense strand that is substantially complementary to a sequence, for example a target sequence, as defined herein. Where the region of complementarity is not fully complementary to the target sequence, the mismatches may be in the internal or terminal regions of the molecule. Generally, the most tolerated mismatches are in the terminal regions, e.g., within 5, 4, 3, or 2 nucleotides of the 5′ and/or 3′ terminus.

The term “sense strand,” as used herein, refers to the strand of a RNAi agent that includes a region that is substantially complementary to a region of the antisense strand as that term is defined herein.

The sequence of a gene may vary from individual to individual, especially at wobble positions within the coding segment, or in the untranslated region; individuals may also differ from each other in coding sequence, resulting in additional differences in mRNA. The sequence of the sense and antisense strands of the RNAi agent can thus be designed to correspond to that of an individual patient, if and where needed. RNAi agents can also be modified in sequence to reduce immunogenicity, binding to undesired mRNAs (e.g., “off-target effects”) or to increase stability in the blood. These sequence variants are independent of chemical modification of the bases or 5′ or 3′ or other end-caps of the RNAi agents.

The RNAi agents can also have overhangs of 0, 1, or 2 overhangs; in the case of a 0 nt overhang, they are blunt-ended. A RNAi agent can have 0, 1 or 2 blunt ends. In a “blunt-ended RNAi agent” both strands terminate in a base-pair; thus a blunt-ended molecule lacks either 3′ or 5′ single-stranded nucleotide overhangs.

The RNAi agents can comprise overhang(s), blunt end(s), and/or 5′ and 3′ endcap(s).

As used herein, the term “overhang” or “nucleotide overhang” refer to at least one unpaired nucleotide that protrudes from the end of at least one of the two strands of the duplex structure of a RNAi agent. For example, when a 3′-end of one strand of a dsRNA extends beyond the 5′-end of the other strand, or vice versa, the unpaired nucleotide(s) form the overhang. A dsRNA can comprise an overhang of at least one nucleotide; alternatively the overhang can comprise at least two nucleotides, at least three nucleotides, at least four nucleotides, at least five nucleotides or more. An overhang can comprise or consist of a nucleotide/nucleoside analog, including a deoxynucleotide/nucleoside. The overhang(s) may be on the sense strand, the antisense strand or any combination thereof. Furthermore, the nucleotide(s) of an overhang can be present on the 5′ end, 3′ end or both ends of either an antisense or sense strand of a dsRNA. The RNAi agent can also optionally comprise a cap. The term “Cap” and the like include a chemical moiety attached to the end of a double-stranded nucleotide duplex, but is used herein to exclude a chemical moiety that is a nucleotide or nucleoside. A “3′ Cap” is attached at the 3′ end of a nucleotide or oligonucleotide and protects the molecule from degradation, e.g., from nucleases, such as those in blood serum or intestinal fluid. A 3′ cap can replace a TT or UU dinucleotide at the end of a blunt-ended RNAi agent. In one embodiment, 3′ end caps are as disclosed in, for example, WO 2005/021749 and WO 2007/128477. A “5′ cap” is attached at the 5′ end of a nucleotide or oligonucleotide. A cap should not interfere (or unduly interfere) with RNAi activity.

The present disclosure thus contemplates a RNAi agent specific to KRAS comprising an antisense strand (which may be contiguous or connected via a linker or loop) in a RNAi agent. In a more specific embodiment, an RNAi agent comprises an antisense strand and a sense strand which together comprise a double-stranded or complementary region. In one embodiment, it can also optionally comprise one or two overhangs and/or one or two caps. The RNAi agent is used to induce RNA interference of the target gene, KRAS.

Target and Complementary Sequences

The RNAi agents of the present disclosure target (e.g., specifically bind to, anneal to, etc.) the mRNA encoding the gene KRAS. The use of the RNAi agent specific to KRAS results in a decrease of KRAS activity, level and/or expression, e.g., a “knock-down” or “knock-out” of the target gene or target sequence. Particularly in one embodiment, in the case of a disease state characterized by over-expression or hyper-activity of KRAS, administration of a RNAi agent to KRAS knocks down the KRAS gene enough to restore a normal level of KRAS activity or expression.

In one embodiment, the first or second strand of the RNAi comprises a sequence complementary to that of the target nucleic acid, KRAS.

As used herein, the term “strand comprising a sequence” refers to an oligonucleotide comprising a chain of nucleotides that is described by the sequence referred to using the standard nucleotide nomenclature.

As used herein, “target sequence” or “target gene” refer to a contiguous portion of the nucleotide sequence of an mRNA molecule formed during the transcription of a gene, e.g., a KRAS gene, including mRNA that is a product of RNA processing of a primary transcription product. The target portion of the sequence will be at least long enough to serve as a substrate for iRNA-directed cleavage at or near that portion. For example, the target sequence will generally be from 9-36 nucleotides (“nt”) in length, e.g., 15-30 nt in length, including all sub-ranges therebetween. As non-limiting examples, the target sequence can be from 15-30 nt, 15-26 nt, 15-23 nt, 15-22 nt, 15-21 nt, 15-20 nt, 15-19 nt, 15-18 nt, 15-17 nt, 18-30 nt, 18-26 nt, 18-23 nt, 18-22 nt, 18-21 nt, 18-20 nt, 19-30 nt, 19-26 nt, 19-23 nt, 19-22 nt, 19-21 nt, 19-20 nt, 19 nt, 20-30 nt, 20-26 nt, 20-25 nt, 20-24 nt, 20-23 nt, 20-22 nt, 20-21 nt, 20 nt, 21-30 nt, 21-26 nt, 21-25 nt, 21-24 nt, 21-23 nt, or 21-22 nt, 21 nt, 22 nt, or 23 nt. The sense and antisense strands of the RNAi comprise a sequence complementary to that of the target nucleic acid, KRAS.

As used herein, and unless otherwise indicated, the term “complementary” refers to the ability of an oligonucleotide or polynucleotide comprising a first nucleotide sequence to hybridize and form a duplex structure under certain conditions with an oligonucleotide or polynucleotide comprising a second nucleotide sequence. Such conditions can, for example, be stringent, e.g., 400 mM NaCl, 40 mM PIPES pH 6.4, 1 mM EDTA, 50° C. or 70° C. for 12-16 hours followed by washing. Other conditions, such as physiologically relevant conditions as may be encountered inside an organism, can apply. The skilled person will be able to determine the set of conditions most appropriate for a test of complementarity of two sequences in accordance with the ultimate application of the hybridized nucleotides.

Complementary sequences within a RNAi agent, e.g., within a dsRNA as described herein, include base-paired oligonucleotides or polynucleotides comprising a first nucleotide sequence to an oligonucleotide or polynucleotide comprising a second nucleotide sequence over the entire length of one or both nucleotide sequences. Such sequences can be referred to as “fully complementary” with respect to each other herein. However, where a first sequence is referred to as “substantially complementary” with respect to a second sequence herein, the two sequences can be fully complementary, or they may form one or more, but generally not more than 5, 4, 3 or 2 mismatched base pairs upon hybridization for a duplex up to 30 base pairs, while retaining the ability to hybridize under the conditions most relevant to their ultimate application, e.g., inhibition of gene expression via a RISC pathway. However, where two oligonucleotides are designed to form, upon hybridization, one or more single-stranded overhangs, such overhangs shall not be regarded as mismatches with regard to the determination of complementarity. For example, a dsRNA comprising one oligonucleotide 21 nucleotides in length and another oligonucleotide 23 nucleotides in length, wherein the longer oligonucleotide comprises a sequence of 21 nucleotides that is fully complementary to the shorter oligonucleotide, may yet be referred to as “fully complementary” for the purposes described herein. The term “overhang” describes an unpaired nucleotide at the 3′ or 5′ end of a double-stranded nucleotide duplex, as described above. In one embodiment, the overhang is 1 to 4 nt long and is on the 3′ end.

“Complementary” sequences, as used herein, may also include, or be formed entirely from, non-Watson-Crick base pairs and/or base pairs formed from non-natural and modified nucleotides, in as far as the above requirements with respect to their ability to hybridize are fulfilled. Such non-Watson-Crick base pairs includes, but are not limited to, Wobble or Hoogstein base pairing. The terms “complementary,” “fully complementary” and “substantially complementary” herein may furthermore be used with respect to the base matching between the sense strand and the antisense strand of a dsRNA, or between the antisense strand of a RNAi agent and a target sequence, as will be understood from the context of their use. As used herein, a polynucleotide that is “substantially complementary to at least part of” a messenger RNA (mRNA) refers to a polynucleotide that is substantially complementary to a contiguous portion of the mRNA of interest (e.g., an mRNA encoding KRAS). For example, a polynucleotide is complementary to at least a part of a KRAS mRNA if the sequence is substantially complementary to a non-interrupted portion of an mRNA encoding KRAS.

Thus, the RNAi agent of the present disclosure is complimentary or substantially complimentary to a target sequence in the target KRAS and is double-stranded, comprising a sense and an antisense strand (which can be contiguous, linked via a loop, or otherwise joined), where the double-stranded region an be 9 to 36 bp long (particularly for example, 19-22 bp or 19-23 bp long), and can furthermore optionally comprise a 3′ or 5′ overhang, and the RNAi agent can furthermore comprise a 3′ cap. The RNAi agent mediates RNA interference, down-regulating or inhibiting the level, expression and/or activity of KRAS, and/or establishing or re-establishing an approximately normal level of KRAS and/or KRAS activity, or other biological function related to KRAS.

Thus, the RNAi agent of the present disclosure is complimentary or substantially complimentary to a target sequence in the target KRAS and is double-stranded, comprising a sense and an antisense strand (which can be contiguous, linked via a loop, or otherwise joined), where the double-stranded region an be 9 to 36 bp long (particularly for example, 19-22 bp or 19-23 bp long), and can furthermore optionally comprise a 3′ or 5′ overhang, and the RNAi agent can furthermore comprise a 3′ cap. The RNAi agent mediates RNA interference, down-regulating or inhibiting the level, expression and/or activity of KRAS, and/or establishing or re-establishing an approximately normal level of KRAS activity or expression.

The term “double-stranded RNA” or “dsRNA,” as used herein, refers to an RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand; e.g., a composition that includes an RNA molecule or complex of molecules having a hybridized duplex region that comprises two anti-parallel and substantially complementary nucleic acid strands, which will be referred to as having “sense” and “antisense” orientations with respect to a target RNA. The antisense strand, with respect to the mRNA target, is also called the “guide” strand, and the sense strand is also called the “passenger” strand. As used herein, depending on the context, the “first” strand can be the guide or antisense strand, and the “second” strand can be the passenger or sense strand. Also as used herein, again depending on the context, the “first” strand can be the passenger or sense strand, and the “second” strand can be the guide or antisense. The passenger strand can include at least one or more of the following: one or more extra nucleotides (e.g., a bulge or 1 nt loop) compared to the other strand, a nick, a gap, etc., compared to the other strand. In various embodiments, the first strand is the sense strand and the second strand is the anti-sense strand. In other embodiments, the first strand is the anti-sense strand, and the second strand is the sense strand.

The duplex region can be of any length that permits loading into the RISC complex and subsequent specific degradation of a desired target RNA through a RISC pathway, but will typically range from 9 to 36 base pairs (“bp”) in length, e.g., 15-30 base pairs in length. Considering a duplex between 9 and 36 base pairs, the duplex can be any length in this range, for example, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, or 36 bp and any sub-range therebetween, including, but not limited to 15-30 base pairs, 15-26 bp, 15-23 bp, 15-22 bp, 15-21 bp, 15-20 bp, 15-19 bp, 15-18 bp, 15-17 bp, 18-30 bp, 18-26 bp, 18-23 bp, 18-22 bp, 18-21 bp, 18-20 bp, 19-30 bp, 19-26 bp, 19-23 bp, 19-22 bp, 19-21 bp, 19-20 bp, 19 bp, 20-30 bp, 20-26 bp, 20-25 bp, 20-24 bp, 20-23 bp, 20-22 bp, 20-21 bp, 20 bp, 21-30 bp, 21-26 bp, 21-25 bp, 21-24 bp, 21-23 bp, 21-22 bp, 21 bp, 22 bp, or 23 bp.

The dsRNAs generated in the cell by processing with Dicer and similar enzymes are generally in the range of about 19 to about 22 base pairs in length, although artificial RNAi agents can be synthesized or made by any method known in the art. One strand of the duplex region of a dsRNA comprises a sequence that is substantially complementary to a region of a target RNA. The two strands forming the duplex structure can be from a single RNA molecule having at least one self-complementary duplex region, or can be formed from two or more separate RNA molecules that hybridize to form the duplex. Where the duplex region is formed from two self-complementary regions of a single molecule, the molecule can have a duplex region separated by a single stranded chain of nucleotides (herein referred to as a “hairpin loop”, e.g., such as found in an shRNA construct) between the 3′-end of one strand and the 5′-end of the respective other strand forming the duplex structure. The hairpin loop can comprise at least one unpaired nucleotide; in some embodiments the hairpin loop can comprise at least 3, at least 4, at least 5, at least 6, at least 7, at least 8, at least 9, at least 10, at least 20, at least 23 or more unpaired nucleotides. Where the two substantially complementary strands of a dsRNA are comprised by separate RNA molecules, those molecules need not, but can be covalently connected. Where the two strands are connected covalently by a hairpin loop, the construct is generally referred to herein and in the art as a “shRNA”. Where the two strands are connected covalently by means other than a hairpin loop, the connecting structure is referred to as a “linker.” The term “siRNA” is also used herein to refer to a dsRNA as described above.

RNAi Agents Lowering or Normalizing KRAS Level, Expression and/or Activity

RNAi agents for targeting KRAS include those which bind to a KRAS sequence provided herein and which work to reduce KRAS through a RNAi mechanism. Example RNAi agents (e.g., siRNAs) to KRAS are provided, e.g., in Table 1.

Any method known in the art can be use to measure changes in KRAS activity, level, and/or expression induced by a KRAS RNAi agent. Measurements can be performed at multiple timepoints, prior to, during and after administration of the RNAi agent, to determine the effect of the RNAi agent.

The RNAi agents of the present disclosure silence, inhibit the expression of, down-regulate the expression of, and/or suppress the expression of KRAS, such that an approximately normal level of KRAS activity or expression is restored.

In addition, in various embodiments, depending on the disease condition and biological context, it is acceptable to use the RNAi agents of the present disclosure to establish a level of KRAS expression, activity and/or level which is below the normal level, or above the normal level, depending on the therapeutic outcome that is desired.

Any method known in the art can be use to measure changes in KRAS activity, level and/or expression induced by a KRAS siRNA. Measurements can be performed at multiple timepoints, prior to, during and after administration of the siRNA, to determine the effect of the siRNA.

The terms “silence,” “inhibit the expression of,” “down-regulate the expression of,” “suppress the expression of,” and the like, in so far as they refer to a KRAS gene, herein refer to the at least partial suppression of the expression of a KRAS gene, as manifested by a reduction of the amount of KRAS mRNA which may be isolated from or detected in a first cell or group of cells in which a KRAS gene is transcribed and which has or have been treated such that the expression of a KRAS gene is inhibited, as compared to a second cell or group of cells substantially identical to the first cell or group of cells but which has or have not been so treated (control cells). The degree of inhibition is usually expressed in terms of

( mRNA in control cells ) - ( mRNA in treated cell ) ( mRNA in control cells ) × 100 % Equation 1

Alternatively, the degree of inhibition may be given in terms of a reduction of a parameter that is functionally linked to KRAS gene expression, e.g., the amount of protein encoded by a KRAS gene, alteration in expression of a protein whose expression is dependent on KRAS, etc. In principle, KRAS gene silencing may be determined in any cell expressing KRAS, either constitutively or by genomic engineering, and by any appropriate assay. However, when a reference or control is needed in order to determine whether a given RNAi agent inhibits the expression of KRAS by a certain degree and therefore is encompassed by the instant disclosure, the assays provided in the Examples below shall serve as such reference.

For example, in certain instances, expression of KRAS is suppressed by at least about 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, or 50% by administration of a RNAi agent featured in the present disclosure. In some embodiments, KRAS is suppressed by at least about 60%, 70%, or 80% by administration of a RNAi agent featured in the present disclosure. In some embodiments, KRAS is suppressed by at least about 85%, 90%, or 95% or more by administration of a RNAi agent, as described herein. In one embodiment, the degree of KRAS suppression is determined by loss of full length KRAS mRNA in a treated cell compared to an untreated cell. In one embodiment, the degree of KRAS suppression is determined with a phenotypic assay that monitors loss of proliferative activity and/or cell death. Other embodiments are as provided in the Examples.

The ability of a RNAi agent to suppress KRAS can be first tested in vitro (e.g., using test cells such as RKO).

RNAi agents which can suppress KRAS in vitro can then be tested for immunostimulation using, for example, a PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cell) assay. RNAi agents can also be tested in animal tests. Test and control animals include those which over-express or under-express KRAS, as described in, for example, Hummer et al. 2005 J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 16: 3160-3166; Randrianarison et al. 2007 Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol. 294: 409-416; Cao et al. 2006 Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol., and references cited therein. RNAi agents which suppress or alter the level, activity and/or expression of KRAS can be used in medicaments to treat various KRAS-related diseases.

By “lower” in the context of KRAS or a symptom of a KRAS-related disease is meant a statistically significant decrease in such level. The decrease can be, for example, at least 10%, at least 20%, at least 30%, at least 40% or more. If, for a particular disease, or for an individual suffering from a particular disease, the levels or expression of KRAS are elevated, treatment with a KRAS RNAi agent of the present disclosure can particularly reduce the level or expression of KRAS to a level considered in the literature as within the range of normal for an individual without such disorder, or to a level that reduces or ameliorates symptoms of a disease. The level or expression of KRAS can be measured by evaluation of mRNA (e.g., via Northern blots or PCR), or protein (e.g., Western blots). The effect of a RNAi agent on KRAS expression can be determined by measuring KRAS gene transcription rates (e.g., via Northern blots; or reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction or real-time polymerase chain reaction).

As used herein, “down-regulates” refers to any statistically significant decrease in a biological activity and/or expression of KRAS, including full blocking of the activity (i.e., complete inhibition) and/or expression. For example, “down-regulation” can refer to a decrease of at least about 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 100% in KRAS level, activity and/or expression.

As used herein, the term “inhibit” or “inhibiting” KRAS refers to any statistically significant decrease in biological level, activity and/or expression of KRAS, including full blocking of the activity and/or expression. For example, “inhibition” can refer to a decrease of at least about 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 100% in KRAS level, activity and/or expression. As used herein, the term “inhibit” similarly refers to a significant decrease in level, activity and/or expression, while referring to any other biological agent or composition.

By “level”, it is meant that the KRAS RNAi agent can alter the level of KRAS, e.g., the level of KRAS mRNA or the level of KRAS protein, or the level of activity of KRAS.

Some diseases, such as types of a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, and cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome and Noonan syndrome, and similar and related diseases, are characterized by a KRAS mutation or excessive KRAS abundance or activity. Particularly in one embodiment, in the case of a disease characterized by over-expression and/or hyper-activity of KRAS, administration of a RNAi agent to KRAS reduces the level, expression and/or activity of KRAS. Thus, in various embodiments, administration of a RNAi agent to KRAS particularly establishes or re-establishes a normal or approximately normal level of KRAS activity, expression and/or level.

By “normal” or “approximately normal” in terms of level, expression and/or activity, is meant at least: about 50%, about 60%, about 70%, about 80%, about 90%, and/or about 100%; and/or no more than: about 100%, about 120%, about 130%, about 140%, or about 150% of the level, expression or activity of KRAS in a healthy cell, tissue, or organ. This can be measured using, for example, lung or kidney hom*ogenates, as described in Gambling et al. 2004 Kidney Intl. 65: 1774-1781. Particularly in one embodiment, administration of the appropriate amount of the appropriate KRAS RNAi agent restores KRAS level, activity and/or expression to about 50% to about 150%, more particularly about 60% to about 140%, more particularly to about 70% to about 130%, more particularly to about 80% to about 120%, more particularly to about 90% to about 110%, and most particularly to about 100% of that of a healthy cell, tissue or organ. Administration of a KRAS RNAi to a patient with a KRAS-related disease thus particularly restores the level, activity, and/or expression of KRAS and the level of Na+ reabsorption to an approximately normal level, as determined by direct measurements of KRAS mRNA or protein levels, or indirect determinations. In addition, the preferred target amount of KRAS level, expression and/or activity after KRAS RNAi agent administration can be calculated to take into account any other perturbations in a KRAS-related pathway. For example, if another factor in a KRAS-related pathway is either over- or under-expressed, KRAS level, expression or activity may be modulated to attain a more normal state.

In addition, in various embodiments, depending on the disease condition and biological context, it is acceptable to use the RNAi agents of the present disclosure to establish a level of KRAS expression, activity and/or level which is below the normal level, or above the normal level.

Types of RNAi Agents and Modification Thereof

The use of RNAi agents or compositions comprising an antisense nucleic acid to down-modulate the expression of a particular protein in a cell is well known in the art. A RNAi agent comprises a sequence complementary to, and is capable of hydrogen bonding to, the coding strand of another nucleic acid (e.g., an mRNA). Thus, in various embodiments, the RNAi agents of the present disclosure encompass any RNAi agents which target (e.g., are complementary, capable of hybridizing or hydrogen bonding to, etc.) any sequence presented, e.g., in any of Tables 1 to 6.

Once a functional guide strand has been identified, many variations to the guide and/or passenger strand can be made. For example, the RNAi agent may have modifications internally, or at one or both ends. The modifications at the ends can help stabilize the RNAi agent, protecting it from degradation by nucleases in the blood. The RNAi agents may optionally be directed to regions of the KRAS mRNA known or predicted to be near or at splice sites of the gene.

A RNAi agent can be constructed using chemical synthesis and enzymatic ligation reactions using procedures known in the art. For example, RNAi agent can be chemically synthesized using naturally-occurring nucleotides or variously modified nucleotides designed to decrease off-target effects, and/or increase the biological stability of the molecules or to increase the physical stability of the duplex formed between the antisense and sense nucleic acids, e.g., phosphorothioate derivatives and acridine substituted nucleotides can be used.

“G,” “C,” “A,” “T” and “U” each generally stand for a nucleotide that contains guanine, cytosine, adenine, thymidine and uracil as a base, respectively. However, the terms “ribonucleotide”, “deoxynucleotide”, or “nucleotide” can also refer to a modified nucleotide or a surrogate replacement moiety. The skilled person is well aware that guanine, cytosine, adenine, and uracil may be replaced by other moieties without substantially altering the base pairing properties of an oligonucleotide comprising a nucleotide bearing such replacement moiety. For example, without limitation, a nucleotide comprising inosine as its base may base pair with nucleotides containing adenine, cytosine, or uracil. Hence, nucleotides containing uracil, guanine, or adenine may be replaced in the nucleotide sequences of dsRNA featured in the present disclosure by a nucleotide containing, for example, inosine. In another example, adenine and cytosine anywhere in the oligonucleotide can be replaced with guanine and uracil, respectively to form Wobble base pairing with the target mRNA. Sequences containing such replacement moieties are suitable for the compositions and methods featured in the present disclosure.

The skilled artisan will recognize that the term “RNA molecule” or “ribonucleic acid molecule” encompasses not only RNA molecules as expressed or found in nature (i.e., are naturally occurring), but also non-naturally occurring analogs and derivatives of RNA comprising one or more ribonucleotide/ribonucleoside analogs or derivatives as described herein or as known in the art. The RNA can be modified in the nucleobase structure or in the ribose-phosphate backbone structure, e.g., as described herein below. However, the molecules comprising ribonucleoside analogs or derivatives must retain the ability to form a duplex. As non-limiting examples, an RNA molecule can also include at least one modified ribonucleoside, including but not limited to a 2′-O-methyl modified nucleotide, a nucleoside comprising a 5′ phosphorothioate group, a terminal nucleoside linked to a cholesteryl derivative or dodecanoic acid bisdecylamide group, a locked nucleoside, an abasic nucleoside, a 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro modified nucleoside, a 2′-amino-modified nucleoside, 2′-alkyl-modified nucleoside, morpholino nucleoside, an unlocked ribonucleotide (e.g., an acyclic nucleotide monomer, as described in WO 2008/147824), a phosphoramidate or a non-natural base comprising nucleoside, or any combination thereof. Alternatively, an RNA molecule can comprise at least two modified ribonucleosides, at least 3, at least 4, at least 5, at least 6, at least 7, at least 8, at least 9, at least 10, at least 15, at least 20 or more, up to the entire length of the dsRNA molecule. The modifications need not be the same for each of such a plurality of modified ribonucleosides in an RNA molecule. In one embodiment, modified RNAs contemplated for use in methods and compositions described herein are peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) that have the ability to form the required duplex structure and that permit or mediate the specific degradation of a target RNA via a RISC pathway.

Examples of modified nucleotides which can be used to generate the RNAi agent include 5-fluorouracil, 5-bromouracil, 5-chlorouracil, 5-iodouracil, hypoxanthine, xantine, 4-acetylcytosine, 5-(carboxyhydroxylmethyl) uracil, 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine, 5-carboxymethylaminomethyluracil, dihydrouracil, beta-D-galactosylqueosine, inosine, N6-isopentenyladenine, 1-methylguanine, 1-methylinosine, 2,2-dimethylguanine, 2-methyladenine, 2-methylguanine, 3-methylcytosine, 5-methylcytosine, N6-adenine, 7-methylguanine, 5-methylaminomethyluracil, 5-methoxyaminomethyl-2-thiouracil, beta-D-mannosylqueosine, 5′-methoxycarboxymethyluracil, 5-methoxyuracil, 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenine, uracil-5-oxyacetic acid (v), wybutoxosine, pseudouracil, queosine, 2-thiocytosine, 5-methyl-2-thiouracil, 2-thiouracil, 4-thiouracil, 5-methyluracil, uracil-5-oxyacetic acid methylester, uracil-5-oxyacetic acid (v), 5-methyl-2-thiouracil, 3-(3-amino-3-N-2-carboxypropyl) uracil, (acp3)w, and 2,6-diaminopurine.

A “modified variant” of a sequence disclosed herein includes any variant comprising the same sequence, but with a modification in the base, sugar, phosphate or backbone (but not a base substitution, e.g., A for G, or C for U). Thus, a modified variant can comprise any modified nucleotide described above (e.g., 5-fluorouracil, 5-bromouracil, 5-chlorouracil, 5-iodouracil, hypoxanthine, xantine, 4-acetylcytosine, 5-(carboxyhydroxylmethyl) uracil, etc.). When a base is replaced by a corresponding modified base (e.g., A for modified A), these modified nucleotides do not constitute a mismatch or base difference. Thus a given sequence with a U at a particular position and a modified variant comprising a 5-fluorouracil, 5-bromouracil, 5-chlorouracil, or 5-iodouracil at the same sequence would differ by 0 nt (or have no mismatches); however, a given sequence with a C at a particular position and a different sequence with a 5-fluorouracil (wherein the two sequences are otherwise identical) would differ by 1 nt (1 mismatch).

Replacing the 3′-terminal nucleotide overhanging segments of a 21-mer siRNA duplex having two-nucleotide 3′-overhangs with deoxyribonucleotides does not have an adverse effect on RNAi activity. Replacing up to four nucleotides on each end of the siRNA with deoxyribonucleotides has been well tolerated, whereas complete substitution with deoxyribonucleotides results in no RNAi activity. International PCT Publication No. WO 00/44914, and Beach et al. International PCT Publication No. WO 01/68836 preliminarily suggest that siRNA may include modifications to either the phosphate-sugar backbone or the nucleoside to include at least one of a nitrogen or sulfur heteroatom. Kreutzer et al. Canadian Patent Application No. 2,359,180, also describe certain chemical modifications for use in dsRNA constructs in order to counteract activation of double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR, specifically 2′-amino or 2′-O-methyl nucleotides, and nucleotides containing a 2′-O or 4′-C methylene bridge. Additional 3′-terminal nucleotide overhangs include dT (deoxythimidine), 2′-O,4′-C-ethylene thymidine (eT), and 2-hydroxyethyl phosphate (hp). 4-thiouracil and 5-bromouracil substitutions can also be made. Parrish et al. 2000 Molecular Cell 6: 1077-1087.

Those skilled in the art will appreciate that it is possible to synthesize and modify the siRNA as desired, using any conventional method known in the art (see Henschel et al. 2004 DEQOR: a web-based tool for the design and quality control of siRNAs. Nucleic Acids Research 32 (Web Server Issue): W113-W120). In addition, if the RNAi agent is a shRNA, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that there are a variety of regulatory sequences (for example, constitutive or inducible promoters, tissue-specific promoters or functional fragments thereof, etc.) which are useful for shRNA expression construct/vector.

There are several examples in the art describing sugar, base, phosphate and backbone modifications that can be introduced into nucleic acid molecules with significant enhancement in their nuclease stability and efficacy. For example, oligonucleotides are modified to enhance stability and/or enhance biological activity by modification with nuclease resistant groups, for example, 2′-amino, 2′-C-allyl, 2′-flouro, 2′-O-methyl, 2′-O-allyl, 2′-H, nucleotide base modifications (for a review see Usman and Cedergren 1992 TIBS. 17: 34; Usman et al. 1994 Nucleic Acids Symp. Ser. 31: 163; Burgin et al. 1996 Biochemistry 35: 14090). Sugar modification of nucleic acid molecules are extensively described in the art.

In various embodiments, the RNAi agent comprises a 2′-modification selected from the group consisting of: 2′-deoxy, 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro, 2′-O-methyl, 2′-O-methoxyethyl (2′-O-MOE), 2′-O-aminopropyl (2′-O-AP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyl (2′-O-DMAOE), 2′-O-dimethylaminopropyl (2′-O-DMAP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyloxyethyl (2′-O-DMAEOE), and 2′-O—N-methylacetamido (2′-O-NMA).

Additional modifications and conjugations of RNAi agents have been described. Soutschek et al. 2004 Nature 432: 173-178 presented conjugation of cholesterol to the 3′-end of the sense strand of a siRNA molecule by means of a pyrrolidine linker, thereby generating a covalent and irreversible conjugate. Chemical modifications (including conjugation with other molecules) of RNAi agents may also be made to improve the in vivo pharmaco*kinetic retention time and efficiency.

In various embodiments, the RNAi agent to KRAS comprises at least one 5′-uridine-adenine-3′ (5′-ua-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; at least one 5′-uridine-guanine-3′ (5′-ug-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; at least one 5′-cytidine-adenine-3′ (5′-ca-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-cytidine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or at least one 5′-uridine-uridine-3′ (5′-uu-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide. In certain embodiments, the RNAi agent can comprise a non-natural nucleobase, wherein the non-natural nucleobase is difluorotolyl, nitroindolyl, nitropyrrolyl, or nitroimidazolyl. In a particular embodiment, the non-natural nucleobase is difluorotolyl. In certain embodiments, only one of the two oligonucleotide strands contains a non-natural nucleobase. In certain embodiments, both of the oligonucleotide strands contain a non-natural nucleobase.

In another embodiment, the RNAi comprises a gap or contains mismatch comprising an abasic nucleotide.

In another embodiment, the RNAi agent has a single-stranded nick (e.g., a break or missing bond in the backbone). In various embodiments, a single-stranded nick can be in either the sense or anti-sense strand, or both.

This nick can be, for example, in the sense strand, producing a small internally segmented interfering RNA, or sisiRNA, which may have less off-target effects than the corresponding RNAi agent without a nick. See, for example, WO 2007/107162 to Wengels and Kjems.

The antisense nucleic acid or RNAi agent can also have an alternative backbone such as locked nucleic acids (LNA), Morpholinos, peptidic nucleic acids (PNA), threose nucleic acid (TNA), or glycol nucleic acid (GNA), or FANA and/or it can be labeled (e.g., radiolabeled or otherwise tagged). FANA are described in Dowler et al. 2006 Nucl. Acids Res. 34: 1669-1675.

One or both strands can comprise an alternative backbone.

In yet another embodiment, the RNAi agent employed by the methods of the present disclosure can include an α-anomeric nucleic acid molecule. An α-anomeric nucleic acid molecule forms specific double-stranded hybrids with complementary RNA in which, contrary to the usual β-units, the strands run parallel to each other. Gaultier et al. 1987 Nucleic Acids. Res. 15: 6625-6641.

The antisense nucleic acid molecule can also comprise a 2′-o-methylribonucleotide (Inoue et al. 1987 Nucleic Acids Res. 15: 6131-6148) or a chimeric RNA-DNA analogue (Inoue et al. 1987 FEBS Lett. 215: 327-330).

Other modifications and/or other changes can be made to the RNAi agent. A portion of the RNAi agent can be double-stranded DNA, while another portion is double-stranded RNA, forming a DNA-RNA chimera (See, for example, Yamato et al. 2011. Cancer Gene Ther. 18: 587-597). Mismatches between the guide and passenger stand can also be introduced, though some positions may be better suited than others (See, for example, U.S. Patent App. No. 2009/0209626 to Khvorova). The passenger strand can also be shortened, to as short as 15 or 16 nt, while the guide strand remains 19 nt or longer (See, for example, Sun et al. 2008 Nature Biotech. 26: 1379-1382; and Chu and Rana 2008 RNA 14: 1714-1719). This can increase incorporation of the guide strand into the RNA-induced Silence Complex (RISC), and decrease incorporation of the passenger strand, than reducing off-target effects. In some cases, the passenger strand may be more amenable to modification (e.g., single-stranded nicking, nucleotide modifications, and shortening) than the guide strand.

These and many other modifications can be made once a functional guide strand is identified.

Pharmaceutical Compositions of RNAi Agents

As used here, a “pharmaceutical composition” comprises a pharmaceutically effective amount of one or more KRAS RNAi agent, a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, and, optionally, an additional disease treatment which works synergistically with the RNAi agent. As used herein, “pharmacologically effective amount,” “therapeutically effective amount” or simply “effective amount” refers to that amount of a RNAi agent effective to produce the intended pharmacological, therapeutic or preventive result. For example, if a given clinical treatment is considered effective where there is at least a 10% reduction in a measurable parameter associated with a disease or disorder, a therapeutically effective amount of a drug for the treatment of that disease or disorder is the amount necessary to effect at least a 10% reduction in that parameter. In this embodiment, a therapeutically effective amount of a RNAi agent targeting KRAS can reduce KRAS protein levels by at least 10%. In additional embodiments, a given clinical treatment is considered effective where there is at least a 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 or 95% reduction in a measurable parameter associated with a disease or disorder, and the therapeutically effective amount of a drug for the treatment of that disease or disorder is the amount necessary to effect at least a 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 or 95% reduction, respectively, in that parameter.

The term “pharmaceutically acceptable carrier” refers to a carrier for administration of a therapeutic agent. Such carriers include, but are not limited to, lipid nanoparticles, saline, buffered saline, dextrose, water, glycerol, ethanol, and combinations thereof. The term specifically excludes cell culture medium. Any appropriate pharmaceutical carrier known in the art can be used in conjunction with the RNAi agents disclosed herein.

Pharmaceutical Composition Comprising a RNAi Agent to KRAS

Additional components of a pharmaceutical composition comprising a RNAi Agent to KRAS are contemplated to aid in delivery, stability, efficacy, or reduction of immunogenicity.

Liposomes have been used previously for drug delivery (e.g., delivery of a chemotherapeutic). Liposomes (e.g., cationic liposomes) are described in PCT publications WO02/100435A1, WO03/015757A1, WO04029213A2; and WO/2011/076807; U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,962,016; 5,030,453; and 6,680,068; and U.S. Patent Application 2004/0208921. A process of making liposomes is also described in WO04/002453A1. Furthermore, neutral lipids have been incorporated into cationic liposomes (e.g., Farhood et al. 1995), as well as PEGylated lipids.

Cationic liposomes have been used to deliver RNAi agent to various cell types (Sioud and Sorensen 2003; U.S. Patent Application 2004/0204377; Duxbury et al., 2004; Donze and Picard, 2002).

Use of neutral liposomes disclosed in Miller et al. 1998, and U.S. Patent Application 2003/0012812.

As used herein, the term “SNALP” refers to a stable nucleic acid-lipid particle. A SNALP represents a vesicle of lipids coating a reduced aqueous interior comprising a nucleic acid such as an iRNA or a plasmid from which an iRNA is transcribed. SNALPs are described, e.g., in U.S. Patent Application Publication Nos. 20060240093, 20070135372, and in International Application No. WO 2009082817.

Chemical transfection using lipid-based, amine-based and polymer-based techniques, is disclosed in products from Ambion Inc., Austin, Tex.; and Novagen, EMD Biosciences, Inc, an Affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany); Ovcharenko D (2003) “Efficient delivery of siRNAs to human primary cells.” Ambion TechNotes 10 (5): 15-16). Additionally, Song et al. (Nat Med. published online (Feb. 10, 2003) doi: 10.1038/nm828) and others [Caplen et al. 2001 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 98: 9742-9747; and McCaffrey et al. Nature 414: 34-39] disclose that liver cells can be efficiently transfected by injection of the siRNA into a mammal's circulatory system.

A variety of molecules have been used for cell-specific RNAi agent delivery. See, for example, WO/2011/076807. For example, the nucleic acid-condensing property of protamine has been combined with specific antibodies to deliver siRNAs. Song et al. 2005 Nat Biotech. 23: 709-717. The self-assembly PEGylated polycation polyethylenimine (PEI) has also been used to condense and protect siRNAs. Schiffelers et al. 2004 Nucl. Acids Res. 32: eI49, 141-110.

The RNAi agents of the present disclosure can be delivered via, for example, Lipid nanoparticles (LNP); neutral liposomes (NL); polymer nanoparticles; double-stranded RNA binding motifs (dsRBMs); or via modification of the RNAi agent (e.g., covalent attachment to the dsRNA) or by any method known in the art for delivery of a RNAi agent comprising nucleic acids.

Lipid nanoparticles (LNP) are self-assembling cationic lipid based systems. These can comprise, for example, a neutral lipid (the liposome base); a cationic lipid (for siRNA loading); cholesterol (for stabilizing the liposomes); and PEG-lipid (for stabilizing the formulation, charge shielding and extended circulation in the bloodstream).

The cationic lipid can comprise, for example, a headgroup, a linker, a tail and a cholesterol tail. The LNP can have, for example, good tumor delivery, extended circulation in the blood, small particles (e.g., less than 100 nm), and stability in the tumor microenvironment (which has low pH and is hypoxic).

Neutral Liposomes (NL) are Non-Cationic Lipid Based Particles.

Polymer nanoparticles are self-assembling polymer-based particles.

Double-stranded RNA binding motifs (dsRBMs) are self-assembling RNA binding proteins, which will need modifications.

In various embodiments, the RNAi agent to KRAS is packaged as a monotherapy into a delivery vehicle, or may be further ligated to one or more diagnostic compound, reporter group, cross-linking agent, nuclease-resistance conferring moiety, natural or unusual nucleobase, lipophilic molecule, cholesterol, lipid, lectin, steroid, uvaol, hecigenin, diosgenin, terpene, triterpene, sarsasapogenin, Friedelin, epifriedelanol-derivatized lithocholic acid, vitamin, carbohydrate, dextran, pullulan, chitin, chitosan, synthetic carbohydrate, oligo lactate 15-mer, natural polymer, low- or medium-molecular weight polymer, inulin, cyclodextrin, hyaluronic acid, protein, protein-binding agent, integrin-targeting molecule, polycationic, peptide, polyamine, peptide mimic, and/or transferrin.

The RNAi agents of the present disclosure can be prepared in a pharmaceutical composition comprising various components appropriate for the particular method of administration of the RNAi agent.

KRAS-Related Diseases

The present disclosure encompasses RNAi agents to KRAS and administration of the RNAi agents to humans and non-human animals to treat various KRAS-related diseases.

By “KRAS-related disease” is meant any disease related to a dysfunction in the level, expression and/or activity of KRAS, and/or any disease which can be treated and/or ameliorated by modulating the level, expression and/or activity of KRAS. In particular, it includes a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, e.g., adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, and cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome and Noonan syndrome, and similar and related diseases.

For additional information on KRAS-related diseases, see, for example: Bos. 1989. Cancer Res. 49. 17: 4682-9; Engelman et al. 2008. Nature Med. 14: 1351-1356; Haigis et al. 2008 Nature Gen. 40: 600-608; Karapetis et al. 2008 N. E. J. Med. 359: 1757-1765; Kiaris et al. 1995. Int. J. Oncol. 7: 413-421; Liu et al. 1987 Nature 330: 186-188; Riely et al. 2008 Clin. Cancer Res. 14: 5731; and Riely et al. 2009. Proc. Am. Thorac. Soc. 6: 201-205. KRAS mutation, hyperactivity or over-expression is also associated with cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome and Noonan syndrome. Adachi et al. 2012 Seizure: Eur. J. Epilepsy 21: 55-60; Kim et al. 2011. J. Korean Soc. Neonatol. 18: 374-378.

RNAi agents to KRAS can thus be used to treat KRAS-related diseases, particularly those diseases associated with altered expression, activity and/or levels of KRAS.

Use of RNAi Agents for Treatment of KRAS-Related Diseases

The RNAi agents to KRAS described herein can be formulated into pharmaceutical compositions which can be administered to humans or non-human animals. These compositions can comprise one or more RNAi agents, and, optionally, additional treatments useful for treating KRAS-related diseases. They can be administered as part of an early/preventative treatment, and can be administered in a therapeutically-effective dosage. The pharmaceutical composition can comprise a pharmaceutical carrier and can be administered by any method known in the art. These various aspects of the present disclosure are described in additional detail below.

RNAi agents to KRAS can be administered to humans and non-human animals for treatment of KRAS-related diseases.

In one embodiment of the present disclosure, the compositions comprising a KRAS RNAi agent can be administered to non-human animals. For example, the compositions can be given to chickens, turkeys, livestock animals (such as sheep, pigs, horses, cattle, etc.), companion animals (e.g., cats and dogs) and can have efficacy in treatment of proliferative disease, cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome, and similar diseases. In each case, the RNAi agent to KRAS would be selected to match the sequence of the KRAS of the genome of the animal, and to, particularly, contain at least 1 nt mismatch from all other genes in that animal's genome. The RNAi agents of the present disclosure can thus be used in treatment of KRAS-related diseases in humans and non-human animals.

As used herein in the context of KRAS expression, the terms “treat,” “treatment,” and the like, refer to relief from or alleviation of pathological processes mediated by KRAS expression. In the context of the present disclosure insofar as it relates to any of the other conditions recited herein below (other than pathological processes mediated by KRAS expression), the terms “treat,” “treatment,” and the like mean to relieve or alleviate at least one symptom associated with such condition, or to slow or reverse the progression or anticipated progression of such condition, such as slowing the progression of a lipid disorder, such as atherosclerosis.

By “treatment” is also meant prophylaxis, therapy, cure, or any other change in a patient's condition indicating improvement or absence of degradation of physical condition. By “treatment” is meant treatment of KRAS-related disease (e.g., a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome), or any appropriate treatment of any other ailment the patient has. As used herein, the terms “treatment” and “treat” refer to both prophylactic and preventative treatment and curative or disease-modifying treatment, including treatment of patients at risk of contracting a disease or suspected of having a disease, as well as patients already ill or diagnosed as suffering from a condition. The terms “treatment” and “treat” also refer to the maintenance and/or promotion of health in an individual not suffering from a disease but who may be susceptible to developing an unhealthy condition, such as nitrogen imbalance or muscle loss. In one embodiment, “treatment” does not encompass prevention of a disease state. Thus, the present disclosure is useful for suppressing expression of KRAS and/or treating a KRAS-related disease in an individual afflicted by a KRAS-related disease, or an individual susceptible to a KRAS-related disease. An individual “afflicted” by a KRAS-related disease has demonstrated detectable symptoms characteristics of the disease, or had otherwise been shown clinically to have been exposed to or to carry KRAS-related disease pathogens or markers. As non-limiting examples, an individual afflicted by a KRAS-related disease can show outward symptoms; or can show no outward symptoms but can be shown with a clinical test to carry protein markers associated with a KRAS-related disease, or proteins or genetic material associated with a pathogen in the blood.

Early treatment of some KRAS-related diseases may be more efficacious if administered early rather than later. Thus, in one particular embodiment, the RNAi agent to KRAS is administered early, prior to disease manifestation, and/or as a preventative agent, rather than administered after disease establishment.

Treatments of KRAS-related diseases can comprise various treatments, comprising a KRAS RNAi agent, and optionally further comprising an additional treatment, which can be a method (or procedure), or an additional composition (e.g., an agent or additional RNAi agent).

Dosages and Effective Amounts of RNAi Agents

The RNAi agents of the present disclosure are administered in a dosage of a therapeutically effective amount to a patient in need thereof.

An “effective amount” or a “therapeutically effective amount” is an amount that treats a disease or medical condition of an individual, or, more generally, provides a nutritional, physiological or medical benefit to an individual. As used herein, the phrases “therapeutically effective amount” and “prophylactically effective amount” refer to an amount that provides a therapeutic benefit in the treatment, prevention, or management of pathological processes mediated by KRAS expression or an overt symptom of pathological processes mediated by KRAS expression. The specific amount that is therapeutically effective can be readily determined by an ordinary medical practitioner, and may vary depending on factors known in the art, such as, for example, the type of pathological processes mediated by KRAS expression, the patient's history and age, the stage of pathological processes mediated by KRAS expression, and the administration of other agents that inhibit pathological processes mediated by KRAS expression.

In various embodiments of the present disclosure, the patient is at least about 1, 3, 6, or 9 months, or 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, or 75 years of age. In various embodiments, the patient is no more than about 1, 3, 6, or 9 months, or 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90, or 100 years of age. In various embodiments the patient has a body weight of at least about 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380 or 400 lbs. In various embodiments, the patient has a body weight of no more than about 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380 or 400 lbs.

In various embodiments of the present disclosure, the dosage [measuring only the active ingredient(s)] can be at least about 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 300, 250, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950 or 1000 ng, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 300, 250, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950 or 1000 micrograms, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 300, 250, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950 or 1000 mg. In various embodiments, the dosage can be no more than about 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 300, 250, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950 or 1000 mg. In various embodiments, the dosage can be administered at least more than once a day, daily, more than once a weekly, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and/or every 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 months, or a combination thereof.

In various embodiments, the dosage is correlated to the body weight or body surface area of the individual. The actual dosage level can be varied to obtain an amount of active agent which is effective for a particular patient, composition and mode of administration, without being toxic to the patient. The selected dose will depend on a variety of pharmaco*kinetic factors, including the activity of the particular RNAi agent employed, the route of administration, the rate of excretion of the RNAi agent, the duration of the treatment, other drugs, compounds and/or materials used in combination with the RNAi agent, the age, sex, weight, condition, general health and prior medical history of the patient, and like factors well known in the medical arts. A physician or veterinarian having ordinary skill in the art can readily determine the effective amount of the RNAi agent required. A suitable dose will be that amount which is the lowest dose effective to produce a therapeutic effect, or a dose low enough to produce a therapeutic effect without causing side effects.

RNAi Agents to KRAS in Combination with Other Therapies

In addition to a therapeutically-effective dosage of one or more RNAi agents to KRAS, the pharmaceutical compositions of the present disclosure can comprise or be used in conjunction with an additional disease treatment which works synergistically with the RNAi agent.

In addition, many tumors contain mutations in both KRAS and one or more other genes. For example, some lung cancer or colorectal tumor cells or other types of cancer can have mutations in both KRAS and one or more of: EGFR, GLUT1, PI3K, RAF, and APC. Haigis et al. 2008 Nature Gen. 40: 600-608; Karapetis et al. 2008 N.E.J. Med. 359: 1757-1765; and Yun et al. 2009 Science 325: 1555-1559. Effective combination therapy can comprise a KRAS RNAi agent combined with an agent which targets the other mutated hyper-active or overexpressed protein, or which is an approved therapy for the cancer type being treated.

RNAi agents to KRAS can thus be effective when used in a regimen involving other disease treatments. Some of these treatments are not effective when the patient has an activating mutation in KRAS. However, the RNAi agent to KRAS can reduce the overall amount of KRAS, improving the efficacy of disease treatments which are not effective in the presence of an activating KRAS mutation.

Furthermore, proliferation, survival and/or apoptosis resistance of KRAS-defective tumor cells may require another factor such as NF-kappa-B or I-kappa-B kinase TBK1. Meylan et al. 2009 Nature 462: 104-107; and Barbie et al. 2009 Nature 462: 108-112. Thus, in some embodiments, effective combination therapy can comprise administration of a KRAS RNAi agent and administration (or co-administration) of a treatment which targets the other factor (e.g., a siRNA, antibody or small molecule which targets NF-kappa-B or TBK1).

Thus, the KRAS RNAi agent can be used in a combination therapy along with any other therapeutic composition or method or therapy, including those which specifically target another factor, or which are otherwise known to be effective in treatment of a KRAS-related disease.

In the treatment of these KRAS-related diseases, the RNAi agent(s) and additional disease treatment(s) can be administered in any order, simultaneously or sequentially, or in multiple doses over time. Administration of the RNAi agent and the additional treatment can be, for example, simultaneous, concurrent, separate or sequential.

Simultaneous administration may, e.g., take place in the form of one fixed combination with two or more active ingredients, or by simultaneously administering two or more active ingredients that are formulated independently. Sequential use (administration) preferably means administration of one (or more) components of a combination at one time point, other components at a different time point, that is, in a chronically staggered manner, preferably such that the combination shows more efficiency than the single compounds administered independently (especially showing synergism). Separate use (administration) preferably means administration of the components of the combination independently of each other at different time points, preferably meaning that the components (a) and (b) are administered such that no overlap of significant measurable blood levels of both compounds are present in an overlapping manner (at the same time).

Also combinations of two or more of sequential, separate and simultaneous administration are possible, preferably such that the combination component-drugs show a joint therapeutic effect that exceeds the effect found when the combination component-drugs are used independently at time intervals so large that no mutual effect on their therapeutic efficiency can be found, a synergistic effect being especially preferred.

The term “delay of progression” as used herein means administration of the combination to patients being in a pre-stage or in an early phase, of the first manifestation or a relapse of the disease to be treated, in which patients, e.g., a pre-form of the corresponding disease is diagnosed or which patients are in a condition, e.g., during a medical treatment or a condition resulting from an accident, under which it is likely that a corresponding disease will develop.

“Jointly therapeutically active” or “joint therapeutic effect” means that the compounds may be given separately (in a chronically staggered manner, especially a sequence-specific manner) in such time intervals that they preferably, in the warm-blooded animal, especially human, to be treated, still show a (preferably synergistic) interaction (joint therapeutic effect). Whether this is the case, can inter alia be determined by following the blood levels, showing that both compounds are present in the blood of the human to be treated at least during certain time intervals.

The present disclosure thus encompasses a combination therapy comprising both a KRAS RNAi agent and one or more additional therapies for KRAS-related diseases known in the art.

The use of known treatments for any of KRAS-related diseases is within the capabilities of one of ordinary skill in the art. Any such additional treatment can be used in conjunction with a RNAi agent to KRAS.

The dosages of the additional treatments and RNAi agents can be easily determined by one of ordinary skill in the art, and as described herein.

Embodiments Comprising One or More Efficacious RNAi Agents to KRAS

In various embodiments of the present disclosure, the present disclosure comprises a RNAi agent demonstrating at least about 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 95% knockdown (KD) (i.e., no more than about 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, or 5% residual gene activity, respectively) of the KRAS gene at an in vitro concentration of 10 or 0.1 nM as assayed in RKO cells.

In various embodiments of the present disclosure, the composition comprises one or more RNAi agents capable of a Fold-Change at 10 nM at 24 hr of <0.05, <0.10, <0.20, <0.30, <0.40 (indicating a KRAS gene knock-down of at least 95, 90, 80, 70, or 60%, respectively, at a concentration of 10 nM at 24 hrs in RKO cells). RNAi agents capable of these levels of activity are disclosed in the Tables herein.

Embodiments Comprising One or More Efficacious RNAi Agents to KRAS

In various embodiments of the present disclosure, the composition comprises one or more RNAi agents capable of a Fold-Change at 0.1 nM at 120 hr of <0.30, <0.20, or <0.10 (indicating a KRAS gene knock-down of at least 70, 80, or 90%, respectively, at a concentration of 0.1 nM at 120 hrs in RKO cells). RNAi agents capable of these levels of activity are disclosed in the Tables herein.

Various Embodiments Comprising One or More RNAi Agents to KRAS with Low EC50

In various embodiments of the present disclosure, the composition comprises one or more RNAi agents capable of mediating a 50% gene knockdown (EC50) of KRAS at a low concentration in RKO cells. For many of the RNAi agents listed herein, an estimated EC50 is calculated. Cells are treated at 10 nM, 1 nM, 0.1 nM, 0.01 nM, and 0.001 nM of RNAi agent, and the data fit to a curve. The indicated EC50 is an estimated EC50 calculated from available data that is expected to give 50% gene knock-down of KRAS in RKO cells. In various embodiments of the present disclosure, the composition comprises one or more RNAi agents capable of mediating a 50% gene knockdown (EC50) at 100, 75, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2.5, 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.2, 0.12, 0.1, 0.09, 0.08, 0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, or 0.02 nM or less in RKO cells. RNAi agents capable of these levels of activity are disclosed in the Tables herein.

Specific Embodiments of RNAi Agents to KRAS

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to: a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a sense strand and an anti-sense strand, wherein the anti-sense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the anti-sense strand of: any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6 and modified or unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the composition comprises any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a sense strand and an anti-sense strand, wherein the anti-sense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0 nucleotides from the anti-sense strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising an anti-sense strand comprising the sequence of the anti-sense strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprises an anti-sense strand consisting of the sequence of the anti-sense strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the second of the first strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and the second strand are the sequences of the first and second strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the second of the first strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, and modified and unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

Specific Embodiments of RNAi Agents to KRAS

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to: a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the first strand of: any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6 or modified or unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to: a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from the first strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strands of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and the second strand are the sequences of the first and second strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof.

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

Specific Embodiments Comprising at Least 15 Contiguous Nucleotides Differing from 0 to 3 nt from RNAi Agents Disclosed Herein

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to: a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides (nt) differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6 or modified or unmodified variants thereof.

Thus, in various embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of the following:

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35523.3 (SEQ ID NO: 428), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35529.1 (SEQ ID NO: 429), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35535.4 (SEQ ID NO: 430), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NO: 431), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35547.4 (SEQ ID NO: 432), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35553.4 (SEQ ID NO: 433), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35559.4 (SEQ ID NO: 434), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35565.4 (SEQ ID NO: 435), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35524.4 (SEQ ID NO: 436), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35530.4 (SEQ ID NO: 437), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35536.4 (SEQ ID NO: 438), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35542.4 (SEQ ID NO: 439), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35548.4 (SEQ ID NO: 440), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35554.4 (SEQ ID NO: 441), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35560.2 (SEQ ID NO: 442), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35566.4 (SEQ ID NO: 443), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35525.2 (SEQ ID NO: 444), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35531.4 (SEQ ID NO: 445), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35537.4 (SEQ ID NO: 446), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35543.2 (SEQ ID NO: 447), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35549.4 (SEQ ID NO: 448), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35555.4 (SEQ ID NO: 449), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35561.4 (SEQ ID NO: 450), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35567.4 (SEQ ID NO: 451), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35526.4 (SEQ ID NO: 452), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35532.4 (SEQ ID NO: 453), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35538.4 (SEQ ID NO: 454), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35544.4 (SEQ ID NO: 455), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35550.4 (SEQ ID NO: 456), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35556.4 (SEQ ID NO: 457), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35562.4 (SEQ ID NO: 458), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35568.4 (SEQ ID NO: 459), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35527.4 (SEQ ID NO: 460), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35533.4 (SEQ ID NO: 461), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35539.4 (SEQ ID NO: 462), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35545.4 (SEQ ID NO: 463), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35551.4 (SEQ ID NO: 464), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35563.4 (SEQ ID NO: 465), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35528.4 (SEQ ID NO: 466), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35540.4 (SEQ ID NO: 467), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35546.4 (SEQ ID NO: 468), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35552.4 (SEQ ID NO: 469), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35558.4 (SEQ ID NO: 470), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35564.4 (SEQ ID NO: 471), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35570.4 (SEQ ID NO: 472), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35571.4 (SEQ ID NO: 473), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35577.4 (SEQ ID NO: 474), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35583.4 (SEQ ID NO: 475), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35589.4 (SEQ ID NO: 476), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35595.4 (SEQ ID NO: 477), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35601.4 (SEQ ID NO: 478), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35607.4 (SEQ ID NO: 479), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35613.4 (SEQ ID NO: 480), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35572.4 (SEQ ID NO: 481), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35578.4 (SEQ ID NO: 482), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35584.4 (SEQ ID NO: 483), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35590.4 (SEQ ID NO: 484), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35596.4 (SEQ ID NO: 485), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35602.4 (SEQ ID NO: 486), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35608.4 (SEQ ID NO: 487), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35614.4 (SEQ ID NO: 488), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35573.4 (SEQ ID NO: 489), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35579.4 (SEQ ID NO: 490), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35585.4 (SEQ ID NO: 491), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35591.4 (SEQ ID NO: 492), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35597.4 (SEQ ID NO: 493), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35603.4 (SEQ ID NO: 494), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NO: 495), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35615.4 (SEQ ID NO: 496), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35574.4 (SEQ ID NO: 497), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35580.1 (SEQ ID NO: 498), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35586.4 (SEQ ID NO: 499), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35592.4 (SEQ ID NO: 500), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35598.4 (SEQ ID NO: 501), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35604.4 (SEQ ID NO: 502), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35610.4 (SEQ ID NO: 503), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35616.4 (SEQ ID NO: 504), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35575.4 (SEQ ID NO: 505), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NO: 506), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35587.4 (SEQ ID NO: 507), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35593.4 (SEQ ID NO: 508), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35599.4 (SEQ ID NO: 509), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35605.4 (SEQ ID NO: 510), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35611.4 (SEQ ID NO: 511), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35617.4 (SEQ ID NO: 512), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NO: 513), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NO: 514), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35667.1 (SEQ ID NO: 515), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35673.1 (SEQ ID NO: 516), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35679.1 (SEQ ID NO: 517), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35685.1 (SEQ ID NO: 518), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35691.1 (SEQ ID NO: 519), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35557.1 (SEQ ID NO: 520), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35618.1 (SEQ ID NO: 521), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35569.1 (SEQ ID NO: 522), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35534.1 (SEQ ID NO: 523), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35582.1 (SEQ ID NO: 524), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35594.1 (SEQ ID NO: 525), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NO: 526), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NO: 527), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35612.1 (SEQ ID NO: 528), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38127.1 (SEQ ID NO: 529), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38133.1 (SEQ ID NO: 530), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38139.1 (SEQ ID NO: 531), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38145.1 (SEQ ID NO: 532), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NO: 533), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38157.1 (SEQ ID NO: 534), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NO: 535), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38169.1 (SEQ ID NO: 536), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38128.1 (SEQ ID NO: 537), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38134.1 (SEQ ID NO: 538), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38140.1 (SEQ ID NO: 539), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38146.1 (SEQ ID NO: 540), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38152.1 (SEQ ID NO: 541), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38158.1 (SEQ ID NO: 542), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38164.1 (SEQ ID NO: 543), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38170.1 (SEQ ID NO: 544), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38129.1 (SEQ ID NO: 545), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38135.1 (SEQ ID NO: 546), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38141.1 (SEQ ID NO: 547), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38147.1 (SEQ ID NO: 548), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38153.1 (SEQ ID NO: 549), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38159.1 (SEQ ID NO: 550), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38165.1 (SEQ ID NO: 551), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38171.1 (SEQ ID NO: 552), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38130.1 (SEQ ID NO: 553), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NO: 554), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38142.1 (SEQ ID NO: 555), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38148.1 (SEQ ID NO: 556), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38154.1 (SEQ ID NO: 557), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38160.1 (SEQ ID NO: 558), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38166.1 (SEQ ID NO: 559), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38172.1 (SEQ ID NO: 560), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NO: 561), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38137.1 (SEQ ID NO: 562), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38143.1 (SEQ ID NO: 563), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38149.1 (SEQ ID NO: 564), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38155.1 (SEQ ID NO: 565), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38161.1 (SEQ ID NO: 566), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NO: 567), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38173.1 (SEQ ID NO: 568), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38132.1 (SEQ ID NO: 569), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38138.1 (SEQ ID NO: 570), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38144.1 (SEQ ID NO: 571), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38150.1 (SEQ ID NO: 572), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38156.1 (SEQ ID NO: 573), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38162.1 (SEQ ID NO: 574), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38168.1 (SEQ ID NO: 575), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38174.1 (SEQ ID NO: 576), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39683.1 (SEQ ID NO: 577), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39689.1 (SEQ ID NO: 578), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39695.1 (SEQ ID NO: 579), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39701.1 (SEQ ID NO: 580), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39707.1 (SEQ ID NO: 581), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39713.1 (SEQ ID NO: 582), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39719.1 (SEQ ID NO: 583), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39725.1 (SEQ ID NO: 584), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39684.1 (SEQ ID NO: 585), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39690.1 (SEQ ID NO: 586), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39696.1 (SEQ ID NO: 587), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39702.1 (SEQ ID NO: 588), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39708.1 (SEQ ID NO: 589), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39714.1 (SEQ ID NO: 590), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NO: 591), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39726.1 (SEQ ID NO: 592), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39685.1 (SEQ ID NO: 593), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39691.1 (SEQ ID NO: 594), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39697.1 (SEQ ID NO: 595), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39703.1 (SEQ ID NO: 596), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39709.1 (SEQ ID NO: 597), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39715.1 (SEQ ID NO: 598), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39721.1 (SEQ ID NO: 599), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39727.1 (SEQ ID NO: 600), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39686.1 (SEQ ID NO: 601), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39692.1 (SEQ ID NO: 602), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39698.1 (SEQ ID NO: 603), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39704.1 (SEQ ID NO: 604), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39710.1 (SEQ ID NO: 605), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39716.1 (SEQ ID NO: 606), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39722.1 (SEQ ID NO: 607), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39728.1 (SEQ ID NO: 608), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39687.1 (SEQ ID NO: 609), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39693.1 (SEQ ID NO: 610), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39699.1 (SEQ ID NO: 611), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39705.1 (SEQ ID NO: 612), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39711.1 (SEQ ID NO: 613), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39717.1 (SEQ ID NO: 614), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39723.1 (SEQ ID NO: 615), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39729.1 (SEQ ID NO: 616), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39688.1 (SEQ ID NO: 617), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39694.1 (SEQ ID NO: 618), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39700.1 (SEQ ID NO: 619), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NO: 620), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NO: 621), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39718.1 (SEQ ID NO: 622), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39724.1 (SEQ ID NO: 623), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39730.1 (SEQ ID NO: 624), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39736.1 (SEQ ID NO: 625), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39742.1 (SEQ ID NO: 626), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39748.1 (SEQ ID NO: 627), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39754.1 (SEQ ID NO: 628), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NO: 629), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39766.1 (SEQ ID NO: 630), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39772.1 (SEQ ID NO: 631), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39731.1 (SEQ ID NO: 632), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39737.1 (SEQ ID NO: 633), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39743.1 (SEQ ID NO: 634), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39749.1 (SEQ ID NO: 635), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39755.1 (SEQ ID NO: 636), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39761.1 (SEQ ID NO: 637), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39767.1 (SEQ ID NO: 638), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39773.1 (SEQ ID NO: 639), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NO: 640), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39738.1 (SEQ ID NO: 641), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39744.1 (SEQ ID NO: 642), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39750.1 (SEQ ID NO: 643), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39756.1 (SEQ ID NO: 644), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39762.1 (SEQ ID NO: 645), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39768.1 (SEQ ID NO: 646), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39774.1 (SEQ ID NO: 647), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39733.1 (SEQ ID NO: 648), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39739.1 (SEQ ID NO: 649), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39745.1 (SEQ ID NO: 650), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39751.1 (SEQ ID NO: 651), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39757.1 (SEQ ID NO: 652), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39763.1 (SEQ ID NO: 653), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39769.1 (SEQ ID NO: 654), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39775.1 (SEQ ID NO: 655), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39734.1 (SEQ ID NO: 656), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39740.1 (SEQ ID NO: 657), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39746.1 (SEQ ID NO: 658), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39752.1 (SEQ ID NO: 659), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39758.1 (SEQ ID NO: 660), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39764.1 (SEQ ID NO: 661), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39770.1 (SEQ ID NO: 662), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39776.1 (SEQ ID NO: 663), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39735.1 (SEQ ID NO: 664), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39741.1 (SEQ ID NO: 665), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39747.1 (SEQ ID NO: 666), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39753.1 (SEQ ID NO: 667), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39759.1 (SEQ ID NO: 668), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39765.1 (SEQ ID NO: 669), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39771.1 (SEQ ID NO: 670), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NO: 671), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39784.1 (SEQ ID NO: 672), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NO: 673), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39796.1 (SEQ ID NO: 674), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39802.1 (SEQ ID NO: 675), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39808.1 (SEQ ID NO: 676), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39814.1 (SEQ ID NO: 677), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39820.1 (SEQ ID NO: 678), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39779.1 (SEQ ID NO: 679), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39785.1 (SEQ ID NO: 680), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39791.1 (SEQ ID NO: 681), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39797.1 (SEQ ID NO: 682), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39803.1 (SEQ ID NO: 683), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39809.1 (SEQ ID NO: 684), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39815.1 (SEQ ID NO: 685), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39821.1 (SEQ ID NO: 686), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39780.1 (SEQ ID NO: 687), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39786.1 (SEQ ID NO: 688), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39792.1 (SEQ ID NO: 689), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39798.1 (SEQ ID NO: 690), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39804.1 (SEQ ID NO: 691), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39810.1 (SEQ ID NO: 692), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39816.1 (SEQ ID NO: 693), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NO: 694), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39781.1 (SEQ ID NO: 695), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39787.1 (SEQ ID NO: 696), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39793.1 (SEQ ID NO: 697), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39799.1 (SEQ ID NO: 698), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39805.1 (SEQ ID NO: 699), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39811.1 (SEQ ID NO: 700), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39817.1 (SEQ ID NO: 701), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39823.1 (SEQ ID NO: 702), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39782.1 (SEQ ID NO: 703), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39788.1 (SEQ ID NO: 704), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39794.1 (SEQ ID NO: 705), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39800.1 (SEQ ID NO: 706), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39806.1 (SEQ ID NO: 707), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39812.1 (SEQ ID NO: 708), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39818.1 (SEQ ID NO: 709), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39824.1 (SEQ ID NO: 710), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39783.1 (SEQ ID NO: 711), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39789.1 (SEQ ID NO: 712), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39795.1 (SEQ ID NO: 713), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39801.1 (SEQ ID NO: 714), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39807.1 (SEQ ID NO: 715), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39813.1 (SEQ ID NO: 716), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39819.1 (SEQ ID NO: 717), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39825.1 (SEQ ID NO: 718), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39831.1 (SEQ ID NO: 719), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39837.1 (SEQ ID NO: 720), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39843.1 (SEQ ID NO: 721), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39849.1 (SEQ ID NO: 722), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39855.1 (SEQ ID NO: 723), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39861.1 (SEQ ID NO: 724), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39867.1 (SEQ ID NO: 725), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39826.1 (SEQ ID NO: 726), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39832.1 (SEQ ID NO: 727), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39838.1 (SEQ ID NO: 728), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39844.1 (SEQ ID NO: 729), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39850.1 (SEQ ID NO: 730), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39856.1 (SEQ ID NO: 731), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39862.1 (SEQ ID NO: 732), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39868.1 (SEQ ID NO: 733), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39827.1 (SEQ ID NO: 734), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39833.1 (SEQ ID NO: 735), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39839.1 (SEQ ID NO: 736), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NO: 737), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39851.1 (SEQ ID NO: 738), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39857.1 (SEQ ID NO: 739), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39863.1 (SEQ ID NO: 740), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39869.1 (SEQ ID NO: 741), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39828.1 (SEQ ID NO: 742), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39834.1 (SEQ ID NO: 743), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39840.1 (SEQ ID NO: 744), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39846.1 (SEQ ID NO: 745), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39852.1 (SEQ ID NO: 746), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NO: 747), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39864.1 (SEQ ID NO: 748), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NO: 749), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39829.1 (SEQ ID NO: 750), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39835.1 (SEQ ID NO: 751), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39841.1 (SEQ ID NO: 752), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39853.1 (SEQ ID NO: 753), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39859.1 (SEQ ID NO: 754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39865.1 (SEQ ID NO: 755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39871.1 (SEQ ID NO: 756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39830.1 (SEQ ID NO: 757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39836.1 (SEQ ID NO: 758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39842.1 (SEQ ID NO: 759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39848.1 (SEQ ID NO: 760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39854.1 (SEQ ID NO: 761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39860.1 (SEQ ID NO: 762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39866.1 (SEQ ID NO: 763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39992.1 (SEQ ID NO: 764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39998.1 (SEQ ID NO: 765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40004.1 (SEQ ID NO: 766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40010.1 (SEQ ID NO: 767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40016.1 (SEQ ID NO: 768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40022.1 (SEQ ID NO: 769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40028.1 (SEQ ID NO: 770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40034.1 (SEQ ID NO: 771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NO: 772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40005.1 (SEQ ID NO: 773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40011.1 (SEQ ID NO: 774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40017.1 (SEQ ID NO: 775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40029.1 (SEQ ID NO: 776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40035.1 (SEQ ID NO: 777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39994.1 (SEQ ID NO: 778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40000.1 (SEQ ID NO: 779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40006.1 (SEQ ID NO: 780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40012.1 (SEQ ID NO: 781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40018.1 (SEQ ID NO: 782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40024.1 (SEQ ID NO: 783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40030.1 (SEQ ID NO: 784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NO: 785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39995.1 (SEQ ID NO: 786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40001.1 (SEQ ID NO: 787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40007.1 (SEQ ID NO: 788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40013.1 (SEQ ID NO: 789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40019.1 (SEQ ID NO: 790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40025.1 (SEQ ID NO: 791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40031.1 (SEQ ID NO: 792), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40037.1 (SEQ ID NO: 793), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39996.1 (SEQ ID NO: 794), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40002.1 (SEQ ID NO: 795), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NO: 796), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40014.1 (SEQ ID NO: 797), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40020.1 (SEQ ID NO: 798), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40026.1 (SEQ ID NO: 799), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40032.1 (SEQ ID NO: 800), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40038.1 (SEQ ID NO: 801), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39997.1 (SEQ ID NO: 802), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40009.1 (SEQ ID NO: 803), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40015.1 (SEQ ID NO: 804), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NO: 805), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40027.1 (SEQ ID NO: 806), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40033.1 (SEQ ID NO: 807), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40039.1 (SEQ ID NO: 808), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40045.1 (SEQ ID NO: 809), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40051.1 (SEQ ID NO: 810), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40057.1 (SEQ ID NO: 811), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40063.1 (SEQ ID NO: 812), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40069.1 (SEQ ID NO: 813), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40075.1 (SEQ ID NO: 814), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40081.1 (SEQ ID NO: 815), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40040.1 (SEQ ID NO: 816), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40046.1 (SEQ ID NO: 817), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40052.1 (SEQ ID NO: 818), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40058.1 (SEQ ID NO: 819), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40064.1 (SEQ ID NO: 820), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40070.1 (SEQ ID NO: 821), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40076.1 (SEQ ID NO: 822), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40082.1 (SEQ ID NO: 823), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40041.1 (SEQ ID NO: 824), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40047.1 (SEQ ID NO: 825), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40053.1 (SEQ ID NO: 826), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40059.1 (SEQ ID NO: 827), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40065.1 (SEQ ID NO: 828), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40071.1 (SEQ ID NO: 829), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NO: 830), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40083.1 (SEQ ID NO: 831), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40042.1 (SEQ ID NO: 832), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40048.1 (SEQ ID NO: 833), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40054.1 (SEQ ID NO: 834), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40060.1 (SEQ ID NO: 835), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40066.1 (SEQ ID NO: 836), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NO: 837), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40078.1 (SEQ ID NO: 838), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40084.1 (SEQ ID NO: 839), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40043.1 (SEQ ID NO: 840), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40049.1 (SEQ ID NO: 841), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40055.1 (SEQ ID NO: 842), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NO: 843), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40067.1 (SEQ ID NO: 844), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40073.1 (SEQ ID NO: 845), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40079.1 (SEQ ID NO: 846), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40085.1 (SEQ ID NO: 847), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40044.1 (SEQ ID NO: 848), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40050.1 (SEQ ID NO: 849), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40056.1 (SEQ ID NO: 850), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40062.1 (SEQ ID NO: 851), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NO: 852), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40074.1 (SEQ ID NO: 853), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40080.1 (SEQ ID NO: 854), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NO: 1759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39735.1 or hs_KRAS_321_A22526 (SEQ ID NO: 1760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39741.1, or modified or unmodified variants thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: hs_KRAS_322_A22S26 (SEQ ID NO: 1761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NO: 1765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NO: 1766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NO: 1770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NO: 1771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38159.1 or hs_KRAS_528_A22S26 (SEQ ID NO: 1777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38130.1 or hs_KRAS_531_A22526 (SEQ ID NO: 1778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NO: 1788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: hs_KRAS 1273_A22526 (SEQ ID NO: 1789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: hs_KRAS 2892_A37S26 (SEQ ID NO: 1790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nt differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from a first strand of: hs_KRAS 4731_A22526 (SEQ ID NO: 1791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

Specific Embodiments Comprising at Least 15 Contiguous Nucleotides of any RNAi Agent Disclosed Herein

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to: a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides (differing by 0 nucleotides) from a first strand of: any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6 or modified or unmodified variants thereof.

Thus, in various embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of the following:

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35523.3 (SEQ ID NO: 428), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35529.1 (SEQ ID NO: 429), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35535.4 (SEQ ID NO: 430), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NO: 431), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35547.4 (SEQ ID NO: 432), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35553.4 (SEQ ID NO: 433), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35559.4 (SEQ ID NO: 434), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35565.4 (SEQ ID NO: 435), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35524.4 (SEQ ID NO: 436), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35530.4 (SEQ ID NO: 437), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35536.4 (SEQ ID NO: 438), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35542.4 (SEQ ID NO: 439), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35548.4 (SEQ ID NO: 440), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35554.4 (SEQ ID NO: 441), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35560.2 (SEQ ID NO: 442), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35566.4 (SEQ ID NO: 443), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35525.2 (SEQ ID NO: 444), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35531.4 (SEQ ID NO: 445), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35537.4 (SEQ ID NO: 446), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35543.2 (SEQ ID NO: 447), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35549.4 (SEQ ID NO: 448), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35555.4 (SEQ ID NO: 449), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35561.4 (SEQ ID NO: 450), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35567.4 (SEQ ID NO: 451), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35526.4 (SEQ ID NO: 452), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35532.4 (SEQ ID NO: 453), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35538.4 (SEQ ID NO: 454), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35544.4 (SEQ ID NO: 455), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35550.4 (SEQ ID NO: 456), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35556.4 (SEQ ID NO: 457), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35562.4 (SEQ ID NO: 458), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35568.4 (SEQ ID NO: 459), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35527.4 (SEQ ID NO: 460), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35533.4 (SEQ ID NO: 461), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35539.4 (SEQ ID NO: 462), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35545.4 (SEQ ID NO: 463), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35551.4 (SEQ ID NO: 464), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35563.4 (SEQ ID NO: 465), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35528.4 (SEQ ID NO: 466), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35540.4 (SEQ ID NO: 467), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35546.4 (SEQ ID NO: 468), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35552.4 (SEQ ID NO: 469), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35558.4 (SEQ ID NO: 470), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35564.4 (SEQ ID NO: 471), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35570.4 (SEQ ID NO: 472), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35571.4 (SEQ ID NO: 473), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35577.4 (SEQ ID NO: 474), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35583.4 (SEQ ID NO: 475), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35589.4 (SEQ ID NO: 476), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35595.4 (SEQ ID NO: 477), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35601.4 (SEQ ID NO: 478), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35607.4 (SEQ ID NO: 479), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35613.4 (SEQ ID NO: 480), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35572.4 (SEQ ID NO: 481), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35578.4 (SEQ ID NO: 482), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35584.4 (SEQ ID NO: 483), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35590.4 (SEQ ID NO: 484), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35596.4 (SEQ ID NO: 485), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35602.4 (SEQ ID NO: 486), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35608.4 (SEQ ID NO: 487), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35614.4 (SEQ ID NO: 488), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35573.4 (SEQ ID NO: 489), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35579.4 (SEQ ID NO: 490), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35585.4 (SEQ ID NO: 491), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35591.4 (SEQ ID NO: 492), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35597.4 (SEQ ID NO: 493), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35603.4 (SEQ ID NO: 494), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NO: 495), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35615.4 (SEQ ID NO: 496), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35574.4 (SEQ ID NO: 497), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35580.1 (SEQ ID NO: 498), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35586.4 (SEQ ID NO: 499), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35592.4 (SEQ ID NO: 500), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35598.4 (SEQ ID NO: 501), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35604.4 (SEQ ID NO: 502), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35610.4 (SEQ ID NO: 503), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35616.4 (SEQ ID NO: 504), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35575.4 (SEQ ID NO: 505), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NO: 506), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35587.4 (SEQ ID NO: 507), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35593.4 (SEQ ID NO: 508), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35599.4 (SEQ ID NO: 509), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35605.4 (SEQ ID NO: 510), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35611.4 (SEQ ID NO: 511), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35617.4 (SEQ ID NO: 512), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NO: 513), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NO: 514), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35667.1 (SEQ ID NO: 515), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35673.1 (SEQ ID NO: 516), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35679.1 (SEQ ID NO: 517), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35685.1 (SEQ ID NO: 518), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35691.1 (SEQ ID NO: 519), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35557.1 (SEQ ID NO: 520), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35618.1 (SEQ ID NO: 521), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35569.1 (SEQ ID NO: 522), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35534.1 (SEQ ID NO: 523), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35582.1 (SEQ ID NO: 524), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35594.1 (SEQ ID NO: 525), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NO: 526), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NO: 527), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35612.1 (SEQ ID NO: 528), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38127.1 (SEQ ID NO: 529), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38133.1 (SEQ ID NO: 530), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38139.1 (SEQ ID NO: 531), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38145.1 (SEQ ID NO: 532), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NO: 533), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38157.1 (SEQ ID NO: 534), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NO: 535), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38169.1 (SEQ ID NO: 536), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38128.1 (SEQ ID NO: 537), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38134.1 (SEQ ID NO: 538), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38140.1 (SEQ ID NO: 539), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38146.1 (SEQ ID NO: 540), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38152.1 (SEQ ID NO: 541), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38158.1 (SEQ ID NO: 542), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38164.1 (SEQ ID NO: 543), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38170.1 (SEQ ID NO: 544), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38129.1 (SEQ ID NO: 545), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38135.1 (SEQ ID NO: 546), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38141.1 (SEQ ID NO: 547), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38147.1 (SEQ ID NO: 548), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38153.1 (SEQ ID NO: 549), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38159.1 (SEQ ID NO: 550), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38165.1 (SEQ ID NO: 551), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38171.1 (SEQ ID NO: 552), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38130.1 (SEQ ID NO: 553), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NO: 554), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38142.1 (SEQ ID NO: 555), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38148.1 (SEQ ID NO: 556), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38154.1 (SEQ ID NO: 557), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38160.1 (SEQ ID NO: 558), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38166.1 (SEQ ID NO: 559), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38172.1 (SEQ ID NO: 560), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NO: 561), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38137.1 (SEQ ID NO: 562), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38143.1 (SEQ ID NO: 563), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38149.1 (SEQ ID NO: 564), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38155.1 (SEQ ID NO: 565), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38161.1 (SEQ ID NO: 566), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NO: 567), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38173.1 (SEQ ID NO: 568), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38132.1 (SEQ ID NO: 569), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38138.1 (SEQ ID NO: 570), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38144.1 (SEQ ID NO: 571), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38150.1 (SEQ ID NO: 572), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38156.1 (SEQ ID NO: 573), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38162.1 (SEQ ID NO: 574), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38168.1 (SEQ ID NO: 575), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38174.1 (SEQ ID NO: 576), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39683.1 (SEQ ID NO: 577), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39689.1 (SEQ ID NO: 578), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39695.1 (SEQ ID NO: 579), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39701.1 (SEQ ID NO: 580), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39707.1 (SEQ ID NO: 581), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39713.1 (SEQ ID NO: 582), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39719.1 (SEQ ID NO: 583), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39725.1 (SEQ ID NO: 584), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39684.1 (SEQ ID NO: 585), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39690.1 (SEQ ID NO: 586), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39696.1 (SEQ ID NO: 587), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39702.1 (SEQ ID NO: 588), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39708.1 (SEQ ID NO: 589), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39714.1 (SEQ ID NO: 590), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NO: 591), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39726.1 (SEQ ID NO: 592), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39685.1 (SEQ ID NO: 593), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39691.1 (SEQ ID NO: 594), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39697.1 (SEQ ID NO: 595), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39703.1 (SEQ ID NO: 596), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39709.1 (SEQ ID NO: 597), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39715.1 (SEQ ID NO: 598), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39721.1 (SEQ ID NO: 599), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39727.1 (SEQ ID NO: 600), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39686.1 (SEQ ID NO: 601), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39692.1 (SEQ ID NO: 602), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39698.1 (SEQ ID NO: 603), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39704.1 (SEQ ID NO: 604), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39710.1 (SEQ ID NO: 605), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39716.1 (SEQ ID NO: 606), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39722.1 (SEQ ID NO: 607), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39728.1 (SEQ ID NO: 608), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39687.1 (SEQ ID NO: 609), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39693.1 (SEQ ID NO: 610), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39699.1 (SEQ ID NO: 611), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39705.1 (SEQ ID NO: 612), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39711.1 (SEQ ID NO: 613), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39717.1 (SEQ ID NO: 614), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39723.1 (SEQ ID NO: 615), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39729.1 (SEQ ID NO: 616), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39688.1 (SEQ ID NO: 617), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39694.1 (SEQ ID NO: 618), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39700.1 (SEQ ID NO: 619), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NO: 620), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NO: 621), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39718.1 (SEQ ID NO: 622), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39724.1 (SEQ ID NO: 623), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39730.1 (SEQ ID NO: 624), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39736.1 (SEQ ID NO: 625), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39742.1 (SEQ ID NO: 626), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39748.1 (SEQ ID NO: 627), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39754.1 (SEQ ID NO: 628), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NO: 629), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39766.1 (SEQ ID NO: 630), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39772.1 (SEQ ID NO: 631), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39731.1 (SEQ ID NO: 632), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39737.1 (SEQ ID NO: 633), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39743.1 (SEQ ID NO: 634), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39749.1 (SEQ ID NO: 635), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39755.1 (SEQ ID NO: 636), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39761.1 (SEQ ID NO: 637), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39767.1 (SEQ ID NO: 638), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39773.1 (SEQ ID NO: 639), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NO: 640), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39738.1 (SEQ ID NO: 641), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39744.1 (SEQ ID NO: 642), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39750.1 (SEQ ID NO: 643), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39756.1 (SEQ ID NO: 644), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39762.1 (SEQ ID NO: 645), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39768.1 (SEQ ID NO: 646), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39774.1 (SEQ ID NO: 647), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39733.1 (SEQ ID NO: 648), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39739.1 (SEQ ID NO: 649), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39745.1 (SEQ ID NO: 650), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39751.1 (SEQ ID NO: 651), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39757.1 (SEQ ID NO: 652), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39763.1 (SEQ ID NO: 653), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39769.1 (SEQ ID NO: 654), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39775.1 (SEQ ID NO: 655), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39734.1 (SEQ ID NO: 656), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39740.1 (SEQ ID NO: 657), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39746.1 (SEQ ID NO: 658), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39752.1 (SEQ ID NO: 659), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39758.1 (SEQ ID NO: 660), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39764.1 (SEQ ID NO: 661), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39770.1 (SEQ ID NO: 662), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39776.1 (SEQ ID NO: 663), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39735.1 (SEQ ID NO: 664), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39741.1 (SEQ ID NO: 665), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39747.1 (SEQ ID NO: 666), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39753.1 (SEQ ID NO: 667), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39759.1 (SEQ ID NO: 668), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39765.1 (SEQ ID NO: 669), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39771.1 (SEQ ID NO: 670), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NO: 671), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39784.1 (SEQ ID NO: 672), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NO: 673), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39796.1 (SEQ ID NO: 674), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39802.1 (SEQ ID NO: 675), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39808.1 (SEQ ID NO: 676), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39814.1 (SEQ ID NO: 677), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39820.1 (SEQ ID NO: 678), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39779.1 (SEQ ID NO: 679), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39785.1 (SEQ ID NO: 680), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39791.1 (SEQ ID NO: 681), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39797.1 (SEQ ID NO: 682), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39803.1 (SEQ ID NO: 683), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39809.1 (SEQ ID NO: 684), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39815.1 (SEQ ID NO: 685), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39821.1 (SEQ ID NO: 686), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39780.1 (SEQ ID NO: 687), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39786.1 (SEQ ID NO: 688), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39792.1 (SEQ ID NO: 689), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39798.1 (SEQ ID NO: 690), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39804.1 (SEQ ID NO: 691), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39810.1 (SEQ ID NO: 692), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39816.1 (SEQ ID NO: 693), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NO: 694), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39781.1 (SEQ ID NO: 695), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39787.1 (SEQ ID NO: 696), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39793.1 (SEQ ID NO: 697), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39799.1 (SEQ ID NO: 698), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39805.1 (SEQ ID NO: 699), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39811.1 (SEQ ID NO: 700), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39817.1 (SEQ ID NO: 701), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39823.1 (SEQ ID NO: 702), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39782.1 (SEQ ID NO: 703), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39788.1 (SEQ ID NO: 704), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39794.1 (SEQ ID NO: 705), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39800.1 (SEQ ID NO: 706), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39806.1 (SEQ ID NO: 707), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39812.1 (SEQ ID NO: 708), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39818.1 (SEQ ID NO: 709), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39824.1 (SEQ ID NO: 710), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39783.1 (SEQ ID NO: 711), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39789.1 (SEQ ID NO: 712), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39795.1 (SEQ ID NO: 713), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39801.1 (SEQ ID NO: 714), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39807.1 (SEQ ID NO: 715), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39813.1 (SEQ ID NO: 716), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39819.1 (SEQ ID NO: 717), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39825.1 (SEQ ID NO: 718), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39831.1 (SEQ ID NO: 719), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39837.1 (SEQ ID NO: 720), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39843.1 (SEQ ID NO: 721), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39849.1 (SEQ ID NO: 722), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39855.1 (SEQ ID NO: 723), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39861.1 (SEQ ID NO: 724), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39867.1 (SEQ ID NO: 725), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39826.1 (SEQ ID NO: 726), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39832.1 (SEQ ID NO: 727), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39838.1 (SEQ ID NO: 728), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39844.1 (SEQ ID NO: 729), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39850.1 (SEQ ID NO: 730), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39856.1 (SEQ ID NO: 731), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39862.1 (SEQ ID NO: 732), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39868.1 (SEQ ID NO: 733), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39827.1 (SEQ ID NO: 734), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39833.1 (SEQ ID NO: 735), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39839.1 (SEQ ID NO: 736), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NO: 737), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39851.1 (SEQ ID NO: 738), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39857.1 (SEQ ID NO: 739), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39863.1 (SEQ ID NO: 740), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39869.1 (SEQ ID NO: 741), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39828.1 (SEQ ID NO: 742), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39834.1 (SEQ ID NO: 743), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39840.1 (SEQ ID NO: 744), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39846.1 (SEQ ID NO: 745), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39852.1 (SEQ ID NO: 746), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NO: 747), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39864.1 (SEQ ID NO: 748), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NO: 749), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39829.1 (SEQ ID NO: 750), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39835.1 (SEQ ID NO: 751), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39841.1 (SEQ ID NO: 752), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39853.1 (SEQ ID NO: 753), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39859.1 (SEQ ID NO: 754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39865.1 (SEQ ID NO: 755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39871.1 (SEQ ID NO: 756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39830.1 (SEQ ID NO: 757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39836.1 (SEQ ID NO: 758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39842.1 (SEQ ID NO: 759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39848.1 (SEQ ID NO: 760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39854.1 (SEQ ID NO: 761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39860.1 (SEQ ID NO: 762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39866.1 (SEQ ID NO: 763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39992.1 (SEQ ID NO: 764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39998.1 (SEQ ID NO: 765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40004.1 (SEQ ID NO: 766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40010.1 (SEQ ID NO: 767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40016.1 (SEQ ID NO: 768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40022.1 (SEQ ID NO: 769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40028.1 (SEQ ID NO: 770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40034.1 (SEQ ID NO: 771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NO: 772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40005.1 (SEQ ID NO: 773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40011.1 (SEQ ID NO: 774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40017.1 (SEQ ID NO: 775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40029.1 (SEQ ID NO: 776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40035.1 (SEQ ID NO: 777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39994.1 (SEQ ID NO: 778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40000.1 (SEQ ID NO: 779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40006.1 (SEQ ID NO: 780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40012.1 (SEQ ID NO: 781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40018.1 (SEQ ID NO: 782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40024.1 (SEQ ID NO: 783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40030.1 (SEQ ID NO: 784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NO: 785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39995.1 (SEQ ID NO: 786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40001.1 (SEQ ID NO: 787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40007.1 (SEQ ID NO: 788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40013.1 (SEQ ID NO: 789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40019.1 (SEQ ID NO: 790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40025.1 (SEQ ID NO: 791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40031.1 (SEQ ID NO: 792), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40037.1 (SEQ ID NO: 793), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39996.1 (SEQ ID NO: 794), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40002.1 (SEQ ID NO: 795), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NO: 796), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40014.1 (SEQ ID NO: 797), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40020.1 (SEQ ID NO: 798), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40026.1 (SEQ ID NO: 799), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40032.1 (SEQ ID NO: 800), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40038.1 (SEQ ID NO: 801), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39997.1 (SEQ ID NO: 802), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40009.1 (SEQ ID NO: 803), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40015.1 (SEQ ID NO: 804), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NO: 805), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40027.1 (SEQ ID NO: 806), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40033.1 (SEQ ID NO: 807), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40039.1 (SEQ ID NO: 808), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40045.1 (SEQ ID NO: 809), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40051.1 (SEQ ID NO: 810), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40057.1 (SEQ ID NO: 811), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40063.1 (SEQ ID NO: 812), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40069.1 (SEQ ID NO: 813), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40075.1 (SEQ ID NO: 814), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40081.1 (SEQ ID NO: 815), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40040.1 (SEQ ID NO: 816), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40046.1 (SEQ ID NO: 817), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40052.1 (SEQ ID NO: 818), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40058.1 (SEQ ID NO: 819), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40064.1 (SEQ ID NO: 820), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40070.1 (SEQ ID NO: 821), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40076.1 (SEQ ID NO: 822), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40082.1 (SEQ ID NO: 823), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40041.1 (SEQ ID NO: 824), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40047.1 (SEQ ID NO: 825), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40053.1 (SEQ ID NO: 826), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40059.1 (SEQ ID NO: 827), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40065.1 (SEQ ID NO: 828), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40071.1 (SEQ ID NO: 829), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NO: 830), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40083.1 (SEQ ID NO: 831), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40042.1 (SEQ ID NO: 832), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40048.1 (SEQ ID NO: 833), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40054.1 (SEQ ID NO: 834), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40060.1 (SEQ ID NO: 835), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40066.1 (SEQ ID NO: 836), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NO: 837), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40078.1 (SEQ ID NO: 838), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40084.1 (SEQ ID NO: 839), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40043.1 (SEQ ID NO: 840), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40049.1 (SEQ ID NO: 841), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40055.1 (SEQ ID NO: 842), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NO: 843), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40067.1 (SEQ ID NO: 844), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40073.1 (SEQ ID NO: 845), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40079.1 (SEQ ID NO: 846), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40085.1 (SEQ ID NO: 847), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40044.1 (SEQ ID NO: 848), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40050.1 (SEQ ID NO: 849), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40056.1 (SEQ ID NO: 850), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40062.1 (SEQ ID NO: 851), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NO: 852), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40074.1 (SEQ ID NO: 853), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40080.1 (SEQ ID NO: 854), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39735.1 or hs_KRAS_321_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39741.1, or modified or unmodified variants thereof.

hs_KRAS_322_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38159.1 or hs_KRAS_528_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38130.1 or hs_KRAS_531_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: hs_KRAS 1273_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: hs_KRAS 2892_A37S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides from a first strand of: hs_KRAS 4731_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

Specific Embodiments Comprising a First Strand of a RNAi Agent Disclosed Herein

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof.

Thus, in various embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of the following:

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35523.3 (SEQ ID NO: 428), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35529.1 (SEQ ID NO: 429), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35535.4 (SEQ ID NO: 430), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NO: 431), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35547.4 (SEQ ID NO: 432), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35553.4 (SEQ ID NO: 433), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35559.4 (SEQ ID NO: 434), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35565.4 (SEQ ID NO: 435), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35524.4 (SEQ ID NO: 436), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35530.4 (SEQ ID NO: 437), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35536.4 (SEQ ID NO: 438), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35542.4 (SEQ ID NO: 439), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35548.4 (SEQ ID NO: 440), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35554.4 (SEQ ID NO: 441), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35560.2 (SEQ ID NO: 442), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35566.4 (SEQ ID NO: 443), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35525.2 (SEQ ID NO: 444), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35531.4 (SEQ ID NO: 445), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35537.4 (SEQ ID NO: 446), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35543.2 (SEQ ID NO: 447), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35549.4 (SEQ ID NO: 448), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35555.4 (SEQ ID NO: 449), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35561.4 (SEQ ID NO: 450), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35567.4 (SEQ ID NO: 451), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35526.4 (SEQ ID NO: 452), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35532.4 (SEQ ID NO: 453), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35538.4 (SEQ ID NO: 454), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35544.4 (SEQ ID NO: 455), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35550.4 (SEQ ID NO: 456), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35556.4 (SEQ ID NO: 457), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35562.4 (SEQ ID NO: 458), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35568.4 (SEQ ID NO: 459), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35527.4 (SEQ ID NO: 460), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35533.4 (SEQ ID NO: 461), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35539.4 (SEQ ID NO: 462), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35545.4 (SEQ ID NO: 463), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35551.4 (SEQ ID NO: 464), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35563.4 (SEQ ID NO: 465), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35528.4 (SEQ ID NO: 466), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35540.4 (SEQ ID NO: 467), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35546.4 (SEQ ID NO: 468), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35552.4 (SEQ ID NO: 469), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35558.4 (SEQ ID NO: 470), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35564.4 (SEQ ID NO: 471), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35570.4 (SEQ ID NO: 472), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35571.4 (SEQ ID NO: 473), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35577.4 (SEQ ID NO: 474), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35583.4 (SEQ ID NO: 475), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35589.4 (SEQ ID NO: 476), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35595.4 (SEQ ID NO: 477), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35601.4 (SEQ ID NO: 478), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35607.4 (SEQ ID NO: 479), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35613.4 (SEQ ID NO: 480), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35572.4 (SEQ ID NO: 481), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35578.4 (SEQ ID NO: 482), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35584.4 (SEQ ID NO: 483), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35590.4 (SEQ ID NO: 484), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35596.4 (SEQ ID NO: 485), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35602.4 (SEQ ID NO: 486), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35608.4 (SEQ ID NO: 487), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35614.4 (SEQ ID NO: 488), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35573.4 (SEQ ID NO: 489), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35579.4 (SEQ ID NO: 490), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35585.4 (SEQ ID NO: 491), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35591.4 (SEQ ID NO: 492), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35597.4 (SEQ ID NO: 493), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35603.4 (SEQ ID NO: 494), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NO: 495), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35615.4 (SEQ ID NO: 496), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35574.4 (SEQ ID NO: 497), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35580.1 (SEQ ID NO: 498), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35586.4 (SEQ ID NO: 499), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35592.4 (SEQ ID NO: 500), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35598.4 (SEQ ID NO: 501), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35604.4 (SEQ ID NO: 502), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35610.4 (SEQ ID NO: 503), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35616.4 (SEQ ID NO: 504), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35575.4 (SEQ ID NO: 505), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NO: 506), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35587.4 (SEQ ID NO: 507), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35593.4 (SEQ ID NO: 508), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35599.4 (SEQ ID NO: 509), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35605.4 (SEQ ID NO: 510), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35611.4 (SEQ ID NO: 511), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35617.4 (SEQ ID NO: 512), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NO: 513), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NO: 514), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35667.1 (SEQ ID NO: 515), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35673.1 (SEQ ID NO: 516), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35679.1 (SEQ ID NO: 517), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35685.1 (SEQ ID NO: 518), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35691.1 (SEQ ID NO: 519), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35557.1 (SEQ ID NO: 520), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35618.1 (SEQ ID NO: 521), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35569.1 (SEQ ID NO: 522), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35534.1 (SEQ ID NO: 523), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35582.1 (SEQ ID NO: 524), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35594.1 (SEQ ID NO: 525), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NO: 526), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NO: 527), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35612.1 (SEQ ID NO: 528), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38127.1 (SEQ ID NO: 529), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38133.1 (SEQ ID NO: 530), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38139.1 (SEQ ID NO: 531), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38145.1 (SEQ ID NO: 532), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NO: 533), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38157.1 (SEQ ID NO: 534), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NO: 535), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38169.1 (SEQ ID NO: 536), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38128.1 (SEQ ID NO: 537), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38134.1 (SEQ ID NO: 538), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38140.1 (SEQ ID NO: 539), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38146.1 (SEQ ID NO: 540), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38152.1 (SEQ ID NO: 541), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38158.1 (SEQ ID NO: 542), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38164.1 (SEQ ID NO: 543), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38170.1 (SEQ ID NO: 544), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38129.1 (SEQ ID NO: 545), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38135.1 (SEQ ID NO: 546), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38141.1 (SEQ ID NO: 547), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38147.1 (SEQ ID NO: 548), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38153.1 (SEQ ID NO: 549), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38159.1 (SEQ ID NO: 550), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38165.1 (SEQ ID NO: 551), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38171.1 (SEQ ID NO: 552), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38130.1 (SEQ ID NO: 553), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NO: 554), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38142.1 (SEQ ID NO: 555), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38148.1 (SEQ ID NO: 556), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38154.1 (SEQ ID NO: 557), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38160.1 (SEQ ID NO: 558), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38166.1 (SEQ ID NO: 559), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38172.1 (SEQ ID NO: 560), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NO: 561), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38137.1 (SEQ ID NO: 562), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38143.1 (SEQ ID NO: 563), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38149.1 (SEQ ID NO: 564), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38155.1 (SEQ ID NO: 565), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38161.1 (SEQ ID NO: 566), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NO: 567), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38173.1 (SEQ ID NO: 568), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38132.1 (SEQ ID NO: 569), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38138.1 (SEQ ID NO: 570), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38144.1 (SEQ ID NO: 571), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38150.1 (SEQ ID NO: 572), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38156.1 (SEQ ID NO: 573), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38162.1 (SEQ ID NO: 574), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38168.1 (SEQ ID NO: 575), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38174.1 (SEQ ID NO: 576), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39683.1 (SEQ ID NO: 577), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39689.1 (SEQ ID NO: 578), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39695.1 (SEQ ID NO: 579), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39701.1 (SEQ ID NO: 580), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39707.1 (SEQ ID NO: 581), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39713.1 (SEQ ID NO: 582), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39719.1 (SEQ ID NO: 583), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39725.1 (SEQ ID NO: 584), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39684.1 (SEQ ID NO: 585), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39690.1 (SEQ ID NO: 586), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39696.1 (SEQ ID NO: 587), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39702.1 (SEQ ID NO: 588), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39708.1 (SEQ ID NO: 589), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39714.1 (SEQ ID NO: 590), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NO: 591), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39726.1 (SEQ ID NO: 592), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39685.1 (SEQ ID NO: 593), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39691.1 (SEQ ID NO: 594), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39697.1 (SEQ ID NO: 595), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39703.1 (SEQ ID NO: 596), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39709.1 (SEQ ID NO: 597), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39715.1 (SEQ ID NO: 598), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39721.1 (SEQ ID NO: 599), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39727.1 (SEQ ID NO: 600), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39686.1 (SEQ ID NO: 601), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39692.1 (SEQ ID NO: 602), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39698.1 (SEQ ID NO: 603), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39704.1 (SEQ ID NO: 604), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39710.1 (SEQ ID NO: 605), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39716.1 (SEQ ID NO: 606), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39722.1 (SEQ ID NO: 607), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39728.1 (SEQ ID NO: 608), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39687.1 (SEQ ID NO: 609), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39693.1 (SEQ ID NO: 610), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39699.1 (SEQ ID NO: 611), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39705.1 (SEQ ID NO: 612), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39711.1 (SEQ ID NO: 613), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39717.1 (SEQ ID NO: 614), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39723.1 (SEQ ID NO: 615), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39729.1 (SEQ ID NO: 616), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39688.1 (SEQ ID NO: 617), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39694.1 (SEQ ID NO: 618), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39700.1 (SEQ ID NO: 619), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NO: 620), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NO: 621), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39718.1 (SEQ ID NO: 622), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39724.1 (SEQ ID NO: 623), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39730.1 (SEQ ID NO: 624), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39736.1 (SEQ ID NO: 625), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39742.1 (SEQ ID NO: 626), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39748.1 (SEQ ID NO: 627), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39754.1 (SEQ ID NO: 628), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NO: 629), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39766.1 (SEQ ID NO: 630), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39772.1 (SEQ ID NO: 631), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39731.1 (SEQ ID NO: 632), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39737.1 (SEQ ID NO: 633), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39743.1 (SEQ ID NO: 634), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39749.1 (SEQ ID NO: 635), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39755.1 (SEQ ID NO: 636), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39761.1 (SEQ ID NO: 637), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39767.1 (SEQ ID NO: 638), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39773.1 (SEQ ID NO: 639), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NO: 640), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39738.1 (SEQ ID NO: 641), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39744.1 (SEQ ID NO: 642), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39750.1 (SEQ ID NO: 643), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39756.1 (SEQ ID NO: 644), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39762.1 (SEQ ID NO: 645), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39768.1 (SEQ ID NO: 646), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39774.1 (SEQ ID NO: 647), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39733.1 (SEQ ID NO: 648), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39739.1 (SEQ ID NO: 649), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39745.1 (SEQ ID NO: 650), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39751.1 (SEQ ID NO: 651), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39757.1 (SEQ ID NO: 652), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39763.1 (SEQ ID NO: 653), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39769.1 (SEQ ID NO: 654), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39775.1 (SEQ ID NO: 655), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39734.1 (SEQ ID NO: 656), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39740.1 (SEQ ID NO: 657), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39746.1 (SEQ ID NO: 658), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39752.1 (SEQ ID NO: 659), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39758.1 (SEQ ID NO: 660), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39764.1 (SEQ ID NO: 661), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39770.1 (SEQ ID NO: 662), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39776.1 (SEQ ID NO: 663), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39735.1 (SEQ ID NO: 664), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39741.1 (SEQ ID NO: 665), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39747.1 (SEQ ID NO: 666), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39753.1 (SEQ ID NO: 667), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39759.1 (SEQ ID NO: 668), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39765.1 (SEQ ID NO: 669), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39771.1 (SEQ ID NO: 670), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NO: 671), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39784.1 (SEQ ID NO: 672), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NO: 673), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39796.1 (SEQ ID NO: 674), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39802.1 (SEQ ID NO: 675), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39808.1 (SEQ ID NO: 676), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39814.1 (SEQ ID NO: 677), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39820.1 (SEQ ID NO: 678), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39779.1 (SEQ ID NO: 679), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39785.1 (SEQ ID NO: 680), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39791.1 (SEQ ID NO: 681), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39797.1 (SEQ ID NO: 682), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39803.1 (SEQ ID NO: 683), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39809.1 (SEQ ID NO: 684), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39815.1 (SEQ ID NO: 685), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39821.1 (SEQ ID NO: 686), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39780.1 (SEQ ID NO: 687), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39786.1 (SEQ ID NO: 688), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39792.1 (SEQ ID NO: 689), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39798.1 (SEQ ID NO: 690), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39804.1 (SEQ ID NO: 691), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39810.1 (SEQ ID NO: 692), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39816.1 (SEQ ID NO: 693), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NO: 694), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39781.1 (SEQ ID NO: 695), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39787.1 (SEQ ID NO: 696), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39793.1 (SEQ ID NO: 697), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39799.1 (SEQ ID NO: 698), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39805.1 (SEQ ID NO: 699), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39811.1 (SEQ ID NO: 700), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39817.1 (SEQ ID NO: 701), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39823.1 (SEQ ID NO: 702), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39782.1 (SEQ ID NO: 703), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39788.1 (SEQ ID NO: 704), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39794.1 (SEQ ID NO: 705), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39800.1 (SEQ ID NO: 706), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39806.1 (SEQ ID NO: 707), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39812.1 (SEQ ID NO: 708), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39818.1 (SEQ ID NO: 709), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39824.1 (SEQ ID NO: 710), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39783.1 (SEQ ID NO: 711), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39789.1 (SEQ ID NO: 712), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39795.1 (SEQ ID NO: 713), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39801.1 (SEQ ID NO: 714), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39807.1 (SEQ ID NO: 715), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39813.1 (SEQ ID NO: 716), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39819.1 (SEQ ID NO: 717), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39825.1 (SEQ ID NO: 718), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39831.1 (SEQ ID NO: 719), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39837.1 (SEQ ID NO: 720), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39843.1 (SEQ ID NO: 721), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39849.1 (SEQ ID NO: 722), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39855.1 (SEQ ID NO: 723), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39861.1 (SEQ ID NO: 724), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39867.1 (SEQ ID NO: 725), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39826.1 (SEQ ID NO: 726), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39832.1 (SEQ ID NO: 727), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39838.1 (SEQ ID NO: 728), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39844.1 (SEQ ID NO: 729), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39850.1 (SEQ ID NO: 730), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39856.1 (SEQ ID NO: 731), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39862.1 (SEQ ID NO: 732), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39868.1 (SEQ ID NO: 733), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39827.1 (SEQ ID NO: 734), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39833.1 (SEQ ID NO: 735), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39839.1 (SEQ ID NO: 736), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NO: 737), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39851.1 (SEQ ID NO: 738), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39857.1 (SEQ ID NO: 739), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39863.1 (SEQ ID NO: 740), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39869.1 (SEQ ID NO: 741), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39828.1 (SEQ ID NO: 742), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39834.1 (SEQ ID NO: 743), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39840.1 (SEQ ID NO: 744), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39846.1 (SEQ ID NO: 745), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39852.1 (SEQ ID NO: 746), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NO: 747), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39864.1 (SEQ ID NO: 748), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NO: 749), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39829.1 (SEQ ID NO: 750), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39835.1 (SEQ ID NO: 751), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39841.1 (SEQ ID NO: 752), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39853.1 (SEQ ID NO: 753), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39859.1 (SEQ ID NO: 754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39865.1 (SEQ ID NO: 755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39871.1 (SEQ ID NO: 756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39830.1 (SEQ ID NO: 757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39836.1 (SEQ ID NO: 758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39842.1 (SEQ ID NO: 759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39848.1 (SEQ ID NO: 760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39854.1 (SEQ ID NO: 761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39860.1 (SEQ ID NO: 762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39866.1 (SEQ ID NO: 763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39992.1 (SEQ ID NO: 764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39998.1 (SEQ ID NO: 765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40004.1 (SEQ ID NO: 766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40010.1 (SEQ ID NO: 767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40016.1 (SEQ ID NO: 768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40022.1 (SEQ ID NO: 769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40028.1 (SEQ ID NO: 770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40034.1 (SEQ ID NO: 771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NO: 772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40005.1 (SEQ ID NO: 773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40011.1 (SEQ ID NO: 774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40017.1 (SEQ ID NO: 775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40029.1 (SEQ ID NO: 776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40035.1 (SEQ ID NO: 777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39994.1 (SEQ ID NO: 778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40000.1 (SEQ ID NO: 779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40006.1 (SEQ ID NO: 780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40012.1 (SEQ ID NO: 781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40018.1 (SEQ ID NO: 782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40024.1 (SEQ ID NO: 783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40030.1 (SEQ ID NO: 784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NO: 785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39995.1 (SEQ ID NO: 786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40001.1 (SEQ ID NO: 787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40007.1 (SEQ ID NO: 788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40013.1 (SEQ ID NO: 789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40019.1 (SEQ ID NO: 790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40025.1 (SEQ ID NO: 791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40031.1 (SEQ ID NO: 792), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40037.1 (SEQ ID NO: 793), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39996.1 (SEQ ID NO: 794), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40002.1 (SEQ ID NO: 795), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NO: 796), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40014.1 (SEQ ID NO: 797), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40020.1 (SEQ ID NO: 798), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40026.1 (SEQ ID NO: 799), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40032.1 (SEQ ID NO: 800), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40038.1 (SEQ ID NO: 801), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39997.1 (SEQ ID NO: 802), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40009.1 (SEQ ID NO: 803), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40015.1 (SEQ ID NO: 804), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NO: 805), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40027.1 (SEQ ID NO: 806), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40033.1 (SEQ ID NO: 807), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40039.1 (SEQ ID NO: 808), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40045.1 (SEQ ID NO: 809), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40051.1 (SEQ ID NO: 810), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40057.1 (SEQ ID NO: 811), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40063.1 (SEQ ID NO: 812), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40069.1 (SEQ ID NO: 813), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40075.1 (SEQ ID NO: 814), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40081.1 (SEQ ID NO: 815), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40040.1 (SEQ ID NO: 816), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40046.1 (SEQ ID NO: 817), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40052.1 (SEQ ID NO: 818), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40058.1 (SEQ ID NO: 819), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40064.1 (SEQ ID NO: 820), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40070.1 (SEQ ID NO: 821), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40076.1 (SEQ ID NO: 822), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40082.1 (SEQ ID NO: 823), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40041.1 (SEQ ID NO: 824), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40047.1 (SEQ ID NO: 825), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40053.1 (SEQ ID NO: 826), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40059.1 (SEQ ID NO: 827), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40065.1 (SEQ ID NO: 828), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40071.1 (SEQ ID NO: 829), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NO: 830), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40083.1 (SEQ ID NO: 831), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40042.1 (SEQ ID NO: 832), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40048.1 (SEQ ID NO: 833), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40054.1 (SEQ ID NO: 834), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40060.1 (SEQ ID NO: 835), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40066.1 (SEQ ID NO: 836), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NO: 837), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40078.1 (SEQ ID NO: 838), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40084.1 (SEQ ID NO: 839), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40043.1 (SEQ ID NO: 840), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40049.1 (SEQ ID NO: 841), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40055.1 (SEQ ID NO: 842), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NO: 843), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40067.1 (SEQ ID NO: 844), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40073.1 (SEQ ID NO: 845), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40079.1 (SEQ ID NO: 846), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40085.1 (SEQ ID NO: 847), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40044.1 (SEQ ID NO: 848), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40050.1 (SEQ ID NO: 849), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40056.1 (SEQ ID NO: 850), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40062.1 (SEQ ID NO: 851), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NO: 852), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40074.1 (SEQ ID NO: 853), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40080.1 (SEQ ID NO: 854), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1716 and 1754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1717 and 1755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1718 and 1756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1719 and 1757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1720 and 1758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1721 and 1759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39735.1 or hs_KRAS_321_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1722 and 1760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39741.1, or modified or unmodified variants thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: hs_KRAS_322_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1723 and 1761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1724 and 1762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1725 and 1763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1726 and 1764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1727 and 1765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1728 and 1766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1729 and 1767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1730 and 1768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1731 and 1769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1732 and 1770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1733 and 1771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1734 and 1772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1735 and 1773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1736 and 1774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1737 and 1775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1738 and 1776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38159.1 or hs_KRAS_528_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1739 and 1777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38130.1 or hs_KRAS_531_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1740 and 1778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1741 and 1779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1742 and 1780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1743 and 1781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1744 and 1782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1745 and 1783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1746 and 1784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1747 and 1785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1748 and 1786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1749 and 1787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1750 and 1788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: hs_KRAS 1273_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1751 and 1789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: hs_KRAS 2892_A37S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1752 and 1790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first strand is the sequence of a first strand of: hs_KRAS 4731_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1753 and 1791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

Specific Embodiments Comprising the First and/or Second Strands of a RNAi Agent Disclosed Herein

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof.

Thus, in various embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of the following:

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35523.3 (SEQ ID NOs: 1 and 428), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35529.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 2 and 429), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35535.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 3 and 430), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 4 and 431), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35547.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 5 and 432), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35553.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 6 and 433), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35559.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 7 and 434), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35565.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 8 and 435), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35524.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 9 and 436), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35530.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 10 and 437), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35536.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 11 and 438), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35542.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 12 and 439), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35548.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 13 and 440), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35554.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 14 and 441), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35560.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 15 and 442), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35566.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 16 and 443), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35525.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 17 and 444), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35531.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 18 and 445), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35537.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 19 and 446), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35543.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 20 and 447), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35549.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 21 and 448), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35555.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 22 and 449), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35561.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 23 and 450), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35567.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 24 and 451), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35526.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 25 and 452), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35532.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 26 and 453), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35538.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 454), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35544.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 28 and 455), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35550.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 29 and 456), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35556.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 457), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35562.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 31 and 458), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35568.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 32 and 459), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35527.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 33 and 460), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35533.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 34 and 461), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35539.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 35 and 462), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35545.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 36 and 463), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35551.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 37 and 464), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35563.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 38 and 465), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35528.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 39 and 466), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35540.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 40 and 467), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35546.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 41 and 468), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35552.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 42 and 469), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35558.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 43 and 470), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35564.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 44 and 471), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35570.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 45 and 472), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35571.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 46 and 473), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35577.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 47 and 474), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35583.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 48 and 475), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35589.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 49 and 476), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35595.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 50 and 477), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35601.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 51 and 478), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35607.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 52 and 479), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35613.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 53 and 480), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35572.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 54 and 481), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35578.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 55 and 482), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35584.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 56 and 483), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35590.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 57 and 484), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35596.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 58 and 485), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35602.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 59 and 486), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35608.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 60 and 487), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35614.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 61 and 488), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35573.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 62 and 489), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35579.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 63 and 490), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35585.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 64 and 491), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35591.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 65 and 492), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35597.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 66 and 493), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35603.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 67 and 494), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 68 and 495), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35615.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 69 and 496), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35574.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 70 and 497), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35580.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 71 and 498), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35586.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 72 and 499), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35592.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 73 and 500), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35598.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 74 and 501), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35604.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 75 and 502), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35610.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 76 and 503), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35616.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 77 and 504), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35575.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 78 and 505), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 79 and 506), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35587.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 80 and 507), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35593.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 81 and 508), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35599.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 82 and 509), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35605.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 83 and 510), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35611.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 84 and 511), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35617.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 85 and 512), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 86 and 513), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 87 and 514), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35667.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 88 and 515), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35673.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 89 and 516), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35679.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 90 and 517), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35685.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 91 and 518), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35691.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 92 and 519), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35557.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 93 and 520), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35618.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 94 and 521), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35569.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 95 and 522), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35534.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 96 and 523), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35582.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 97 and 524), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35594.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 98 and 525), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 99 and 526), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 100 and 527), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35612.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 101 and 528), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38127.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 102 and 529), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38133.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 103 and 530), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or 15 second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38139.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 104 and 531), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38145.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 105 and 532), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 106 and 533), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38157.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 107 and 534), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 108 and 535), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38169.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 109 and 536), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38128.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 110 and 537), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38134.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 111 and 538), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38140.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 112 and 539), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38146.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 113 and 540), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38152.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 114 and 541), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38158.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 115 and 542), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38164.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 116 and 543), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38170.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 117 and 544), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38129.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 118 and 545), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38135.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 119 and 546), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38141.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 120 and 547), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38147.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 121 and 548), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38153.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 122 and 549), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38159.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 123 and 550), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38165.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 124 and 551), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38171.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 125 and 552), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38130.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 126 and 553), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 127 and 554), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38142.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 128 and 555), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38148.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 129 and 556), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38154.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 130 and 557), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38160.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 131 and 558), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38166.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 132 and 559), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38172.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 133 and 560), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 134 and 561), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38137.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 135 and 562), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38143.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 136 and 563), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38149.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 137 and 564), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38155.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 138 and 565), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38161.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 139 and 566), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 140 and 567), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38173.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 141 and 568), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38132.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 142 and 569), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38138.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 143 and 570), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38144.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 144 and 571), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38150.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 145 and 572), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38156.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 146 and 573), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38162.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 147 and 574), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38168.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 148 and 575), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or 30 second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38174.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 149 and 576), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39683.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 150 and 577), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39689.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 151 and 578), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39695.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 152 and 579), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39701.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 153 and 580), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39707.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 154 and 581), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39713.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 155 and 582), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39719.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 156 and 583), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39725.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 157 and 584), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39684.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 158 and 585), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39690.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 159 and 586), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39696.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 160 and 587), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39702.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 161 and 588), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39708.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 162 and 589), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39714.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 163 and 590), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 164 and 591), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39726.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 165 and 592), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39685.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 166 and 593), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39691.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 167 and 594), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39697.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 168 and 595), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39703.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 169 and 596), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39709.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 170 and 597), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39715.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 171 and 598), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39721.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 172 and 599), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39727.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 173 and 600), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39686.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 174 and 601), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39692.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 175 and 602), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39698.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 176 and 603), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39704.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 177 and 604), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39710.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 178 and 605), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39716.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 179 and 606), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39722.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 180 and 607), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39728.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 181 and 608), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39687.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 182 and 609), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39693.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 183 and 610), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39699.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 184 and 611), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39705.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 185 and 612), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39711.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 186 and 613), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39717.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 187 and 614), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39723.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 188 and 615), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39729.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 189 and 616), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39688.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 190 and 617), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39694.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 191 and 618), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39700.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 192 and 619), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 193 and 620), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 194 and 621), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39718.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 195 and 622), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39724.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 196 and 623), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39730.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 197 and 624), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39736.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 198 and 625), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39742.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 199 and 626), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39748.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 200 and 627), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39754.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 201 and 628), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 202 and 629), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39766.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 203 and 630), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39772.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 204 and 631), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39731.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 205 and 632), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39737.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 206 and 633), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39743.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 207 and 634), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39749.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 208 and 635), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39755.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 209 and 636), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39761.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 210 and 637), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39767.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 211 and 638), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39773.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 212 and 639), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 213 and 640), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39738.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 214 and 641), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39744.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 215 and 642), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39750.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 216 and 643), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39756.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 217 and 644), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39762.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 218 and 645), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39768.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 219 and 646), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39774.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 220 and 647), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39733.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 221 and 648), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39739.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 222 and 649), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39745.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 223 and 650), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39751.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 224 and 651), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39757.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 225 and 652), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39763.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 226 and 653), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39769.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 227 and 654), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39775.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 228 and 655), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39734.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 229 and 656), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39740.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 230 and 657), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39746.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 231 and 658), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39752.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 232 and 659), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39758.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 233 and 660), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39764.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 234 and 661), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39770.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 235 and 662), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39776.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 236 and 663), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39735.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 237 and 664), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39741.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 238 and 665), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39747.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 239 and 666), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39753.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 240 and 667), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39759.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 241 and 668), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39765.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 242 and 669), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39771.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 243 and 670), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 244 and 671), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39784.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 245 and 672), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 246 and 673), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39796.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 247 and 674), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39802.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 248 and 675), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39808.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 249 and 676), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39814.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 250 and 677), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39820.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 251 and 678), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39779.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 252 and 679), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39785.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 253 and 680), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39791.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 254 and 681), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39797.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 255 and 682), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39803.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 256 and 683), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39809.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 257 and 684), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39815.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 258 and 685), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39821.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 259 and 686), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39780.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 260 and 687), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39786.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 261 and 688), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39792.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 262 and 689), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39798.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 263 and 690), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39804.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 264 and 691), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39810.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 265 and 692), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39816.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 266 and 693), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 267 and 694), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39781.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 268 and 695), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39787.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 269 and 696), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39793.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 270 and 697), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39799.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 271 and 698), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39805.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 272 and 699), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39811.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 273 and 700), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39817.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 274 and 701), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39823.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 275 and 702), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39782.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 276 and 703), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39788.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 277 and 704), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39794.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 278 and 705), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39800.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 279 and 706), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39806.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 280 and 707), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39812.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 281 and 708), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39818.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 282 and 709), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39824.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 283 and 710), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39783.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 284 and 711), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39789.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 285 and 712), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39795.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 286 and 713), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39801.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 287 and 714), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39807.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 288 and 715), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39813.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 289 and 716), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39819.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 290 and 717), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39825.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 291 and 718), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39831.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 292 and 719), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39837.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 293 and 720), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39843.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 294 and 721), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39849.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 295 and 722), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39855.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 296 and 723), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39861.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 297 and 724), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39867.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 298 and 725), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39826.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 299 and 726), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39832.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 300 and 727), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39838.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 301 and 728), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39844.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 302 and 729), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39850.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 303 and 730), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39856.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 304 and 731), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39862.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 305 and 732), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39868.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 306 and 733), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39827.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 307 and 734), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39833.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 308 and 735), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39839.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 309 and 736), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 310 and 737), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39851.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 311 and 738), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39857.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 312 and 739), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39863.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 313 and 740), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39869.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 314 and 741), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39828.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 315 and 742), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39834.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 316 and 743), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39840.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 317 and 744), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39846.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 318 and 745), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39852.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 319 and 746), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 320 and 747), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39864.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 321 and 748), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 322 and 749), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39829.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 323 and 750), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39835.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 324 and 751), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39841.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 325 and 752), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39853.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 326 and 753), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39859.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 327 and 754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39865.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 328 and 755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39871.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 329 and 756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39830.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 330 and 757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39836.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 331 and 758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39842.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 332 and 759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39848.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 333 and 760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39854.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 334 and 761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39860.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 335 and 762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39866.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 336 and 763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39992.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 337 and 764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39998.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 338 and 765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40004.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 339 and 766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40010.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 340 and 767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40016.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 341 and 768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40022.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 342 and 769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40028.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 343 and 770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40034.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 344 and 771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 345 and 772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40005.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 346 and 773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40011.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 347 and 774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40017.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 348 and 775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40029.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 349 and 776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40035.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 350 and 777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39994.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 351 and 778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40000.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 352 and 779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40006.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 353 and 780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40012.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 354 and 781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40018.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 355 and 782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40024.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 356 and 783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40030.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 357 and 784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 358 and 785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39995.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 359 and 786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40001.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 360 and 787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40007.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 361 and 788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40013.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 362 and 789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40019.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 363 and 790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40025.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 364 and 791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40031.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 365 and 792), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40037.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 366 and 793), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39996.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 367 and 794), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40002.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 368 and 795), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 369 and 796), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40014.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 370 and 797), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40020.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 371 and 798), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40026.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 372 and 799), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40032.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 373 and 800), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40038.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 374 and 801), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39997.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 375 and 802), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40009.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 376 and 803), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40015.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 377 and 804), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 378 and 805), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40027.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 379 and 806), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40033.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 380 and 807), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40039.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 381 and 808), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40045.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 382 and 809), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40051.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 383 and 810), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40057.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 384 and 811), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40063.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 385 and 812), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40069.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 386 and 813), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40075.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 387 and 814), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40081.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 388 and 815), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40040.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 389 and 816), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40046.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 390 and 817), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40052.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 391 and 818), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40058.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 392 and 819), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40064.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 393 and 820), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40070.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 394 and 821), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40076.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 395 and 822), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40082.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 396 and 823), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40041.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 397 and 824), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40047.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 398 and 825), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40053.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 399 and 826), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40059.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 400 and 827), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40065.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 401 and 828), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40071.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 402 and 829), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 403 and 830), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40083.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 404 and 831), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40042.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 405 and 832), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40048.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 406 and 833), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40054.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 407 and 834), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40060.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 408 and 835), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40066.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 409 and 836), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 410 and 837), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40078.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 411 and 838), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40084.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 412 and 839), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40043.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 413 and 840), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40049.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 414 and 841), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40055.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 415 and 842), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 416 and 843), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40067.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 417 and 844), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40073.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 418 and 845), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40079.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 419 and 846), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40085.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 420 and 847), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40044.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 421 and 848), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40050.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 422 and 849), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40056.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 423 and 850), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40062.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 424 and 851), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 425 and 852), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40074.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 426 and 853), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40080.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 427 and 854), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1716 and 1754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1717 and 1755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1718 and 1756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1719 and 1757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1720 and 1758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1721 and 1759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39735.1 or hs_KRAS_321_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1722 and 1760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39741.1, or modified or unmodified variants thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS_322_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1723 and 1761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1724 and 1762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1725 and 1763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1726 and 1764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1727 and 1765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1728 and 1766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1729 and 1767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1730 and 1768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1731 and 1769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1732 and 1770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1733 and 1771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1734 and 1772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1735 and 1773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1736 and 1774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1737 and 1775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1738 and 1776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38159.1 or hs_KRAS528_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1739 and 1777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38130.1 or hs_KRAS531_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1740 and 1778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1741 and 1779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1742 and 1780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1743 and 1781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1744 and 1782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1745 and 1783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1746 and 1784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1747 and 1785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1748 and 1786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1749 and 1787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1750 and 1788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS 1273_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1751 and 1789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS 2892_A37S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1752 and 1790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands comprise the sequences of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS 4731_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1753 and 1791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

Specific Embodiments Wherein the Sequences of the First and/or Second Strands are the Sequences of the First and/or Second Strands of a RNAi Agent Disclosed Herein

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof.

Thus, in various embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of the following:

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35523.3 (SEQ ID NOs: 1 and 428), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35529.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 2 and 429), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35535.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 3 and 430), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 4 and 431), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35547.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 5 and 432), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35553.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 6 and 433), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35559.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 7 and 434), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35565.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 8 and 435), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35524.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 9 and 436), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35530.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 10 and 437), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35536.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 11 and 438), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35542.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 12 and 439), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35548.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 13 and 440), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35554.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 14 and 441), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35560.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 15 and 442), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35566.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 16 and 443), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35525.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 17 and 444), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35531.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 18 and 445), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35537.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 19 and 446), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35543.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 20 and 447), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35549.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 21 and 448), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35555.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 22 and 449), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35561.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 23 and 450), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35567.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 24 and 451), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35526.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 25 and 452), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35532.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 26 and 453), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35538.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 454), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35544.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 28 and 455), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35550.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 29 and 456), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35556.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 457), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35562.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 31 and 458), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35568.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 32 and 459), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35527.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 33 and 460), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35533.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 34 and 461), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35539.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 35 and 462), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35545.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 36 and 463), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35551.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 37 and 464), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35563.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 38 and 465), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35528.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 39 and 466), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35540.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 40 and 467), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35546.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 41 and 468), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35552.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 42 and 469), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35558.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 43 and 470), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35564.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 44 and 471), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35570.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 45 and 472), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35571.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 46 and 473), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35577.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 47 and 474), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35583.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 48 and 475), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35589.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 49 and 476), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35595.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 50 and 477), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35601.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 51 and 478), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35607.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 52 and 479), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35613.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 53 and 480), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35572.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 54 and 481), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35578.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 55 and 482), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35584.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 56 and 483), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35590.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 57 and 484), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35596.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 58 and 485), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35602.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 59 and 486), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35608.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 60 and 487), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35614.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 61 and 488), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35573.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 62 and 489), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35579.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 63 and 490), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35585.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 64 and 491), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35591.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 65 and 492), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35597.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 66 and 493), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35603.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 67 and 494), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 68 and 495), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35615.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 69 and 496), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35574.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 70 and 497), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35580.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 71 and 498), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35586.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 72 and 499), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35592.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 73 and 500), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35598.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 74 and 501), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35604.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 75 and 502), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35610.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 76 and 503), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35616.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 77 and 504), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35575.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 78 and 505), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 79 and 506), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35587.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 80 and 507), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35593.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 81 and 508), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35599.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 82 and 509), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35605.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 83 and 510), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35611.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 84 and 511), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35617.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 85 and 512), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 86 and 513), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 87 and 514), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35667.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 88 and 515), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35673.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 89 and 516), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35679.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 90 and 517), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35685.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 91 and 518), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35691.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 92 and 519), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35557.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 93 and 520), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35618.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 94 and 521), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35569.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 95 and 522), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35534.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 96 and 523), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35582.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 97 and 524), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35594.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 98 and 525), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 99 and 526), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 100 and 527), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35612.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 101 and 528), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38127.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 102 and 529), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38133.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 103 and 530), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38139.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 104 and 531), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38145.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 105 and 532), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 106 and 533), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38157.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 107 and 534), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 108 and 535), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38169.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 109 and 536), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38128.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 110 and 537), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38134.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 111 and 538), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38140.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 112 and 539), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38146.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 113 and 540), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38152.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 114 and 541), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38158.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 115 and 542), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38164.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 116 and 543), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38170.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 117 and 544), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38129.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 118 and 545), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38135.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 119 and 546), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38141.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 120 and 547), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38147.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 121 and 548), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38153.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 122 and 549), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38159.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 123 and 550), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38165.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 124 and 551), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38171.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 125 and 552), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38130.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 126 and 553), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 127 and 554), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38142.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 128 and 555), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38148.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 129 and 556), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38154.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 130 and 557), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38160.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 131 and 558), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38166.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 132 and 559), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38172.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 133 and 560), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 134 and 561), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38137.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 135 and 562), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38143.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 136 and 563), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38149.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 137 and 564), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38155.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 138 and 565), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38161.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 139 and 566), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 140 and 567), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38173.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 141 and 568), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38132.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 142 and 569), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38138.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 143 and 570), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38144.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 144 and 571), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38150.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 145 and 572), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38156.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 146 and 573), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38162.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 147 and 574), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38168.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 148 and 575), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38174.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 149 and 576), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39683.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 150 and 577), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39689.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 151 and 578), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39695.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 152 and 579), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39701.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 153 and 580), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39707.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 154 and 581), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39713.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 155 and 582), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39719.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 156 and 583), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39725.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 157 and 584), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39684.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 158 and 585), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39690.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 159 and 586), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39696.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 160 and 587), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39702.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 161 and 588), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39708.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 162 and 589), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39714.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 163 and 590), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 164 and 591), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39726.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 165 and 592), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39685.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 166 and 593), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39691.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 167 and 594), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39697.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 168 and 595), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39703.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 169 and 596), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39709.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 170 and 597), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39715.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 171 and 598), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39721.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 172 and 599), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39727.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 173 and 600), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39686.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 174 and 601), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39692.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 175 and 602), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39698.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 176 and 603), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39704.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 177 and 604), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39710.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 178 and 605), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39716.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 179 and 606), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39722.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 180 and 607), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39728.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 181 and 608), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39687.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 182 and 609), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39693.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 183 and 610), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39699.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 184 and 611), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39705.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 185 and 612), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39711.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 186 and 613), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39717.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 187 and 614), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39723.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 188 and 615), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39729.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 189 and 616), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39688.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 190 and 617), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39694.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 191 and 618), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39700.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 192 and 619), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 193 and 620), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 194 and 621), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39718.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 195 and 622), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39724.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 196 and 623), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39730.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 197 and 624), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39736.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 198 and 625), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39742.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 199 and 626), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39748.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 200 and 627), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39754.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 201 and 628), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 202 and 629), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39766.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 203 and 630), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39772.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 204 and 631), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39731.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 205 and 632), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39737.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 206 and 633), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39743.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 207 and 634), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39749.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 208 and 635), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39755.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 209 and 636), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39761.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 210 and 637), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39767.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 211 and 638), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39773.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 212 and 639), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 213 and 640), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39738.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 214 and 641), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39744.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 215 and 642), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39750.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 216 and 643), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39756.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 217 and 644), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39762.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 218 and 645), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39768.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 219 and 646), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39774.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 220 and 647), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39733.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 221 and 648), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39739.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 222 and 649), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39745.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 223 and 650), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39751.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 224 and 651), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39757.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 225 and 652), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39763.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 226 and 653), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39769.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 227 and 654), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39775.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 228 and 655), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39734.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 229 and 656), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39740.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 230 and 657), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39746.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 231 and 658), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39752.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 232 and 659), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39758.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 233 and 660), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39764.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 234 and 661), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39770.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 235 and 662), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39776.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 236 and 663), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39735.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 237 and 664), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39741.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 238 and 665), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39747.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 239 and 666), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39753.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 240 and 667), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39759.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 241 and 668), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39765.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 242 and 669), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39771.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 243 and 670), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 244 and 671), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39784.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 245 and 672), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 246 and 673), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39796.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 247 and 674), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39802.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 248 and 675), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39808.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 249 and 676), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39814.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 250 and 677), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39820.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 251 and 678), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39779.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 252 and 679), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39785.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 253 and 680), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39791.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 254 and 681), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39797.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 255 and 682), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39803.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 256 and 683), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39809.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 257 and 684), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39815.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 258 and 685), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39821.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 259 and 686), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39780.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 260 and 687), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39786.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 261 and 688), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39792.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 262 and 689), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39798.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 263 and 690), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39804.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 264 and 691), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39810.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 265 and 692), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39816.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 266 and 693), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 267 and 694), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39781.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 268 and 695), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39787.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 269 and 696), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39793.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 270 and 697), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39799.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 271 and 698), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39805.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 272 and 699), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39811.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 273 and 700), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39817.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 274 and 701), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39823.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 275 and 702), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39782.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 276 and 703), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39788.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 277 and 704), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39794.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 278 and 705), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39800.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 279 and 706), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39806.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 280 and 707), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39812.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 281 and 708), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39818.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 282 and 709), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39824.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 283 and 710), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39783.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 284 and 711), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39789.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 285 and 712), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39795.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 286 and 713), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39801.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 287 and 714), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39807.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 288 and 715), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39813.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 289 and 716), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39819.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 290 and 717), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39825.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 291 and 718), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39831.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 292 and 719), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39837.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 293 and 720), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39843.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 294 and 721), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39849.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 295 and 722), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39855.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 296 and 723), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39861.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 297 and 724), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39867.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 298 and 725), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39826.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 299 and 726), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39832.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 300 and 727), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39838.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 301 and 728), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39844.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 302 and 729), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39850.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 303 and 730), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39856.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 304 and 731), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39862.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 305 and 732), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39868.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 306 and 733), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39827.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 307 and 734), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39833.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 308 and 735), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39839.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 309 and 736), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 310 and 737), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39851.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 311 and 738), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39857.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 312 and 739), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39863.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 313 and 740), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39869.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 314 and 741), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39828.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 315 and 742), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39834.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 316 and 743), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39840.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 317 and 744), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39846.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 318 and 745), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39852.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 319 and 746), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 320 and 747), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39864.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 321 and 748), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 322 and 749), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39829.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 323 and 750), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39835.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 324 and 751), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39841.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 325 and 752), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39853.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 326 and 753), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39859.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 327 and 754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39865.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 328 and 755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39871.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 329 and 756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39830.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 330 and 757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39836.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 331 and 758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39842.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 332 and 759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39848.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 333 and 760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39854.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 334 and 761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39860.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 335 and 762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39866.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 336 and 763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39992.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 337 and 764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39998.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 338 and 765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40004.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 339 and 766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40010.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 340 and 767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40016.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 341 and 768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40022.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 342 and 769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40028.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 343 and 770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40034.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 344 and 771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 345 and 772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40005.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 346 and 773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40011.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 347 and 774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40017.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 348 and 775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40029.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 349 and 776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40035.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 350 and 777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39994.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 351 and 778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40000.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 352 and 779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40006.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 353 and 780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40012.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 354 and 781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40018.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 355 and 782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40024.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 356 and 783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40030.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 357 and 784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 358 and 785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39995.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 359 and 786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40001.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 360 and 787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40007.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 361 and 788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40013.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 362 and 789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40019.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 363 and 790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40025.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 364 and 791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40031.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 365 and 792), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40037.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 366 and 793), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39996.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 367 and 794), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40002.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 368 and 795), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 369 and 796), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40014.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 370 and 797), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40020.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 371 and 798), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40026.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 372 and 799), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40032.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 373 and 800), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40038.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 374 and 801), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39997.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 375 and 802), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40009.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 376 and 803), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40015.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 377 and 804), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 378 and 805), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40027.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 379 and 806), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40033.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 380 and 807), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40039.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 381 and 808), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40045.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 382 and 809), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40051.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 383 and 810), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40057.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 384 and 811), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40063.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 385 and 812), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40069.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 386 and 813), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40075.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 387 and 814), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40081.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 388 and 815), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40040.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 389 and 816), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40046.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 390 and 817), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40052.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 391 and 818), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40058.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 392 and 819), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40064.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 393 and 820), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40070.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 394 and 821), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40076.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 395 and 822), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40082.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 396 and 823), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40041.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 397 and 824), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40047.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 398 and 825), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40053.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 399 and 826), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40059.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 400 and 827), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40065.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 401 and 828), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40071.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 402 and 829), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 403 and 830), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40083.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 404 and 831), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40042.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 405 and 832), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40048.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 406 and 833), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40054.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 407 and 834), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40060.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 408 and 835), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40066.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 409 and 836), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 410 and 837), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40078.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 411 and 838), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40084.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 412 and 839), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40043.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 413 and 840), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40049.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 414 and 841), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40055.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 415 and 842), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 416 and 843), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40067.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 417 and 844), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40073.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 418 and 845), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40079.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 419 and 846), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40085.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 420 and 847), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40044.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 421 and 848), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40050.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 422 and 849), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40056.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 423 and 850), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40062.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 424 and 851), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 425 and 852), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40074.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 426 and 853), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40080.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 427 and 854), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1716 and 1754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1717 and 1755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1718 and 1756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1719 and 1757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1720 and 1758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1721 and 1759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39735.1 or hs_KRAS_321_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1722 and 1760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39741.1, or modified or unmodified variants thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: hs_KRAS_322_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1723 and 1761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1724 and 1762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1725 and 1763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1726 and 1764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1727 and 1765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1728 and 1766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1729 and 1767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1730 and 1768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1731 and 1769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1732 and 1770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1733 and 1771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1734 and 1772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1735 and 1773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1736 and 1774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1737 and 1775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1738 and 1776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38159.1 or hs_KRAS_528_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1739 and 1777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38130.1 or hs_KRAS_531_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1740 and 1778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1741 and 1779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1742 and 1780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1743 and 1781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1744 and 1782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1745 and 1783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1746 and 1784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1747 and 1785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1748 and 1786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1749 and 1787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1750 and 1788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: hs_KRAS 1273_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1751 and 1789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: hs_KRAS 2892_A37S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1752 and 1790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequences of the first and/or second strands are the sequences of the first and/or second strands of: hs_KRAS 4731_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1753 and 1791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

Specific Embodiments Wherein the Sequences of the First and/or Second Strands are the Sequences of the First and/or Second Strand of a RNAi Agent Disclosed Herein, Further Comprising Up to about 20 Additional Nucleotides

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

Thus, in various embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of the following:

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35523.3 (SEQ ID NOs: 1 and 428), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35529.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 2 and 429), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35535.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 3 and 430), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 4 and 431), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35547.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 5 and 432), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35553.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 6 and 433), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35559.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 7 and 434), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35565.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 8 and 435), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35524.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 9 and 436), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35530.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 10 and 437), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35536.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 11 and 438), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35542.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 12 and 439), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35548.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 13 and 440), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35554.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 14 and 441), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35560.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 15 and 442), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35566.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 16 and 443), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35525.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 17 and 444), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35531.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 18 and 445), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35537.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 19 and 446), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35543.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 20 and 447), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35549.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 21 and 448), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35555.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 22 and 449), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35561.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 23 and 450), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35567.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 24 and 451), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35526.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 25 and 452), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35532.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 26 and 453), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35538.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 454), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35544.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 28 and 455), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35550.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 29 and 456), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35556.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 457), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35562.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 31 and 458), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35568.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 32 and 459), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35527.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 33 and 460), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35533.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 34 and 461), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35539.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 35 and 462), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35545.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 36 and 463), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35551.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 37 and 464), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35563.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 38 and 465), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35528.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 39 and 466), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35540.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 40 and 467), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35546.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 41 and 468), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35552.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 42 and 469), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35558.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 43 and 470), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35564.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 44 and 471), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35570.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 45 and 472), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35571.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 46 and 473), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35577.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 47 and 474), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35583.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 48 and 475), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35589.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 49 and 476), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35595.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 50 and 477), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35601.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 51 and 478), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35607.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 52 and 479), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35613.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 53 and 480), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35572.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 54 and 481), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35578.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 55 and 482), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35584.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 56 and 483), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35590.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 57 and 484), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35596.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 58 and 485), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35602.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 59 and 486), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35608.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 60 and 487), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35614.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 61 and 488), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35573.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 62 and 489), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35579.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 63 and 490), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35585.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 64 and 491), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35591.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 65 and 492), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35597.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 66 and 493), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35603.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 67 and 494), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 68 and 495), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35615.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 69 and 496), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35574.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 70 and 497), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35580.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 71 and 498), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35586.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 72 and 499), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35592.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 73 and 500), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35598.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 74 and 501), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35604.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 75 and 502), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35610.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 76 and 503), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35616.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 77 and 504), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35575.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 78 and 505), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 79 and 506), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35587.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 80 and 507), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35593.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 81 and 508), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35599.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 82 and 509), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35605.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 83 and 510), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35611.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 84 and 511), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35617.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 85 and 512), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 86 and 513), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 87 and 514), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35667.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 88 and 515), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35673.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 89 and 516), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35679.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 90 and 517), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35685.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 91 and 518), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35691.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 92 and 519), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35557.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 93 and 520), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35618.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 94 and 521), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35569.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 95 and 522), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35534.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 96 and 523), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35582.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 97 and 524), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35594.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 98 and 525), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 99 and 526), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 100 and 527), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35612.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 101 and 528), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38127.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 102 and 529), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38133.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 103 and 530), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38139.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 104 and 531), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38145.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 105 and 532), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 106 and 533), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38157.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 107 and 534), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 108 and 535), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38169.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 109 and 536), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38128.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 110 and 537), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38134.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 111 and 538), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38140.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 112 and 539), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38146.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 113 and 540), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38152.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 114 and 541), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38158.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 115 and 542), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38164.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 116 and 543), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38170.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 117 and 544), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38129.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 118 and 545), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38135.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 119 and 546), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38141.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 120 and 547), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38147.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 121 and 548), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38153.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 122 and 549), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38159.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 123 and 550), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38165.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 124 and 551), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38171.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 125 and 552), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38130.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 126 and 553), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 127 and 554), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38142.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 128 and 555), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38148.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 129 and 556), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38154.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 130 and 557), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38160.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 131 and 558), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38166.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 132 and 559), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38172.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 133 and 560), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 134 and 561), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38137.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 135 and 562), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38143.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 136 and 563), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38149.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 137 and 564), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38155.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 138 and 565), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38161.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 139 and 566), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 140 and 567), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38173.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 141 and 568), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38132.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 142 and 569), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38138.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 143 and 570), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38144.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 144 and 571), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38150.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 145 and 572), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38156.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 146 and 573), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38162.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 147 and 574), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38168.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 148 and 575), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38174.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 149 and 576), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39683.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 150 and 577), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39689.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 151 and 578), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39695.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 152 and 579), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39701.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 153 and 580), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39707.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 154 and 581), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39713.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 155 and 582), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39719.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 156 and 583), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39725.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 157 and 584), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39684.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 158 and 585), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39690.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 159 and 586), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39696.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 160 and 587), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39702.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 161 and 588), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39708.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 162 and 589), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39714.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 163 and 590), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 164 and 591), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39726.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 165 and 592), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39685.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 166 and 593), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39691.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 167 and 594), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39697.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 168 and 595), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39703.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 169 and 596), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39709.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 170 and 597), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39715.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 171 and 598), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39721.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 172 and 599), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39727.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 173 and 600), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39686.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 174 and 601), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39692.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 175 and 602), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39698.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 176 and 603), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39704.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 177 and 604), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39710.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 178 and 605), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39716.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 179 and 606), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39722.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 180 and 607), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39728.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 181 and 608), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39687.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 182 and 609), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39693.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 183 and 610), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39699.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 184 and 611), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39705.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 185 and 612), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39711.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 186 and 613), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39717.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 187 and 614), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39723.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 188 and 615), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39729.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 189 and 616), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39688.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 190 and 617), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39694.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 191 and 618), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39700.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 192 and 619), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 193 and 620), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 194 and 621), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39718.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 195 and 622), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39724.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 196 and 623), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39730.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 197 and 624), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39736.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 198 and 625), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39742.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 199 and 626), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39748.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 200 and 627), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39754.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 201 and 628), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 202 and 629), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39766.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 203 and 630), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39772.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 204 and 631), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39731.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 205 and 632), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39737.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 206 and 633), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39743.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 207 and 634), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39749.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 208 and 635), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39755.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 209 and 636), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39761.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 210 and 637), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39767.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 211 and 638), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39773.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 212 and 639), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 213 and 640), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39738.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 214 and 641), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39744.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 215 and 642), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39750.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 216 and 643), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39756.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 217 and 644), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39762.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 218 and 645), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39768.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 219 and 646), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39774.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 220 and 647), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39733.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 221 and 648), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39739.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 222 and 649), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39745.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 223 and 650), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39751.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 224 and 651), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39757.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 225 and 652), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39763.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 226 and 653), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39769.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 227 and 654), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39775.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 228 and 655), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39734.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 229 and 656), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39740.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 230 and 657), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39746.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 231 and 658), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39752.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 232 and 659), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39758.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 233 and 660), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39764.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 234 and 661), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39770.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 235 and 662), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39776.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 236 and 663), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39735.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 237 and 664), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39741.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 238 and 665), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39747.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 239 and 666), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39753.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 240 and 667), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39759.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 241 and 668), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39765.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 242 and 669), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39771.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 243 and 670), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 244 and 671), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39784.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 245 and 672), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 246 and 673), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39796.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 247 and 674), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39802.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 248 and 675), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39808.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 249 and 676), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39814.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 250 and 677), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39820.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 251 and 678), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39779.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 252 and 679), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39785.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 253 and 680), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39791.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 254 and 681), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39797.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 255 and 682), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39803.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 256 and 683), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39809.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 257 and 684), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39815.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 258 and 685), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39821.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 259 and 686), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39780.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 260 and 687), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39786.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 261 and 688), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39792.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 262 and 689), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39798.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 263 and 690), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39804.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 264 and 691), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39810.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 265 and 692), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39816.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 266 and 693), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 267 and 694), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39781.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 268 and 695), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39787.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 269 and 696), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39793.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 270 and 697), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39799.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 271 and 698), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39805.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 272 and 699), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39811.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 273 and 700), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39817.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 274 and 701), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39823.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 275 and 702), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39782.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 276 and 703), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39788.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 277 and 704), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39794.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 278 and 705), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39800.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 279 and 706), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39806.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 280 and 707), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39812.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 281 and 708), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39818.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 282 and 709), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39824.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 283 and 710), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39783.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 284 and 711), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39789.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 285 and 712), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39795.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 286 and 713), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39801.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 287 and 714), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39807.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 288 and 715), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39813.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 289 and 716), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39819.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 290 and 717), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39825.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 291 and 718), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39831.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 292 and 719), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39837.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 293 and 720), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39843.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 294 and 721), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39849.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 295 and 722), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39855.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 296 and 723), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39861.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 297 and 724), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39867.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 298 and 725), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39826.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 299 and 726), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39832.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 300 and 727), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39838.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 301 and 728), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39844.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 302 and 729), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39850.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 303 and 730), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39856.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 304 and 731), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39862.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 305 and 732), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39868.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 306 and 733), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39827.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 307 and 734), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39833.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 308 and 735), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39839.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 309 and 736), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 310 and 737), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39851.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 311 and 738), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39857.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 312 and 739), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39863.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 313 and 740), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39869.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 314 and 741), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39828.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 315 and 742), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39834.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 316 and 743), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39840.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 317 and 744), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39846.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 318 and 745), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39852.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 319 and 746), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 320 and 747), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39864.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 321 and 748), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 322 and 749), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39829.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 323 and 750), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39835.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 324 and 751), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39841.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 325 and 752), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39853.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 326 and 753), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39859.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 327 and 754), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39865.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 328 and 755), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39871.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 329 and 756), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39830.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 330 and 757), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39836.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 331 and 758), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39842.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 332 and 759), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39848.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 333 and 760), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39854.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 334 and 761), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39860.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 335 and 762), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39866.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 336 and 763), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39992.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 337 and 764), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39998.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 338 and 765), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40004.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 339 and 766), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40010.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 340 and 767), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40016.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 341 and 768), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40022.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 342 and 769), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40028.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 343 and 770), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40034.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 344 and 771), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 345 and 772), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40005.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 346 and 773), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40011.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 347 and 774), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40017.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 348 and 775), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40029.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 349 and 776), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40035.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 350 and 777), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39994.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 351 and 778), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40000.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 352 and 779), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40006.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 353 and 780), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40012.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 354 and 781), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40018.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 355 and 782), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40024.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 356 and 783), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40030.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 357 and 784), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 358 and 785), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39995.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 359 and 786), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40001.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 360 and 787), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40007.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 361 and 788), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40013.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 362 and 789), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40019.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 363 and 790), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40025.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 364 and 791), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40031.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 365 and 792), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40037.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 366 and 793), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39996.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 367 and 794), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40002.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 368 and 795), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 369 and 796), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40014.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 370 and 797), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40020.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 371 and 798), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40026.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 372 and 799), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40032.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 373 and 800), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40038.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 374 and 801), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39997.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 375 and 802), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40009.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 376 and 803), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40015.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 377 and 804), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 378 and 805), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40027.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 379 and 806), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40033.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 380 and 807), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40039.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 381 and 808), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40045.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 382 and 809), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40051.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 383 and 810), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40057.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 384 and 811), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40063.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 385 and 812), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40069.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 386 and 813), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40075.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 387 and 814), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40081.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 388 and 815), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40040.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 389 and 816), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40046.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 390 and 817), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40052.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 391 and 818), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40058.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 392 and 819), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40064.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 393 and 820), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40070.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 394 and 821), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40076.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 395 and 822), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40082.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 396 and 823), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40041.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 397 and 824), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40047.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 398 and 825), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40053.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 399 and 826), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40059.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 400 and 827), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40065.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 401 and 828), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40071.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 402 and 829), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 403 and 830), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40083.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 404 and 831), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40042.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 405 and 832), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40048.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 406 and 833), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40054.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 407 and 834), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40060.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 408 and 835), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40066.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 409 and 836), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 410 and 837), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40078.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 411 and 838), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40084.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 412 and 839), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40043.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 413 and 840), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40049.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 414 and 841), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40055.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 415 and 842), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 416 and 843), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40067.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 417 and 844), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40073.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 418 and 845), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40079.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 419 and 846), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40085.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 420 and 847), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40044.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 421 and 848), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40050.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 422 and 849), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 15 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40056.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 423 and 850), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40062.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 424 and 851), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 425 and 852), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40074.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 426 and 853), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40080.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 427 and 854), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or 35 second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1716 and 1754), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1717 and 1755), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1718 and 1756), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1719 and 1757), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1720 and 1758), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1721 and 1759), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39735.1 or hs_KRAS_321_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1722 and 1760), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39741.1, or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS_322_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1723 and 1761), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1724 and 1762), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1725 and 1763), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1726 and 1764), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1727 and 1765), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1728 and 1766), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1729 and 1767), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1730 and 1768), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1731 and 1769), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1732 and 1770), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1733 and 1771), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1734 and 1772), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1735 and 1773), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1736 and 1774), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1737 and 1775), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1738 and 1776), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38159.1 or hs_KRAS_528_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1739 and 1777), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38130.1 or hs_KRAS_531_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1740 and 1778), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1741 and 1779), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1742 and 1780), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1743 and 1781), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1744 and 1782), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1745 and 1783), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1746 and 1784), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1747 and 1785), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1748 and 1786), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1749 and 1787), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1750 and 1788), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS 1273_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1751 and 1789), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS 2892_A37S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1752 and 1790), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand is the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS 4731_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1753 and 1791), or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the first and/or second strand further comprise up to about 20 additional nucleotides.

In various embodiments, the disclosure comprises a RNAi agent comprising a sense and an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from the antisense strand of any RNAi agent disclosed herein, or modified or unmodified variants thereof, wherein the antisense strand optionally further comprises 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 or more nt (or any range thereof, e.g., 0-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 nt, etc.).

In one embodiment, the disclosure comprises any one or more RNAi agent listed herein.

Specific Embodiments Wherein the Sequences of the First and/or Second Strands are the Sequences of the First and/or Second Strand of a RNAi Agent Disclosed Herein, Further Comprising Up to about 20 Additional Nucleotides

In one embodiment, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of: a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of any RNAi agent from any of Tables 1 to 6, or modified and unmodified variants thereof.

Thus, in various embodiments, the present disclosure pertains to a composition comprising any one or more of the following:

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35523.3 (SEQ ID NOs: 1 and 428), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35529.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 2 and 429), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35535.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 3 and 430), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 4 and 431), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35547.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 5 and 432), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35553.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 6 and 433), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35559.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 7 and 434), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35565.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 8 and 435), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35524.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 9 and 436), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35530.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 10 and 437), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35536.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 11 and 438), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35542.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 12 and 439), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35548.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 13 and 440), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35554.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 14 and 441), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35560.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 15 and 442), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35566.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 16 and 443), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35525.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 17 and 444), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35531.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 18 and 445), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35537.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 19 and 446), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35543.2 (SEQ ID NOs: 20 and 447), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35549.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 21 and 448), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35555.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 22 and 449), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35561.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 23 and 450), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35567.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 24 and 451), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35526.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 25 and 452), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35532.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 26 and 453), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35538.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 27 and 454), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35544.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 28 and 455), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35550.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 29 and 456), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35556.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 30 and 457), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35562.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 31 and 458), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35568.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 32 and 459), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35527.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 33 and 460), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35533.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 34 and 461), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35539.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 35 and 462), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35545.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 36 and 463), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35551.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 37 and 464), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35563.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 38 and 465), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35528.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 39 and 466), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35540.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 40 and 467), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35546.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 41 and 468), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35552.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 42 and 469), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35558.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 43 and 470), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35564.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 44 and 471), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35570.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 45 and 472), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35571.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 46 and 473), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35577.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 47 and 474), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35583.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 48 and 475), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35589.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 49 and 476), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35595.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 50 and 477), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35601.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 51 and 478), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35607.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 52 and 479), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35613.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 53 and 480), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35572.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 54 and 481), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35578.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 55 and 482), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35584.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 56 and 483), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35590.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 57 and 484), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35596.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 58 and 485), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35602.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 59 and 486), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35608.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 60 and 487), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35614.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 61 and 488), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35573.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 62 and 489), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35579.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 63 and 490), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35585.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 64 and 491), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35591.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 65 and 492), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35597.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 66 and 493), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35603.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 67 and 494), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 68 and 495), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35615.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 69 and 496), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35574.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 70 and 497), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35580.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 71 and 498), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35586.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 72 and 499), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35592.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 73 and 500), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35598.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 74 and 501), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35604.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 75 and 502), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35610.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 76 and 503), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35616.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 77 and 504), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35575.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 78 and 505), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 79 and 506), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35587.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 80 and 507), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35593.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 81 and 508), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35599.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 82 and 509), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35605.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 83 and 510), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35611.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 84 and 511), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35617.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 85 and 512), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 86 and 513), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 87 and 514), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35667.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 88 and 515), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35673.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 89 and 516), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35679.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 90 and 517), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35685.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 91 and 518), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35691.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 92 and 519), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35557.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 93 and 520), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35618.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 94 and 521), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35569.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 95 and 522), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35534.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 96 and 523), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35582.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 97 and 524), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35594.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 98 and 525), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 99 and 526), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 100 and 527), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35612.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 101 and 528), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38127.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 102 and 529), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38133.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 103 and 530), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38139.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 104 and 531), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38145.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 105 and 532), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 106 and 533), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38157.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 107 and 534), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 108 and 535), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38169.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 109 and 536), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38128.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 110 and 537), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38134.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 111 and 538), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38140.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 112 and 539), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38146.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 113 and 540), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38152.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 114 and 541), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38158.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 115 and 542), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38164.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 116 and 543), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38170.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 117 and 544), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38129.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 118 and 545), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38135.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 119 and 546), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38141.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 120 and 547), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38147.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 121 and 548), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38153.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 122 and 549), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38159.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 123 and 550), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38165.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 124 and 551), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38171.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 125 and 552), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38130.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 126 and 553), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 127 and 554), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38142.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 128 and 555), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38148.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 129 and 556), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38154.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 130 and 557), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38160.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 131 and 558), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38166.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 132 and 559), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38172.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 133 and 560), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 134 and 561), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38137.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 135 and 562), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38143.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 136 and 563), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38149.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 137 and 564), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38155.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 138 and 565), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38161.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 139 and 566), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 140 and 567), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38173.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 141 and 568), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38132.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 142 and 569), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38138.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 143 and 570), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38144.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 144 and 571), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38150.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 145 and 572), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38156.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 146 and 573), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38162.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 147 and 574), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38168.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 148 and 575), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38174.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 149 and 576), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39683.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 150 and 577), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39689.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 151 and 578), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39695.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 152 and 579), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39701.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 153 and 580), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39707.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 154 and 581), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39713.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 155 and 582), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39719.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 156 and 583), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39725.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 157 and 584), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39684.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 158 and 585), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39690.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 159 and 586), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39696.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 160 and 587), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39702.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 161 and 588), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39708.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 162 and 589), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39714.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 163 and 590), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 164 and 591), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39726.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 165 and 592), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39685.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 166 and 593), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39691.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 167 and 594), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39697.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 168 and 595), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39703.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 169 and 596), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39709.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 170 and 597), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39715.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 171 and 598), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39721.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 172 and 599), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39727.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 173 and 600), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39686.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 174 and 601), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39692.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 175 and 602), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39698.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 176 and 603), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39704.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 177 and 604), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39710.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 178 and 605), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39716.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 179 and 606), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39722.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 180 and 607), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39728.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 181 and 608), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39687.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 182 and 609), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39693.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 183 and 610), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39699.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 184 and 611), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39705.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 185 and 612), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39711.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 186 and 613), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39717.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 187 and 614), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39723.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 188 and 615), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39729.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 189 and 616), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39688.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 190 and 617), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39694.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 191 and 618), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39700.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 192 and 619), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 193 and 620), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 194 and 621), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39718.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 195 and 622), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39724.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 196 and 623), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39730.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 197 and 624), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39736.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 198 and 625), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39742.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 199 and 626), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39748.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 200 and 627), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39754.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 201 and 628), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 202 and 629), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39766.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 203 and 630), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39772.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 204 and 631), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39731.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 205 and 632), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39737.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 206 and 633), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39743.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 207 and 634), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39749.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 208 and 635), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39755.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 209 and 636), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39761.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 210 and 637), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39767.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 211 and 638), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39773.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 212 and 639), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 213 and 640), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39738.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 214 and 641), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39744.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 215 and 642), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39750.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 216 and 643), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39756.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 217 and 644), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39762.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 218 and 645), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39768.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 219 and 646), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39774.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 220 and 647), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39733.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 221 and 648), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39739.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 222 and 649), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39745.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 223 and 650), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39751.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 224 and 651), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39757.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 225 and 652), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39763.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 226 and 653), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39769.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 227 and 654), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39775.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 228 and 655), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39734.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 229 and 656), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39740.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 230 and 657), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39746.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 231 and 658), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39752.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 232 and 659), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39758.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 233 and 660), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39764.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 234 and 661), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39770.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 235 and 662), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39776.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 236 and 663), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39735.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 237 and 664), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39741.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 238 and 665), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39747.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 239 and 666), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39753.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 240 and 667), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39759.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 241 and 668), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39765.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 242 and 669), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39771.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 243 and 670), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 244 and 671), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39784.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 245 and 672), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 246 and 673), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39796.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 247 and 674), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39802.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 248 and 675), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39808.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 249 and 676), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39814.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 250 and 677), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39820.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 251 and 678), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39779.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 252 and 679), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39785.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 253 and 680), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39791.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 254 and 681), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39797.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 255 and 682), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39803.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 256 and 683), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39809.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 257 and 684), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39815.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 258 and 685), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39821.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 259 and 686), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39780.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 260 and 687), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39786.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 261 and 688), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39792.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 262 and 689), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39798.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 263 and 690), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39804.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 264 and 691), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39810.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 265 and 692), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39816.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 266 and 693), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 267 and 694), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39781.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 268 and 695), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39787.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 269 and 696), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39793.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 270 and 697), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39799.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 271 and 698), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39805.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 272 and 699), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39811.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 273 and 700), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39817.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 274 and 701), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39823.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 275 and 702), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39782.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 276 and 703), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39788.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 277 and 704), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39794.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 278 and 705), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39800.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 279 and 706), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39806.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 280 and 707), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39812.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 281 and 708), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39818.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 282 and 709), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39824.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 283 and 710), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39783.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 284 and 711), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39789.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 285 and 712), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39795.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 286 and 713), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39801.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 287 and 714), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39807.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 288 and 715), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39813.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 289 and 716), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39819.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 290 and 717), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39825.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 291 and 718), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39831.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 292 and 719), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39837.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 293 and 720), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39843.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 294 and 721), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39849.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 295 and 722), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39855.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 296 and 723), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39861.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 297 and 724), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39867.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 298 and 725), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39826.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 299 and 726), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39832.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 300 and 727), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39838.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 301 and 728), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39844.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 302 and 729), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39850.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 303 and 730), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39856.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 304 and 731), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39862.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 305 and 732), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39868.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 306 and 733), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39827.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 307 and 734), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39833.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 308 and 735), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39839.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 309 and 736), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 310 and 737), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39851.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 311 and 738), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39857.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 312 and 739), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39863.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 313 and 740), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39869.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 314 and 741), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39828.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 315 and 742), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39834.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 316 and 743), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39840.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 317 and 744), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39846.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 318 and 745), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39852.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 319 and 746), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 320 and 747), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39864.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 321 and 748), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 322 and 749), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39829.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 323 and 750), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39835.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 324 and 751), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39841.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 325 and 752), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39853.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 326 and 753), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39859.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 327 and 754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39865.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 328 and 755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39871.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 329 and 756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39830.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 330 and 757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39836.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 331 and 758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39842.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 332 and 759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39848.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 333 and 760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39854.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 334 and 761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39860.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 335 and 762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39866.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 336 and 763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39992.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 337 and 764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39998.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 338 and 765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40004.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 339 and 766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40010.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 340 and 767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40016.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 341 and 768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40022.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 342 and 769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40028.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 343 and 770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40034.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 344 and 771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 345 and 772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40005.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 346 and 773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40011.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 347 and 774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40017.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 348 and 775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40029.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 349 and 776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40035.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 350 and 777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39994.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 351 and 778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40000.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 352 and 779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40006.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 353 and 780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40012.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 354 and 781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40018.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 355 and 782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40024.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 356 and 783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40030.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 357 and 784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 358 and 785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39995.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 359 and 786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40001.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 360 and 787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40007.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 361 and 788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40013.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 362 and 789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40019.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 363 and 790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40025.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 364 and 791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40031.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 365 and 792), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40037.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 366 and 793), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39996.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 367 and 794), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40002.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 368 and 795), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 369 and 796), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40014.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 370 and 797), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40020.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 371 and 798), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40026.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 372 and 799), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40032.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 373 and 800), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40038.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 374 and 801), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39997.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 375 and 802), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40009.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 376 and 803), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40015.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 377 and 804), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 378 and 805), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40027.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 379 and 806), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40033.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 380 and 807), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40039.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 381 and 808), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40045.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 382 and 809), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40051.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 383 and 810), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40057.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 384 and 811), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40063.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 385 and 812), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40069.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 386 and 813), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40075.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 387 and 814), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40081.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 388 and 815), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40040.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 389 and 816), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40046.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 390 and 817), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40052.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 391 and 818), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40058.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 392 and 819), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40064.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 393 and 820), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40070.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 394 and 821), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40076.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 395 and 822), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40082.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 396 and 823), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40041.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 397 and 824), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40047.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 398 and 825), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40053.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 399 and 826), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40059.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 400 and 827), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40065.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 401 and 828), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40071.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 402 and 829), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 403 and 830), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40083.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 404 and 831), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40042.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 405 and 832), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40048.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 406 and 833), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40054.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 407 and 834), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40060.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 408 and 835), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40066.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 409 and 836), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 410 and 837), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40078.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 411 and 838), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40084.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 412 and 839), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40043.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 413 and 840), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40049.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 414 and 841), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40055.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 415 and 842), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 416 and 843), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40067.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 417 and 844), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40073.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 418 and 845), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40079.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 419 and 846), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40085.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 420 and 847), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40044.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 421 and 848), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40050.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 422 and 849), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40056.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 423 and 850), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40062.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 424 and 851), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 425 and 852), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40074.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 426 and 853), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40080.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 427 and 854), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39720.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1716 and 1754), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39706.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1717 and 1755), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39712.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1718 and 1756), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39760.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1719 and 1757), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39732.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1720 and 1758), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35541.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1721 and 1759), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39735.1 or hs_KRAS_321_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1722 and 1760), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39741.1, or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS_322_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1723 and 1761), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39778.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1724 and 1762), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39790.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1725 and 1763), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39822.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1726 and 1764), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35609.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1727 and 1765), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35581.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1728 and 1766), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39845.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1729 and 1767), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39858.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1730 and 1768), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39870.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1731 and 1769), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35576.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1732 and 1770), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35588.4 (SEQ ID NOs: 1733 and 1771), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35600.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1734 and 1772), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-35606.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1735 and 1773), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38151.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1736 and 1774), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38163.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1737 and 1775), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-39999.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1738 and 1776), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38159.1 or hs_KRAS_528_A22S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1739 and 1777), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38130.1 or hs_KRAS_531_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1740 and 1778), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38136.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1741 and 1779), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40036.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1742 and 1780), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40008.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1743 and 1781), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40021.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1744 and 1782), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40077.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1745 and 1783), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40072.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1746 and 1784), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40061.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1747 and 1785), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-40068.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1748 and 1786), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38131.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1749 and 1787), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: AD-38167.1 (SEQ ID NOs: 1750 and 1788), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS 1273_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1751 and 1789), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS 2892_A37S26 (SEQ ID NOs: 1752 and 1790), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

A RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the sequence of the first and/or second strand comprise a sequence of 15 contiguous nt from the sequence of a first and/or second strand of: hs_KRAS 4731_A22526 (SEQ ID NOs: 1753 and 1791), or a modified or unmodified variant thereof.

In various embodiments, the disclosure comprises a RNAi agent comprising a sense and an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from the antisense strand of any RNAi agent disclosed herein, or a modified or unmodified variant thereof, wherein the antisense strand optionally further comprises 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 or more nt (or any range thereof, e.g., 0-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 nt, etc.).

In one embodiment, the disclosure comprises any one or more RNAi agent listed herein.

Overlapping Sets of RNAi Agents to KRAS

In various embodiments, the present disclosure relates to groups of RNAi agents to KRAS with overlapping sequences. Thus, the present disclosure encompasses groups of RNAi agents wherein each RNAi agent in the group overlaps with each other RNAi agent in the same group by at least 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 or more nucleotides. Particularly, in one embodiment, the overlap is at least 12 nt.

Some of the RNAi agents listed herein overlap each other in sequence. Table 2 presents a compilation of some of these groups of overlapping RNAi agents, wherein each member of a group overlaps with each other member of the same group by at least 12 nt. A 12-nt portion of the overlap of the sense and anti-sense strand are presented.

Thus, for example, as shown in Table 4, the sequences of duplexes AD-39695.1, AD-39689.1AD-39707.1, AD-39683.1, and AD-39701.1 all overlap, wherein the overlap in sense strand comprises the sequence CUGAAUAUAAAC (SEQ ID NO: 1874) and the overlap in the anti-sense strand comprises the sequence GUUUAUAUUCAG (SEQ ID NO: 1875).

However, in the present disclosure encompasses any set or subset or group or subgroup of KRAS RNAi agents which share the common technical feature of a sequence overlap (e.g., by at least 12 nt). Thus the present disclosure also encompasses the example groups of AD-39695.1, AD-39689.1, AD-39707.1, AD-39683.1, and AD-39701.1, but also these subgroups: AD-39695.1 and AD-39689.1; AD-39695.1 and AD-39707.1; AD-39695.1, AD-39689.1, and AD-39701.1; AD-39689.1, AD-39707.1, and AD-39701.1; AD-39707.1 and AD-39683.1; AD-39707.1, AD-39683.1, and AD-39701.1; etc, and any other group of overlapping KRAS RNAi agents.

Thus, these and other various sets of overlapping RNAi agents presented in Table 4 share common technical features, for example, the overlap in the sense and anti-sense strand.

Particular sets of overlapping RNAi agents to KRAS are provided below in Table 4.

The present disclosure thus encompasses any group or subgroup of RNAi agents comprising a common technical feature, wherein the common technical feature is an overlap (e.g., of at least 12 nt) of a sequence in the sense or anti-sense strand.


The present disclosure encompasses a RNAi agent comprising a first and a second strand, wherein the first strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from the first strand of, and/or the second strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nt from the second strand, of any of the group or subgroup or set or subset of overlapping RNAi agents presented in Table 4.

The present disclosure similarly encompasses various embodiments encompassing groups of overlapping RNAi agents presented in Table 4.

Additional Definitions

Unless defined otherwise, the technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as that usually understood by a specialist familiar with the field to which the present disclosure belongs.

Unless indicated otherwise, all methods, steps, techniques and manipulations that are not specifically described in detail can be performed and have been performed in a manner known per se, as will be clear to the skilled person. Reference is for example again made to the standard handbooks and the general background art mentioned herein and to the further references cited therein.

Claims to the present disclosure are non-limiting and are provided below.

Although particular embodiments and claims have been disclosed herein in detail, this has been done by way of example for purposes of illustration only, and is not intended to be limiting with respect to the scope of the appended claims, or the scope of subject matter of claims of any corresponding future application. In particular, it is contemplated by the inventors that various substitutions, alterations, and modifications may be made to the present disclosure without departing from the spirit and scope of the present disclosure as defined by the claims. The choice of nucleic acid starting material, clone of interest, or library type is believed to be a matter of routine for a person of ordinary skill in the art with knowledge of the embodiments described herein. Other aspects, advantages, and modifications considered to be within the scope of the following claims. Redrafting of claim scope in later-filed corresponding applications may be due to limitations by the patent laws of various countries and should not be interpreted as giving up subject matter of the claims.

Various additional formulations and obvious variants of the described RNAi agents to KRAS can be devised by those of ordinary skill in the art. Non-limiting example RNAi agents to KRAS are described in the Examples below, which do not limit the scope of the present disclosure as described in the claims.

Examples Example 1. Bioinformatics and KRAS RNAi Agent (siRNA) Sequences

The sequences of unmodified and example modified KRAS RNAi agent sequences are provided in Tables 2 and 3, below.

KRAS oligonucleotide design is carried out to identify siRNAs targeting mRNAs encoding the KRAS gene.

Experimental Methods Bioinformatics


siRNA design is carried out to identify RNAi agents (e.g., siRNAs) targeting the human Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene (KRAS). Design uses the following transcripts from the NCBI RefSeq collection: KRAS—NM_033360.2, NM_004985.3. For KRAS, the requirement of perfect matching to the non-human primate Macaca fascicularis is waived.

siRNA Design and Specificity Prediction.

The predicted specificity of all possible 19mers is predicted from each sequence. Candidate 19mers are then selected as matching Coding Sequence (“CDS”) or Untranslated Regions (“UTRs”). The candidate siRNAs for each gene (KRAS, 432 from CDS) are used in a comprehensive search against the human transcriptome (defined as the set of NM_ and XMrecords within the human NCBI Refseq set) using the FASTA algorithm. The perl script ‘’ is then used to parse the alignments and generate a score based on the position and number of mismatches between the siRNA and any potential ‘off-target’ transcript. The off-target score is weighted to emphasize differences in the ‘seed’ region of siRNAs, in positions 2-9 from the 5′ end of the molecule. Each oligo-transcript pair from the FASTA search is given a mismatch score by summing the individual mismatch scores; mismatches in the position 2-9 are counted as 2.8, mismatches in the cleavage site positions 10-11 are counted as 1.2, and mismatches in region 12-19 counted as 1.0. An additional off-target prediction is carried out by comparing the frequency of heptamers and octomers derived from 3 distinct, seed-derived hexamers of each oligo. The hexamers from positions 2-7 relative to the 5′ start is used to create 2 heptamers and one octomer. We create ‘heptamer1’ by adding a 3′ A to the hexamer; we create heptamer2 by adding a 5′ A to the hexamer; we create the octomer by adding an A to both 5′ and 3′ ends of the hexamer. The frequency of octomers and heptamers in the human 3′UTRome (defined as the subsequence of the transcriptome from NCBI's Refseq database where the end of the coding region, the ‘CDS’, is clearly defined) is pre-calculated. The octomer frequency is normalized to the heptamer frequency using the median value from the range of octomer frequencies. A ‘mirSeedScore’ is then calculated by calculating the sum of [(3×normalized octomer count)+(2×heptamer2 count)+(1×heptamer1 count)].

Both siRNAs strands are assigned to a category of specificity according to the calculated scores: a score above 3 qualifies as highly specific, equal to 3 as specific and between 2.2 and 2.8 as moderately specific. We sorted by the specificity of the antisense strand.

siRNA Sequence Selection.

Sense and antisense derived siRNA oligos are synthesized and formed into duplexes. The total numbers of duplexes per gene were: KRAS, 432.

Synthesis of KRAS Sequences


KRAS sequences are synthesized on MerMade 192 synthesizer at 1 μmol scale.

A total of 864 single strands (432 duplexes) for KRAS are synthesized for the human KRAS gene. For all the sequences, ‘endolight’ chemistry is applied as detailed below.

    • All pyrimidines (cytosine and uridine) in the sense strand are replaced with corresponding 2′-O-Methyl bases (2′ O-Methyl C and 2′-O-Methyl U)
    • In the antisense strand, pyrimidines (C and U) adjacent to (towards 5′ position) ribo A nucleoside are replaced with their corresponding 2-O-Methyl nucleosides
    • A two base dTdT extension at 3′ end of both sense and anti sense sequences is introduced. This two base overhang has a phosphodiester linkage
    • The sequence file is converted to a text file to make it compatible for loading in the MerMade 192 synthesis software
    • A unique ID is generated for each single strand and these are shown in Tables 1 to 3.

The synthesis of KRAS sequences used solid supported oligonucleotide synthesis using phosphoramidite chemistry

The synthesis of the above sequences is performed at 1 μm scale in 96 well plates and 192 sequences are made per run. The amidite solutions are prepared at 0.1M concentration and ethyl thio tetrazole (0.6M in Acetonitrile) is used as activator.

Cleavage and Deprotection:

The synthesized sequences are cleaved and deprotected in 96 well plates, using a mixture of aqueous and ethanolic methylamine (3:1 ratio) in the first step and triethylamine 3HF in the second step. The crude sequences thus obtained are precipitated using acetone: ethanol mix and the pellet are re-suspended in 0.02M sodium acetate buffer. Samples from each sequence are analyzed by LC-MS and the resulting mass data confirmed the identity of the sequences. A selected set of samples are also analyzed by IEX chromatography.

Purification and Desalting:

All single strands are isolated as desalted solutions in water prior to annealing step. Sequences are purified on AKTA explorer purification system using Source 15Q column. Purification is performed using a column and in-line buffer heater set at 60° C. A single peak corresponding to the full length sequence is collected in the eluant and is subsequently analyzed for purity by ion exchange chromatography.

The purified sequences are desalted on a Sephadex G25 column using AKTA purifier. The desalted KRAS sequences are analyzed for concentration and purity. The single strands are annealed on an automated platform to form siRNA duplexes. Each duplex is made at a concentration of 10 μM in 1× PBS and are analyzed for purity by capillary gel electrophoresis. Details on individual duplexes are provided in Tables 1 to 3. Some sequences in Table 2, and other tables herein, represent the DNA target of the recited RNAi agent (these DNA targets comprise DNA sequences, comprising T, rather than RNA sequences, which comprise U).


TABLE 3 KRAS duplexes with modified sequences SEQ SEQ ID ID Duplex Sense Sequence NO: Anti-sense Sequence NO: AD-35523.3 GGAcGAAuAuGAuccAAcAdTdT 855 UGUUGGAUcAuAUUCGUCCdTdT 1282 AD-35529.1 GAcGAAuAuGAuccAAcAAdTdT 856 UUGUUGGAUcAuAUUCGUCdTdT 1283 AD-35535.4 AcGAAuAuGAuccAAcAAudTdT 857 AUUGUUGGAUcAuAUUCGUdTdT 1284 AD-35541.4 cGAAuAuGAuccAAcAAuAdTdT 858 uAUUGUUGGAUcAuAUUCGdTdT 1285 AD-35547.4 GAAuAuGAuccAAcAAuAGdTdT 859 CuAUUGUUGGAUcAuAUUCdTdT 1286 AD-35553.4 AAuAuGAuccAAcAAuAGAdTdT 860 UCuAUUGUUGGAUcAuAUUdTdT 1287 AD-35559.4 AuAuGAuccAAcAAuAGAGdTdT 861 CUCuAUUGUUGGAUcAuAUdTdT 1288 AD-35565.4 uAuGAuccAAcAAuAGAGGdTdT 862 CCUCuAUUGUUGGAUcAuAdTdT 1289 AD-35524.4 AuGAuccAAcAAuAGAGGAdTdT 863 UCCUCuAUUGUUGGAUcAUdTdT 1290 AD-35530.4 uGAuccAAcAAuAGAGGAudTdT 864 AUCCUCuAUUGUUGGAUcAdTdT 1291 AD-35536.4 GAuccAAcAAuAGAGGAuudTdT 865 AAUCCUCuAUUGUUGGAUCdTdT 1292 AD-35542.4 AuccAAcAAuAGAGGAuucdTdT 866 GAAUCCUCuAUUGUUGGAUdTdT 1293 AD-35548.4 uccLAcAAuAGAGGAuuccdTdT 867 GGAAUCCUCuAUUGUUGGAdTdT 1294 AD-35554.4 ccAAcAAuAGAGGAuuccudTdT 868 AGGAAUCCUCuAUUGUUGGdTdT 1295 AD-35560.2 cAAcAAuAGAGGAuuccuAdTdT 869 uAGGAAUCCUCuAUUGUUGdTdT 1296 AD-35566.4 AAcAAuAGAGGAuuccuAcdTdT 870 GuAGGAAUCCUCuAUUGUUdTdT 1297 AD-35525.2 AcAAuAGAGGAuuccuAcAdTdT 871 UGuAGGAAUCCUCuAUUGUdTdT 1298 AD-35531.4 cAAuAGAGGAuuccuAcAGdTdT 872 CUGuAGGAAUCCUCuAUUGdTdT 1299 AD-35537.4 AAuAGAGGAuuccuAcAGGdTdT 873 CCUGuAGGAAUCCUCuAUUdTdT 1300 AD-35543.2 AuAGAGGAuuccuAcAGGAdTdT 874 UCCUGuAGGAAUCCUCuAUdTdT 1301 AD-35549.4 uAGAGGAuuccuAcAGGAAdTdT 875 UUCCUGuAGGAAUCCUCuAdTdT 1302 AD-35555.4 AGAGGAuuccuAcAGGAAGdTdT 876 CUUCCUGuAGGAAUCCUCUdTdT 1303 AD-35561.4 GAGGAuuccuAcAGGAAGcdTdT 877 GCUUCCUGuAGGAAUCCUCdTdT 1304 AD-35567.4 AGGAuuccuAcAGGAAGcAdTdT 878 UGCUUCCUGuAGGAAUCCUdTdT 1305 AD-35526.4 GGAuuccuAcAGGAAGcAAdTdT 879 UUGCUUCCUGuAGGAAUCCdTdT 1306 AD-35532.4 GAuuccuAcAGGAAGcAAGdTdT 880 CUUGCUUCCUGuAGGAAUCdTdT 1307 AD-35538.4 AuuccuAcAGGAAGcAAGudTdT 881 ACUUGCUUCCUGuAGGAAUdTdT 1308 AD-35544.4 uuccuAcAGGAAGcAAGuAdTdT 882 uACUUGCUUCCUGuAGGAAdTdT 1309 AD-35550.4 uccuAcAGGAAGcAAGuAGdTdT 883 CuACUUGCUUCCUGuAGGAdTdT 1310 AD-35556.4 ccuAcAGGAAGcAAGuAGudTdT 884 ACuACUUGCUUCCUGuAGGdTdT 1311 AD-35562.4 cuAcAGGAAGcAAGuAGuAdTdT 885 uACuACUUGCUUCCUGuAGdTdT 1312 AD-35568.4 uAcAGGAAGcAAGuAGuAAdTdT 886 UuACuACUUGCUUCCUGuAdTdT 1313 AD-35527.4 AcAGGAAGcAAGuAGuAAudTdT 887 AUuACuACUUGCUUCCUGUdTdT 1314 AD-35533.4 cAGGAAGcAAGuAGuAAuudTdT 888 AAUuACuACUUGCUUCCUGdTdT 1315 AD-35539.4 uuGGAuAuucucGAcAcAGdTdT 889 CUGUGUCGAGAAuAUCcAAdTdT 1316 AD-35545.4 uGGAuAuucucGAaAcAGcdTdT 890 GCUGUGUCGAGAAuAUCcAdTdT 1317 AD-35551.4 GGAuAuucucGAcAcAGcAdTdT 891 UGCUGUGUCGAGAAuAUCCdTdT 1318 AD-35563.4 AuAuucucGAcAcAGcAGGdTdT 892 CCUGCUGUGUCGAGAAuAUdTdT 1319 AD-35528.4 AuucucGAcAcAGcAGGucdTdT 893 GACCUGCUGUGUCGAGAAUdTdT 1320 AD-35540.4 ucucGAcAcAGcAGGucAAdTdT 894 UUGACCUGCUGUGUCGAGAdTdT 1321 AD-35546.4 cucGAcAcAGcAGGucAAGdTdT 895 CUUGACCUGCUGUGUCGAGdTdT 1322 AD-35552.4 ucGAcAcAGcAGGucAAGAdTdT 896 UCUUGACCUGCUGUGUCGAdTdT 1323 AD-35558.4 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AD-40013.1 GAAAuAAAuGuGAuuuGccdTdT 1216 GGcAAAUcAcAUUuAUUUCdTdT 1643 AD-40019.1 AAAuAAAuGuGAuuuGccudTdT 1217 AGGcAAAUcAcAUUuAUUUdTdT 1644 AD-40025.1 AAuAAAuGuGAuuuGccuudTdT 1218 AAGGcAAAUcAcAUUuAUUdTdT 1645 AD-40031.1 AuAAAuGuGAuuuGccuucdTdT 1219 GAAGGcAAAUcAcAUUuAUdTdT 1646 AD-40037.1 uAAAuGuGAuuuGccuucudTdT 1220 AGAAGGcAAAUcAcAUUuAdTdT 1647 AD-39996.1 AAAuGuGAuuuGccuucuAdTdT 1221 nAGAAGGcAAAUcAcAUUUdTdT 1648 AD-40002.1 AAuGuGAuuuGccuucuAGdTdT 1222 CuAGAAGGcAAAUcAcAUUdTdT 1649 AD-40008.1 AuGuGAuuuGccuucuAGAdTdT 1223 UCuAGAAGGcAAAUcAcAUdTdT 1650 AD-40014.1 uGuGAuuuGccuucuAGAAdTdT 1224 UUCuAGAAGGcAAAUcAcAdTdT 1651 AD-40020.1 GuGAuuuGccuucuAGAAcdTdT 1225 GUUCuAGAAGGcAAAUcACdTdT 1652 AD-40026.1 uGAuuuGccuucuAGAAcAdTdT 1226 UGUUCuAGAAGGcAAAUcAdTdT 1653 AD-40032.1 GAuuuGccuucuAGAAcAGdTdT 1227 CUGUUCuAGAAGGcAAAUCdTdT 1654 AD-40038.1 AuuuGccuucuAGAAcAGudTdT 1228 ACUGUUCuAGAAGGcAAAUdTdT 1655 AD-39997.1 uuuGccuucuAGAAcAGuAdTdT 1229  uACUGUUCuAGAAGGcAAAdTdT 1656 AD-40009.1 uGccuucuAGAAcAGuAGAdTdT 1230 UCuACUGUUCuAGAAGGcAdTdT 1657 AD-40015.1 GccuucuAGAAcAGuAGAcdTdT 1231 GUCuACUGUUCuAGAAGGCdTdT 1658 AD-40021.1 ccuucuAGAAcAGuAGAcAdTdT 1232 UGUCuACUGUUCuAGAAGGdTdT 1659 AD-40027.1 cuucuAGAAcAGuAGAcAcdTdT 1233 GUGUCuACUGUUCuAGAAGdTdT 1660 AD-40033.1 uucuAGAAcAGuAGAaAcAdTdT 1234 UGUGUCuACUGUUCuAGAAdTdT 1661 AD-40039.1 ucuAGAAcAGuAGAcAcAAdTdT 1235 UUGUGUCuACUGUUCuAGAdTdT 1662 AD-40045.1 cuAGAAcAGuAGAaAcAAAdTdT 1236 UUUGUGUCuACUGUUCuAGdTdT 1663 AD-40051.1 nAGAAcAGuAGAcAcAAAAdTdT 1237 UUUUGUGUCuACUGUUCuAdTdT 1664 AD-40057.1 AGAAcAGuAGAcAcAAAAcdTdT 1238 GUUUUGUGUCuACUGUUCUdTdT 1665 AD-40063.1 GAAcAGuAGAcAcAAAAcAdTdT 1239 UGUUUUGUGUCuACUGUUCdTdT 1666 AD-40069.1 AAcAGuAGAcAcAAAAcAGdTdT 1240 CUGUUUUGUGUCuACUGUUdTdT 1667 AD-40075.1 AcAGuAGAcAcAAAAcAGGdTdT 1241 CCUGUUUUGUGUCuACUGUdTdT 1668 AD-40081.1 aAGuAGAcAcAAAAcAGGcdTdT 1242 GCCUGUUUUGUGUCuACUGdTdT 1669 AD-40040.1 AGuAGAcAcAAAAcAGGcudTdT 1243 AGCCUGUUUUGUGUCuACUdTdT 1670 AD-40046.1 GuAGAcAcAAAAcAGGcucdTdT 1244 GAGCCUGUUUUGUGUCuACdTdT 1671 AD-40052.1 nAGAcAcAAAAcAGGcucAdTdT 1245 UGAGCCUGUUUUGUGUCuAdTdT 1672 AD-40058.1 AGAcAcAAAAcAGGcucAGdTdT 1246 CUGAGCCUGUUUUGUGUCUdTdT 1673 AD-40064.1 GAcAcAAAAcAGGcucAGGdTdT 1247 CCUGAGCCUGUUUUGUGUCdTdT 1674 AD-40070.1 AcAcAAAAcAGGcucAGGAdTdT 1248 UCCUGAGCCUGUUUUGUGUdTdT 1675 AD-40076.1 aAcAAAAcAGGcucAGGAcdTdT 1249 GUCCUGAGCCUGUUUUGUGdTdT 1676 AD-40082.1 AcAAAAcAGGcucAGGAcudTdT 1250 AGUCCUGAGCCUGUUUUGUdTdT 1677 AD-40041.1 cAAAAcAGGcucAGGAcuudTdT 1251 AAGUCCUGAGCCUGUUUUGdTdT 1678 AD-40047.1 AAAAcAGGcucAGGAcuuAdTdT 1252 uAAGUCCUGAGCCUGUUUUdTdT 1679 AD-40053.1 AAAcAGGcucAGGAcuuAGdTdT 1253 CuAAGUCCUGAGCCUGUUUdTdT 1680 AD-40059.1 AAcAGGcucAGGAcuuAGcdTdT 1254 GCuAAGUCCUGAGCCUGUUdTdT 1681 AD-40065.1 AcAGGcucAGGAcuuAGcAdTdT 1255 UGCuAAGUCCUGAGCCUGUdTdT 1682 AD-40071.1 cAGGcucAGGAcuuAGcAAdTdT 1256 UUGCuAAGUCCUGAGCCUGdTdT 1683 AD-40077.1 AGGcucAGGAcuuAGcAAGdTdT 1257 CUUGCuAAGUCCUGAGCCUdTdT 1684 AD-40083.1 GGcucAGGAcuuAGcAAGAdTdT 1258 UCUUGCuAAGUCCUGAGCCdTdT 1685 AD-40042.1 GcucAGGAcuuAGcAAGAAdTdT 1259 UUCUUGCuAAGUCCUGAGCdTdT 1686 AD-40048.1 cucAGGAcuuAGcAAGAAGdTdT 1260 CUUCUUGCuAAGUCCUGAGdTdT 1687 AD-40054.1 ucAGGAcuuAGcAAGAAGudTdT 1261 ACUUCUUGCuAAGUCCUGAdTdT 1688 AD-40060.1 cAGGAcuuAGcAAGAAGuudTdT 1262 AACUUCUUGCuAAGUCCUGdTdT 1689 AD-40066.1 AGGAcuuAGcAAGAAGuuAdTdT 1263 uAACUUCUUGCuAAGUCCUdTdT 1690 AD-40072.1 GGAcuuAGcAAGAAGuuAudTdT 1264 AuAACUUCUUGCuAAGUCCdTdT 1691 AD-40078.1 GAcuuAGcAAGAAGuuAuGdTdT 1265 cAuAACUUCUUGCuAAGUCdTdT 1692 AD-40084.1 AcuuAGcAAGAAGuuAuGGdTdT 1266 CcAuAACUUCUUGCuAAGUdTdT 1693 AD-40043.1 cuuAGcAAGAAGuuAuGGAdTdT 1267 UCcAuAACUUCUUGCuAAGdTdT 1694 AD-40049.1 uuAGcAAGAAGuuAuGGAAdTdT 1268 UUCcAuAACUUCUUGCuAAdTdT 1695 AD-40055.1 uAGcAAGAAGuuAuGGAAudTdT 1269 AUUCcAuAACUUCUUGCuAdTdT 1696 AD-40061.1 AGcAAGAAGuuAuGGAAuudTdT 1270 AAUUCcAuAACUUCUUGCUdTdT 1697 AD-40067.1 GcAAGAAGuuAuGGAAuucdTdT 1271 GAAUUCcAuAACUUCUUGCdTdT 1698 AD-40073.1 cAAGAAGuuAuGGAAuuccdTdT 1272 GGAAUUCcAuAACUUCUUGdTdT 1699 AD-40079.1 AAGAAGuuAuGGAAuuccudTdT 1273 AGGAAUUCcAuAACUUCUUdTdT 1700 AD-40085.1 AGAAGuuAuGGAAuuccuudTdT 1274 AAGGAAUUCcAuAACUUCUdTdT 1701 AD-40044.1 GAAGuuAuGGAAuuccuuudTdT 1275 AAAGGAAUUCcAuAACUUCdTdT 1702 AD-40050.1 AAGuuAuGGAAuuccuuuudTdT 1276 AAAAGGAAUUCcAuAACUUdTdT 1703 AD-40056.1 AGuuAuGGAAuuccuuuuAdTdT 1277 uAAAAGGAAUUCcAuAACUdTdT 1704 AD-40062.1 GuuAuGGAAuuccuuuuAudTdT 1278 AuAAAAGGAAUUCcAuAACdTdT 1705 AD-40068.1 uuAuGGAAuuccuuuuAuudTdT 1279 AAuAAAAGGAAUUCcAuAAdTdT 1706 AD-40074.1 uAuGGAAuuccuuuuAuuGdTdT 1280 cAAuAAAAGGAAUUCcAuAdTdT 1707 AD-40080.1 AuGGAAuuccuuuuAuuGAdTdT 1281 UcAAuAAAAGGAAUUCcAUdTdT 1708 AD-39720.1 ActtGtGGtAGttGGAGcttt 1792 AGCTCcAACtACcAcAAGTtt 1830 AD-39706.1 GcAAGAGtGccttGAcGAttt 1793 ATCGTcAAGGcACTCTTGCtt 1831 AD-39712.1 cAAGAGtGccttGAcGAtAtt 1794 tATCGTcAAGGcACTCTTGtt 1832 AD-39760.1 ccttGAcGAtAcAGctAAttt 1795 ATtAGCTGtATCGTcAAGGtt 1833 AD-39732.1 cAGctAAttcAGAAtcAtttt 1796 AATGATTCTGAATtAGCTGtt 1834 AD-35541.4 cGAAtAtGAtccAAcAAtAtt 1797 tATTGTTGGATcAtATTCGtt 1835 AD-39735.1 GGAAGcAAGtAGtAAttGAuu 1798 TcAATtACtACTTGCTTCCuu 1836 or hs_KRAS 321_A22S26 AD-39741.1 GAAGcAAGtAGtAAttGAtuu 1799 ATcAATtACtACTTGCTTCuu 1837 or hs_KRAS 322_A22S26 AD-39778.1 AGtAGtAAttGAtGGAGAAtt 1800 TTCTCcATcAATtACtACTtt 1838 AD-39790.1 tAGtAAttGAtGGAGAAActt 1801 GTTTCTCcATcAATtACtAtt 1839 AD-39822.1 GtctcttGGAtAttctcGAtt 1802 TCGAGAAtATCcAAGAGACtt 1840 AD-35609.4 GGGctttctttGtGtAttttt 1803 AAAtAcAcAAAGAAAGCCCtt 1841 AD-35581.4 GtGtAtttGccAtAAAtAAtt 1804 TtATTtATGGcAAAtAcACtt 1842 AD-39845.1 ccAtAAAtAAtActAAAtctt 1805 GATTtAGtATtATTtATGGtt 1843 AD-39858.1 tActAAAtcAtttGAAGAttt 1806 ATCTTcAAATGATTtAGtAtt 1844 AD-39870.1 ctAAAtcAtttGAAGAtAtuu 1807 AtATCTTcAAATGATTtAGuu 1845 AD-35576.4 GAAGAtAttcAccAttAtAtt 1808 tAtAATGGTGAAtATCTTCtt 1846 AD-35588.4 AGAtAttcAccAttAtAGAtt 1809 TCtAtAATGGTGAAtATCTtt 1847 AD-35600.1 AtAttcAccAttAtAGAGAtt 1810 TCTCtAtAATGGTGAAtATtt 1848 AD-35606.1 tAttcAccAttAtAGAGAAtt 1811 TTCTCtAtAATGGTGAAtAtt 1849 AD-38151.1 aAttAtAGAGAAcAAAttAtt 1812 tAATTTGTTCTCtAtAATGtt 1850 AD-38163.1 ttAtAGAGAAcAAAttAAAtt 1813 TTtAATTTGTTCTCtAtAAtt 1851 AD-39999.1 GAGttAAGGActctGAAGAtt 1814 TCTTcAGAGTCCTtAACTCtt 1852 AD-38159.1 ctAtGGtcctAGtAGGAAAuu 1815 TTTCCtACtAGGACcAtAGuu 1853 or hs KRAS 528_A22S26 AD-38130.1 tGGtcctAGtAGGAAAtAAuu 1816 TtATTTCCtACtAGGACcAuu 1854 or hs KRAS 531_A22S26 AD-38136.1 GGtcctAGtAGGAAAtAAAtt 1817 TTtATTTCCtACtAGGACCtt 1855 AD-40036.1 GtAGGAAAtAAAtGtGAtttt 1818 AATcAcATTtATTTCCtACtt 1856 AD-40008.1 AtGtGAtttGccttctAGAtt 1819 TCtAGAAGGcAAATcAcATtt 1857 AD-40021.1 ccttctAGAAcAGtAGAcAtt 1820 TGTCtACTGTTCtAGAAGGtt 1858 AD-40077.1 AGGctcAGGActtAGcAAGtt 1821 CTTGCtAAGTCCTGAGCCTtt 1859 AD-40072.1 GGActtAGcAAGAAGttAttt 1822 AtAACTTCTTGCtAAGTCCtt 1860 AD-40061.1 AGcAAGAAGttAtGGAAtttt 1823 AATTCcAtAACTTCTTGCTtt 1861 AD-40068.1 ttAtGGAAttccttttAtttt 1824 AAtAAAAGGAATTCcAtAAtt 1862 AD-38131.1 GGAAttccttttAttGAAAtt 1825 TTTcAAtAAAAGGAATTCCtt 1863 AD-38167.1 ccttttAttGAAAcAtcAGtt 1826 CTGATGTTTcAAtAAAAGGtt 1864 hs_KRAS cctGAtGAAtGtAAAGttAuu 1827 tAACTTtAcATTcATcAGGuu 1865 1273_A22S26 hs_KRAS GGAGAAt ttAAtAAAGAtAuu 1828 TATCTTtATtAAATTCTCCuu 1866 2892_A37S26 hs_KRAS GAAtAGtcAtAActAGAttuu 1829 AATCtAGTtATGACtATTCuu 1867 4731_A22S26

Modifications of the sequences of RNAi agents are easily conceived by one of skill in the art. Examples and non-limiting modifications of these sequences are conceived and are also listed in Table 3. Note for example, that many sequences end with a terminal dTdT. This is a variant of the TT terminal overhang known to protect siRNAs from nuclease degradation (e.g., in blood serum or intestinal fluid). The dTdT or TT terminal overhangs are optional; they can be replaced by various types of 3′ end caps, provided that the 3′ end caps are capable of both mediating nuclease resistance and allowing siRNA activity.

Some modifications are placed at sites predicted to be sensitive to endonucleases. Some modifications are designed to eliminate an immune response to the siRNA while preserving activity. In general, the sense strand is heavily modified, and the antisense strand lightly modified. Some modifications serve more than one purpose.

The sequences in Tables 1 to 3 are represented by these abbreviations:

TABLE 1A ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Nucleotide(s) A adenosine-5′-phosphate C cytidine-5′-phosphate G guanosine-5′-phosphate dT 2′-deoxy-thymidine-5′-phosphate U uridine-5′-phosphate c 2′-O-methylcytidine-5′-phosphate u 2′-O-methyluridine-5′-phosphate sdT 2′-deoxy Thymidine 5′-phosphorothioate

siRNA Sequence Selection

Sense and antisense human SCNNB1-derived siRNA oligos (RNAi agents to KRAS) are synthesized, as described herein. The sense and their respective antisense oligos are annealed into duplexes.

Example 2

Overlapping Sets of KRAS RNAi Agents

The present disclosure also relates to groups of RNAi agents to KRAS with overlapping sequences. Thus, the present disclosure encompasses groups of RNAi agents wherein each RNAi agent in the group overlaps with each other RNAi agent in the same group by at least 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 or more nucleotides. Particularly, in one embodiment, the overlap is at least 12 nt.

Some of the RNAi agents listed herein overlap each other in sequence. Table 4 presents a compilation of some of these groups of overlapping RNAi agents, wherein each member of a group overlaps with each other member of the same group by at least 12 nt. A 12-nt portion of the overlap of the sense and anti-sense strand are presented.

Thus, for example, as shown in Table 4, the sequences of duplexes AD-39695.1, AD-39689.1AD-39707.1, AD-39683.1, and AD-39701.1 all overlap, wherein the overlap in sense strand comprises the sequence CUGAAUAUAAAC (SEQ ID NO: 1874) and the overlap in the anti-sense strand comprises the sequence GUUUAUAUUCAG (SEQ ID NO: 1875).

However, in the present disclosure encompasses any set or subset or group or subgroup of KRAS RNAi agents which share the common technical feature of a sequence overlap (e.g., by at least 12 nt). Thus the present disclosure also encompasses the example groups of AD-39695.1, AD-39689.1, AD-39707.1, AD-39683.1, and AD-39701.1, but also these subgroups: AD-39695.1 and AD-39689.1; AD-39695.1 and AD-39707.1; AD-39695.1, AD-39689.1, and AD-39701.1; AD-39689.1, AD-39707.1, and AD-39701.1; AD-39707.1 and AD-39683.1; AD-39707.1, AD-39683.1, and AD-39701.1; etc, and any other group of overlapping KRAS RNAi agents.

TABLE 4 Overlapping sets of KRAS RNAi agents SEQ SEQ ID Anti-sense ID Sense overlap NO: overlap NO: Overlapping RNAi agents to KRAS UGACUGAAUAUA 1868 UAUAUUCAGUCA 1869 AD-39689.1,AD-39683.1 GACUGAAUAUAA 1870 UUAUAUUCAGuc 1871 AD-39695.1,AD-39689.1,AD-39683.1 ACUGAAUAUAAA 1872 UUUAUAUUCAGU 1873 AD-39695.1,AD-39689.1,AD-39683.1,AD-39701.1 CUGAAUAUAAAC 1874 GUUUAUAUUCAG 1875 AD-39695.1,AD-39689.1,AD-39707.1,AD- 39683.1,AD-39701.1 UGAAUAUAAACU 1876 AGUUUAUAUUCA 1877 AD-39695.1,AD-39689.1,AD-39713.1,AD- 39707.1,AD-39683.1,AD-39701.1 GAAUAUAAACUU 1878 AAGUUUAUAUuc 1879 AD-39695.1,AD-39689.1,AD-39713.1,AD- 39707.1,AD-39683.1,AD-39701.1,AD-39719.1 AAUAUAAACUUG 1880 CAAGUUUAUAUU 1881 AD-39695.1,AD-39689.1,AD-39713.1,AD- 39707.1,AD-39683.1,AD-39701.1,AD-39725.1,AD- 39719.1 AUAUAAACUUGU 1882 ACAAGUUUAUAU 1883 AD-39695.1,AD-39689.1,AD-39713.1,AD- 39707.1,AD-39701.1,AD-39725.1,AD-39719.1,AD- 39684.1 UAUAAACUUGUG 1884 CACAAGUUUAUA 1885 AD-39690.1,AD-39695.1,AD-39713.1,AD- 39707.1,AD-39701.1,AD-39725.1,AD-39719.1,AD- 39684.1 AUAAACUUGUGG 1886 CCACAAGUUUAU 1887 AD-39690.1,AD-39713.1,AD-39707.1,AD- 39701.1,AD-39725.1,AD-39719.1,AD-39684.1,AD- 39696.1 UAAACUUGUGGU 1888 ACCACAAGUUUA 1889 AD-39690.1,AD-39713.1,AD-39707.1,AD- 39725.1,AD-39702.1,AD-39719.1,AD-39684.1,AD- 39696.1 AAACUUGUGGUA 1890 UACCACAAGUUU 1891 AD-39690.1,AD-39713.1,AD-39725.1,AD- 39702.1,AD-39719.1,AD-39684.1,AD-39696.1,AD- 39708.1 AACUUGUGGUAG 1892 CUACCACAAGUU 1893 AD-39690.1,AD-39725.1,AD-39702.1,AD- 39719.1,AD-39684.1,AD-39714.1,AD-39696.1,AD- 39708.1 ACUUGUGGUAGU 1894 ACUACCACAAGU 1895 AD-39690.1,AD-39725.1,AD-39702.1,AD- 39684.1,AD-39714.1,AD-39696.1,AD-39708.1,AD- 39720.1 CUUGUGGUAGUU 1896 AACUACCACAAG 1897 AD-39690.1,AD-39702.1,AD-39684.1,AD- 39714.1,AD-39696.1,AD-39708.1,AD-39720.1,AD- 39726.1 UUGUGGUAGUUG 1898 CAACUACCACAA 1899 AD-39690.1,AD-39702.1,AD-39714.1,AD- 39696.1,AD-39708.1,AD-39720.1,AD-39726.1,AD- 39685.1 UGUGGUAGUUGG 1900 CCAACUACCACA 1901 AD-39691.1,AD-39702.1,AD-39714.1,AD- 39696.1,AD-39708.1,AD-39720.1,AD-39726.1,AD- 39685.1 GUGGUAGUUGGA 1902 UCCAACUACCAC 1903 AD-39691.1,AD-39697.1,AD-39702.1,AD- 39714.1,AD-39708.1,AD-39720.1,AD-39726.1,AD- 39685.1 UGGUAGUUGGAG 1904 CUCCAACUACCA 1905 AD-39703.1,AD-39691.1,AD-39697.1,AD- 39714.1,AD-39708.1,AD-39720.1,AD-39726.1,AD- 39685.1 GGUAGUUGGAGC 1906 GCUCCAACUACC 1907 AD-39703.1,AD-39691.1,AD-39697.1,AD- 39714.1,AD-39709.1,AD-39720.1,AD-39726.1,AD- 39685.1 GUAGUUGGAGCU 1908 AGCUCCAACUAC 1909 AD-39703.1,AD-39691.1,AD-39697.1,AD- 39715.1,AD-39709.1,AD-39720.1,AD-39726.1,AD- 39685.1 UAGUUGGAGCUG 1910 CAGCUCCAACUA 1911 AD-39703.1,AD-39691.1,AD-39697.1,AD- 39715.1,AD-39709.1,AD-39721.1,AD-39726.1,AD- 39685.1 AGUUGGAGCUGG 1912 CCAGCUCCAACU 1913 AD-39703.1,AD-39691.1,AD-39697.1,AD- 39715.1,AD-39709.1,AD-39721.1,AD-39727.1,AD- 39685.1 GUUGGAGCUGGU 1914 ACCAGCUCCAAC 1915 AD-39703.1,AD-39691.1,AD-39686.1,AD- 39697.1,AD-39715.1,AD-39709.1,AD-39721.1,AD- 39727.1 UUGGAGCUGGUG 1916 CACCAGCUCCAA 1917 AD-39703.1,AD-39686.1,AD-39697.1,AD- 39692.1,AD-39715.1,AD-39709.1,AD-39721.1,AD- 39727.1 UGGAGCUGGUGG 1918 CCACCAGCUCCA 1919 AD-39703.1,AD-39686.1,AD-39692.1,AD- 39715.1,AD-39709.1,AD-39698.1,AD-39721.1,AD- 39727.1 GGAGCUGGUGGC 1920 GCCACCAGCUCC 1921 AD-39686.1,AD-39692.1,AD-39715.1,AD- 39709.1,AD-39698.1,AD-39721.1,AD-39704.1,AD- 39727.1 GAGCUGGUGGCG 1922 CGCCACCAGCUC 1923 AD-39710.1,AD-39686.1,AD-39692.1,AD- 39715.1,AD-39698.1,AD-39721.1,AD-39704.1,AD- 39727.1 AGCUGGUGGCGU 1924 ACGCCACCAGCU 1925 AD-39710.1,AD-39686.1,AD-39692.1,AD- 39716.1,AD-39698.1,AD-39721.1,AD-39704.1,AD- 39727.1 GCUGGUGGCGUA 1926 UACGCCACCAGC 1927 AD-39710.1,AD-39686.1,AD-39692.1,AD- 39722.1,AD-39716.1,AD-39698.1,AD-39704.1,AD- 39727.1 CUGGUGGCGUAG 1928 CUACGCCACCAG 1929 AD-39710.1,AD-39686.1,AD-39692.1,AD- 39722.1,AD-39716.1,AD-39728.1,AD-39698.1,AD- 39704.1 UGGUGGCGUAGG 1930 CCUACGCCACCA 1931 AD-39710.1,AD-39687.1,AD-39692.1,AD- 39722.1,AD-39716.1,AD-39728.1,AD-39698.1,AD- 39704.1 GGUGGCGUAGGC 1932 GCCUACGCCACC 1933 AD-39693.1,AD-39710.1,AD-39687.1,AD- 39722.1,AD-39716.1,AD-39728.1,AD-39698.1,AD- 39704.1 GUGGCGUAGGCA 1934 UGCCUACGCCAC 1935 AD-39693.1,AD-39710.1,AD-39699.1,AD- 39687.1,AD-39722.1,AD-39716.1,AD-39728.1,AD- 39704.1 UGGCGUAGGCAA 1936 UUGCCUACGCCA 1937 AD-39693.1,AD-39710.1,AD-39699.1,AD- 39687.1,AD-39722.1,AD-39716.1,AD-39705.1,AD- 39728.1 GGCGUAGGCAAG 1938 CUUGCCUACGCC 1939 AD-39693.1,AD-39699.1,AD-39687.1,AD- 39711.1,AD-39722.1,AD-39716.1,AD-39705.1,AD- 39728.1 GCGUAGGCAAGA 1940 UCUUGCCUACGC 1941 AD-39693.1,AD-39699.1,AD-39687.1,AD- 39717.1,AD-39711.1,AD-39722.1,AD-39705.1,AD- 39728.1 CGUAGGCAAGAG 1942 CUCUUGCCUACG 1943 AD-39693.1,AD-39699.1,AD-39687.1,AD- 39717.1,AD-39711.1,AD-39705.1,AD-39728.1,AD- 39723.1 GUAGGCAAGAGU 1944 ACUCUUGCCUAC 1945 AD-39693.1,AD-39699.1,AD-39687.1,AD- 39717.1,AD-39711.1,AD-39729.1,AD-39705.1,AD- 39723.1 UAGGCAAGAGUG 1946 CACUCUUGCCUA 1947 AD-39693.1,AD-39699.1,AD-39717.1,AD- 39711.1,AD-39688.1,AD-39729.1,AD-39705.1,AD- 39723.1 AGGCAAGAGUGC 1948 GCACUCUUGCCU 1949 AD-39699.1,AD-39717.1,AD-39711.1,AD- 39688.1,AD-39729.1,AD-39705.1,AD-39694.1,AD- 39723.1 GGCAAGAGUGCC 1950 GGCACUCUUGCC 1951 AD-39717.1,AD-39711.1,AD-39688.1,AD- 39729.1,AD-39705.1,AD-39694.1,AD-39700.1,AD- 39723.1 GCAAGAGUGCCU 1952 AGGCACUCUUGC 1953 AD-39717.1,AD-39711.1,AD-39688.1,AD- 39729.1,AD-39706.1,AD-39694.1,AD-39700.1,AD- 39723.1 CAAGAGUGCCUU 1954 AAGGCACUCUUG 1955 AD-39712.1,AD-39717.1,AD-39688.1,AD- 39729.1,AD-39706.1,AD-39694.1,AD-39700.1,AD- 39723.1 AAGAGUGCCUUG 1956 CAAGGCACUCUU 1957 AD-39718.1,AD-39712.1,AD-39688.1,AD- 39729.1,AD-39706.1,AD-39694.1,AD-39700.1,AD- 39723.1 AGAGUGCCUUGA 1958 UCAAGGCACUCU 1959 AD-39718.1,AD-39712.1,AD-39724.1,AD- 39688.1,AD-39729.1,AD-39706.1,AD-39694.1,AD- 39700.1 GAGUGCCUUGAC 1960 GUCAAGGCACUC 1961 AD-39718.1,AD-39712.1,AD-39724.1,AD- 39688.1,AD-39706.1,AD-39694.1,AD-39700.1,AD- 39730.1 AGUGCCUUGACG 1962 CGUCAAGGCACU 1963 AD-39718.1,AD-39712.1,AD-39724.1,AD- 39706.1,AD-39694.1,AD-39736.1,AD-39700.1,AD- 39730.1 GUGCCUUGACGA 1964 UCGUCAAGGCAC 1965 AD-39718.1,AD-39712.1,AD-39724.1,AD- 39742.1,AD-39706.1,AD-39736.1,AD-39700.1,AD- 39730.1 UGCCUUGACGAU 1966 AUCGUCAAGGCA 1967 AD-39718.1,AD-39712.1,AD-39724.1,AD- 39742.1,AD-39706.1,AD-39736.1,AD-39748.1,AD- 39730.1 GCCUUGACGAUA 1968 UAUCGUCAAGGC 1969 AD-39718.1,AD-39712.1,AD-39724.1,AD- 39742.1,AD-39754.1,AD-39736.1,AD-39748.1,AD- 39730.1 CCUUGACGAUAC 1970 GUAUCGUCAAGG 1971 AD-39718.1,AD-39724.1,AD-39742.1,AD- 39754.1,AD-39736.1,AD-39748.1,AD-39760.1,AD- 39730.1 CUUGACGAUACA 1972 UGUAUCGUCAAG 1973 AD-39724.1,AD-39742.1,AD-39754.1,AD- 39736.1,AD-39748.1,AD-39760.1,AD-39730.1,AD- 39766.1 UUGACGAUACAG 1974 CUGUAUCGUCAA 1975 AD-39742.1,AD-39772.1,AD-39754.1,AD- 39736.1,AD-39748.1,AD-39760.1,AD-39730.1,AD- 39766.1 UGACGAUACAGC 1976 GCUGUAUCGUCA 1977 AD-39742.1,AD-39772.1,AD-39754.1,AD- 39736.1,AD-39731.1,AD-39748.1,AD-39760.1,AD- 39766.1 GACGAUACAGCU 1978 AGCUGUAUCGUC 1979 AD-39737.1,AD-39742.1,AD-39772.1,AD- 39754.1,AD-39731.1,AD-39748.1,AD-39760.1,AD- 39766.1 ACGAUACAGCUA 1980 UAGCUGUAUCGU 1981 AD-39737.1,AD-39772.1,AD-39754.1,AD- 39743.1,AD-39731.1,AD-39748.1,AD-39760.1,AD- 39766.1 CGAUACAGCUAA 1982 UUAGCUGUAUCG 1983 AD-39737.1,AD-39772.1,AD-39754.1,AD- 39743.1,AD-39731.1,AD-39760.1,AD-39749.1,AD- 39766.1 GAUACAGCUAAU 1984 AUUAGCUGUAUC 1985 AD-39737.1,AD-39772.1,AD-39743.1,AD- 39731.1,AD-39760.1,AD-39749.1,AD-39755.1,AD- 39766.1 AUACAGCUAAUU 1986 AAUUAGCUGUAU 1987 AD-39761.1,AD-39737.1,AD-39772.1,AD- 39743.1,AD-39731.1,AD-39749.1,AD-39755.1,AD- 39766.1 UACAGCUAAUUC 1988 GAAUUAGCUGUA 1989 AD-39767.1,AD-39761.1,AD-39737.1,AD- 39772.1,AD-39743.1,AD-39731.1,AD-39749.1,AD- 39755.1 ACAGCUAAUUCA 1990 UGAAUUAGCUGU 1991 AD-39767.1,AD-39761.1,AD-39737.1,AD- 39743.1,AD-39731.1,AD-39773.1,AD-39749.1,AD- 39755.1 CAGCUAAUUCAG 1992 CUGAAUUAGCUG 1993 AD-39767.1,AD-39761.1,AD-39737.1,AD- 39732.1,AD-39743.1,AD-39773.1,AD-39749.1,AD- 39755.1 AGCUAAUUCAGA 1994 UCUGAAUUAGCU 1995 AD-39767.1,AD-39761.1,AD-39732.1,AD- 39743.1,AD-39738.1,AD-39773.1,AD-39749.1,AD- 39755.1 GCUAAUUCAGAA 1996 UUCUGAAUUAGC 1997 AD-39767.1,AD-39761.1,AD-39744.1,AD- 39732.1,AD-39738.1,AD-39773.1,AD-39749.1,AD- 39755.1 CUAAUUCAGAAU 1998 AUUCUGAAUUAG 1999 AD-39767.1,AD-39761.1,AD-39744.1,AD- 39732.1,AD-39750.1,AD-39738.1,AD-39773.1,AD- 39755.1 UAAUUCAGAAUC 2000 GAUUCUGAAUUA 2001 AD-39756.1,AD-39767.1,AD-39761.1,AD- 39744.1,AD-39732.1,AD-39750.1,AD-39738.1,AD- 39773.1 AAUUCAGAAUCA 2002 UGAUUCUGAAUU 2003 AD-39756.1,AD-39767.1,AD-39744.1,AD- 39762.1,AD-39732.1,AD-39750.1,AD-39738.1,AD- 39773.1 AUUCAGAAUCAU 2004 AUGAUUCUGAAU 2005 AD-39756.1,AD-39744.1,AD-39762.1,AD- 39732.1,AD-39768.1,AD-39750.1,AD-39738.1,AD- 39773.1 UUCAGAAUCAUU 2006 AAUGAUUCUGAA 2007 AD-39756.1,AD-39774.1,AD-39744.1,AD- 39762.1,AD-39732.1,AD-39768.1,AD-39750.1,AD- 39738.1 UCAGAAUCAUUU 2008 AAAUGAUUCUGA 2009 AD-39756.1,AD-39774.1,AD-39744.1,AD- 39762.1,AD-39733.1,AD-39768.1,AD-39750.1,AD- 39738.1 CAGAAUCAUUUU 2010 AAAAUGAUUCUG 2011 AD-39756.1,AD-39739.1,AD-39774.1,AD- 39744.1,AD-39762.1,AD-39733.1,AD-39768.1,AD- 39750.1 AGAAUCAUUUUG 2012 CAAAAUGAUUCU 2013 AD-39745.1,AD-39756.1,AD-39739.1,AD- 39774.1,AD-39762.1,AD-39733.1,AD-39768.1,AD- 39750.1 GAAUCAUUUUGU 2014 ACAAAAUGAUUC 2015 AD-39745.1,AD-39756.1,AD-39739.1,AD- 39774.1,AD-39762.1,AD-39733.1,AD-39768.1,AD- 39751.1 AAUCAUUUUGUG 2016 CACAAAAUGAUU 2017 AD-39745.1,AD-39739.1,AD-39774.1,AD- 39757.1,AD-39762.1,AD-39733.1,AD-39768.1,AD- 39751.1 AUCAUUUUGUGG 2018 CCACAAAAUGAU 2019 AD-39745.1,AD-39739.1,AD-39774.1,AD- 39757.1,AD-39733.1,AD-39768.1,AD-39751.1,AD- 39763.1 UCAUUUUGUGGA 2020 UCCACAAAAUGA 2021 AD-39745.1,AD-39739.1,AD-39774.1,AD- 39757.1,AD-39733.1,AD-39751.1,AD-39769.1,AD- 39763.1 CAUUUUGUGGAC 2022 GUCCACAAAAUG 2023 AD-39745.1,AD-39739.1,AD-39775.1,AD- 39757.1,AD-39733.1,AD-39751.1,AD-39769.1,AD- 39763.1 AUUUUGUGGACG 2024 CGUCCACAAAAU 2025 AD-39745.1,AD-39739.1,AD-39775.1,AD- 39757.1,AD-39751.1,AD-39769.1,AD-39763.1,AD- 39734.1 UUUUGUGGACGA 2026 UCGUCCACAAAA 2027 AD-39745.1,AD-39775.1,AD-39757.1,AD- 39751.1,AD-39769.1,AD-39740.1,AD-39763.1,AD- 39734.1 UUUGUGGACGAA 2028 UUCGUCCACAAA 2029 AD-39775.1,AD-39746.1,AD-39757.1,AD- 39751.1,AD-39769.1,AD-39740.1,AD-39763.1,AD- 39734.1 UUGUGGACGAAU 2030 AUUCGUCCACAA 2031 AD-39752.1,AD-39775.1,AD-39746.1,AD- 39757.1,AD-39769.1,AD-39740.1,AD-39763.1,AD- 39734.1 UGUGGACGAAUA 2032 UAUUCGUCCACA 2033 AD-39752.1,AD-39775.1,AD-39746.1,AD- 39758.1,AD-39769.1,AD-39740.1,AD-39763.1,AD- 39734.1 GUGGACGAAUAU 2034 AUAUUCGUCCAC 2035 AD-39752.1,AD-39775.1,AD-39764.1,AD- 39746.1,AD-39758.1,AD-39769.1,AD-39740.1,AD- 39734.1 UGGACGAAUAUG 2036 CAUAUUCGUCCA 2037 AD-39752.1,AD-39775.1,AD-39764.1,AD- 39746.1,AD-39770.1,AD-39758.1,AD-39740.1,AD- 39734.1 GGACGAAUAUGA 2038 UCAUAUUCGUCC 2039 AD-39752.1,AD-35523.3,AD-39764.1,AD- 39746.1,AD-39770.1,AD-39758.1,AD-39740.1,AD- 39734.1 GACGAAUAUGAU 2040 AUCAUAUUCGUC 2041 AD-39752.1,AD-35529.1,AD-35523.3,AD- 39764.1,AD-39746.1,AD-39770.1,AD-39758.1,AD- 39740.1 ACGAAUAUGAUC 2042 GAUCAUAUUCGU 2043 AD-39752.1,AD-35529.1,AD-35523.3,AD- 39764.1,AD-39746.1,AD-35535.4,AD-39770.1,AD- 39758.1 CGAAUAUGAUCC 2044 GGAUCAUAUUCG 2045 AD-39752.1,AD-35529.1,AD-35523.3,AD- 35541.4,AD-39764.1,AD-35535.4,AD-39770.1,AD- 39758.1 GAAUAUGAUCCA 2046 UGGAUCAUAUUC 2047 AD-35529.1,AD-35523.3,AD-35541.4,AD- 39764.1,AD-35535.4,AD-39770.1,AD-39758.1,AD- 35547.4 AAUAUGAUCCAA 2048 UUGGAUCAUAUU 2049 AD-35529.1,AD-35523.3,AD-35541.4,AD- 39764.1,AD-35535.4,AD-39770.1,AD-35553.4,AD- 35547.4 AUAUGAUCCAAC 2050 GUUGGAUCAUAU 2051 AD-35529.1,AD-35523.3,AD-35541.4,AD- 35559.4,AD-35535.4,AD-39770.1,AD-35553.4,AD- 35547.4 UAUGAUCCAACA 2052 UGUUGGAUCAUA 2053 AD-35529.1,AD-35523.3,AD-35541.4,AD- 35565.4,AD-35559.4,AD-35535.4,AD-35553.4,AD- 35547.4 AUGAUCCAACAA 2054 UUGUUGGAUCAU 2055 AD-35529.1,AD-35541.4,AD-35565.4,AD- 35559.4,AD-35535.4,AD-35553.4,AD-35547.4,AD- 35524.4 UGAUCCAACAAU 2056 AUUGUUGGAUCA 2057 AD-35530.4,AD-35541.4,AD-35565.4,AD- 35559.4,AD-35535.4,AD-35553.4,AD-35547.4,AD- 35524.4 GAUCCAACAAUA 2058 UAUUGUUGGAUC 2059 AD-35530.4,AD-35541.4,AD-35565.4,AD- 35559.4,AD-35553.4,AD-35536.4,AD-35547.4,AD- 35524.4 AUCCAACAAUAG 2060 CUAUUGUUGGAU 2061 AD-35530.4,AD-35565.4,AD-35559.4,AD- 35553.4,AD-35542.4,AD-35536.4,AD-35547.4,AD- 35524.4 UCCAACAAUAGA 2062 UCUAUUGUUGGA 2063 AD-35530.4,AD-35565.4,AD-35559.4,AD- 35553.4,AD-35548.4,AD-35542.4,AD-35536.4,AD- 35524.4 CCAACAAUAGAG 2064 CUCUAUUGUUGG 2065 AD-35554.4,AD-35530.4,AD-35565.4,AD- 35559.4,AD-35548.4,AD-35542.4,AD-35536.4,AD- 35524.4 CAACAAUAGAGG 2066 CCUCUAUUGUUG 2067 AD-35554.4,AD-35530.4,AD-35565.4,AD- 35548.4,AD-35542.4,AD-35536.4,AD-35560.2,AD- 35524.4 AACAAUAGAGGA 2068 UCCUCUAUUGUU 2069 AD-35554.4,AD-35530.4,AD-35566.4,AD- 35548.4,AD-35542.4,AD-35536.4,AD-35560.2,AD- 35524.4 ACAAUAGAGGAU 2070 AUCCUCUAUUGU 2071 AD-35554.4,AD-35530.4,AD-35525.2,AD- 35566.4,AD-35548.4,AD-35542.4,AD-35536.4,AD- 35560.2 CAAUAGAGGAUU 2072 AAUCCUCUAUUG 2073 AD-35554.4,AD-35525.2,AD-35566.4,AD- 35548.4,AD-35542.4,AD-35536.4,AD-35531.4,AD- 35560.2 AAUAGAGGAUUC 2074 GAAUCCUCUAUU 2075 AD-35554.4,AD-35525.2,AD-35537.4,AD- 35566.4,AD-35548.4,AD-35542.4,AD-35531.4,AD- 35560.2 AUAGAGGAUUCC 2076 GGAAUCCUCUAU 2077 AD-35554.4,AD-35525.2,AD-35537.4,AD- 35566.4,AD-35548.4,AD-35531.4,AD-35560.2,AD- 35543.2 UAGAGGAUUCCU 2078 AGGAAUCCUCUA 2079 AD-35549.4,AD-35554.4,AD-35525.2,AD- 35537.4,AD-35566.4,AD-35531.4,AD-35560.2,AD- 35543.2 AGAGGAUUCCUA 2080 UAGGAAUCCUCU 2081 AD-35549.4,AD-35555.4,AD-35525.2,AD- 35537.4,AD-35566.4,AD-35531.4,AD-35560.2,AD- 35543.2 GAGGAUUCCUAC 2082 GUAGGAAUCCUC 2083 AD-35549.4,AD-35555.4,AD-35525.2,AD- 35537.4,AD-35566.4,AD-35531.4,AD-35561.4,AD- 35543.2 AGGAUUCCUACA 2084 UGUAGGAAUCCU 2085 AD-35549.4,AD-35555.4,AD-35525.2,AD- 35537.4,AD-35531.4,AD-35561.4,AD-35543.2,AD- 35567.4 GGAUUCCUACAG 2086 CUGUAGGAAUCC 2087 AD-35549.4,AD-35555.4,AD-35526.4,AD- 35537.4,AD-35531.4,AD-35561.4,AD-35543.2,AD- 35567.4 GAUUCCUACAGG 2088 CCUGUAGGAAUC 2089 AD-35549.4,AD-35555.4,AD-35532.4,AD- 35526.4,AD-35537.4,AD-35561.4,AD-35543.2,AD- 35567.4 AUUCCUACAGGA 2090 UCCUGUAGGAAU 2091 AD-35549.4,AD-35555.4,AD-35532.4,AD- 35526.4,AD-35538.4,AD-35561.4,AD-35543.2,AD- 35567.4 UUCCUACAGGAA 2092 UUCCUGUAGGAA 2093 AD-35549.4,AD-35555.4,AD-35532.4,AD- 35526.4,AD-35538.4,AD-35544.4,AD-35561.4,AD- 35567.4 UCCUACAGGAAG 2094 CUUCCUGUAGGA 2095 AD-35555.4,AD-35532.4,AD-35526.4,AD- 35550.4,AD-35538.4,AD-35544.4,AD-35561.4,AD- 35567.4 CCUACAGGAAGC 2096 GCUUCCUGUAGG 2097 AD-35556.4,AD-35532.4,AD-35526.4,AD- 35550.4,AD-35538.4,AD-35544.4,AD-35561.4,AD- 35567.4 CUACAGGAAGCA 2098 UGCUUCCUGUAG 2099 AD-35562.4,AD-35556.4,AD-35532.4,AD- 35526.4,AD-35550.4,AD-35538.4,AD-35544.4,AD- 35567.4 UACAGGAAGCAA 2100 UUGCUUCCUGUA 2101 AD-35562.4,AD-35556.4,AD-35532.4,AD- 35526.4,AD-35550.4,AD-35568.4,AD-35538.4,AD- 35544.4 ACAGGAAGCAAG 2102 CUUGCUUCCUGU 2103 AD-35562.4,AD-35556.4,AD-35532.4,AD- 35550.4,AD-35568.4,AD-35538.4,AD-35544.4,AD- 35527.4 CAGGAAGCAAGU 2104 ACUUGCUUCCUG 2105 AD-35562.4,AD-35556.4,AD-35550.4,AD- 35568.4,AD-35538.4,AD-35544.4,AD-35533.4,AD- 35527.4 AGGAAGCAAGUA 2106 UACUUGCUUCCU 2107 AD-35562.4,AD-35556.4,AD-35550.4,AD- 39776.1,AD-35568.4,AD-35544.4,AD-35533.4,AD- 35527.4 GGAAGCAAGUAG 2108 CUACUUGCUUCC 2109 AD-35562.4,AD-39735.1,AD-35556.4,AD- 35550.4,AD-39776.1,AD-35568.4,AD-35533.4,AD- 35527.4 GAAGCAAGUAGU 2110 ACUACUUGCUUC 2111 AD-35562.4,AD-39735.1,AD-35556.4,AD- 39776.1,AD-35568.4,AD-35533.4,AD-35527.4,AD- 39741.1 AAGCAAGUAGUA 2112 UACUACUUGCUU 2113 AD-35562.4,AD-39735.1,AD-39776.1,AD- 35568.4,AD-39747.1,AD-35533.4,AD-35527.4,AD- 39741.1 AGCAAGUACUAA 2114 UUACUACUUGCU 2115 AD-39735.1,AD-39753.1,AD-39776.1,AD- 35568.4,AD-39747.1,AD-35533.4,AD-35527.4,AD- 39741.1 GCAAGUAGUAAU 2116 AUUACUACUUGC 2117 AD-39735.1,AD-39759.1,AD-39753.1,AD- 39776.1,AD-39747.1,AD-35533.4,AD-35527.4,AD- 39741.1 CAAGUAGUAAUU 2118 AAUUACUACUUG 2119 AD-39735.1,AD-39759.1,AD-39753.1,AD- 39776.1,AD-39747.1,AD-35533.4,AD-39765.1,AD- 39741.1 AAGUAGUAAUUG 2120 CAAUUACUACUU 2121 AD-39735.1,AD-39771.1,AD-39759.1,AD- 39753.1,AD-39776.1,AD-39747.1,AD-39765.1,AD- 39741.1 AGUAGUAAUUGA 2122 UCAAUUACUACU 2123 AD-39735.1,AD-39778.1,AD-39771.1,AD- 39759.1,AD-39753.1,AD-39747.1,AD-39765.1,AD- 39741.1 GUAGUAAUUGAU 2124 AUCAAUUACUAC 2125 AD-39784.1,AD-39778.1,AD-39771.1,AD- 39759.1,AD-39753.1,AD-39747.1,AD-39765.1,AD- 39741.1 UAGUAAUUGAUG 2126 CAUCAAUUACUA 2127 AD-39784.1,AD-39778.1,AD-39771.1,AD- 39759.1,AD-39753.1,AD-39747.1,AD-39765.1,AD- 39790.1 AGUAAUUGAUGG 2128 CCAUCAAUUACU 2129 AD-39784.1,AD-39778.1,AD-39771.1,AD- 39759.1,AD-39753.1,AD-39796.1,AD-39765.1,AD- 39790.1 GUAAUUGAUGGA 2130 UCCAUCAAUUAC 2131 AD-39784.1,AD-39778.1,AD-39771.1,AD- 39759.1,AD-39796.1,AD-39765.1,AD-39802.1,AD- 39790.1 UAAUUGAUGGAG 2132 CUCCAUCAAUUA 2133 AD-39784.1,AD-39778.1,AD-39808.1,AD- 39771.1,AD-39796.1,AD-39765.1,AD-39802.1,AD- 39790.1 AAUUGAUGGAGA 2134 UCUCCAUCAAUU 2135 AD-39784.1,AD-39814.1,AD-39778.1,AD- 39808.1,AD-39771.1,AD-39796.1,AD-39802.1,AD- 39790.1 AUUGAUGGAGAA 2136 UUCUCCAUCAAU 2137 AD-39784.1,AD-39814.1,AD-39778.1,AD- 39808.1,AD-39820.1,AD-39796.1,AD-39802.1,AD- 39790.1 UUGAUGGAGAAA 2138 UUUCUCCAUCAA 2139 AD-39784.1,AD-39814.1,AD-39808.1,AD- 39820.1,AD-39779.1,AD-39796.1,AD-39802.1,AD- 39790.1 UGAUGGAGAAAC 2140 GUUUCUCCAUCA 2141 AD-39814.1,AD-39808.1,AD-39785.1,AD- 39820.1,AD-39779.1,AD-39796.1,AD-39802.1,AD- 39790.1 GAUGGAGAAACC 2142 GGUUUCUCCAUC 2143 AD-39791.1,AD-39814.1,AD-39808.1,AD- 39785.1,AD-39820.1,AD-39779.1,AD-39796.1,AD- 39802.1 AUGGAGAAACCU 2144 AGGUUUCUCCAU 2145 AD-39791.1,AD-39814.1,AD-39808.1,AD- 39785.1,AD-39820.1,AD-39779.1,AD-39797.1,AD- 39802.1 UGGAGAAACCUG 2146 CAGGUUUCUCCA 2147 AD-39791.1,AD-39814.1,AD-39808.1,AD- 39803.1,AD-39785.1,AD-39820.1,AD-39779.1,AD- 39797.1 GGAGAAACCUGU 2148 ACAGGUUUCUCC 2149 AD-39791.1,AD-39814.1,AD-39803.1,AD- 39785.1,AD-39820.1,AD-39809.1,AD-39779.1,AD- 39797.1 GAGAAACCUGUC 2150 GACAGGUUUCUC 2151 AD-39815.1,AD-39791.1,AD-39803.1,AD- 39785.1,AD-39820.1,AD-39809.1,AD-39779.1,AD- 39797.1 AGAAACCUGUCU 2152 AGACAGGUUUCU 2153 AD-39815.1,AD-39791.1,AD-39803.1,AD- 39821.1,AD-39785.1,AD-39809.1,AD-39779.1,AD- 39797.1 GAAACCUGUCUC 2154 GAGACAGGUUUC 2155 AD-39815.1,AD-39791.1,AD-39803.1,AD- 39821.1,AD-39785.1,AD-39809.1,AD-39780.1,AD- 39797.1 AAACCUGUCUCU 2156 AGAGACAGGUUU 2157 AD-39815.1,AD-39791.1,AD-39803.1,AD- 39821.1,AD-39809.1,AD-39780.1,AD-39797.1,AD- 39786.1 AACCUGUCUCUU 2158 AAGAGACAGGUU 2159 AD-39815.1,AD-39803.1,AD-39821.1,AD- 39809.1,AD-39792.1,AD-39780.1,AD-39797.1,AD- 39786.1 ACCUGUCUCUUG 2160 CAAGAGACAGGU 2161 AD-39815.1,AD-39803.1,AD-39821.1,AD- 39809.1,AD-39792.1,AD-39780.1,AD-39798.1,AD- 39786.1 CCUGUCUCUUGG 2162 CCAAGAGACAGG 2163 AD-39815.1,AD-39821.1,AD-39809.1,AD- 39792.1,AD-39804.1,AD-39780.1,AD-39798.1,AD- 39786.1 CUGUCUCUUGGA 2164 UCCAAGAGACAG 2165 AD-39815.1,AD-39821.1,AD-39792.1,AD- 39804.1,AD-39810.1,AD-39780.1,AD-39798.1,AD- 39786.1 UGUCUCUUGGAU 2166 AUCCAAGAGACA 2167 AD-39816.1,AD-39821.1,AD-39792.1,AD- 39804.1,AD-39810.1,AD-39780.1,AD-39798.1,AD- 39786.1 GUCUCUUGGAUA 2168 UAUCCAAGAGAC 2169 AD-39816.1,AD-39792.1,AD-39804.1,AD- 39810.1,AD-39780.1,AD-39822.1,AD-39798.1,AD- 39786.1 UCUCUUGGAUAU 2170 AUAUCCAAGAGA 2171 AD-39816.1,AD-39792.1,AD-39804.1,AD- 39810.1,AD-39781.1,AD-39822.1,AD-39798.1,AD- 39786.1 CUCUUGGAUAUU 2172 AAUAUCCAAGAG 2173 AD-39816.1,AD-39792.1,AD-39804.1,AD- 39787.1,AD-39810.1,AD-39781.1,AD-39822.1,AD- 39798.1 UCUUGGAUAUUC 2174 GAAUAUCCAAGA 2175 AD-39816.1,AD-39793.1,AD-39804.1,AD- 39787.1,AD-39810.1,AD-39781.1,AD-39822.1,AD- 39798.1 CUUGGAUAUUCU 2176 AGAAUAUCCAAG 2177 AD-39799.1,AD-39816.1,AD-39793.1,AD- 39804.1,AD-39787.1,AD-39810.1,AD-39781.1,AD- 39822.1 UUGGAUAUUCUC 2178 GAGAAUAUCCAA 2179 AD-39799.1,AD-39816.1,AD-39793.1,AD- 39787.1,AD-35539.4,AD-39810.1,AD-39781.1,AD- 39822.1 UGGAUAUUCUCG 2180 CGAGAAUAUCCA 2181 AD-39799.1,AD-39816.1,AD-39793.1,AD- 39787.1,AD-35539.4,AD-35545.4,AD-39781.1,AD- 39822.1 GGAUAUUCUCGA 2182 UCGAGAAUAUCC 2183 AD-39799.1,AD-35551.4,AD-39793.1,AD- 39787.1,AD-35539.4,AD-35545.4,AD-39781.1,AD- 39822.1 GAUAUUCUCGAC 2184 GUCGAGAAUAUC 2185 AD-39799.1,AD-35551.4,AD-39793.1,AD- 35557.1,AD-39787.1,AD-35539.4,AD-35545.4,AD- 39781.1 AUAUUCUCGACA 2186 UGUCGAGAAUAU 2187 AD-39799.1,AD-35551.4,AD-39793.1,AD- 35557.1,AD-39787.1,AD-35539.4,AD-35545.4,AD- 35563.4 UAUUCUCGACAc 2188 GUGUCGAGAAUA 2189 AD-39799.1,AD-35551.4,AD-39793.1,AD- 35557.1,AD-35539.4,AD-35545.4,AD-35569.1,AD- 35563.4 AUUCUCGACACA 2190 UGUGUCGAGAAU 2191 AD-39799.1,AD-35528.4,AD-35551.4,AD- 35557.1,AD-35539.4,AD-35545.4,AD-35569.1,AD- 35563.4 UUCUCGACACAG 2192 CUGUGUCGAGAA 2193 AD-35528.4,AD-35551.4,AD-35557.1,AD- 35539.4,AD-35534.1,AD-35545.4,AD-35569.1,AD- 35563.4 UCUCGACACAGC 2194 GCUGUGUCGAGA 2195 AD-35528.4,AD-35551.4,AD-35557.1,AD- 35540.4,AD-35534.1,AD-35545.4,AD-35569.1,AD- 35563.4 CUCGACACAGCA 2196 UGCUGUGUCGAG 2197 AD-35528.4,AD-35551.4,AD-35546.4,AD- 35557.1,AD-35540.4,AD-35534.1,AD-35569.1,AD- 35563.4 UCGACACAGCAG 2198 CUGCUGUGUCGA 2199 AD-35552.4,AD-35528.4,AD-35546.4,AD- 35557.1,AD-35540.4,AD-35534.1,AD-35569.1,AD- 35563.4 CGACACAGCAGG 2200 CCUGCUGUGUCG 2201 AD-35552.4,AD-35528.4,AD-35558.4,AD- 35546.4,AD-35540.4,AD-35534.1,AD-35569.1,AD- 35563.4 GACACAGCAGGU 2202 ACCUGCUGUGUC 2203 AD-35552.4,AD-35528.4,AD-35558.4,AD- 35546.4,AD-35540.4,AD-35534.1,AD-35564.4,AD- 35569.1 ACACAGCAGGUC 2204 GACCUGCUGUGU 2205 AD-35552.4,AD-35528.4,AD-35558.4,AD- 35546.4,AD-35540.4,AD-35570.4,AD-35534.1,AD- 35564.4 CACAGCAGGUCA 2206 UGACCUGCUGUG 2207 AD-35552.4,AD-35558.4,AD-35546.4,AD- 35540.4,AD-35570.4,AD-35534.1,AD-35564.4,AD- 35571.4 ACAGCAGGUCAA 2208 UUGACCUGCUGU 2209 AD-35577.4,AD-35552.4,AD-35558.4,AD- 35546.4,AD-35540.4,AD-35570.4,AD-35564.4,AD- 35571.4 CAGCAGGUCAAG 2210 CUUGACCUGCUG 2211 AD-35577.4,AD-35552.4,AD-35558.4,AD- 35546.4,AD-35583.4,AD-35570.4,AD-35564.4,AD- 35571.4 AGCAGGUCAAGA 2212 UCUUGACCUGCU 2213 AD-35577.4,AD-35552.4,AD-35558.4,AD- 35583.4,AD-35570.4,AD-35564.4,AD-35589.4,AD- 35571.4 GCAGGUCAAGAG 2214 CUCUUGACCUGC 2215 AD-35577.4,AD-35595.4,AD-35558.4,AD- 35583.4,AD-35570.4,AD-35564.4,AD-35589.4,AD- 35571.4 CAGGUCAAGAGG 2216 CCUCUUGACCUG 2217 AD-35577.4,AD-35595.4,AD-35583.4,AD- 35570.4,AD-35564.4,AD-35589.4,AD-35571.4,AD- 35601.4 AGGUCAAGAGGA 2218 UCCUCUUGACCU 2219 AD-35577.4,AD-35595.4,AD-35583.4,AD- 35570.4,AD-35589.4,AD-35607.4,AD-35571.4,AD- 35601.4 GGUCAAGAGGAG 2220 CUCCUCUUGACC 2221 AD-35577.4,AD-35595.4,AD-35583.4,AD- 35589.4,AD-35607.4,AD-35571.4,AD-35613.4,AD- 35601.4 GUCAAGAGGAGU 2222 ACUCCUCUUGAC 2223 AD-35577.4,AD-35595.4,AD-35583.4,AD- 35572.4,AD-35589.4,AD-35607.4,AD-35613.4,AD- 35601.4 UCAAGAGGAGUA 2224 UACUCCUCUUGA 2225 AD-35595.4,AD-35583.4,AD-35578.4,AD- 35572.4,AD-35589.4,AD-35607.4,AD-35613.4,AD- 35601.4 CAAGAGGAGUAC 2226 GUACUCCUCUUG 2227 AD-35595.4,AD-35578.4,AD-35572.4,AD- 35584.4,AD-35589.4,AD-35607.4,AD-35613.4,AD- 35601.4 AAGAGGAGUACA 2228 UGUACUCCUCUU 2229 AD-35590.4,AD-35595.4,AD-35578.4,AD- 35572.4,AD-35584.4,AD-35607.4,AD-35613.4,AD- 35601.4 AGAGGAGUACAG 2230 CUGUACUCCUCU 2231 AD-35596.4,AD-35590.4,AD-35578.4,AD- 35572.4,AD-35584.4,AD-35607.4,AD-35613.4,AD- 35601.4 GAGGAGUACAGU 2232 ACUGUACUCCUC 2233 AD-35596.4,AD-35590.4,AD-35578.4,AD- 35572.4,AD-35602.4,AD-35584.4,AD-35607.4,AD- 35613.4 AGGAGUACAGUG 2234 CACUGUACUCCU 2235 AD-35608.4,AD-35596.4,AD-35590.4,AD- 35578.4,AD-35572.4,AD-35602.4,AD-35584.4,AD- 35613.4 GGAGUACAGUGC 2236 GCACUGUACUCC 2237 AD-35608.4,AD-35596.4,AD-35590.4,AD- 35578.4,AD-35572.4,AD-35614.4,AD-35602.4,AD- 35584.4 GAGUACAGUGCA 2238 UGCACUGUACUC 2239 AD-35608.4,AD-35596.4,AD-35590.4,AD- 35578.4,AD-35614.4,AD-35602.4,AD-35584.4,AD- 35573.4 AGUACAGUGGAA 2240 UUGCACUGUACU 2241 AD-39805.1,AD-35608.4,AD-35596.4,AD- 35590.4,AD-35614.4,AD-35602.4,AD-35584.4,AD- 35573.4 GUACAGUGCAAU 2242 AUUGCACUGUAC 2243 AD-39805.1,AD-35608.4,AD-35596.4,AD- 35590.4,AD-39811.1,AD-35614.4,AD-35602.4,AD- 35573.4 UACAGUGCAAUG 2244 CAUUGCACUGUA 2245 AD-39805.1,AD-35608.4,AD-35596.4,AD- 39817.1,AD-39811.1,AD-35614.4,AD-35602.4,AD- 35573.4 ACAGUGCAAUGA 2246 UCAUUGCACUGU 2247 AD-39805.1,AD-35608.4,AD-39823.1,AD- 39817.1,AD-39811.1,AD-35614.4,AD-35602.4,AD- 35573.4 CAGUGCAAUGAG 2248 CUCAUUGCACUG 2249 AD-39805.1,AD-35608.4,AD-39823.1,AD- 39817.1,AD-39811.1,AD-35614.4,AD-35573.4,AD- 39782.1 AGUGCAAUGAGG 2250 CCUCAUUGCACU 2251 AD-39805.1,AD-39823.1,AD-39817.1,AD- 39788.1,AD-39811.1,AD-35614.4,AD-35573.4,AD- 39782.1 GUGCAAUGAGGG 2252 CCCUCAUUGCAC 2253 AD-39805.1,AD-39823.1,AD-39817.1,AD- 39788.1,AD-39811.1,AD-35573.4,AD-39782.1,AD- 39794.1 UGCAAUGAGGGA 2254 UCCCUCAUUGCA 2255 AD-39805.1,AD-39823.1,AD-39817.1,AD- 39788.1,AD-39811.1,AD-39782.1,AD-39794.1,AD- 39800.1 GCAAUGAGGGAC 2256 GUCCCUCAUUGC 2257 AD-39806.1,AD-39823.1,AD-39817.1,AD- 39788.1,AD-39811.1,AD-39782.1,AD-39794.1,AD- 39800.1 CAAUGAGGGACC 2258 GGUCCCUCAUUG 2259 AD-39806.1,AD-39823.1,AD-39812.1,AD- 39817.1,AD-39788.1,AD-39782.1,AD-39794.1,AD- 39800.1 AAUGAGGGACCA 2260 UGGUCCCUCAUU 2261 AD-39806.1,AD-39823.1,AD-39812.1,AD- 39788.1,AD-39782.1,AD-39794.1,AD-39818.1,AD- 39800.1 AUGAGGGACCAG 2262 CUGGUCCCUCAU 2263 AD-39806.1,AD-39812.1,AD-39788.1,AD- 39824.1,AD-39782.1,AD-39794.1,AD-39818.1,AD- 39800.1 UGAGGGACCAGU 2264 ACUGGUCCCUCA 2265 AD-39806.1,AD-39812.1,AD-39788.1,AD- 39824.1,AD-39783.1,AD-39794.1,AD-39818.1,AD- 39800.1 GAGGGACCAGUA 2266 UACUGGUCCCUC 2267 AD-39789.1,AD-39806.1,AD-39812.1,AD- 39824.1,AD-39783.1,AD-39794.1,AD-39818.1,AD- 39800.1 AGGGACCAGUAC 2268 GUACUGGUCCCU 2269 AD-39789.1,AD-39806.1,AD-39812.1,AD- 39824.1,AD-39795.1,AD-39783.1,AD-39818.1,AD- 39800.1 GGGACCAGUACA 2270 UGUACUGGUCCC 2271 AD-39789.1,AD-39806.1,AD-39812.1,AD- 39824.1,AD-39795.1,AD-39783.1,AD-39801.1,AD- 39818.1 GGACCAGUACAU 2272 AUGUACUGGUCC 2273 AD-39789.1,AD-39807.1,AD-39812.1,AD- 39824.1,AD-39795.1,AD-39783.1,AD-39801.1,AD- 39818.1 GACCAGUACAUG 2274 CAUGUACUGGUC 2275 AD-39789.1,AD-39807.1,AD-39824.1,AD- 39795.1,AD-39783.1,AD-39801.1,AD-39813.1,AD- 39818.1 ACCAGUACAUGA 2276 UCAUGUACUGGU 2277 AD-39789.1,AD-39807.1,AD-39824.1,AD- 39795.1,AD-39783.1,AD-39801.1,AD-39813.1,AD- 39819.1 CCAGUACAUGAG 2278 CUCAUGUACUGG 2279 AD-39789.1,AD-39807.1,AD-39795.1,AD- 39783.1,AD-39801.1,AD-39813.1,AD-39825.1,AD- 39819.1 CAGUACAUGAGG 2280 CCUCAUGUACUG 2281 AD-39789.1,AD-39807.1,AD-39795.1,AD- 39801.1,AD-39813.1,AD-39825.1,AD-39831.1,AD- 39819.1 AGUACAUGAGGA 2282 UCCUCAUGUACU 2283 AD-39807.1,AD-39837.1,AD-39795.1,AD- 39801.1,AD-39813.1,AD-39825.1,AD-39831.1,AD- 39819.1 GUACAUGAGGAC 2284 GUCCUCAUGUAC 2285 AD-39807.1,AD-39837.1,AD-39843.1,AD- 39801.1,AD-39813.1,AD-39825.1,AD-39831.1,AD- 39819.1 UACAUGAGGACU 2286 AGUCCUCAUGUA 2287 AD-39807.1,AD-39837.1,AD-39843.1,AD- 39813.1,AD-39825.1,AD-39831.1,AD-39849.1,AD- 39819.1 ACAUGAGGACUG 2288 CAGUCCUCAUGU 2289 AD-39837.1,AD-39843.1,AD-39813.1,AD- 39825.1,AD-39855.1,AD-39831.1,AD-39849.1,AD- 39819.1 CAUGAGGACUGG 2290 CCAGUCCUCAUG 2291 AD-39861.1,AD-39837.1,AD-39843.1,AD- 39825.1,AD-39855.1,AD-39831.1,AD-39849.1,AD- 39819.1 AUGAGGACUGGG 2292 CCCAGUCCUCAU 2293 AD-39861.1,AD-39837.1,AD-39843.1,AD- 39825.1,AD-39855.1,AD-39831.1,AD-39867.1,AD- 39849.1 UGAGGACUGGGG 2294 CCCCAGUCCUCA 2295 AD-39861.1,AD-39837.1,AD-39843.1,AD- 39826.1,AD-39855.1,AD-39831.1,AD-39867.1,AD- 39849.1 GAGGACUGGGGA 2296 UCCCCAGUCCUC 2297 AD-39861.1,AD-39832.1,AD-39837.1,AD- 39843.1,AD-39826.1,AD-39855.1,AD-39867.1,AD- 39849.1 AGGACUGGGGAG 2298 CUCCCCAGUCCU 2299 AD-39861.1,AD-39832.1,AD-39843.1,AD- 39826.1,AD-39855.1,AD-39867.1,AD-39849.1,AD- 39838.1 GGACUGGGGAGG 2300 CCUCCCCAGUCC 2301 AD-39844.1,AD-39861.1,AD-39832.1,AD- 39826.1,AD-39855.1,AD-39867.1,AD-39849.1,AD- 39838.1 GACUGGGGAGGG 2302 CCCUCCCCAGUC 2303 AD-39850.1,AD-39844.1,AD-39861.1,AD- 39832.1,AD-39826.1,AD-39855.1,AD-39867.1,AD- 39838.1 ACUGGGGAGGGC 2304 GCCCUCCCCAGU 2305 AD-39850.1,AD-39844.1,AD-39861.1,AD- 39832.1,AD-39856.1,AD-39826.1,AD-39867.1,AD- 39838.1 CUGGGGAGGGCU 2306 AGCCCUCCCCAG 2307 AD-39850.1,AD-39844.1,AD-39862.1,AD- 39832.1,AD-39856.1,AD-39826.1,AD-39867.1,AD- 39838.1 UGGGGAGGGCUU 2308 AAGCCCUCCCCA 2309 AD-39850.1,AD-39844.1,AD-39868.1,AD- 39862.1,AD-39832.1,AD-39856.1,AD-39826.1,AD- 39838.1 GGGGAGGGCUUU 2310 AAAGCCCUCCCC 2311 AD-39850.1,AD-39844.1,AD-39868.1,AD- 35579.4,AD-39862.1,AD-39832.1,AD-39856.1,AD- 39838.1 GGGAGGGCUUUC 2312 GAAAGCCCUCCC 2313 AD-35585.4,AD-39850.1,AD-39844.1,AD- 39868.1,AD-35579.4,AD-39862.1,AD-39856.1,AD- 39838.1 GGAGGGCUUUCU 2314 AGAAAGCCCUCC 2315 AD-35585.4,AD-39850.1,AD-39844.1,AD- 39868.1,AD-35579.4,AD-39862.1,AD-39856.1,AD- 35591.4 GAGGGCUUUCUU 2316 AAGAAAGCCCUC 2317 AD-35585.4,AD-39850.1,AD-39868.1,AD- 35579.4,AD-39862.1,AD-35597.4,AD-39856.1,AD- 35591.4 AGGGCUUUCUUU 2318 AAAGAAAGCCCU 2319 AD-35585.4,AD-39868.1,AD-35579.4,AD- 39862.1,AD-35597.4,AD-39856.1,AD-35591.4,AD- 35603.4 GGGCUUUCUUUG 2320 CAAAGAAAGCCC 2321 AD-35585.4,AD-39868.1,AD-35579.4,AD- 39862.1,AD-35597.4,AD-35609.4,AD-35591.4,AD- 35603.4 GGCUUUCUUUGU 2322 ACAAAGAAAGCC 2323 AD-35585.4,AD-39868.1,AD-35579.4,AD- 35615.4,AD-35597.4,AD-35609.4,AD-35591.4,AD- 35603.4 GCUUUCUUUGUG 2324 CACAAAGAAAGC 2325 AD-35585.4,AD-35579.4,AD-35615.4,AD- 35597.4,AD-35609.4,AD-35591.4,AD-35603.4,AD- 35574.4 CUUUCUUUGUGU 2326 ACACAAAGAAAG 2327 AD-35585.4,AD-35615.4,AD-35597.4,AD- 35609.4,AD-35591.4,AD-35603.4,AD-35580.1,AD- 35574.4 UUUCUUUGUGUA 2328 UACACAAAGAAA 2329 AD-35615.4,AD-35597.4,AD-35609.4,AD- 35591.4,AD-35603.4,AD-35586.4,AD-35580.1,AD- 35574.4 UUCUUUGUGUAU 2330 AUACACAAAGAA 2331 AD-35615.4,AD-35597.4,AD-35609.4,AD- 35592.4,AD-35603.4,AD-35586.4,AD-35580.1,AD- 35574.4 UCUUUGUGUAUU 2332 AAUACACAAAGA 2333 AD-35615.4,AD-35609.4,AD-35592.4,AD- 35603.4,AD-35586.4,AD-35598.4,AD-35580.1,AD- 35574.4 CUUUGUGUAUUU 2334 AAAUACACAAAG 2335 AD-35604.4,AD-35615.4,AD-35609.4,AD- 35592.4,AD-35586.4,AD-35598.4,AD-35580.1,AD- 35574.4 UUUGUGUAUUUG 2336 CAAAUACACAAA 2337 AD-35604.4,AD-35615.4,AD-35592.4,AD- 35586.4,AD-35610.4,AD-35598.4,AD-35580.1,AD- 35574.4 UUGUGUAUUUGC 2338 GCAAAUACACAA 2339 AD-35604.4,AD-35592.4,AD-35586.4,AD- 35610.4,AD-35598.4,AD-35616.4,AD-35580.1,AD- 35574.4 UGUGUAUUUGCC 2340 GGCAAAUACACA 2341 AD-35604.4,AD-35575.4,AD-35592.4,AD- 35586.4,AD-35610.4,AD-35598.4,AD-35616.4,AD- 35580.1 GUGUAUUUGCCA 2342 UGGCAAAUACAC 2343 AD-35604.4,AD-35575.4,AD-35581.4,AD- 35592.4,AD-35586.4,AD-35610.4,AD-35598.4,AD- 35616.4 UGUAUUUGCCAU 2344 AUGGCAAAUACA 2345 AD-35604.4,AD-35575.4,AD-35581.4,AD- 35592.4,AD-35587.4,AD-35610.4,AD-35598.4,AD- 35616.4 GUAUUUGCCAUA 2346 UAUGGCAAAUAC 2347 AD-35604.4,AD-35575.4,AD-35581.4,AD- 35587.4,AD-35610.4,AD-35598.4,AD-35616.4,AD- 35593.4 UAUUUGCCAUAA 2348 UUAUGGCAAAUA 2349 AD-35604.4,AD-35575.4,AD-35581.4,AD- 35587.4,AD-35610.4,AD-35616.4,AD-35593.4,AD- 35599.4 AUUUGCCAUAAA 2350 UUUAUGGCAAAU 2351 AD-35575.4,AD-35581.4,AD-35587.4,AD- 35610.4,AD-35605.4,AD-35616.4,AD-35593.4,AD- 35599.4 UUUGCCAUAAAU 2352 AUUUAUGGCAAA 2353 AD-35611.4,AD-35575.4,AD-35581.4,AD- 35587.4,AD-35605.4,AD-35616.4,AD-35593.4,AD- 35599.4 UUGCCAUAAAUA 2354 UAUUUAUGGCAA 2355 AD-35611.4,AD-35575.4,AD-35581.4,AD- 35587.4,AD-35605.4,AD-35593.4,AD-39827.1,AD- 35599.4 UGCCAUAAAUAA 2356 UUAUUUAUGGCA 2357 AD-35611.4,AD-35581.4,AD-35587.4,AD- 39833.1,AD-35605.4,AD-35593.4,AD-39827.1,AD- 35599.4 GCCAUAAAUAAU 2358 AUUAUUUAUGGC 2359 AD-39839.1,AD-35611.4,AD-35587.4,AD- 39833.1,AD-35605.4,AD-35593.4,AD-39827.1,AD- 35599.4 CCAUAAAUAAUA 2360 UAUUAUUUAUGG 2361 AD-39839.1,AD-35611.4,AD-39833.1,AD- 35605.4,AD-35593.4,AD-39827.1,AD-35599.4,AD- 39845.1 CAUAAAUAAUAC 2362 GUAUUAUUUAUG 2363 AD-39839.1,AD-35611.4,AD-39833.1,AD- 35605.4,AD-39851.1,AD-39827.1,AD-35599.4,AD- 39845.1 AUAAAUAAUACU 2364 AGUAUUAUUUAU 2365 AD-39839.1,AD-35611.4,AD-39857.1,AD- 39833.1,AD-35605.4,AD-39851.1,AD-39827.1,AD- 39845.1 UAAAUAAUACUA 2366 UAGUAUUAUUUA 2367 AD-39839.1,AD-35611.4,AD-39857.1,AD- 39833.1,AD-39851.1,AD-39863.1,AD-39827.1,AD- 39845.1 AAAUAAUACUAA 2368 UUAGUAUUAUUU 2369 AD-39839.1,AD-39857.1,AD-39869.1,AD- 39833.1,AD-39851.1,AD-39863.1,AD-39827.1,AD- 39845.1 AAUAAUACUAAA 2370 UUUAGUAUUAUU 2371 AD-39828.1,AD-39839.1,AD-39857.1,AD- 39869.1,AD-39833.1,AD-39851.1,AD-39863.1,AD- 39845.1 AUAAUACUAAAU 2372 AUUUAGUAUUAU 2373 AD-39828.1,AD-39839.1,AD-39857.1,AD- 39834.1,AD-39869.1,AD-39851.1,AD-39863.1,AD- 39845.1 UAAUACUAAAUC 2374 GAUUUAGUAUUA 2375 AD-39828.1,AD-39857.1,AD-39834.1,AD- 39869.1,AD-39840.1,AD-39851.1,AD-39863.1,AD- 39845.1 AAUACUAAAUCA 2376 UGAUUUAGUAUU 2377 AD-39828.1,AD-39857.1,AD-39834.1,AD- 39869.1,AD-39840.1,AD-39851.1,AD-39863.1,AD- 39846.1 AUACUAAAUCAU 2378 AUGAUUUAGUAU 2379 AD-39828.1,AD-39852.1,AD-39857.1,AD- 39834.1,AD-39869.1,AD-39840.1,AD-39863.1,AD- 39846.1 UACUAAAUCAUU 2380 AAUGAUUUAGUA 2381 AD-39828.1,AD-39852.1,AD-39834.1,AD- 39858.1,AD-39869.1,AD-39840.1,AD-39863.1,AD- 39846.1 ACUAAAUCAUUU 2382 AAAUGAUUUAGU 2383 AD-39828.1,AD-39852.1,AD-39834.1,AD- 39858.1,AD-39869.1,AD-39840.1,AD-39864.1,AD- 39846.1 CUAAAUCAUUUG 2384 CAAAUGAUUUAG 2385 AD-39828.1,AD-39852.1,AD-39870.1,AD- 39834.1,AD-39858.1,AD-39840.1,AD-39864.1,AD- 39846.1 UAAAUCAUUUGA 2386 UCAAAUGAUUUA 2387 AD-39852.1,AD-39870.1,AD-39829.1,AD- 39834.1,AD-39858.1,AD-39840.1,AD-39864.1,AD- 39846.1 AAAUCAUUUGAA 2388 UUCAAAUGAUUU 2389 AD-39852.1,AD-39870.1,AD-39829.1,AD- 39858.1,AD-39840.1,AD-39835.1,AD-39864.1,AD- 39846.1 AAUCAUUUGAAG 2390 CUUCAAAUGAUU 2391 AD-39852.1,AD-39870.1,AD-39841.1,AD- 39829.1,AD-39858.1,AD-39835.1,AD-39864.1,AD- 39846.1 AUCAUUUGAAGA 2392 UCUUCAAAUGAU 2393 AD-39852.1,AD-39870.1,AD-39841.1,AD- 39829.1,AD-39858.1,AD-39835.1,AD-39864.1 UCAUUUGAAGAU 2394 AUCUUCAAAUGA 2395 AD-39870.1,AD-39841.1,AD-39829.1,AD- 39858.1,AD-39835.1,AD-39864.1,AD-39853.1 CAUUUGAAGAUA 2396 Uaucuucaaaug 2397 AD-39870.1,AD-39841.1,AD-39829.1,AD- 39835.1,AD-39859.1,AD-39864.1,AD-39853.1 AUUUGAAGAUAU 2398 AUAUCUUCAAAU 2399 AD-39865.1,AD-39870.1,AD-39841.1,AD- 39829.1,AD-39835.1,AD-39859.1,AD-39853.1 UUUGAAGAUAUU 2400 AAUAUCUUCAAA 2401 AD-39871.1,AD-39865.1,AD-39841.1,AD- 39829.1,AD-39835.1,AD-39859.1,AD-39853.1 UUGAAGAUAUUC 2402 GAAUAUCUUCAA 2403 AD-39871.1,AD-39865.1,AD-39841.1,AD- 39830.1,AD-39835.1,AD-39859.1,AD-39853.1 UGAAGAUAUUCA 2404 UGAAUAUCUUCA 2405 AD-39871.1,AD-39865.1,AD-39841.1,AD- 39830.1,AD-35617.4,AD-39859.1,AD-39853.1 GAAGAUAUUCAC 2406 GUGAAUAUCUUC 2407 AD-39871.1,AD-39865.1,AD-39830.1,AD- 35617.4,AD-35576.4,AD-39859.1,AD-39853.1 AAGAUAUUCACC 2408 GGUGAAUAUCUU 2409 AD-35582.1,AD-39871.1,AD-39865.1,AD- 39830.1,AD-35617.4,AD-35576.4,AD-39859.1,AD- 39853.1 AGAUAUUCACCA 2410 UGGUGAAUAUcu 2411 AD-35582.1,AD-39871.1,AD-39865.1,AD- 39830.1,AD-35617.4,AD-35576.4,AD-39859.1,AD- 35588.4 GAUAUUCACCAU 2412 AUGGUGAAUAUC 2413 AD-35582.1,AD-39871.1,AD-39865.1,AD- 35594.1,AD-39830.1,AD-35617.4,AD-35576.4,AD- 35588.4 AUAUUCACCAUU 2414 AAUGGUGAAUAU 2415 AD-35582.1,AD-39871.1,AD-35594.1,AD- 35600.1,AD-39830.1,AD-35617.4,AD-35576.4,AD- 35588.4 UAUUCACCAUUA 2416 UAAUGGUGAAUA 2417 AD-35582.1,AD-35606.1,AD-35594.1,AD- 35600.1,AD-39830.1,AD-35617.4,AD-35576.4,AD- 35588.4 AUUCACCAUUAU 2418 AUAAUGGUGAAU 2419 AD-35582.1,AD-35606.1,AD-35594.1,AD- 35612.1,AD-35600.1,AD-35617.4,AD-35576.4,AD- 35588.4 UUCACCAUUAUA 2420 UAUAAUGGUGAA 2421 AD-35582.1,AD-35606.1,AD-35594.1,AD- 35612.1,AD-35600.1,AD-35576.4,AD-35618.1,AD- 35588.4 UCACCAUUAUAG 2422 CUAUAAUGGUGA 2423 AD-35582.1,AD-35606.1,AD-35594.1,AD- 35612.1,AD-35600.1,AD-35618.1,AD-35588.4,AD- 38127.1 CACCAUUAUAGA 2424 UCUAUAAUGGUG 2425 AD-38133.1,AD-35606.1,AD-35594.1,AD- 35612.1,AD-35600.1,AD-35618.1,AD-35588.4,AD- 38127.1 ACCAUUAUAGAG 2426 CUCUAUAAUGGU 2427 AD-38133.1,AD-35606.1,AD-35594.1,AD- 35612.1,AD-35600.1,AD-38139.1,AD-35618.1,AD- 38127.1 CCAUUAUAGAGA 2428 UCUCUAUAAUGG 2429 AD-38133.1,AD-35606.1,AD-35612.1,AD- 35600.1,AD-38145.1,AD-38139.1,AD-35618.1,AD- 38127.1 CAUUAUAGAGAA 2430 UUCUCUAUAAUG 2431 AD-38133.1,AD-35606.1,AD-35612.1,AD- 38145.1,AD-38139.1,AD-38151.1,AD-35618.1,AD- 38127.1 AUUAUAGAGAAC 2432 GUUCUCUAUAAU 2433 AD-38133.1,AD-35612.1,AD-38145.1,AD- 38139.1,AD-38151.1,AD-38157.1,AD-35618.1,AD- 38127.1 UUAUAGAGAACA 2434 UGUUCUCUAUAA 2435 AD-38133.1,AD-38163.1,AD-38145.1,AD- 38139.1,AD-38151.1,AD-38157.1,AD-35618.1,AD- 38127.1 UAUAGAGAACAA 2436 UUGUUCUCUAUA 2437 AD-38133.1,AD-38163.1,AD-38145.1,AD- 38169.1,AD-38139.1,AD-38151.1,AD-38157.1,AD- 38127.1 AUAGAGAACAAA 2438 UUUGUUCUCUAU 2439 AD-38133.1,AD-38163.1,AD-38145.1,AD- 38169.1,AD-38139.1,AD-38151.1,AD-38157.1,AD- 38128.1 UAGAGAACAAAU 2440 AUUUGUUCUCUA 2441 AD-38163.1,AD-38145.1,AD-38169.1,AD- 38139.1,AD-38151.1,AD-38157.1,AD-38128.1,AD- 38134.1 AGAGAACAAAUU 2442 AAUUUGUUCUCU 2443 AD-38163.1,AD-38145.1,AD-38140.1,AD- 38169.1,AD-38151.1,AD-38157.1,AD-38128.1,AD- 38134.1 GAGAACAAAUUA 2444 UAAUUUGUUCUC 2445 AD-38163.1,AD-38140.1,AD-38169.1,AD- 38151.1,AD-38157.1,AD-38128.1,AD-39836.1,AD- 38134.1 AGAACAAAUUAA 2446 UUAAUUUGUUCU 2447 AD-38163.1,AD-38140.1,AD-38169.1,AD- 38157.1,AD-38128.1,AD-39842.1,AD-39836.1,AD- 38134.1 GAACAAAUUAAA 2448 UUUAAUUUGUUC 2449 AD-38163.1,AD-38140.1,AD-38169.1,AD- 38128.1,AD-39842.1,AD-39848.1,AD-39836.1,AD- 38134.1 AACAAAUUAAAA 2450 UUUUAAUUUGUU 2451 AD-38140.1,AD-38169.1,AD-39854.1,AD- 38128.1,AD-39842.1,AD-39848.1,AD-39836.1,AD- 38134.1 ACAAAUUAAAAG 2452 CUUUUAAUUUGU 2453 AD-39860.1,AD-38140.1,AD-39854.1,AD- 38128.1,AD-39842.1,AD-39848.1,AD-39836.1,AD- 38134.1 CAAAUUAAAAGA 2454 UCUUUUAAUUUG 2455 AD-39860.1,AD-38140.1,AD-39854.1,AD- 39842.1,AD-39848.1,AD-39866.1,AD-39836.1,AD- 38134.1 AAAUUAAAAGAG 2456 CUCUUUUAAUUU 2457 AD-39992.1,AD-39860.1,AD-38140.1,AD- 39854.1,AD-39842.1,AD-39848.1,AD-39866.1,AD- 39836.1 AAUUAAAAGAGU 2458 ACUCUUUUAAUU 2459 AD-39992.1,AD-39860.1,AD-39998.1,AD- 39854.1,AD-39842.1,AD-39848.1,AD-39866.1,AD- 39836.1 AUUAAAAGAGUU 2460 AACUCUUUUAAU 2461 AD-39992.1,AD-39860.1,AD-40004.1,AD- 39998.1,AD-39854.1,AD-39842.1,AD-39848.1,AD- 39866.1 UUAAAAGAGUUA 2462 UAACUCUUUUAA 2463 AD-39992.1,AD-39860.1,AD-40004.1,AD- 39998.1,AD-39854.1,AD-40010.1,AD-39848.1,AD- 39866.1 UAAAAGAGUUAA 2464 UUAACUCUUUUA 2465 AD-40016.1,AD-39992.1,AD-39860.1,AD- 40004.1,AD-39998.1,AD-39854.1,AD-40010.1,AD- 39866.1 AAAAGAGUUAAG 2466 CUUAACUCUUUU 2467 AD-40016.1,AD-39992.1,AD-39860.1,AD- 40022.1,AD-40004.1,AD-39998.1,AD-40010.1,AD- 39866.1 AAAGAGUUAAGG 2468 CCUUAACUCUUU 2469 AD-40016.1,AD-40028.1,AD-39992.1,AD- 40022.1,AD-40004.1,AD-39998.1,AD-40010.1,AD- 39866.1 AAGAGUUAAGGA 2470 UCCUUAACUCUU 2471 AD-40016.1,AD-40028.1,AD-40034.1,AD- 39992.1,AD-40022.1,AD-40004.1,AD-39998.1,AD- 40010.1 AGAGUUAAGGAC 2472 GUCCUUAACUCU 2473 AD-40016.1,AD-40028.1,AD-40034.1,AD- 40022.1,AD-40004.1,AD-39998.1,AD-40010.1 GAGUUAAGGACU 2474 AGUCCUUAACUC 2475 AD-40016.1,AD-40028.1,AD-40034.1,AD- 39999.1,AD-40022.1,AD-40004.1,AD-40010.1 AGUUAAGGACUC 2476 GAGUCCUUAACU 2477 AD-40016.1,AD-40028.1,AD-40034.1,AD- 39999.1,AD-40022.1,AD-40005.1,AD-40010.1 GUUAAGGACUCU 2478 AGAGUCCUUAAC 2479 AD-40016.1,AD-40011.1,AD-40028.1,AD- 40034.1,AD-39999.1,AD-40022.1,AD-40005.1 UUAAGGACUCUG 2480 CAGAGUCCUUAA 2481 AD-40017.1,AD-40011.1,AD-40028.1,AD- 40034.1,AD-39999.1,AD-40022.1,AD-40005.1 UAAGGACUCUGA 2482 UCAGAGUCCUUA 2483 AD-40017.1,AD-40011.1,AD-40028.1,AD- 40034.1,AD-39999.1,AD-40005.1 AAGGACUCUGAA 2484 UUCAGAGUCCUU 2485 AD-40017.1,AD-40029.1,AD-40011.1,AD- 40034.1,AD-39999.1,AD-40005.1 AGGACUCUGAAG 2486 CUUCAGAGUCCU 2487 AD-40017.1,AD-40029.1,AD-40011.1,AD- 39999.1,AD-40005.1,AD-40035.1 GGACUCUGAAGA 2488 UCUUCAGAGUCC 2489 AD-40017.1,AD-40029.1,AD-40011.1,AD- 39994.1,AD-39999.1,AD-40005.1,AD-40035.1 GACUCUGAAGAU 2490 AUCUUCAGAGUC 2491 AD-40017.1,AD-40029.1,AD-40011.1,AD- 40000.1,AD-39994.1,AD-40005.1,AD-40035.1 ACUCUGAAGAUG 2492 CAUCUUCAGAGU 2493 AD-40017.1,AD-40029.1,AD-40011.1,AD- 40000.1,AD-39994.1,AD-40006.1,AD-40035.1 CUCUGAAGAUGU 2494 ACAUCUUCAGAG 2495 AD-40017.1,AD-40029.1,AD-40000.1,AD- 39994.1,AD-40012.1,AD-40006.1,AD-40035.1 UCUGAAGAUGUA 2496 UACAUCUUCAGA 2497 AD-40029.1,AD-40000.1,AD-39994.1,AD- 40012.1,AD-40006.1,AD-40035.1,AD-40018.1 CUGAAGAUGUAC 2498 GUACAUCUUCAG 2499 AD-40029.1,AD-40000.1,AD-39994.1,AD- 40024.1,AD-40012.1,AD-40006.1,AD-40035.1,AD- 40018.1 UGAAGAUGUACC 2500 GGUACAUCUUCA 2501 AD-40030.1,AD-40000.1,AD-39994.1,AD- 40024.1,AD-40012.1,AD-40006.1,AD-40035.1,AD- 40018.1 GAAGAUGUACCU 2502 AGGUACAUCUUC 2503 AD-40030.1,AD-40000.1,AD-39994.1,AD- 40024.1,AD-40012.1,AD-40006.1,AD-38146.1,AD- 40018.1 AAGAUGUACCUA 2504 UAGGUACAUCUU 2505 AD-40030.1,AD-40000.1,AD-40024.1,AD- 40012.1,AD-40006.1,AD-38146.1,AD-40018.1,AD- 38152.1 AGAUGUACCUAU 2506 AUAGGUACAUCU 2507 AD-40030.1,AD-40024.1,AD-40012.1,AD- 40006.1,AD-38158.1,AD-38146.1,AD-40018.1,AD- 38152.1 GAUGUACCUAUG 2508 CAUAGGUACAUC 2509 AD-40030.1,AD-40024.1,AD-40012.1,AD- 38164.1,AD-38158.1,AD-38146.1,AD-40018.1,AD- 38152.1 AUGUACCUAUGG 2510 CCAUAGGUACAU 2511 AD-40030.1,AD-40024.1,AD-38164.1,AD- 38170.1,AD-38158.1,AD-38146.1,AD-40018.1,AD- 38152.1 UGUACCUAUGGU 2512 ACCAUAGGUACA 2513 AD-40030.1,AD-40024.1,AD-38164.1,AD- 38129.1,AD-38170.1,AD-38158.1,AD-38146.1,AD- 38152.1 GUACCUAUGGUC 2514 GACCAUAGGUAC 2515 AD-40030.1,AD-38164.1,AD-38129.1,AD- 38170.1,AD-38158.1,AD-38146.1,AD-38152.1,AD- 38135.1 UACCUAUGGUCC 2516 GGACCAUAGGUA 2517 AD-38164.1,AD-38129.1,AD-38170.1,AD- 38158.1,AD-38146.1,AD-38141.1,AD-38152.1,AD- 38135.1 ACCUAUGGUCCU 2518 AGGACCAUAGGU 2519 AD-38164.1,AD-38129.1,AD-38170.1,AD- 38147.1,AD-38158.1,AD-38141.1,AD-38152.1,AD- 38135.1 CCUAUGGUCCUA 2520 UAGGACCAUAGG 2521 AD-38164.1,AD-38129.1,AD-38153.1,AD- 38170.1,AD-38147.1,AD-38158.1,AD-38141.1,AD- 38135.1 CUAUGGUCCUAG 2522 CUAGGACCAUAG 2523 AD-38164.1,AD-38159.1,AD-38129.1,AD- 38153.1,AD-38170.1,AD-38147.1,AD-38141.1,AD- 38135.1 UAUGGUCCUAGU 2524 ACUAGGACCAUA 2525 AD-38165.1,AD-38159.1,AD-38129.1,AD- 38153.1,AD-38170.1,AD-38147.1,AD-38141.1,AD- 38135.1 AUGGUCCUAGUA 2526 UACUAGGACCAU 2527 AD-38165.1,AD-38171.1,AD-38159.1,AD- 38129.1,AD-38153.1,AD-38147.1,AD-38141.1,AD- 38135.1 UGGUCCUAGUAG 2528 CUACUAGGACCA 2529 AD-38165.1,AD-38171.1,AD-38159.1,AD- 38153.1,AD-38147.1,AD-38141.1,AD-38130.1,AD- 38135.1 GGUCCUAGUAGG 2530 CCUACUAGGACC 2531 AD-38165.1,AD-38171.1,AD-38159.1,AD- 38136.1,AD-38153.1,AD-38147.1,AD-38141.1,AD- 38130.1 GUCCUAGUAGGA 2532 UCCUACUAGGAC 2533 AD-38165.1,AD-38171.1,AD-38159.1,AD- 38136.1,AD-38153.1,AD-38147.1,AD-38142.1,AD- 38130.1 UCCUAGUAGGAA 2534 UUCCUACUAGGA 2535 AD-38165.1,AD-38171.1,AD-38159.1,AD- 38136.1,AD-38148.1,AD-38153.1,AD-38142.1,AD- 38130.1 CCUAGUAGGAAA 2536 UUUCCUACUAGG 2537 AD-38165.1,AD-38171.1,AD-38154.1,AD- 38159.1,AD-38136.1,AD-38148.1,AD-38142.1,AD- 38130.1 CUAGUAGGAAAU 2538 AUUUCCUACUAG 2539 AD-38165.1,AD-38171.1,AD-38154.1,AD- 38136.1,AD-38148.1,AD-38160.1,AD-38142.1,AD- 38130.1 UAGUAGGAAAUA 2540 UAUUUCCUACUA 2541 AD-38171.1,AD-38154.1,AD-38136.1,AD- 38148.1,AD-38166.1,AD-38160.1,AD-38142.1,AD- 38130.1 AGUAGGAAAUAA 2542 UUAUUUCCUACU 2543 AD-38154.1,AD-38136.1,AD-38148.1,AD- 38172.1,AD-38166.1,AD-38160.1,AD-38142.1,AD- 38130.1 GUAGGAAAUAAA 2544 UUUAUUUCCUAC 2545 AD-40036.1,AD-38154.1,AD-38136.1,AD- 38148.1,AD-38172.1,AD-38166.1,AD-38160.1,AD- 38142.1 UAGGAAAUAAAU 2546 AUUUAUUUCCUA 2547 AD-39995.1,AD-40036.1,AD-38154.1,AD- 38148.1,AD-38172.1,AD-38166.1,AD-38160.1,AD- 38142.1 AGGAAAUAAAUG 2548 CAUUUAUUUCCU 2549 AD-39995.1,AD-40036.1,AD-38154.1,AD- 40001.1,AD-38148.1,AD-38172.1,AD-38166.1,AD- 38160.1 GGAAAUAAAUGU 2550 ACAUUUAUUUCC 2551 AD-39995.1,AD-40036.1,AD-38154.1,AD- 40001.1,AD-38172.1,AD-38166.1,AD-38160.1,AD- 40007.1 GAAAUAAAUGUG 2552 CACAUUUAUUUC 2553 AD-39995.1,AD-40036.1,AD-40013.1,AD- 40001.1,AD-38172.1,AD-38166.1,AD-38160.1,AD- 40007.1 AAAUAAAUGUGA 2554 UCACAUUUAUUU 2555 AD-39995.1,AD-40036.1,AD-40013.1,AD- 40001.1,AD-38172.1,AD-38166.1,AD-40007.1,AD- 40019.1 AAUAAAUGUGAU 2556 AUCACAUUUAUU 2557 AD-39995.1,AD-40036.1,AD-40013.1,AD- 40001.1,AD-40025.1,AD-38172.1,AD-40007.1,AD- 40019.1 AUAAAUGUGAUU 2558 AAUCACAUUUAU 2559 AD-39995.1,AD-40036.1,AD-40013.1,AD- 40001.1,AD-40025.1,AD-40031.1,AD-40007.1,AD- 40019.1 UAAAUGUGAUUU 2560 AAAUCACAUUUA 2561 AD-39995.1,AD-40013.1,AD-40037.1,AD- 40001.1,AD-40025.1,AD-40031.1,AD-40007.1,AD- 40019.1 AAAUGUGAUUUG 2562 CAAAUCACAUUU 2563 AD-40013.1,AD-40037.1,AD-40001.1,AD- 40025.1,AD-40031.1,AD-40007.1,AD-39996.1,AD- 40019.1 AAUGUGAUUUGC 2564 GCAAAUCACAUU 2565 AD-40013.1,AD-40037.1,AD-40025.1,AD- 40031.1,AD-40002.1,AD-40007.1,AD-39996.1,AD- 40019.1 AUGUGAUUUGCC 2566 GGCAAAUCACAU 2567 AD-40008.1,AD-40013.1,AD-40037.1,AD- 40025.1,AD-40031.1,AD-40002.1,AD-39996.1,AD- 40019.1 UGUGAUUUGCCU 2568 AGGCAAAUCACA 2569 AD-40008.1,AD-40037.1,AD-40025.1,AD- 40031.1,AD-40002.1,AD-40014.1,AD-39996.1,AD- 40019.1 GUGAUUUCCCUU 2570 AAGGCAAAUCAC 2571 AD-40008.1,AD-40037.1,AD-40020.1,AD- 40025.1,AD-40031.1,AD-40002.1,AD-40014.1,AD- 39996.1 UGAUUUGCCUUC 2572 GAAGGCAAAUCA 2573 AD-40026.1,AD-40008.1,AD-40037.1,AD- 40020.1,AD-40031.1,AD-40002.1,AD-40014.1,AD- 39996.1 GAUUUGCCUUCU 2574 AGAAGGCAAAUC 2575 AD-40026.1,AD-40008.1,AD-40032.1,AD- 40037.1,AD-40020.1,AD-40002.1,AD-40014.1,AD- 39996.1 AUUUGCCUUCUA 2576 UAGAAGGCAAAU 2577 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400AD-400 39.1,AD-40009.1,AD-40033.1,AD-39997.1 CUAGAACAGUAG 2594 CUACUGUUCUAG 2595 AD-40027.1,AD-40015.1,AD-40021.1,AD- 40039.1,AD-40009.1,AD-40033.1,AD-40045.1 UAGAACAGUAGA 2596 UCUACUGUUCUA 2597 AD-40027.1,AD-40015.1,AD-40021.1,AD- 40051.1,AD-40039.1,AD-40009.1,AD-40033.1,AD- 40045.1 AGAACAGUAGAC 2598 GUCUACUGUUCU 2599 AD-40027.1,AD-40057.1,AD-40015.1,AD- 40021.1,AD-40051.1,AD-40039.1,AD-40033.1,AD- 40045.1 GAACAGUAGACA 2600 UGUCUACUGUUC 2601 AD-40027.1,AD-40057.1,AD-40021.1,AD- 40051.1,AD-40039.1,AD-40063.1,AD-40033.1,AD- 40045.1 AACAGUAGACAC 2602 GUGUCUACUGUU 2603 AD-40027.1,AD-40057.1,AD-40051.1,AD- 40039.1,AD-40063.1,AD-40033.1,AD-40045.1,AD- 40069.1 ACAGUAGACACA 2604 UGUGUCUACUGU 2605 AD-40057.1,AD-40051.1,AD-40075.1,AD- 40039.1,AD-40063.1,AD-40033.1,AD-40045.1,AD- 40069.1 CAGUAGACACAA 2606 UUGUGUCUACUG 2607 AD-40057.1,AD-40051.1,AD-40075.1,AD- 40039.1,AD-40081.1,AD-40063.1,AD-40045.1,AD- 40069.1 AGUAGACACAAA 2608 UUUGUGUCUACU 2609 AD-40057.1,AD-40051.1,AD-40075.1,AD- 40040.1,AD-40081.1,AD-40063.1,AD-40045.1,AD- 40069.1 GUAGACACAAAA 2610 UUUUGUGUCUAC 2611 AD-40057.1,AD-40051.1,AD-40075.1,AD- 40046.1,AD-40040.1,AD-40081.1,AD-40063.1,AD- 40069.1 UAGACACAAAAC 2612 GUUUUGUGUCUA 2613 AD-40057.1,AD-40075.1,AD-40052.1,AD- 40046.1,AD-40040.1,AD-40081.1,AD-40063.1,AD- 40069.1 AGACACAAAACA 2614 UGUUUUGUGUCU 2615 AD-40058.1,AD-40075.1,AD-40052.1,AD- 40046.1,AD-40040.1,AD-40081.1,AD-40063.1,AD- 40069.1 GACACAAAACAG 2616 CUGUUUUGUGUC 2617 AD-40058.1,AD-40075.1,AD-40052.1,AD- 40046.1,AD-40040.1,AD-40081.1,AD-40064.1,AD- 40069.1 ACACAAAACAGG 2618 CCUGUUUUGUGU 2619 AD-40070.1,AD-40058.1,AD-40075.1,AD- 40052.1,AD-40046.1,AD-40040.1,AD-40081.1,AD- 40064.1 CACAAAACAGGC 2620 GCCUGUUUUGUG 2621 AD-40070.1,AD-40058.1,AD-40052.1,AD- 40046.1,AD-40076.1,AD-40040.1,AD-40081.1,AD- 40064.1 ACAAAACAGGCU 2622 AGCCUGUUUUGU 2623 AD-40070.1,AD-40058.1,AD-40052.1,AD- 40046.1,AD-40076.1,AD-40040.1,AD-40082.1,AD- 40064.1 CAAAACAGGCUC 2624 GAGCCUGUUUUG 2625 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40049.1 GAAGUUAUGGAA 2672 UUCCAUAACUUC 2673 AD-40085.1,AD-40044.1,AD-40055.1,AD- 40067.1,AD-40061.1,AD-40073.1,AD-40079.1,AD- 40049.1 AAGUUAUGGAAU 2674 AUUCCAUAACUU 2675 AD-40085.1,AD-40044.1,AD-40055.1,AD- 40067.1,AD-40061.1,AD-40050.1,AD-40073.1,AD- 40079.1 AGUUAUGGAAUU 2676 AAUUCCAUAACU 2677 AD-40085.1,AD-40044.1,AD-40067.1,AD- 40056.1,AD-40061.1,AD-40050.1,AD-40073.1,AD- 40079.1 GUUAUGGAAUUC 2678 GAAUUCCAUAAC 2679 AD-40062.1,AD-40085.1,AD-40044.1,AD- 40067.1,AD-40056.1,AD-40050.1,AD-40073.1,AD- 40079.1 UUAUGGAAUUCC 2680 GGAAUUCCAUAA 2681 AD-40068.1,AD-40062.1,AD-40085.1,AD- 40044.1,AD-40056.1,AD-40050.1,AD-40073.1,AD- 40079.1 UAUGGAAUUCCU 2682 AGGAAUUCCAUA 2683 AD-40074.1,AD-40068.1,AD-40062.1,AD- 40085.1,AD-40044.1,AD-40056.1,AD-40050.1,AD- 40079.1 AUGGAAUUCCUU 2684 AAGGAAUUCCAU 2685 AD-40080.1,AD-40074.1,AD-40068.1,AD- 40062.1,AD-40085.1,AD-40044.1,AD-40056.1,AD- 40050.1 UGGAAUUCCUUU 2686 AAAGGAAUUCCA 2687 AD-40080.1,AD-40074.1,AD-40068.1,AD- 40062.1,AD-40044.1,AD-40056.1,AD-40050.1 GGAAUUCCUUUU 2688 AAAAGGAAUUCC 2689 AD-40080.1,AD-40074.1,AD-40068.1,AD- 40062.1,AD-40056.1,AD-40050.1,AD-38131.1 GAAUUCCUUUUA 2690 UAAAAGGAAUUC 2691 AD-40080.1,AD-40074.1,AD-40068.1,AD- 40062.1,AD-38137.1,AD-40056.1,AD-38131.1 AAUUCCUUUUAU 2692 AUAAAAGGAAUU 2693 AD-40080.1,AD-38143.1,AD-40074.1,AD- 40068.1,AD-40062.1,AD-38137.1,AD-38131.1 AUUCCUUUUAUU 2694 AAUAAAAGGAAU 2695 AD-40080.1,AD-38149.1,AD-38143.1,AD- 40074.1,AD-40068.1,AD-38137.1,AD-38131.1 UUCCUUUUAUUG 2696 CAAUAAAAGGAA 2697 AD-40080.1,AD-38149.1,AD-38143.1,AD- 40074.1,AD-38137.1,AD-38155.1,AD-38131.1 UCCUUUUAUUGA 2698 UCAAUAAAAGGA 2699 AD-40080.1,AD-38149.1,AD-38143.1,AD- 38137.1,AD-38161.1,AD-38155.1,AD-38131.1 CCUUUUAUUGAA 2700 UUCAAUAAAAGG 2701 AD-38149.1,AD-38143.1,AD-38137.1,AD- 38161.1,AD-38167.1,AD-38155.1,AD-38131.1 CUUUUAUUGAAA 2702 UUUCAAUAAAAG 2703 AD-38149.1,AD-38143.1,AD-38137.1,AD- 38161.1,AD-38173.1,AD-38167.1,AD-38155.1,AD- 38131.1 UUUUAUUGAAAC 2704 GUUUCAAUAAAA 2705 AD-38149.1,AD-38143.1,AD-38132.1,AD- 38137.1,AD-38161.1,AD-38173.1,AD-38167.1,AD- 38155.1 UUUAUUGAAACA 2706 UGUUUCAAUAAA 2707 AD-38149.1,AD-38143.1,AD-38132.1,AD- 38161.1,AD-38173.1,AD-38138.1,AD-38167.1,AD- 38155.1 UUAUUGAAACAU 2708 AUGUUUCAAUAA 2709 AD-38149.1,AD-38132.1,AD-38161.1,AD- 38173.1,AD-38138.1,AD-38167.1,AD-38155.1,AD- 38144.1 UAUUGAAACAUC 2710 GAUGUUUCAAUA 2711 AD-38132.1,AD-38161.1,AD-38173.1,AD- 38138.1,AD-38167.1,AD-38155.1,AD-38150.1,AD- 38144.1 AUUGAAACAUCA 2712 UGAUGUUUCAAU 2713 AD-38132.1,AD-38156.1,AD-38161.1,AD- 38173.1,AD-38138.1,AD-38167.1,AD-38150.1,AD- 38144.1 UUGAAACAUCAG 2714 CUGAUGUUUCAA 2715 AD-38132.1,AD-38162.1,AD-38156.1,AD- 38173.1,AD-38138.1,AD-38167.1,AD-38150.1,AD- 38144.1 UGAAACAUCAGC 2716 GCUGAUGUUUCA 2717 AD-38132.1,AD-38162.1,AD-38156.1,AD- 38168.1,AD-38173.1,AD-38138.1,AD-38150.1,AD- 38144.1 GAAACAUCAGCA 2718 UGCUGAUGUUUC 2719 AD-38174.1,AD-38132.1,AD-38162.1,AD- 38156.1,AD-38168.1,AD-38138.1,AD-38150.1,AD- 38144.1 AAACAUCAGCAA 2720 UUGCUGAUGUUU 2721 AD-38174.1,AD-38162.1,AD-35667.1,AD- 38156.1,AD-38168.1,AD-38138.1,AD-38150.1,AD- 38144.1 AACAUCAGGAAA 2722 UUUGCUGAUGUU 2723 AD-38174.1,AD-35673.1,AD-38162.1,AD- 35667.1,AD-38156.1,AD-38168.1,AD-38150.1,AD- 38144.1 ACAUCAGCAAAG 2724 CUUUGCUGAUGU 2725 AD-38174.1,AD-35673.1,AD-38162.1,AD- 35667.1,AD-35679.1,AD-38156.1,AD-38168.1,AD- 38150.1 CAUCAGCAAAGA 2726 UCUUUGCUGAUG 2727 AD-35685.1,AD-38174.1,AD-35673.1,AD- 38162.1,AD-35667.1,AD-35679.1,AD-38156.1,AD- 38168.1 AUCAGCAAAGAC 2728 GUCUUUGCUGAU 2729 AD-35685.1,AD-38174.1,AD-35673.1,AD- 38162.1,AD-35667.1,AD-35679.1,AD-38168.1,AD- 35691.1 UCAGCAAAGACA 2730 UGUCUUUGCUGA 2731 AD-35685.1,AD-38174.1,AD-35673.1,AD- 35667.1,AD-35679.1,AD-38168.1,AD-35691.1 CAGCAAAGACAA 2732 UUGUCUUUGCUG 2733 AD-35685.1,AD-38174.1,AD-35673.1,AD- 35667.1,AD-35679.1,AD-35691.1 AGCAAAGACAAG 2734 CUUGUCUUUGCU 2735 AD-35685.1,AD-35673.1,AD-35667.1,AD- 35679.1,AD-35691.1 GCAAAGACAAGA 2736 UCUUGUCUUUGC 2737 AD-35685.1,AD-35673.1,AD-35679.1,AD-35691.1 CAAAGACAAGAC 2738 GUCUUGUCUUUG 2739 AD-35685.1,AD-35679.1,AD-35691.1 AAAGACAAGACA 2740 UGUCUUGUCUUU 2741 AD-35685.1,AD-35691.1

The position (“Pos”) in NM_000336.2 is indicated. 12 exemplary nt of the overlap in the sense and anti-sense strand are presented; in many cases, the overlap is actually longer.

Example 3. Efficacy of KRAS RNAi Agents

KRAS RNAi agents were tested for efficacy, and the results are shown in Tables 5 and 6, below.

In vitro screening:

Cell Culture and Transfections:

RKO cells (ATCC, Manassas, Va.) are grown to near confluence at 37° C. in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 in McCoy's Medium (ATCC) supplemented with 10% FBS, streptomycin, and glutamine (ATCC) before being released from the plate by trypsinization. Transfection is carried out by adding 14.8 μl of Opti-MEM plus 0.2 μl of Lipofectamine RNAiMax per well (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif., cat #13778-150) to 5 μl of siRNA duplexes per well into a 96-well plate and incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes. 80 μl of complete growth media without antibiotic containing ˜2×104 RKO cells are then added to the siRNA mixture. Cells are incubated for either 24 hours prior to RNA purification. Single dose experiments are performed at 10 nM and in some cases 0.1 nM final duplex concentration and dose response experiments are done at 10, 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.00005, 0.00001 nM final duplex concentration.

Total RNA Isolation Using DYNABEADS mRNA Isolation Kit (Invitrogen, Part #: 610-12):

Cells are harvested and lysed in 150 μl of Lysis/Binding Buffer then mixed for 5 minute at 850 rpm using an Eppendorf Thermomixer (the mixing speed is the same throughout the process). Ten microliters of magnetic beads and 80 μl Lysis/Binding Buffer mixture are added to a round bottom plate and mixed for 1 minute. Magnetic beads are captured using magnetic stand and the supernatant is removed without disturbing the beads. After removing supernatant, the lysed cells are added to the remaining beads and mixed for 5 minutes. After removing supernatant, magnetic beads are washed 2 times with 150 μl Wash Buffer A and mixed for 1 minute. Beads are capture again and supernatant removed. Beads are then washed with 150 μl Wash Buffer B, captured and supernatant is removed. Beads are next washed with 150 μl Elution Buffer, captured and supernatant removed. Beads are allowed to dry for 2 minutes. After drying, 50 μl of Elution Buffer is added and mixed for 5 minutes at 70° C. Beads are captured on magnet for 5 minutes. 40 μl of supernatant is removed and added to another 96 well plate.

cDNA Synthesis Using ABI High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, Calif., Cat #4368813):

A master mix of 2 μl 10× Buffer, 0.8 μl 25× dNTPs, 2 μl Random primers, 1 μl Reverse Transcriptase, 1 μl RNase inhibitor and 3.2 μl of H2O per reaction are added into 10 μl total RNA. cDNA is generated using a Bio-Rad C-1000 or S-1000 thermal cycler (Hercules, Calif.) through the following steps: 25° C. 10 min, 37° C. 120 min, 85° C. 5 sec, 4° C. hold.

Real Time PCR:

2 μl of cDNA are added to a master mix containing 1 μl 18 S TaqMan Probe (Applied Biosystems Cat #4319413E), 1 μl KRAS TaqMan probe (Applied Biosystems cat # HS00180035_m1, HS00932330_m1, or HS00610483) and 10 μl TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems Cat #4324018) per well in a MicroAmp Optical 96 well plate (Applied Biosystems cat #4326659). Real time PCR is done in an ABI 7900HT Real Time PCR system (Applied Biosystems) using the ΔΔCt(RQ) assay. Each duplex is tested in two independent transfections and each transfection is assayed in duplicate, unless otherwise noted in the summary tables.

Real time data are analyzed using the ΔΔCt method and normalized to assays performed with cells transfected with 10 nM AD-1955 to calculate relative fold change.

TABLE 5 KRAS RNAi agents, 0.1 and 10 nM KD at 24 hrs. 10 nM .1 nM KRAS KRAS 10 nM .1 nM 10 nM .1 nM Duplex ID bio1 bio2 bio1 bio2 SD SD AVG AVG AD-35613.4 0.332 0.542 1.814 1.365 0.1484 0.3177 0.437 1.589 AD-35572.4 0.403 0.666 1.850 1.571 0.1859 0.1975 0.535 1.711 AD-35578.4 0.194 0.905 0.622 0.485 0.5030 0.0965 0.550 0.554 AD-35584.4 0.171 0.239 0.953 0.654 0.0480 0.2115 0.205 0.803 AD-35590.4 0.167 0.296 0.988 0.832 0.0919 0.1105 0.231 0.910 AD-35596.4 0.782 0.837 1.540 1.263 0.0392 0.1962 0.809 1.402 AD-35602.4 1.013 0.915 1.264 0.934 0.0694 0.2334 0.964 1.099 AD-35608.4 0.818 0.631 1.120 1.093 0.1321 0.0191 0.725 1.106 AD-35614.4 0.898 1.025 1.929 1.195 0.0898 0.5194 0.961 1.562 AD-35573.4 0.920 0.809 1.412 0.957 0.0785 0.3219 0.865 1.185 AD-35579.4 0.794 0.946 1.694 1.244 0.1072 0.3189 0.870 1.469 AD-35585.4 0.861 0.738 3.016 2.552 0.0870 0.3281 0.800 2.784 AD-35591.4 0.458 0.325 1.238 1.073 0.0938 0.1162 0.392 1.156 AD-35597.4 0.948 0.897 1.523 0.864 0.0358 0.4657 0.922 1.194 AD-35603.4 0.401 0.405 0.817 0.618 0.0025 0.1402 0.403 0.718 AD-35609.4 0.168 0.165 0.503 0.320 0.0022 0.1295 0.167 0.411 AD-35615.4 0.555 0.620 1.397 0.818 0.0460 0.4099 0.587 1.108 AD-35574.4 0.762 0.650 1.009 0.643 0.0790 0.2590 0.706 0.826 AD-35580.1 0.436 0.398 1.334 0.768 0.0275 0.4003 0.417 1.051 AD-35586.4 0.242 0.266 0.908 0.577 0.0175 0.2337 0.254 0.743 AD-35592.4 0.212 0.166 0.600 0.504 0.0324 0.0685 0.189 0.552 AD-35598.4 0.828 0.893 1.318 1.147 0.0461 0.1205 0.861 1.232 AD-35604.4 0.070 0.179 0.594 0.496 0.0770 0.0692 0.124 0.545 AD-35610.4 0.415 0.633 1.068 0.887 0.1537 0.1275 0.524 0.977 AD-35616.4 0.159 0.342 0.300 0.213 0.1288 0.0610 0.251 0.256 AD-35575.4 0.470 0.689 0.789 0.749 0.1547 0.0284 0.579 0.769 AD-35581.4 0.137 0.288 0.220 0.196 0.1064 0.0170 0.212 0.208 AD-35587.4 0.637 0.670 1.059 0.975 0.0231 0.0591 0.653 1.017 AD-35593.4 0.200 0.463 0.724 0.489 0.1859 0.1661 0.332 0.607 AD-35599.4 0.685 1.281 1.273 0.952 0.4217 0.2266 0.983 1.113 AD-35605.4 0.564 0.798 1.423 0.897 0.1649 0.3718 0.681 1.160 AD-35611.4 0.644 0.844 1.189 0.922 0.1418 0.1887 0.744 1.055 AD-35617.4 0.219 0.213 0.594 0.625 0.0047 0.0220 0.216 0.609 AD-35576.4 0.451 0.365 1.167 0.928 0.0604 0.1693 0.408 1.047 AD-35588.4 0.185 0.290 0.442 0.323 0.0736 0.0841 0.237 0.383 AD-35667.1 0.497 0.623 1.030 0.857 0.0897 0.1228 0.560 0.943 AD-35673.1 0.367 0.405 0.771 0.693 0.0268 0.0547 0.386 0.732 AD-35679.1 0.217 0.330 0.329 0.293 0.0798 0.0258 0.274 0.311 AD-35685.1 0.310 0.255 0.345 0.339 0.0390 0.0045 0.283 0.342 AD-35691.1 0.258 0.257 0.955 0.535 0.0005 0.2968 0.258 0.745 AD-35557.1 0.843 0.624 1.056 0.947 0.1547 0.0766 0.734 1.002 AD-35618.1 0.447 0.425 0.611 0.439 0.0157 0.1218 0.436 0.525 AD-35569.1 0.319 0.404 0.805 0.715 0.0605 0.0636 0.362 0.760 AD-35534.1 0.578 0.582 0.877 0.944 0.0028 0.0475 0.580 0.910 AD-35582.1 0.518 0.974 0.982 0.977 0.3223 0.0035 0.746 0.980 AD-35594.1 0.441 0.317 0.884 0.679 0.0877 0.1451 0.379 0.782 AD-35600.1 0.207 0.394 0.309 0.233 0.1322 0.0539 0.301 0.271 AD-35606.1 0.285 0.177 0.384 0.346 0.0770 0.0272 0.231 0.365 AD-35612.1 1.070 0.947 1.027 0.827 0.0870 0.1415 1.009 0.927 AD-38127.1 0.217 0.162 0.594 0.491 0.0388 0.0728 0.189 0.542 AD-38128.1 0.157 0.146 0.521 0.366 0.0072 0.1095 0.151 0.443 AD-38164.1 1.112 1.993 1.213 0.982 0.6224 0.1633 1.553 1.097 AD-38165.1 0.619 0.731 1.002 0.837 0.0790 0.1173 0.675 0.920 AD-38160.1 1.159 1.129 1.300 0.920 0.0216 0.2685 1.144 1.110 AD-38161.1 0.144 0.125 0.355 0.319 0.0130 0.0256 0.134 0.337 AD-38133.1 0.164 0.142 0.574 0.590 0.0154 0.0113 0.153 0.582 AD-38170.1 0.147 0.191 0.734 0.487 0.0311 0.1744 0.169 0.611 AD-38171.1 0.858 1.067 1.408 1.101 0.1480 0.2168 0.962 1.254 AD-38166.1 0.319 0.486 0.846 0.848 0.1184 0.0016 0.402 0.847 AD-38167.1 0.119 0.182 0.740 0.546 0.0440 0.1368 0.150 0.643 AD-38139.1 0.148 0.085 0.259 0.198 0.0445 0.0433 0.116 0.229 AD-38134.1 0.117 0.190 0.248 0.380 0.0514 0.0936 0.154 0.314 AD-38129.1 0.776 0.860 1.038 1.089 0.0596 0.0356 0.818 1.064 AD-38130.1 0.528 0.820 0.900 0.846 0.2064 0.0386 0.674 0.873 AD-38172.1 0.076 0.094 0.289 0.247 0.0127 0.0298 0.085 0.268 AD-38145.1 0.150 0.128 0.440 0.371 0.0154 0.0488 0.139 0.406 AD-38135.1 0.959 1.429 0.965 0.900 0.3321 0.0459 1.194 0.932 AD-38131.1 0.135 0.173 0.414 0.279 0.0267 0.0955 0.154 0.347 AD-38173.1 0.609 0.988 1.132 1.373 0.2681 0.1707 0.798 1.253 AD-38151.1 0.211 0.181 0.378 0.554 0.0218 0.1246 0.196 0.466 AD-38140.1 0.652 0.794 1.087 1.045 0.1004 0.0298 0.723 1.066 AD-38141.1 0.450 0.512 1.002 0.840 0.0433 0.1147 0.481 0.921 AD-38136.1 0.053 0.096 0.150 0.121 0.0301 0.0199 0.074 0.136 AD-38137.1 0.283 0.259 0.677 0.580 0.0169 0.0687 0.271 0.628 AD-38132.1 0.256 0.333 0.669 0.726 0.0543 0.0404 0.294 0.697 AD-38157.1 0.760 0.543 0.768 0.900 0.1536 0.0937 0.651 0.834 AD-38146.1 0.249 0.240 0.617 0.584 0.0065 0.0237 0.245 0.600 AD-38147.1 0.271 0.361 0.858 0.909 0.0638 0.0365 0.316 0.883 AD-38142.1 0.389 0.634 0.971 0.712 0.1732 0.1831 0.512 0.841 AD-38143.1 0.378 0.657 0.920 0.808 0.1966 0.0791 0.518 0.864 AD-38163.1 0.088 0.083 0.143 0.172 0.0036 0.0206 0.085 0.158 AD-38152.1 0.755 0.580 1.057 0.897 0.1238 0.1134 0.667 0.977 AD-38153.1 0.727 0.781 0.855 1.006 0.0380 0.1067 0.754 0.930 AD-38148.1 0.553 0.522 0.784 0.831 0.0215 0.0333 0.537 0.807 AD-38149.1 0.269 0.295 0.607 0.641 0.0186 0.0242 0.282 0.624 AD-38138.1 0.330 0.417 0.402 0.448 0.0615 0.0321 0.373 0.425 AD-38169.1 0.380 0.248 0.626 0.540 0.0929 0.0607 0.314 0.583 AD-38158.1 0.699 0.611 0.800 1.250 0.0619 0.3184 0.655 1.025 AD-38159.1 0.161 0.122 0.210 0.227 0.0274 0.0123 0.142 0.219 AD-38154.1 0.212 0.172 0.628 0.507 0.0286 0.0858 0.192 0.567 AD-38155.1 0.198 0.215 0.331 0.309 0.0122 0.0153 0.207 0.320 AD-39683.1 0.471 0.536 1.135 0.812 0.0461 0.2283 0.504 0.973 AD-39689.1 0.630 0.627 1.148 0.979 0.0025 0.1194 0.629 1.064 AD-39695.1 0.659 0.557 1.222 1.022 0.0723 0.1414 0.608 1.122 AD-39701.1 1.218 1.231 0.704 0.724 0.0092 0.0141 1.225 0.714 AD-39707.1 0.384 0.160 1.387 1.087 0.1584 0.2121 0.272 1.237 AD-39713.1 1.157 0.481 1.128 1.228 0.4778 0.0707 0.819 1.178 AD-39719.1 0.885 0.631 1.178 1.189 0.1791 0.0073 0.758 1.183 AD-39725.1 1.105 1.074 1.203 1.751 0.0222 0.3878 1.089 1.477 AD-39684.1 0.321 0.186 0.954 1.222 0.0952 0.1895 0.253 1.088 AD-39690.1 0.825 0.828 0.832 0.852 0.0019 0.0139 0.826 0.842 AD-39696.1 1.071 0.996 1.087 0.883 0.0532 0.1443 1.034 0.985 AD-39702.1 0.360 0.334 1.050 1.285 0.0179 0.1660 0.347 1.167 AD-39708.1 0.757 0.969 1.049 1.091 0.1494 0.0299 0.863 1.070 AD-39714.1 0.953 1.056 0.779 0.639 0.0731 0.0995 1.004 0.709 AD-39720.1 0.210 0.182 0.404 0.691 0.0199 0.2030 0.196 0.548 AD-39726.1 0.774 0.968 0.921 1.068 0.1372 0.1037 0.871 0.995 AD-39685.1 1.022 1.358 1.053 0.997 0.2378 0.0399 1.190 1.025 AD-39691.1 0.494 0.380 0.913 0.967 0.0806 0.0379 0.437 0.940 AD-39697.1 0.892 1.333 0.937 1.344 0.3125 0.2883 1.113 1.140 AD-39703.1 1.071 1.141 0.983 0.864 0.0497 0.0842 1.106 0.924 AD-39709.1 0.905 1.086 0.944 1.079 0.1284 0.0953 0.995 1.011 AD-39715.1 0.347 0.385 1.398 1.013 0.0265 0.2722 0.366 1.205 AD-39721.1 0.911 0.781 1.128 1.119 0.0918 0.0066 0.846 1.123 AD-39727.1 0.267 0.271 0.911 1.038 0.0028 0.0894 0.269 0.975 AD-39686.1 0.897 0.490 0.781 0.633 0.2877 0.1044 0.694 0.707 AD-39692.1 0.936 0.879 0.814 0.802 0.0403 0.0083 0.908 0.808 AD-39698.1 1.257 1.375 0.829 0.876 0.0834 0.0333 1.316 0.853 AD-39704.1 1.211 1.189 0.909 0.735 0.0155 0.1234 1.200 0.822 AD-39710.1 1.389 1.136 0.881 0.862 0.1789 0.0130 1.263 0.871 AD-39716.1 0.787 0.943 0.991 0.963 0.1099 0.0199 0.865 0.977 AD-39722.1 1.147 1.049 0.872 0.716 0.0688 0.1108 1.098 0.794 AD-39728.1 0.846 0.974 0.891 0.928 0.0902 0.0264 0.910 0.909 AD-39683.1 0.374 0.307 0.996 0.982 0.0469 0.0098 0.341 0.989 AD-39687.1 1.015 0.775 1.035 1.642 0.1695 0.4296 0.895 1.338 AD-39689.1 0.340 0.328 0.769 0.762 0.0090 0.0047 0.334 0.765 AD-39693.1 1.262 0.832 0.855 0.967 0.3040 0.0791 1.047 0.911 AD-39699.1 1.173 1.113 1.113 1.307 0.0423 0.1375 1.143 1.210 AD-39705.1 0.622 0.582 0.730 0.807 0.0282 0.0542 0.602 0.768 AD-39711.1 1.996 0.864 0.720 0.829 0.8006 0.0770 1.430 0.774 AD-39717.1 0.551 0.523 1.136 1.064 0.0197 0.0511 0.537 1.100 AD-39723.1 1.179 0.695 0.877 0.873 0.3428 0.0025 0.937 0.875 AD-39729.1 1.083 0.864 0.898 0.873 0.1547 0.0178 0.973 0.885 AD-39688.1 0.341 0.492 0.700 0.782 0.1064 0.0577 0.416 0.741 AD-39694.1 0.230 0.327 0.923 1.087 0.0685 0.1164 0.279 1.005 AD-39700.1 0.529 0.760 0.600 0.671 0.1631 0.0497 0.645 0.635 AD-39706.1 0.180 0.217 0.447 0.522 0.0263 0.0528 0.198 0.484 AD-39712.1 0.330 0.394 0.798 0.777 0.0452 0.0147 0.362 0.787 AD-39718.1 0.672 0.798 0.688 0.724 0.0889 0.0255 0.735 0.706 AD-39724.1 0.599 1.136 0.643 0.680 0.3804 0.0261 0.868 0.661 AD-39730.1 0.996 1.459 0.848 0.784 0.3271 0.0448 1.228 0.816 AD-39736.1 1.085 1.121 0.733 0.883 0.0254 0.1064 1.103 0.808 AD-39742.1 0.518 0.561 0.651 0.703 0.0308 0.0374 0.539 0.677 AD-39748.1 0.445 0.609 0.772 0.788 0.1163 0.0113 0.527 0.780 AD-39754.1 0.549 0.823 0.691 0.894 0.1942 0.1438 0.686 0.793 AD-39760.1 0.233 0.210 0.417 0.747 0.0158 0.2332 0.221 0.582 AD-39766.1 0.700 0.882 0.849 0.836 0.1291 0.0095 0.791 0.843 AD-39772.1 0.323 0.379 0.797 0.870 0.0393 0.0519 0.351 0.833 AD-39731.1 0.804 0.222 0.452 0.417 0.4116 0.0251 0.513 0.434 AD-39737.1 0.450 0.347 0.737 0.768 0.0726 0.0219 0.399 0.753 AD-39743.1 0.375 0.533 0.794 0.852 0.1112 0.0415 0.454 0.823 AD-39695.1 0.610 0.492 0.831 0.821 0.0836 0.0070 0.551 0.826 AD-39749.1 0.292 0.121 0.545 0.695 0.1205 0.1059 0.206 0.620 AD-39755.1 0.226 0.275 0.874 1.170 0.0350 0.2093 0.251 1.022 AD-39761.1 0.821 0.841 0.942 1.101 0.0141 0.1124 0.831 1.022 AD-39767.1 0.360 0.374 0.730 0.711 0.0097 0.0134 0.367 0.720 AD-39773.1 0.223 0.236 0.802 1.159 0.0096 0.2520 0.229 0.980 AD-39732.1 0.446 0.662 1.593 1.181 0.1532 0.2914 0.554 1.387 AD-39738.1 0.257 0.147 1.369 1.482 0.0776 0.0801 0.202 1.426 AD-39744.1 0.259 0.200 1.097 0.871 0.0414 0.1592 0.230 0.984 AD-39750.1 0.182 0.302 0.642 0.782 0.0853 0.0988 0.242 0.712 AD-39756.1 0.568 0.548 0.808 0.993 0.0144 0.1308 0.558 0.900 AD-39762.1 0.684 0.916 0.783 0.929 0.1641 0.1031 0.800 0.856 AD-39768.1 0.929 1.239 1.000 1.033 0.2194 0.0239 1.084 1.016 AD-39774.1 0.391 0.447 1.087 1.087 0.0399 0.0003 0.419 1.087 AD-39733.1 0.605 0.569 1.020 1.212 0.0251 0.1355 0.587 1.116 AD-39739.1 0.950 1.271 0.959 1.030 0.2265 0.0501 1.111 0.994 AD-39701.1 0.798 1.193 1.221 1.018 0.2794 0.1437 0.996 1.120 AD-39745.1 0.257 0.212 1.116 1.226 0.0317 0.0779 0.234 1.171 AD-39751.1 0.260 0.248 1.037 2.286 0.0085 0.8828 0.254 1.662 AD-39757.1 0.319 0.566 1.098 0.949 0.1753 0.1053 0.443 1.023 AD-39763.1 0.235 0.300 0.667 0.531 0.0463 0.0961 0.267 0.599 AD-39769.1 0.637 0.531 0.526 0.826 0.0749 0.2120 0.584 0.676 AD-39775.1 0.472 0.526 0.760 1.002 0.0382 0.1711 0.499 0.881 AD-39734.1 0.915 0.920 0.751 0.837 0.0035 0.0606 0.917 0.794 AD-39740.1 0.323 0.302 0.406 0.632 0.0145 0.1593 0.312 0.519 AD-39746.1 0.553 0.702 0.949 1.145 0.1058 0.1382 0.627 1.047 AD-39752.1 0.440 0.577 0.855 0.860 0.0965 0.0030 0.509 0.857 AD-39758.1 1.129 1.095 0.952 0.830 0.0238 0.0863 1.112 0.891 AD-39764.1 1.125 0.898 1.205 1.405 0.1606 0.1409 1.011 1.305 AD-39770.1 0.647 0.314 0.672 0.461 0.2356 0.1486 0.480 0.566 AD-39776.1 1.013 0.970 1.035 0.739 0.0304 0.2092 0.992 0.887 AD-39735.1 0.284 0.201 0.613 0.976 0.0588 0.2564 0.242 0.794 AD-39741.1 0.177 0.188 0.526 0.806 0.0074 0.1977 0.182 0.666 AD-39747.1 1.047 0.926 1.247 1.483 0.0854 0.1666 0.986 1.365 AD-39753.1 1.082 0.823 1.034 1.662 0.1833 0.4437 0.953 1.348 AD-39759.1 0.327 0.292 0.638 0.412 0.0252 0.1600 0.309 0.525 AD-39765.1 1.099 0.596 1.270 1.027 0.3554 0.1714 0.847 1.148 AD-39771.1 0.238 0.334 0.801 0.460 0.0679 0.2407 0.286 0.631 AD-39778.1 0.217 0.250 0.502 0.354 0.0235 0.1042 0.233 0.428 AD-39784.1 0.698 0.598 1.036 0.944 0.0708 0.0655 0.648 0.990 AD-39790.1 0.150 0.260 0.614 0.787 0.0777 0.1221 0.205 0.700 AD-39796.1 0.635 0.610 0.731 0.846 0.0178 0.0813 0.622 0.788 AD-39802.1 0.349 0.150 0.898 0.970 0.1408 0.0509 0.249 0.934 AD-39808.1 0.734 0.972 1.079 0.955 0.1680 0.0881 0.853 1.017 AD-39814.1 1.070 1.294 0.979 0.968 0.1588 0.0074 1.182 0.974 AD-39820.1 0.381 0.209 0.786 0.687 0.1218 0.0701 0.295 0.737 AD-39779.1 0.744 0.889 1.038 0.942 0.1020 0.0683 0.817 0.990 AD-39785.1 0.182 0.218 0.509 0.506 0.0255 0.0022 0.200 0.507 AD-39791.1 0.214 0.308 0.556 0.519 0.0667 0.0260 0.261 0.537 AD-39797.1 0.341 0.326 0.788 0.543 0.0100 0.1730 0.333 0.665 AD-39803.1 0.229 0.210 0.808 0.648 0.0135 0.1133 0.220 0.728 AD-39809.1 0.624 0.829 1.060 1.031 0.1450 0.0211 0.727 1.046 AD-39815.1 0.441 0.449 0.862 0.852 0.0057 0.0072 0.445 0.857 AD-39821.1 0.582 0.592 0.722 0.608 0.0071 0.0806 0.587 0.665 AD-39780.1 0.748 0.784 0.973 0.976 0.0252 0.0025 0.766 0.974 AD-39786.1 0.376 0.455 0.466 0.640 0.0557 0.1226 0.416 0.553 AD-39792.1 1.195 1.019 0.908 1.168 0.1249 0.1835 1.107 1.038 AD-39798.1 0.429 0.342 0.933 0.936 0.0615 0.0020 0.386 0.934 AD-39804.1 0.551 0.588 0.942 0.959 0.0259 0.0119 0.570 0.950 AD-39810.1 0.605 0.532 0.989 0.956 0.0518 0.0236 0.568 0.972 AD-39764.1 1.112 1.027 0.961 0.746 0.0602 0.1522 1.070 0.854 AD-39816.1 0.805 0.645 1.014 0.839 0.1130 0.1236 0.725 0.927 AD-39770.1 0.420 0.371 0.858 0.887 0.0345 0.0201 0.396 0.873 AD-39822.1 0.288 0.313 0.589 0.494 0.0178 0.0671 0.301 0.542 AD-39781.1 0.276 0.379 0.404 0.305 0.0725 0.0701 0.328 0.354 AD-39787.1 0.982 1.065 0.675 0.803 0.0584 0.0909 1.024 0.739 AD-39793.1 0.165 0.291 0.487 0.488 0.0893 0.0007 0.228 0.487 AD-39799.1 0.444 0.540 0.686 0.746 0.0675 0.0423 0.492 0.716 AD-39805.1 0.295 0.250 0.474 0.421 0.0320 0.0371 0.273 0.448 AD-39811.1 0.646 0.792 0.892 0.882 0.1030 0.0070 0.719 0.887 AD-39817.1 0.583 0.824 0.848 0.846 0.1708 0.0012 0.703 0.847 AD-39823.1 1.229 1.075 1.080 0.859 0.1083 0.1564 1.152 0.970 AD-39782.1 0.605 0.757 1.162 0.883 0.1076 0.1972 0.681 1.022 AD-39788.1 0.257 0.289 0.665 0.534 0.0227 0.0926 0.273 0.599 AD-39794.1 0.667 0.699 1.196 1.102 0.0229 0.0668 0.683 1.149 AD-39800.1 0.888 0.734 1.201 0.908 0.1092 0.2072 0.811 1.054 AD-39806.1 0.505 0.637 0.630 0.849 0.0935 0.1549 0.571 0.739 AD-39812.1 0.281 0.390 0.521 0.597 0.0771 0.0538 0.335 0.559 AD-39818.1 0.999 1.049 0.789 0.936 0.0347 0.1044 1.024 0.863 AD-39824.1 1.086 1.053 1.370 1.034 0.0235 0.2377 1.070 1.202 AD-39783.1 0.460 0.731 0.736 0.822 0.1916 0.0609 0.595 0.779 AD-39789.1 0.859 1.454 1.139 1.308 0.4213 0.1195 1.157 1.224 AD-39795.1 1.165 0.901 1.015 0.916 0.1866 0.0698 1.033 0.965 AD-39801.1 1.222 1.191 1.098 0.843 0.0216 0.1801 1.207 0.971 AD-39807.1 0.776 0.807 1.007 1.002 0.0215 0.0036 0.791 1.004 AD-39813.1 0.923 1.206 1.008 0.901 0.1998 0.0753 1.065 0.955 AD-39819.1 0.952 1.021 1.024 0.916 0.0484 0.0765 0.986 0.970 AD-39825.1 0.648 0.864 1.028 0.981 0.1529 0.0336 0.756 1.004 AD-39776.1 0.795 1.019 0.891 1.046 0.1581 0.1094 0.907 0.969 AD-39831.1 0.648 0.601 1.018 1.034 0.0334 0.0119 0.624 1.026 AD-39837.1 0.799 0.984 0.969 0.903 0.1308 0.0463 0.891 0.936 AD-39843.1 0.325 0.385 0.695 0.572 0.0427 0.0866 0.355 0.634 AD-39849.1 0.702 1.075 0.903 0.969 0.2638 0.0469 0.889 0.936 AD-39855.1 0.309 0.490 1.202 0.800 0.1280 0.2840 0.399 1.001 AD-39861.1 0.762 1.162 1.020 1.000 0.2825 0.0141 0.962 1.010 AD-39867.1 0.873 1.162 1.219 0.918 0.2040 0.2126 1.017 1.069 AD-39826.1 1.358 1.043 1.148 0.961 0.2226 0.1320 1.201 1.055 AD-39832.1 0.792 1.337 1.214 0.873 0.3849 0.2413 1.065 1.043 AD-39838.1 0.429 0.270 0.793 0.530 0.1128 0.1859 0.349 0.661 AD-39844.1 0.572 0.789 0.833 0.692 0.1536 0.0997 0.680 0.762 AD-39850.1 0.535 0.231 0.505 0.529 0.2152 0.0169 0.383 0.517 AD-39856.1 0.323 0.377 0.835 0.784 0.0384 0.0359 0.350 0.810 AD-39862.1 0.405 0.429 0.835 0.615 0.0167 0.1552 0.417 0.725 AD-39868.1 0.386 0.484 0.683 0.643 0.0697 0.0284 0.435 0.663 AD-39735.1 0.168 0.255 0.439 0.294 0.0616 0.1026 0.211 0.366 AD-39827.1 0.202 0.313 0.616 0.413 0.0787 0.1432 0.258 0.515 AD-39833.1 0.190 0.492 1.007 1.026 0.2134 0.0135 0.341 1.017 AD-39839.1 0.790 1.002 1.227 1.327 0.1503 0.0708 0.896 1.277 AD-39845.1 0.192 0.213 0.391 0.218 0.0147 0.1220 0.202 0.304 AD-39851.1 0.779 0.493 1.243 0.929 0.2022 0.2220 0.636 1.086 AD-39857.1 0.602 1.444 0.992 0.692 0.5960 0.2120 1.023 0.842 AD-39863.1 0.482 0.135 0.906 0.632 0.2449 0.1937 0.308 0.769 AD-39869.1 0.357 0.025 0.799 0.558 0.2347 0.1708 0.191 0.678 AD-39828.1 1.185 1.085 1.176 0.952 0.0707 0.1585 1.135 1.064 AD-39834.1 1.140 1.273 1.315 1.075 0.0938 0.1698 1.207 1.195 AD-39840.1 0.251 0.541 0.766 0.591 0.2050 0.1239 0.396 0.679 AD-39846.1 0.635 0.646 1.044 0.984 0.0077 0.0425 0.641 1.014 AD-39852.1 0.434 0.555 0.707 0.719 0.0857 0.0085 0.494 0.713 AD-39858.1 0.169 0.192 0.363 0.268 0.0160 0.0670 0.180 0.316 AD-39864.1 1.612 1.161 0.825 0.919 0.3189 0.0665 1.387 0.872 AD-39870.1 0.321 0.186 0.072 0.170 0.0952 0.0695 0.253 0.121 AD-39829.1 0.283 0.133 0.353 0.266 0.1060 0.0611 0.208 0.310 AD-39835.1 1.265 0.792 0.460 0.641 0.3343 0.1277 1.029 0.551 AD-39841.1 0.345 0.267 0.416 0.369 0.0552 0.0335 0.306 0.392 AD-39853.1 0.257 0.268 0.640 0.527 0.0081 0.0799 0.262 0.584 AD-39859.1 0.316 0.290 0.773 0.886 0.0182 0.0801 0.303 0.830 AD-39865.1 0.228 0.216 0.456 0.424 0.0084 0.0231 0.222 0.440 AD-39871.1 0.218 0.338 0.502 0.571 0.0849 0.0489 0.278 0.537 AD-39830.1 0.284 0.293 0.770 0.716 0.0063 0.0379 0.289 0.743 AD-39836.1 0.267 0.232 0.615 0.580 0.0249 0.0254 0.250 0.598 AD-39842.1 0.242 0.259 0.707 0.654 0.0121 0.0373 0.250 0.681 AD-39848.1 0.515 0.591 1.071 1.012 0.0536 0.0416 0.553 1.042 AD-39854.1 0.853 1.128 1.035 1.059 0.1943 0.0169 0.991 1.047 AD-39860.1 0.969 1.119 0.965 0.833 0.1058 0.0936 1.044 0.899 AD-39866.1 0.247 0.395 0.733 0.834 0.1045 0.0711 0.321 0.784 AD-39992.1 0.507 0.837 0.985 0.990 0.2334 0.0032 0.672 0.988 AD-39998.1 0.384 0.549 0.745 0.676 0.1167 0.0486 0.466 0.711 AD-40004.1 0.509 0.664 1.090 1.042 0.1096 0.0340 0.587 1.066 AD-40010.1 0.212 0.245 0.954 0.885 0.0232 0.0487 0.228 0.919 AD-40016.1 0.261 0.514 0.731 1.050 0.1790 0.2254 0.387 0.891 AD-40022.1 0.784 1.221 0.955 0.939 0.3089 0.0112 1.003 0.947 AD-40028.1 0.907 1.194 1.062 0.976 0.2026 0.0608 1.050 1.019 AD-40034.1 0.367 0.483 0.902 0.718 0.0819 0.1298 0.425 0.810 AD-39999.1 0.227 0.339 0.910 0.837 0.0789 0.0511 0.283 0.873 AD-40005.1 0.219 0.202 0.419 0.421 0.0121 0.0012 0.211 0.420 AD-40011.1 0.470 0.529 0.731 0.637 0.0413 0.0663 0.499 0.684 AD-40017.1 0.209 0.402 0.873 0.806 0.1364 0.0475 0.306 0.839 AD-40029.1 0.793 0.821 0.904 0.834 0.0199 0.0496 0.807 0.869 AD-39846.1 0.591 0.468 0.690 0.823 0.0867 0.0942 0.529 0.757 AD-40035.1 0.872 1.166 1.079 1.090 0.2083 0.0081 1.019 1.085 AD-39852.1 0.439 0.346 0.784 0.995 0.0659 0.1492 0.393 0.890 AD-39994.1 0.396 0.517 0.936 1.097 0.0854 0.1137 0.457 1.016 AD-40000.1 0.574 0.734 1.100 1.100 0.1133 0.0004 0.654 1.100 AD-40006.1 0.402 0.389 0.831 0.800 0.0094 0.0223 0.395 0.815 AD-40012.1 0.211 0.435 0.704 0.929 0.1588 0.1593 0.323 0.816 AD-40018.1 0.692 1.163 0.808 0.933 0.3325 0.0883 0.928 0.871 AD-40024.1 0.182 0.428 0.772 0.716 0.1739 0.0399 0.305 0.744 AD-40030.1 0.437 0.651 0.825 0.874 0.1516 0.0344 0.544 0.849 AD-40036.1 0.092 0.216 0.452 0.532 0.0876 0.0567 0.154 0.492 AD-39995.1 0.290 0.686 0.918 0.618 0.2803 0.2122 0.488 0.768 AD-40001.1 0.672 0.758 0.709 1.090 0.0607 0.2698 0.715 0.899 AD-40007.1 0.785 0.477 0.780 0.928 0.2177 0.1048 0.631 0.854 AD-40013.1 0.503 0.901 0.782 1.056 0.2814 0.1936 0.702 0.919 AD-40019.1 0.264 0.125 0.615 0.731 0.0979 0.0818 0.194 0.673 AD-40025.1 0.864 1.208 0.968 1.047 0.2430 0.0562 1.036 1.007 AD-40031.1 0.268 0.286 0.995 0.805 0.0124 0.1344 0.277 0.900 AD-40037.1 0.579 0.647 0.689 1.211 0.0484 0.3693 0.613 0.950 AD-39996.1 0.338 0.400 0.618 0.680 0.0438 0.0442 0.369 0.649 AD-40002.1 0.993 0.812 0.746 0.851 0.1281 0.0747 0.903 0.798 AD-40008.1 0.227 0.154 0.309 0.434 0.0516 0.0879 0.190 0.372 AD-40014.1 0.612 0.631 0.702 0.613 0.0136 0.0630 0.622 0.658 AD-40020.1 0.386 0.409 0.962 1.008 0.0164 0.0324 0.398 0.985 AD-40026.1 0.229 0.130 0.370 0.498 0.0702 0.0901 0.180 0.434 AD-40032.1 0.421 0.454 0.979 0.954 0.0232 0.0176 0.437 0.966 AD-40038.1 0.491 0.674 0.851 1.008 0.1291 0.1106 0.582 0.930 AD-39997.1 0.644 0.860 0.749 0.878 0.1531 0.0917 0.752 0.814 AD-39858.1 0.146 0.293 0.681 0.569 0.1043 0.0792 0.219 0.625 AD-40009.1 0.191 0.382 0.912 1.055 0.1351 0.1012 0.287 0.984 AD-40015.1 0.897 0.856 0.778 1.065 0.0292 0.2034 0.876 0.922 AD-40021.1 0.225 0.282 0.850 0.658 0.0401 0.1358 0.254 0.754 AD-40027.1 0.466 1.083 0.916 0.854 0.4358 0.0437 0.774 0.885 AD-40033.1 0.278 0.311 0.426 0.588 0.0230 0.1150 0.295 0.507 AD-40039.1 0.257 0.447 0.666 0.739 0.1348 0.0511 0.352 0.703 AD-40045.1 0.263 0.147 0.526 0.945 0.0821 0.2962 0.205 0.735 AD-40051.1 0.162 0.126 0.665 0.837 0.0255 0.1209 0.144 0.751 AD-40057.1 0.150 0.176 0.641 0.791 0.0178 0.1066 0.163 0.716 AD-40063.1 0.220 0.287 0.650 0.977 0.0468 0.2311 0.253 0.813 AD-40069.1 0.431 0.559 0.729 0.922 0.0907 0.1363 0.495 0.825 AD-40075.1 0.399 0.613 0.834 0.972 0.1511 0.0971 0.506 0.903 AD-40081.1 0.287 0.351 0.499 0.612 0.0453 0.0795 0.319 0.556 AD-40040.1 0.861 0.850 0.888 1.077 0.0077 0.1337 0.856 0.983 AD-40046.1 0.386 0.397 0.607 0.634 0.0083 0.0191 0.392 0.621 AD-39864.1 0.930 0.933 0.810 1.018 0.0022 0.1468 0.931 0.914 AD-40052.1 0.272 0.216 0.526 0.852 0.0396 0.2299 0.244 0.689 AD-40058.1 0.398 0.305 0.928 1.079 0.0655 0.1071 0.351 1.003 AD-40064.1 0.460 0.208 0.909 1.083 0.1777 0.1230 0.334 0.996 AD-40070.1 0.116 0.454 0.447 0.885 0.2390 0.3095 0.285 0.666 AD-40076.1 0.396 1.498 0.634 1.054 0.7792 0.2969 0.947 0.844 AD-40082.1 0.584 0.553 0.760 1.053 0.0218 0.2073 0.569 0.906 AD-40041.1 0.196 0.241 0.862 0.978 0.0322 0.0819 0.218 0.920 AD-40047.1 0.289 0.214 0.699 1.096 0.0535 0.2806 0.251 0.897 AD-40053.1 0.973 1.094 0.717 1.079 0.0854 0.2560 1.033 0.898 AD-40059.1 1.064 0.985 0.720 1.088 0.0562 0.2601 1.025 0.904 AD-40065.1 0.855 0.863 0.589 1.020 0.0057 0.3048 0.859 0.805 AD-40071.1 0.242 0.346 0.846 0.826 0.0739 0.0142 0.294 0.836 AD-40077.1 0.249 0.187 0.649 0.738 0.0437 0.0633 0.218 0.693 AD-40083.1 0.286 0.339 0.807 1.130 0.0373 0.2279 0.312 0.968 AD-40042.1 0.549 0.288 1.205 1.288 0.1845 0.0587 0.418 1.246 AD-40048.1 0.413 0.345 0.713 0.940 0.0483 0.1610 0.379 0.826 AD-40054.1 0.278 0.258 0.685 0.825 0.0146 0.0989 0.268 0.755 AD-40060.1 0.288 0.230 0.781 0.811 0.0410 0.0217 0.259 0.796 AD-40066.1 0.779 0.829 0.950 1.284 0.0357 0.2361 0.804 1.117 AD-40072.1 0.273 0.169 0.579 0.963 0.0738 0.2716 0.221 0.771 AD-40078.1 0.747 0.841 1.177 1.410 0.0666 0.1645 0.794 1.294 AD-40084.1 1.064 0.972 0.944 1.036 0.0647 0.0651 1.018 0.990 AD-40043.1 0.340 0.313 0.804 0.795 0.0190 0.0065 0.327 0.800 AD-40049.1 0.179 0.159 0.339 0.312 0.0141 0.0191 0.169 0.326 AD-40055.1 0.243 0.248 0.811 0.817 0.0034 0.0044 0.245 0.814 AD-40061.1 0.153 0.229 0.357 0.519 0.0537 0.1146 0.191 0.438 AD-40067.1 0.260 0.141 0.715 0.692 0.0837 0.0156 0.201 0.703 AD-40073.1 0.241 0.156 0.833 0.858 0.0597 0.0180 0.199 0.846 AD-40079.1 0.236 0.236 0.694 0.991 0.0002 0.2099 0.236 0.842 AD-40085.1 0.188 0.210 0.558 0.519 0.0155 0.0276 0.199 0.539 AD-40044.1 0.229 0.126 0.342 0.506 0.0728 0.1157 0.178 0.424 AD-40050.1 1.016 0.566 0.933 1.088 0.3183 0.1097 0.791 1.011 AD-40056.1 0.274 0.244 0.801 1.155 0.0215 0.2506 0.259 0.978 AD-40062.1 0.536 0.653 0.900 1.143 0.0822 0.1719 0.595 1.022 AD-40068.1 0.175 0.131 0.218 0.438 0.0313 0.1551 0.153 0.328 AD-40074.1 0.366 0.462 0.911 0.734 0.0674 0.1256 0.414 0.823 AD-40080.1 0.273 0.296 0.844 0.932 0.0166 0.0623 0.284 0.888 AD-40071.1 0.341 0.214 0.691 0.912 0.0902 0.1562 0.277 0.801 AD-40077.1 0.192 0.180 0.483 0.404 0.0083 0.0563 0.186 0.444 AD-40083.1 0.145 0.238 0.514 0.872 0.0657 0.2536 0.192 0.693 AD-40042.1 0.403 0.288 0.626 0.747 0.0814 0.0856 0.346 0.686 AD-35523.3 0.228 0.350 1.165 1.104 0.0862 0.0434 0.289 1.135 AD-35529.1 0.367 0.368 1.099 0.831 0.0004 0.1893 0.368 0.965 AD-35535.4 0.466 0.362 0.563 0.600 0.0735 0.0264 0.414 0.582 AD-35541.4 0.585 0.358 1.003 0.713 0.1606 0.2052 0.472 0.858 AD-35547.4 0.491 0.546 0.732 0.626 0.0393 0.0753 0.518 0.679 AD-35553.4 0.785 0.690 1.043 0.744 0.0677 0.2115 0.738 0.893 AD-35559.4 0.387 0.437 0.779 0.776 0.0357 0.0021 0.412 0.778 AD-35565.4 0.549 0.568 0.930 1.163 0.0132 0.1647 0.559 1.046 AD-35524.4 0.358 0.399 0.997 0.915 0.0289 0.0576 0.379 0.956 AD-35530.4 0.212 0.406 1.129 0.981 0.1374 0.1046 0.309 1.055 AD-35536.4 0.463 0.272 1.028 1.131 0.1352 0.0727 0.368 1.080 AD-35542.4 0.573 0.537 0.804 0.919 0.0255 0.0808 0.555 0.861 AD-35548.4 0.944 0.574 0.886 0.728 0.2619 0.1113 0.759 0.807 AD-35554.4 0.490 0.393 1.021 0.679 0.0682 0.2416 0.442 0.850 AD-35560.2 1.199 0.386 0.796 0.610 0.5748 0.1310 0.793 0.703 AD-35566.4 1.082 0.981 0.747 0.840 0.0714 0.0652 1.031 0.794 AD-35525.2 0.645 0.767 0.956 0.627 0.0864 0.2323 0.706 0.792 AD-35531.4 0.425 0.328 0.755 0.776 0.0683 0.0144 0.376 0.765 AD-35537.4 0.824 0.823 0.710 0.628 0.0004 0.0578 0.824 0.669 AD-35543.2 0.232 0.367 0.980 0.845 0.0954 0.0949 0.300 0.912 AD-35549.4 1.492 0.378 1.057 0.665 0.7877 0.2769 0.935 0.861 AD-35555.4 0.382 0.460 1.133 1.096 0.0554 0.0260 0.421 1.115 AD-35561.4 1.037 0.685 1.036 0.854 0.2488 0.1285 0.861 0.945 AD-35567.4 1.437 0.698 1.098 0.909 0.5222 0.1337 1.068 1.004 AD-35526.4 1.354 0.995 0.597 0.754 0.2540 0.1111 1.174 0.675 AD-35532.4 0.645 0.312 1.117 0.944 0.2357 0.1222 0.479 1.031 AD-35535.4 0.694 0.362 0.856 1.093 0.2353 0.1672 0.528 0.974 AD-35538.4 0.280 0.358 1.121 0.733 0.0551 0.2744 0.319 0.927 AD-35544.4 1.562 0.806 0.895 1.104 0.5351 0.1477 1.184 1.000 AD-35550.4 0.988 0.683 0.745 1.159 0.2155 0.2926 0.836 0.952 AD-35556.4 0.597 0.298 1.087 0.890 0.2119 0.1388 0.448 0.989 AD-35562.4 0.412 0.652 0.796 0.857 0.1700 0.0436 0.532 0.826 AD-35568.4 0.324 0.544 0.986 1.171 0.1556 0.1304 0.434 1.079 AD-35527.4 0.218 0.272 1.079 1.097 0.0380 0.0122 0.245 1.088 AD-35533.4 0.488 0.226 1.236 1.089 0.1848 0.1038 0.357 1.162 AD-35539.4 0.821 0.660 1.065 1.155 0.1140 0.0637 0.740 1.110 AD-35545.4 1.206 0.787 0.990 1.097 0.2968 0.0755 0.997 1.043 AD-35551.4 0.860 0.404 1.011 1.078 0.3220 0.0473 0.632 1.044 AD-35563.4 1.183 0.977 0.908 1.277 0.1461 0.2606 1.080 1.092 AD-35528.4 0.955 0.770 1.094 0.757 0.1309 0.2387 0.863 0.926 AD-35540.4 0.560 0.541 1.061 1.052 0.0132 0.0065 0.550 1.056 AD-35546.4 0.716 0.605 1.121 0.996 0.0789 0.0886 0.660 1.058 AD-35541.4 0.847 0.358 1.046 1.002 0.3458 0.0314 0.603 1.024 AD-35552.4 0.468 0.529 1.057 1.002 0.0431 0.0391 0.499 1.029 AD-35558.4 0.424 0.342 1.241 1.045 0.0578 0.1385 0.383 1.143 AD-35564.4 0.485 0.438 0.980 0.968 0.0329 0.0085 0.461 0.974 AD-35570.4 0.579 0.413 0.839 1.108 0.1175 0.1900 0.496 0.973 AD-35571.4 0.476 0.348 0.818 0.951 0.0907 0.0943 0.412 0.885 AD-35577.4 0.300 0.393 0.844 0.882 0.0660 0.0267 0.347 0.863 AD-35583.4 1.305 0.679 0.970 1.085 0.4424 0.0813 0.992 1.027 AD-35589.4 1.799 1.425 1.223 1.155 0.2646 0.0480 1.612 1.189 AD-35595.4 0.504 0.417 0.976 1.013 0.0619 0.0261 0.461 0.995 AD-35601.4 0.834 0.338 1.076 0.938 0.3513 0.0973 0.586 1.007 AD-35607.4 0.597 0.419 1.000 1.074 0.1256 0.0523 0.508 1.037 SD = standard deviation, AVG = average

TABLE 6 IC50 data: KRAS fold change values. SD = standard deviation, Avg = average Duplex IC50_bio1 IC50_bio2 AvgIC50 SD AD-39731.1 0.020 0.003 0.012 0.0122 AD-39706.1 0.004 0.000 0.002 0.0028 AD-39720.1 0.012 0.002 0.007 0.0070 AD-39741.1 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.0015 AD-39738.1 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.0008 AD-39870.1 0.159 0.069 0.114 0.0636 AD-39845.1 0.056 0.015 0.036 0.0294 AD-39829.1 0.133 0.027 0.080 0.0750 AD-39778.1 0.135 0.040 0.088 0.0670 AD-39865.1 0.179 0.038 0.109 0.0996 AD-39793.1 0.003 0.078 0.041 0.0526 AD-39785.1 0.004 0.014 0.009 0.0068 AD-40068.1 0.010 0.002 0.006 0.0052 AD-40008.1 0.041 0.011 0.026 0.0217 AD-40026.1 0.014 0.009 0.012 0.0036 AD-40061.1 0.014 0.004 0.009 0.0068 AD-40036.1 0.040 0.013 0.027 0.0196 AD-40057.1 0.030 0.111 0.071 0.0577 AD-35581.4 0.017 0.027 0.022 0.0071 AD-35616.4 0.032 0.044 0.038 0.0091 AD-35588.4 0.036 0.060 0.048 0.0164 AD-35604.4 0.088 0.373 0.231 0.2015 AD-35592.4 0.086 0.266 0.176 0.1270 AD-35685.1 0.036 0.019 0.027 0.0120 AD-38159.1 0.093 0.096 0.095 0.0027 AD-38139.1 0.092 0.354 0.223 0.1849 AD-38172.1 0.130 0.180 0.155 0.0352 AD-38134.1 0.120 0.199 0.159 0.0557 AD-38161.1 0.109 0.173 0.141 0.0448 AD-38131.1 0.134 0.374 0.254 0.1699 AD-38128.1 0.014 0.070 0.042 0.0394 AD-38151.1 0.093 0.315 0.204 0.1571 AD-38127.1 0.064 0.089 0.077 0.0177 AD-38154.1 0.041 0.284 0.163 0.1721 AD-38133.1 0.036 0.203 0.120 0.1182 AD-38170.1 0.140 0.332 0.236 0.1352 AD-38167.1 0.247 0.262 0.255 0.0104 AD-39735.1 0.060 0.034 0.047 0.0186 AD-39858.1 0.040 0.037 0.039 0.0016 AD-39781.1 0.009 0.016 0.013 0.0043 AD-39841.1 0.420 0.242 0.331 0.1255 AD-39805.1 0.057 0.073 0.065 0.0114 AD-39869.1 0.182 0.142 0.162 0.0281 AD-39790.1 0.143 0.059 0.101 0.0595 AD-40044.1 0.019 0.057 0.038 0.0265 AD-40049.1 0.017 0.039 0.028 0.0154 AD-40005.1 0.013 0.066 0.039 0.0372 AD-40077.1 0.049 0.241 0.145 0.1358 AD-40085.1 0.039 0.488 0.264 0.3173 AD-40019.1 0.103 0.340 0.222 0.1677 AD-40083.1 0.108 0.426 0.267 0.2253 AD-35609.4 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.0001 AD-35679.1 0.113 0.209 0.161 0.0673 AD-35600.1 0.046 0.027 0.037 0.0134 AD-35606.1 0.045 0.043 0.044 0.0018 AD-38136.1 0.035 0.043 0.039 0.0061 AD-38163.1 0.019 0.016 0.018 0.0017 AD-38155.1 0.236 0.220 0.228 0.0118 AD-38145.1 0.111 0.230 0.171 0.0842 AD-38138.1 0.260 0.675 0.468 0.2933 Bio1: biological replicates 1 and 2; residual mRNA level relative to control.

TABLE 6.1 Efficacy of particular KRAS siRNAs. Various KRAS siRNAs were tested for efficacy in RKO cells in vitro. Results are provided in Table 6.1, below. Provided are the residual gene activity at 10 nM (Column 2) and 0.1 nM (Column 3). For example, for AD-39720.1, there was a residual gene activity of 0.2, or 20% (indicating 80% gene knockdown) at 10 nM, and 0.55 or 55% (45% gene knockdown) at 0.1 nM. IC50 of knockdown in nM in MiaPaca 2 cells is also provided. knockdown K-RAS siRNA 10 nM RK0 0.1 nM RKO IC50 MiaPaca 2 AD-35600.1 0.3 0.27 0.0934 AD-35609.4 0.17 0.41 0.037049 AD-38136.1 0.07 0.14 0.0346 AD-38159.1 0.14 0.22 0.01861 AD-38163.1 0.09 0.16 0.0383 AD-39720.1 0.2 0.55 0.005496 AD-39735.1 0.21 0.37 0.0473 AD-39741.1 0.18 0.67 0.0394 AD-39760.1 0.0806 AD-39778.1 0.23 0.43 0.040545 AD-39822.1 1.3242 AD-39845.1 0.2 0.3 0.020622 AD-39870.1 0.25 0.12 0.026542 AD-40008.1 0.19 0.37 0.033536 AD-40021.1 0.1217 AD-40061.1 0.19 0.44 0.009348 AD-40068.1 0.15 0.33 0.009477 AD-40072.1 0.2838

TABLE 6.2 Efficacy of particular KRAS siRNAs. Table 6.2, below, provides additional data pertaining to activity of particular KRAS siRNAs. The generic target sequence is provided. Proliferation was tested in vitro in MiaPaca2 cells, which are KRAS mutant and are therefore K-RAS dependent. IC50 was studied, using test concentrations from 0 to 10 nM. IC50 data are provided. For example, in the first row, siRNA AD-39822.1 has an IC50 of 1.3242 nM. Proliferation was tested in both BXPC3 and NCIH28 cells, which are both Wild type for KRAS and are therefore KRAS independent. IC50 was studied, using test concentrations of 0 to 10 nM. In these studies, >10 nM IC50 indicates that the efficacy of KRAS siRNAs was specific to KRAS (little or no substantial off-target effects). Pro- Pro- SEQ ID lifertation lifertation IC50 AlnyID Nicknames Guide 19mer generic NO: BXPC3 NCIH28 MiaPaca2 AD-35600.1 NA TCTCTATAATGGTGAATAT 2742 >10 >10 0.0934 AD-35609.4 NA AAATACACAAAGAAAGCCC 2743 >10 >10 0.037049395 AD-38136.1 NA TTTATTTCCTACTAGGACC 2744 >10 >10 0.0346 AD-38159.1 hs KRAS 528 TTTCCTACTAGGACCATAG 2745 >10 >10 0.01861 A22S26 AD-38163.1 NA TTTAATTTGTTCTCTATAA 2746 >10 >10 0.0383 AD-39720.1 NA AGCTCCAACTACCACAAGT 2747 >10 >10 0.005495521 AD-39735.1 hs KRAS 321 TCAATTACTACTTGCTTCC 2748 >10 >10 0.0473 A22S26 AD-39741.1 hs KRAS 322 ATCAATTACTACTTGCTTC 2749 >10 >10 0.0394 A22S26 AD-39760.1 NA ATTAGCTGTATCGTCAAGG 2750 >10 >10 0.0806 AD-39778.1 NA TTCTCCATCAATTACTACT 2751 >10 >10 0.040544532 AD-39822.1 NA TCGAGAATATCCAAGAGAC 2752 >10 >10 1.3242 AD-39845.1 NA GATTTAGTATTATTTATGG 2753 >10 >10 0.020622331 AD-39870.1 NA ATATCTTCAAATGATTTAG 2754 >10 >10 0.026542015 AD-40008.1 NA TCTAGAAGGCAAATCACAT 2755 >10 >10 0.033536261 AD-40021.1 NA TGTCTACTGTTCTAGAAGG 2756 >10 >10 0.1217 AD-40061.1 NA AATTCCATAACTTCTTGCT 2757 >10 >10 0.00934829 AD-40068.1 NA AATAAAAGGAATTCCATAA 2758 >10 >10 0.009476662 AD-40072.1 NA ATAACTTCTTGCTAAGTCC 2759 >10 >10 0.2838


A composition of embodiment 1 is a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a sense strand and an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent specific to KRAS provided in Table 1.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the composition further comprises a second RNAi agent to KRAS.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the antisense strand is 30 or fewer nucleotides in length.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the sense strand and the antisense strand form a duplex region 15 to 30 nucleotide pairs in length.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the antisense strand and the sense strand are independently 19 to 23 nucleotides in length.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent comprises a modification that causes the RNAi agent to have increased stability in a biological sample or environment.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent comprises at least one modified backbone and/or at least one 2′-modified nucleotide.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent comprises:

    • a) at least one 5′-uridine-adenine-3′ (5′-ua-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or
    • b) at least one 5′-uridine-guanine-3′ (5′-ug-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or
    • c) at least one 5′-cytidine-adenine-3′ (5′-ca-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-cytidine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or
    • d) at least one 5′-uridine-uridine-3′ (5′-uu-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent comprises a 2′-modification selected from the group consisting of: 2′-deoxy, 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro, 2′-O-methyl, 2′-O-methoxyethyl (2′-O-MOE), 2′-O-aminopropyl (2′-O-AP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyl (2′-O-DMAOE), 2′-O-dimethylaminopropyl (2′-O-DMAP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyloxyethyl (2′-O-DMAEOE), and 2′-O—N-methylacetamido (2′-O-NMA).

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent comprises a blunt end.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent comprises an overhang having 1 to 4 unpaired nucleotides.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent comprises an overhang at the 3′-end of the antisense strand of the RNAi agent.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent is ligated to one or more agent selected from: one or more diagnostic compound, reporter group, cross-linking agent, nuclease-resistance conferring moiety, natural or unusual nucleobase, lipophilic molecule, cholesterol, lipid, lectin, steroid, uvaol, hecigenin, diosgenin, terpene, triterpene, sarsasapogenin, Friedelin, epifriedelanol-derivatized lithocholic acid, vitamin, carbohydrate, dextran, pullulan, chitin, chitosan, synthetic carbohydrate, oligo lactate 15-mer, natural polymer, low- or medium-molecular weight polymer, inulin, cyclodextrin, hyaluronic acid, protein, protein-binding agent, integrin-targeting molecule, polycationic, peptide, polyamine, peptide mimic, and/or transferrin.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 60% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 70% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 80% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 90% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.1 nM.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.01 nM.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.001 nM.

A composition of embodiment 2 comprising a RNAi agent comprising a first strand and a second strand, wherein the first strand and second strand comprise at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the first and second strand, respectively, of a RNAi agent specific to KRAS provided in Table 1.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the composition comprises a second RNAi agent to KRAS.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the second strand is 30 or fewer nucleotides in length.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the first strand and the second strand form a duplex region 15 to 30 nucleotide pairs in length.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the first strand and the second strand are independently 19 to 23 nucleotides in length.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent comprises a modification that causes the RNAi agent to have increased stability in a biological sample or environment.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent comprises a phosphorothioate and/or a 2′-modified nucleotide.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent comprises:

    • at least one 5′-uridine-adenine-3′ (5′-ua-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide; and/or at least one 5′-uridine-guanine-3′ (5′-ug-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide;
    • and/or at least one 5′-cytidine-adenine-3′ (5′-ca-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-cytidine is a 2′-modified nucleotide;
    • and/or at least one 5′-uridine-uridine-3′ (5′-uu-3′) dinucleotide, wherein the 5′-uridine is a 2′-modified nucleotide.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent comprises one or more 2′-modifications selected from the group consisting of: 2′-deoxy, 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro, 2′-O-methyl, 2′-O-methoxyethyl (2′-O-MOE), 2′-O-aminopropyl (2′-O-AP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyl (2′-O-DMAOE), 2′-O-dimethylaminopropyl (2′-O-DMAP), 2′-O-dimethylaminoethyloxyethyl (2′-O-DMAEOE), and 2′-O—N-methylacetamido (2′-O-NMA).

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent comprises a blunt end.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent comprises an overhang having 1 to 4 unpaired nucleotides.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent comprises an overhang at the 3′-end of the antisense strand.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent is ligated to one or more agents, the agent selected from a: one or more diagnostic compound, reporter group, cross-linking agent, nuclease-resistance conferring moiety, natural or unusual nucleobase, lipophilic molecule, cholesterol, lipid, lectin, steroid, uvaol, hecigenin, diosgenin, terpene, triterpene, sarsasapogenin, Friedelin, epifriedelanol-derivatized lithocholic acid, vitamin, carbohydrate, dextran, pullulan, chitin, chitosan, synthetic carbohydrate, oligo lactate 15-mer, natural polymer, low- or medium-molecular weight polymer, inulin, cyclodextrin, hyaluronic acid, protein, protein-binding agent, integrin-targeting molecule, polycationic, peptide, polyamine, peptide mimic, and/or transferrin.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 60% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 70% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 80% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent is capable of inhibiting expression of KRAS by at least about 90% at a concentration of 10 nM in RKO cells in vitro.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.1 nM.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.01 nM in MiaPaca2 cells.

The composition of embodiment 2, wherein the RNAi agent has an EC50 of no more than about 0.001 nM in MiaPaca2 cells.

A method of embodiment 3 is a method comprising a method of treating a KRAS-related disease in an individual, comprising the step of administering to the individual a therapeutically effective amount of a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a sense strand and an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent specific to KRAS provided in Table 1.

The method of embodiment 3, wherein the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

The method of embodiment 3, wherein the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

The method of embodiment 3, wherein the method further comprises the step of administering an additional treatment for a proliferative disease, cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

The method of embodiment 3, wherein the method further comprises the step of administering an additional treatment for a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

The method of embodiment 3, wherein the composition comprises a second RNAi agent to KRAS.

The method of embodiment 3, wherein the method further comprises the step of administering an additional RNAi agent to KRAS.

The method of embodiment 3, further comprising the administration of an additional treatment.

The method of embodiment 3, wherein the additional treatment is a composition.

The method of embodiment 3, wherein the additional treatment is a method.

The method of embodiment 3, wherein the additional treatment and the RNAi agent can be administered in any order.

A method of embodiment 4 is a method comprising a method of inhibiting the expression of KRAS in an individual, comprising the step of administering to the individual a therapeutically effective amount of a composition comprising a RNAi agent comprising a sense strand and an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent specific to KRAS provided in Table 1.

The method of embodiment 4, wherein the individual is afflicted with or susceptible to a KRAS-related disease.

The method of embodiment 4, wherein the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

The method of embodiment 4, wherein the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease.

The method of embodiment 4, wherein the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome

The method of embodiment 4, further comprising the administration of an additional treatment.

The method of embodiment 4, wherein the additional treatment is a composition.

The method of embodiment 4, wherein the additional treatment is a method.

The method of embodiment 4, wherein the additional treatment and the RNAi agent can be administered in any order.

A composition of embodiment 5 is a composition comprising a medicament for use in an RNAi formulation comprising a RNAi agent comprising a sense strand and an antisense strand, wherein the antisense strand comprises at least 15 contiguous nucleotides differing by 0, 1, 2, or 3 nucleotides from the antisense strand of a RNAi agent specific to KRAS provided in Table 1.

Any composition above in a pharmaceutically effective formulation.

The composition according to embodiment 5, for use in a method of treating a KRAS-related disease in an individual, the method comprising the step of administering to the individual a therapeutically effective amount of a composition according to embodiment 1.

The use of a composition according to embodiment 5, in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a KRAS-related disease.

The use of a composition according to embodiment 5, in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a proliferative disease, including without limitation a solid or liquid cancer, adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer, advanced and/or metastatic colorectal cancer, colon cancer, lung, non-small cell lung cancer and lung adenocarcinoma, acute myelogenous lung, bladder, brain, breast, cervical, endometrial, gastric, head and neck, kidney, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemia, liver, melanoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers, or cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

The use of embodiment 5, wherein the KRAS-related disease is a proliferative disease, cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC) syndrome or Noonan syndrome.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein all the pyrimidines are 2′ O-methyl-modified nucleotides.

The composition of embodiment 1, wherein all the pyrimidines are 2′ O-methyl-modified nucleotides.

Unless defined otherwise, the technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as that usually understood by a specialist familiar with the field to which the disclosure belongs.

Unless indicated otherwise, all methods, steps, techniques and manipulations that are not specifically described in detail can be performed and have been performed in a manner known per se, as will be clear to the skilled person. Reference is for example again made to the standard handbooks and the general background art mentioned herein and to the further references cited therein. Unless indicated otherwise, each of the references cited herein is incorporated in its entirety by reference.

Claims are non-limiting and are provided below.

Although particular embodiments and claims have been disclosed herein in detail, this has been done by way of example for purposes of illustration only, and is not intended to be limiting with respect to the scope of the appended claims, or the scope of subject matter of claims of any corresponding future application. In particular, it is contemplated by the inventors that various substitutions, alterations, and modifications may be made to the disclosure without departing from the spirit and scope of the disclosure as defined by the claims. The choice of nucleic acid starting material, clone of interest, or library type is believed to be a matter of routine for a person of ordinary skill in the art with knowledge of the embodiments described herein. Other aspects, advantages, and modifications considered to be within the scope of the following claims. Those skilled in the art will recognize or be able to ascertain, using no more than routine experimentation, many equivalents of the specific embodiments of the disclosure described herein. Such equivalents are intended to be encompassed by the following claims. Redrafting of claim scope in later filed corresponding applications may be due to limitations by the patent laws of various countries and should not be interpreted as giving up subject matter of the claims.

US Patent Application for ORGANIC COMPOSITIONS TO TREAT KRAS-RELATED DISEASES Patent Application (Application #20180153919 issued June 7, 2018) (2024)
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